September 11, 2015 1 September 11, 2015 Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department Firefi ghter, Civilian, and Offi cer of the Year Awards Master Technician Matt hew J. Brecht Firefi ghter of the Year MargaretM A.A Dix,Di FinancialFi i l SpecialistS i li IIIIIII BaB tt alionli ChiefChi f FredF d H.H Brandell,B d lll Jr.J Civilian of the Year Offi cer of the Year “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” 2 Front Lines September 11, 2015 From The Fire Chief . he last several months had ternational public safety colleagues been hectic leading up to the demonstrate the need to be fi t to do TFairfax 2015 World Police the job tasks associated with the pro- Fire Games. The showcasing of each fessions. There are incredible athletes of the Fairfax public safety agen- that are fi refi ghters, paramedics, cies was a huge success. Courage, sheriff s and police offi cers. Richard R. Bowers, Jr. determination and camaraderie was Be ready, be fi t and be healthy. “I am so proud demonstrated every day during the The display of camaraderie and games. respect was apparent at every WP- of each of The World Police and Fire Games FGs venue and event from opening you and this have come and gone and what a ceremonies until closing. The number department for tremendous experience for all of the of people met from our international public safety personnel, the athletes, and national guests was amazing. the display of the county, our department and our The unfortunate loss of Inspector professionalism residents. I have one simple thing to Silva and the devastating injuries leading up to say to everyone: "Thank you!" to other athletes in the bike event It was an brought the and during the experience of a Fire Chief’s Expectations public safety WPFGs.” lifetime for ev- • Be ready, be safe, be fit and athletes and eryone. The ath- healthy! agencies to- letes, their fami- • Be kind and respectful! gether to honor lies and guests • Embrace diversity and mentor! and respect one had nothing but of our own that positive things • Execute the basics perfectly! was lost doing to say about all • Train, train, train! what he loved - of our public • Work together! competing and safety personnel • Community outreach! biking. and the county. Inspector Silva What a legacy we leave behind as a will always be remembered and result of the great vision and eff orts never forgott en. Our hearts, thoughts made by so many. I am so proud of and prayers are with his family, his each of you and this department for team mates, and his colleagues. the display of professionalism lead- Do your fi tness, keep training and ing up to and during the WPFGs. execute the basics perfectly every One of the key elements associated time! with the WPFGs is the importance and need of fi tness by the men and women of each of the public safety agencies. The fi tness eff orts and work out regimes by our Fairfax WPFGs Respectfully, athletes and other national and in- Fire Chief Richie Bowers FRONT LINES is the newsletter of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department © COPYRIGHT 2015 Richard R. Bowers, Jr., Fire Chief Fairfax County and is published by the department’s Public Affairs and Life Safety Education staff. Fire and Rescue Department Questions regarding deadlines or publication schedule should be addressed to Cathy Dan Schmidt, Editor 4100 Chain Bridge Road Cathy Jo Richards, Layout and Design Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Jo Richards at 703-246-3801. All submissions should be sent to Public Affairs and Life 703-246-3801 Safety Education, marked “Attn: Editor, FRONT LINES.” “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” September 11, 2015 3 2015 Firefi ghter of the Year, Offi cer of the Year, and Civilian of the Year Award Ceremony (Photos by Angela Ballard) Batt alion Chief Fred H. Brandell, Jr. Master Technician Matt hew J. Brecht Offi cer of the Year Firefi ghter of the Year This Issue . From The Fire Chief ............................................................2 138th Recruit School .............................................................4 Lett ers of Thanks ...................................................................6 Facebook Feedback .................................................................9 WPFG Results .................................................................... 10 WPFG Opening Ceremony Photos .....................................11 WPFG Event Photos ...........................................................12 Hot Shots ............................................................................ 14 Community Outreach .........................................................16 Top 10 Activity Report .......................................................16 Large Loss Fire Investigations ............................................17 Lett ers of Thanks .................................................................18 Awards & Presentations .....................................................19 Backstep Kudos ................................................................... 20 “Taking Up” ....................................................................... 22 Margaret A. Dix, Financial Specialist III Retirements, Anniversaries, & New Hires .........................23 Civilian of the Year Station Profi le, Fire & Rescue Station 35 ...........................24 “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” 4 Front Lines September 11, 2015 138th Recruit School Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Timothy A. Adams Miriam R. Bender Jacob C. Brendel David B. Bulaski Leo Canela Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Ha S. Chon Michael K. Conway William T. V.Corcoran Kenneth W. Cornett , Jr. Christina A. Costello Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Daniel J. Davis Joshua P. DeBrow Anthony J. Dent Shane S. Dickinson Daniel P. Droter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Steven T. Ellis David J. Feder Nathan C. Giddings Thomas H. Gillis Joseph A. Goldberg “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” September 11, 2015 5 Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Michael E. Gonzalez Daniel V. Gray, Jr. Dustin A. Green Scott I. Halisky Vincent C. Harrison II Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter Michael P. Hertig Anthony J. Karashowsky Che D. Kerestes Kelyn A. Lampkin Mark P. Lee Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Jamie D. Litt le Marcus J. McPherson Daniel M. Park Tiff any Perez Michael R. Salzano Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Jischvi L. Savain Jonathan G. Shao Christopher M. Sherdel Delonte V. Smith Kavon A. Smith Firefi ghter Firefi ghter Firefi ghter/Medic Firefi ghter/Medic Felix C. Truong Stephen A. Ulrich James A. Young Mitchell C. Zumwalt “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” 6 Front Lines September 11, 2015 Lett ers of Thanks From: 'Gilbert S.' via VVFD Info <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:09 PM Subject: With Gratitude and Thanks To: [email protected] Dear Vienna rescue personnel. On June 15 2015 at 4 am in the morning my husband Gilbert S. at 407 East St NE fell on his way to the bathroom, just 4 days after a knee replacement. I, his wife, was unable to lift him and called 911. Within minutes your people arrived at our door, and in no time had they lifted him onto a stretcher and provided Reassuring kind words to me. You were so kind and so very professional, and the way you dealt with both my husband and myself was beyond kindness. You took my husband to The Virginia Hospital where we had just left 3 days prior. He was reoperated that same morning for torn ligaments in the same leg, that he had a knee replacement. Alas again yesterday evening at 8.30 pm July 25 he slipped in his study and was on the fl oor and again I was unable to lift him and fearful for his already traumatized and in braze left leg. Again you arrived all big reassuring smiles and professional kindness helping us in our pitiful situation. You were God sent Angels. It is too bad I only get to deal with you when we are in trouble, but so very very reassuring that you are doing this incredible work in our small community. You certainly make Vienna a bett er place to live, even when we get in trouble. Our heartfelt Thank you to each and everyone. With much appreciation and admiration Gilbert and Inger S. Front Lines Deadline The remaining 2015 deadline is November 15. Please submit articles or text to Dan Schmidt at Dan.Schmidt@ fairfaxcounty.gov or Cathy Richards, Cathy.Richards@ fairfaxcounty.gov. “The Fairfax Way, Moving Forward.” September 11, 2015 7 Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 06:54 PM To: Bowers, Richard Subject: Praise for paramedics from McLean Fire Station (Medic Crew 401) Dear Fire Chief Bowers, Yesterday (July 27) around 3:15, my husband John fell off a ladder about 12 feet off the ground while doing some work on the soffi ts of our roof. Fortunately I was home when it happened, and after I heard a big crash, went out to see what happened. When I saw the agony he was in and that he couldn’t walk, I called 9-1-1. The router at the center stayed on the line and informed me where the emergency vehicle was and when it would arrive. The Medic Crew 401 paramedics came right away from our McLean Fire Station, which is only about 5 minutes from our house. The whole crew was terrifi c, especially Micah Swislow and Jenna Jackson. They took him to Inova Fairfax Hospital and I followed in my car. The crew was professional, concerned, knowledgeable, compassionate, and considerate of my husband’s pain. They had help from men of Arlington’s Engine 106, who helped carry him on the stretcher into the ambulance. Our house is on a hill, so it was diffi cult to get him to the emergency vehicle parked at the street. Also, because my husband was in so much pain, they didn’t want to put him on the board. In the ambulance, they gave him pain medication and hooked him up to an IV. After the CT SCAN and X-rays were read at Inova Fairfax Hospital, it was determined that my husband has six fractured ribs and a partially collapsed lung.
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