iy^AN. SUNDAY. APRIL 28. 1912. The Last Hours wrhe Titanic==And After By Mrs. JACQUES FUTRELLE, Whose Husband, the Distinguished Nov­ elist, Was Lost. MRS. JACQUES FUTRELLE ■ pfeMi SSSilltsSsiii tmmm 1 SsISi The Last Two Miles. ES'HSri’rrS m tx r3fz-ss‘ -gjgS “She’s Unsinkable,” He Said. isiH mm-m mm Mammm NEW YORK AMERICAN. SUNDAY. APRIL 28. 1912. ipg r' " "' : 'Jp' Vbazjf* 9Ti, ........I... ‘ THE EXPLORER. 'IS-Is™. ™s k sESHSvSH 1 =rS=SsS“ =■ *i^^g;MW.R»a*l5aagc4fea&S piMfflte 'wtsiR’® ®m IMSHSSSlSsP !1: M*'- SiSIHu”; ^ “=f™ ■ ig ig hffrFXiflER Bl-- wctLgmfg I*S|H Bi^ Metropolis IS ALASKA GROWING WARMER ?.-By Garrett P. Serylss Health and Advice mmsm 16 PENNIES A DAY OR THREE YEARS TO PAY MEISTER PIANO ISiiiss:lig|^s mpmm Price $175.00 msmum our home on 30 DAYS’ FREE TRIAL I WE PAY THE FREIGHT! Payments of $1.00 a week or $5.00 a There are no restrictions in any case. Any h “ST" i°r. The thirty day free trial plan was adopted i ilfcj e the quality and beauty of the MEISTER PIANO befo £*•«■» from $175 to $3^0. IliW HgCHILD &! COMPANY^! in sight en’s Vacation Contest. i” THE CONTEST JKSfCSS IK LIST OF PRIZES Vacation Educational Contest '&1 ■iS-ir1 t^wtSXS. v ^—7*-. - ■ NEW- YORK AMERICAN, SUNDAY. APRIL • 28, 1912. By Special Permission of the War Department flie Great U. S. Government Collection of Have Been Copied and, Made into a Series of 16 Art Sections for the Benefit of the American People Through the Sunday American These Impressive Pholl^jraphs Made by BRADY, the Official Army Photographer By Appotntipent by President Lincoln AND SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDITIONAL WAR PHOTOGRAPHS FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION Have now been gathered together by the War*MemoriaIAssociation and will be issuecj to illustrate .fei istory of the Civil War ft By the Distinguished Historian, Benson J. Lossing, LL.D. ft This Notable New History of the Rebellion, Illustrated by these Great Photographs of ft the Men and Scenes of'1861-1865, will be ’ - , , ' v wi | Issued in a Series of 16 Weekly Art Sections Full Details of How You Can Get Them In Next Sunday’s American Iftftftftftftftftftftftftftft A SUNDAY. APRIL 26. 1912. The Greatest of All Tjggedies o Y noon on Wednesday,Wedn«dey,A^110,the^ April 10, the WMteWh^ SUrSt«r longitudeloogitud. 50.08. The TiUnicW^m^dwTitanic', commander might h»y«4BPW^^Pin in b^lTboete. Hurry!Hurry! Hurry!Hurry!” ” TheThemes- mes- and other hymns up to the list, The dod||H &^raPt0^2EnglMd!,L New Yor^dth ^^P™bab'y °ne * th9Se« * dy^o"^”" CU‘ ^ the ^ ^ Wire'"9 ^t« MOtW.'^t0/:^! m^he^w^kTnd^lW d g^oQO . SI lCCL 1 UIC bl f ^ ^ Smith had gone to^is cahlnandpS was in command on the bridge. It get* bravely obeyed the rule to let the women and chill dreirgp first. The officers stood, revolver in hand, tc frortte^teTrige taT.^^Vpimt Offi^T Mu“ C^nd xthiUW Grade?of W^hin^f'a^lh'^ ' The Wireless Call for Help. by the Carpathia. April,14, she ;a full. Tr Signal "C Q D” Told of the l will he held by n, a Distin^uighed SurvivQxJUJ = "wsITa^m ¥MM ifci Story of the Rescue by Capt Rostrom, Commander of the Carpathia iiti pm -t NEW YORK AMERICAN. SUNDAY. APRIL 28, 191?. [E DIRECTION OF SAW S. & LEE SHUBERI. INC NEW YORK’S LEADING THEATRES AND 8 ■ NEW AMSTERDAM I ARDEN ;S EMPIREJ^fe^ HUDSONir: L AO 1 2 MATINEES MONDAY, May 6' IRL OF SOCIETY! I SEATS NOW ON SALE. X JOLSON, STELLA MAYHEW, I BIGGEST ADVANCE SALE IN | I HISTORY OP IMS THEATRE | CASINO 2Tbc he Wtovcit fll DALY’S Ifi PLAYHOUSE (\\ "comedy fll OLIVER (9pern Co. 8th MONTH g?„V&nr^. jj 1 Lewis Waller 2 MLhTIKEBS; WED., TWIST POWEF With MARIE DORO || LAS'T WEEK H Bunty CONSTANCE COLLIER rlobinfooiT] Monsieur Beaucaire 1 || tSST Taeadayp May 7 || KNICKERBOCKERS. HARRIS Pulls SSS^’PeritirSy vts-arnar THrTxPLORER 149th to 156th Time ♦TIS ^ TdwwstevSs II »II The Strings VJt ■ ,,V i!/ , NO SOUVSINn.S. II »SiSSV.".? SS;*d£TM II 1 TALKER The MESSRS. SHUBERT AND WILLIAM A. BRADY Announce a Elaborate Star Revival oJ LYRIC L— F HOPPER P m EVA DAVENPORT _________ _ ■__ _ _ „ . « - . ^ - .. CHRISTINE NIELSEN , ___J. MACFARLANE ■ MmmA ■ ■ ■ ■ ^.1 ■ ■--------- * —*— 'PARKtei Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Arthur aldridge _____ SALE OF SEATS BEGINS TO-MORROW (MONDAY) AT 9 A. M. AT THE BOX OFFICE CJ^iHniraKa 'T't’rr^TTH MONTH II MANHATTANi NEXT THURSDAY Aom* AT 3 GAIETY SSI BROADWAY STREET^ A FLIGHT OF LAUGHTER. ^ i rs.. Q M isjrvi OLE t““r (TSr R IN A FLAY OF THRILLS VT S&icexowceSt QUAKER WEBER & FIELDS g LET GEORGE DO IT! °!^SSSA I 11 GEO. P. and 50 r II MURPHY THAN FOLKS ABUTTERFLY GIRL ™ TO-DAY‘a \V2S2&r<S!l mm ON THE WHEEL affTON CRAWFORD ^ <|:g=7 1 HIPPODROME (tl MAXINE ELLIOTTS HT1 H LA?r'IwiSbcF* \T “LAST rWEEKS''VNowT,Ecg H HR. CHARLES V PAUL J: | . AWTRE1 i RAINEY’S I Dear Old Charlie 1 TOJIGHT I/AFRICAN AMMOTh fMr. LOUIS) Vmw 0 CONCERT Uli MANN Gr^wtest Novelty of the li WEST END?) I SPECIAL FEATURE ■ Ourrent Ynar.’y^gyP^- | LIBERTY TOJORRof raCHtl^ || tyttTe I GLOBE | ? 5S!*,Se-t*^£i£'&i^M,i^r3 BOY BLUE Most Astonishing Hit This Si HENRf MlUfR 1THE ROSE MAID Listen to Alan Dale: To-nieht at the Hippodrome—Monster All-Star Benefit Concert in Aid of Titanic Survivors THE RASiffiW POPULAR PRICES Programme indodes^ Weber and .Fields,1M arte Drearier, Bessie Clayton, EmmyAVehlem cfeor|:etM- Cohah,' Wriier, Mxand’Gaire, Anna Chandler and Al Piantadosi, Tempest and Sunshine, and a s“re,1“f others, with'principal features ,ro™ Hippodrome—The Metropolitan Opera House. THE GARDEN »i ALL AH Iajiejsjeik’s IIALHAMBRAI ORNTURY THEATRE "« DAILY MATS* TO-NJGHTj [ H| COHCERTSTO^Ay 1^3 TOMORROW nIkischM NED WAYBURNl 1 oFmuTHE PRODPCEbI WALLACKS„ To-morrow (Men.)-Matinee FRAED HAD______ aSKrie. MARSHAL!. MONTGOMERY [rREDDUPREZ ^■ntVINQ BRRl.ns bert rrrzQiBBOH gafc ARUSS1 DISRAELI HASSAN BIN ALI ARABSI CRESSY I I GARDEN ^ FlorentineSingers & dayne Wilson a^i.’Rk-'jajTw^ar.'as. I ■ DURBAR THHOP AMES c~i. IQHN GALSWORTHY'S "mainT f^nnVIb r Fc e I olgTpItrova “THE PIGEON” WISH WYNN tTt a nTc j MURPHY and NIOHOLS OAPfimfBY exhemScolor ; BELASCO&Hi COHAN a LADDIE CLIFF 7th MONTH) Last e TW. PmdorfSthAve.H^ A Wbistley Song Show with a Laughing Plot7’ DAVID BELASCO m. wwr. <«. CONCERTS TO-DAT I AT PINEY RIDGE K MURRAY HILL DA™’13 eri. rffl w i. BLANCHE RING FRANK STAFFORD 'ft ASTORI I WALL STREET GIRL muS!?"1 EVA TANGUAY Br NORTON ft LEE T Billy W. Watson HISS MINNIE I HRSTgINE" I captwrind” jj'x&y.rSeS.^i^P ^^D“'! l & The Girls WARFIELD DUPREE tCO. | HUGHES & CO. r • audiences. II ™n faot t ‘g.g'A MAUDE TIFFANY] - . From Happyland The Return HACK k WALKER 5ST aw.i'EuWAlius '.“'s.wth'bros'- or fv GRAM) OPEKnoUStSWfo^ Peter Grimm CHRISfrrMMJPONALD • Ptople'sL‘31 T Hjf Jj* AID ACADEMY popularpwc patowTstockTo. ■of music HATIHEE BAIL? TOdDAY ____“AS FUNNY” AS IT IS'TUNEFUL^" ' paid”1npfijll WEEK I GEO. M. OOHAN *» • / ; , sSr'NIKISCH MAYS | “46 MINUTES FROM BRbADWAY.’\ editorial and Dramatic Section of tk Sunday American, April 2$, mi. is Silence”! =Our Heroes— By William Randolph Hears! bj1 the Vightyliye. It is of light ory of oi the 1—B £ are some delightful numbers In “The Rose M 'By' Alan Bate Christie Macdonald, of “Spring Maid” iL airs of Messrs. Werba' and .Luescher’s la', although she wasn’t in it—she enjoyed-dt. I Dunsany ,admitted,, but It la true. "Last nlrits vocally was made by -Mr. J. H/Duffey. V @1 . patrons of ___ nianagera think—they al allotted .:.tpVr _a their attractions for. veeks.l also quite .successful. The. Vclaque”;. ol day usually knocks that scheme in tl as usual, an annoying feature of 4he opening performance, and got on one’s nerves horribly. Had “The Rose Maid” been less qr it*" ''ffHg fepjSosa Sosa: PTaid v enjoyable, this claque would have ruined it, as it-has ruined Ar TKE GLOBE. rracsiA*n jo tired—after the • Mountain" their heroulean • efforts—star^ actresses are exhausted by the so many first-nights. Apparently, however, it is inevitable. p-CWA/K- stress of their emotional work. It 1« the end of the season. mysticism On the ••whole. It has been a remarkably good season. Croakers ue EXPLORER,” to Which Mr. Lewis Waller Intends ■ .to introduce us, is from, the, pen of William Somer- set Maugham, a London playwright, who seems .to •and it is very serious that there hare been many sterling sc ;s and considerable ‘ It has music I have petered out. At one time, he was looked upon make .that Has the Clyde Fitch of England, and was extraordinarily prolific.should say that : wouldn’t be a season—but the ups preponderated, and there anybody coVld need be no regrets. L'oipe successes there were that were ex .We have already viewed .his “Jack Straw,” “Mrs. Dot,’* “Lady People” is traordinarily potent—“Kismet,” "The Return o^Peter Grimm,” Frederick,” "Penelope,” “The Noble Spaniard” and “Smith”—a “The Woman,** “The Rainbow,” "Disraeli”, and “Bunty Pulls the very, comprehensive list. Now Mr. Maugham appears to be of recuperation, { Strings.” All these were triple-plated and warranted-not-to- resting on:his laurels. • “The Explorer” was produced at the ifegj This is called "The Searchlight,” and it was “tridd like Lackaye at; fade-out-next-season.
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