r $?. r v &?? H: Pk.-- J , 22 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 31, 190 ! or contrary to the attraction of gravita or vertically, from above or below, be- tlon. cause friction of the atmosphere, com- Major W. Bethel and Walter Goss Will Represent xno period mentioned was in ute in-- pressed by the ball's combined velocity A A lancy oi sKiiieu oaseDau piaymg. ainct: and speed of rotation retards and finally Crack Tennis Players to Go to Victoria Oregon at North Pacific International Tournament. 'then, a generation of players of the game exhausts Its movement of rotation at the Ijas grown up, and the constant repetition end of its flight- - The two movements of of the phenomenon mentioned has become the ball, and the resistance of the at- ATAfl TtT -A D L"MLJ L' I .....9 TrTM1M. mosphere, com- t 5. 1 ViV U. UIU IIOllU I so "engrafted with common experience forming together three Goss the two best tennis-pla- y- that few persons conversant with the pounded forces, compel the flight of the "11. '.m era in Oreeon. Trill renresent the game ever think that it needs explanation. ball to assume the form of a curve. As -- VmMultaomah Club, op The character of the pitch, whatever it the ball leaves the hand of the pitcher, it the official tennis may be, seems just as natural to them as whirls onward until, the quickness of its tion or the city, at Victoria this that of the slight vertical curve of the rotation being diminished by friction on tweet In the first annual tournament of ball when compounded simply of the It3 surface from the atmosphere, and ithe North Pacific International Lawn forces of Its projection and the attraction thereby weakened, it curves either up- ennls Association. They have entered of gravitation. To so feel about the ab- ward, inward, or from right or left with the open singles and the open doubles, normal curved courses of the ball is, how- reference to the "plate" of the baseball ex- field. good chance to win ever, only a habit of mind, habitual and have a out. perience of any kind of action mostly as- Anyone should be able to realize the v - though they have some strong competl- - princi- ." suming, without appreciating, the reason truth of this demonstration of the Uon. They will probably also play In the for things. The average baseball player ple through which the course of balls Jr j tournament for the championship of accounts for the phenomenon by saying can be curved, If one has ever realized ii rRfl- - Hnlltmhlo mV.lr.V, V Vinl1 that It Is caused by the pitcher's giving the density of the atmosphere, and the the ball atwlst as It leaves his hand. fact that it is a compressible, elastic gas. properties atmosphere The North Pacific International Lawn But that statement does not account for These of the make j. ;T Its being thereby compelled to move In of it, under the circumstances described, ennls Association is an amalgamation an eccentric orbit. a continuous elastic cushion upon which - . nil Viv rfTl- - Alttlio r TTrnnli 4 iUK iCUiWS t,U.U0 Ui fsrrVlGbUH ttSXl" If, In the calm, one lets fall a feather, the rotating ball Impinges, and by the - J Ington and British Columbia, and as Vic- one sees that It descends slowly and with i Intervention of whose moderate resistance -- J thVitU U,.w IUtV.UUVl.4 ,. ., CA.ll- - UVbUCf deviation from the vertical. But, let. him the course of the ball Is modified In direc- The average pressure of the atmos- rc , .u;uuiu. uu ruruiuiu arc mi strung on cause a feather to fall from the top of tion. tennis, good organization and Is the inside of the exhausted glass receiver phere, at the level of the sea, to the .f,,i It is a Is 14.7304 ihrtllTif rfc - njfll of an air pump, and he will see that It square Inch of the earth's surface , .., WW .. ...... Itov tniirtumiontW - -- .CM.JO . .. ... falls plumb, like a shot A body pro- "pounds, commonly called. In round num jected in space would proceed forever at bers, 13 pounds. The average barometric from the various cities is the champion of the same rate, and In a straight line, were height Is about 30 Inches at the level of v.j .uie iul, unu uiu.1 mimes iL3 puivei. not space full of bodies that would at- the sea, but It is only 24.75 Inches In r ' J JEJvery year there are a bunch of tourna-- tract it. This Is one of Sir Isaac New- height at Denver, Colo., a difference in Snents pulled off, one in each city, and ton's laws of motion. Resistance of some height between the two situations corre- sometimes is hard to decide to whom kind is, In a word, indispensable to mak- sponding to a difference In weight of at- it ing .a moving body deviate from the par- mosphere of over 2 pounds out of nearly ' give or playing to the credit the best ticular speed and course Impressed upon 15. Yet It has been lately stated that game, as there are so many good players It by Its original projectile force and by batting averages at Denver are the same ',J ,that frequently a player will lose one gravitation-I- "i the attraction of t as those on the Eastern 'coast of the "Sjeek and win the next- - The entire month United may (and August is up Is, therefore, the resistance of the States. However that be f. of taken with tournaments, pro- It seems utterly irreconcilable ont? week, and players of note atmosphere, as well as the forces of with what a migrate jection and rotation of the baseball, which has been shown here), there must be, la ., from, one to another. Tournament week ',tv always means festivity and the presence makes the ball describe a curve to the so rare an atmosphere as that of Denver, '' 'nany visitors. right, to the left, upward, or downward. compared with that of the Eastern coast The right-hande- d pitcher delUers his of the United States, less possible curva- -- "Xbls year's tournaments been an- - 'iJv' have greater ture to flight Is common - Bounced. Beginning with the two Vlc- - "outshoot" with much effect of the of balls than toria tournaments, commencing tomor- - Incurve at the plate than he can accom- to pitching them In the latter region. , row, the next move will be made to Van- - plish with his "Inshoot." The left-hand- The main fact here elaborated as to ,; pitcher, a reversed position, cor- cause may be concisely In , " couicer, B. C, where the mainland cham- - in but stated language ' ' respondingly, delivers his "outshoot" more not forbiddingly scientific The "upshoot," t jjlonsMJ) of British Columbia will bo fc i played off. Of course, many of the play- - effectively than his "Inshoot." The reason "downshoot" and right and left "out- -, '' ers are from "Victoria and the United Is that although. In each case, the speed shoot" and "inshoot" of the baseball, Ta-- .. of the ball "outshoot" and "Inshoot thrown by pitcher to "plate" of baseball t ,' v States, but that makes no difference. for . coma should come next, though is the same, the speed of its rotation is field, represent, through their various in- ' ""; iliouncement has not yet been received very different. The centrifugal rotary curves at the "plate," resultants corre- " here of the date. But the second week force Impressed by the pitcher upon the sponding with the compounded forces of i 'after Vancouver will be taken up by the ball, opposed by the friction of the atmos- the projection of the ball. Its rotation in ,, Washington State Championship, to be phere, packed by the ball's rapid duplex varying positions of Its axis of revolution, i Seattle, and the following week movement, being weaker In the "inshoot" and the resistance due to the density of placed at permits . jwill be the Oregon State Championship, than in the "outshoot," of less the atmosphere; the last factor being ,. K r Portland, of which the list of events curvature there In the ball's flight than known as vis Inertlae, the force of Inert- at ness, ', ixza been published. The Tacoma tourna-- Is possible in the "outshoot." In all cases, which Involves resistance to motion, ." snent is for the Northwest championship. the ball makes its incurve at the plate, and which is therefore truly regarded as a - J t These tournaments will keep te tennis whether horizontally, from right or left. species of force. - - Sharps going all Summer. Of these Port-- 4 ' pand can claim a few, Tacoma and Seattle jjikewise some, but, on the other side of Jho line, the towns are full of them. Be-.- " Five Hundred Horses to Tace Bides these, an interloper, boundlessly Coming Meet at Irving-to- n Will Be Largest Ever Held There. Srelcomed, sometimes comes in from the outside, as Freeman did from California r last year, and wins out from the bunch. LL is In readiness for the opening las, owned by A. Hanna, one of the t SYeeman was last heard from in Japan, of the Multnomah Fair Associa- best fencers on the Coast Mllas cap- (however, so that he will probably not be Major W. A. Bethel. Jv -- v) &$j tured about all of the jump races able to get back in time to uphold the - ill SF tion racing season a week from at S5J A - ft I ' ? Monday.
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