AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SERVING EPISCOPALIANS• DECEMBER 5, 2004 • $2.00 -------------------- ... .. > -v~• ~ ,. '6 ,p ,, .... z >~ Q <..------- ~ \ ~ " ~ ., 'lo '\, ~ ~ . ~~ . ......... '·5 " .... ,, ,r~ .. ., .. ,, ., The Wheel of the Year $2 MILLION OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT COVERAGE? What? You're kidding! Who offers that kind of coverage to churches today? Church Insurance , that 's who. And only Church Insurance. Because our mission is to protect yours. And since we're family , we take that to heart. So CIC automatically includes $1 million in sexual misconduct coverage as part of our package policy. (Our competition makes you purchase that coverage separately , and then typically limits the coverage to $300,000. Now that 's misconduct.) And the umbrella liability policy available through CIAC includes an additional $1 million in sexual misconduct coverage. (Our competition thinks excluding those coverages from their umbrella policies is good business . We do business differently.) 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MACKEY Tom Parker Advertising Manager Thais .Jackson 20 NotJust Fulfillmen t Manager for Seniors Renee Weber Marketing/Promotion Director Church of the Advent, Sun City West,Ariz . BOARDO F DIRECTORS The Rev. Thomas A. Fraser BYPAT RICIA NAKAMURA Riverside, Ill. (President) Miriam K. Stauff Wauwatosa, \Vis. (Vice President) The Rev. Jeffrey Steenson News Albuquerque, N.M.(Sec reta1y) Howard M. Tischler 12 The Rev. Canon Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) James Mathes The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Nashville, Tenn. Elected Bishop The Rev. Gaty W. Kriss of San Diego Cambridge, N.Y. Daniel Muth Prince Fredetick, Md. Thomas Riley 18 Vienna, Va. Miss Augusta D. Roddis O1>inion Onthe Cover Marshfield, Wis. Artist Laura James' Christian year calendar was inspired by the Gospel 21 Editor's Column Editorial and Busin ess offices: of Matthew . Paintings in the style of Ethiopian iconography illuminate the 816 E. Juneau Avenue Just Being the Church wheel. "Each spoke in the wheel rep­ Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 22 Editorials resents a week. Weeks begin on Sun­ Mailing address: P.O. Box 514036 Special Convention Needed day (the outer hub of the wheel) and Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 end on Saturday (the inner hub). Each Telephone: 414-276-5420 23 Reader's Viewpoint season in the year is a different color." On the back are descriptions of each Fax: 414-276-7483 A Call to Reconciliation BYBRIANCOX season, the parables depicted , and a E-mail: [email protected] brief history of Ethiopia: "Jewish roots www.livingchurch .org 24 Letters were firmly planted in Ethiopia. It was thought to be the home of the Queen MANUSCRIPTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS: Tm; L1v­ It's Still an Issue JN1;C1111 Rc11ca nnot assume responsibility for lhe of Sheba whose visit to King return of photos or manuscripts. Solomon in Jerusalem is recorded in THE LMNGC m1nc11is published every week, two books of the Bible." The calen­ da ted Sunday, by 1h e Living Chu rch F'oundat ion, Inc., at 816 E .. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI dar, in poster or card size, is available 53202. Periodicals postage>paid at from Liturgy Training Publications, 1\Hlwaukee, WI. Chicago (www.ltp .org). SUIJSCHIPTION RATES: $39.50 for one year; OtherDepartments $54.60 for 18 mont hs; $70.72 for two yea rs. Canad ian posta ge an additional $15.08 pC'r yea r ; all other foreign, $24.96 per year. 4 Sunday's Readings POSTMASTER:Send address changes lo Tm; Ll\1Nli C111rnc11, P.O. Box 514036, 1\tilwaukee, WI 5 53203 -3436. Books THE LIVING Clll!RCII (ISSN 002•1-5240) is puh­ 10 Short & Sharp lisherl hy THE LMNG CHURCH FOUNIJATION, INC., a non-pro fit organizati on se rving the Chur ch. All gifts to the Foundati on are tax­ 28 People & Places dC'du ctible. ©21104Th e Living Church F'ounrlatinn, Inc. All rights reserved. No repn xlm:tion in whole or part can he nmrlr wi lhrnll pr mtission of'fl1 E Li\'INc:011rnc1 1. Volume 229 Number 23 DECEMBER 5, 2004 · T H E LIVING C H UR.CH 3 8~tid O~l SUNDAY'S READINGS CHOIR CHAIR ThyKingdom Come 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand' (Matt . 3:2) 1/ ,... The Second Sunday of Advent (Year A), Dec. 5, 2004 Isaiah 11 :1-10 ; Psalm 72 or 72:1-8; Rom. 15:4-13 ; Matt. 3:1-12 Our own age, like each which has psalmist envision the wonderful come before it, is one in which human nature of the Lord's rule , which is fallenness and the powers of darkness surely to come in its fullness. "[W]ith appear to hold sway. We see horrible lighteousness he shall judge the poor , atrocities committed against individu­ and decide with equity for the meek of als and groups , usually in the ques­ the earth" (Isaiah ll:4a). "[H]e shall tionable "service" of some political or rescue the poor and crush the oppres­ religious progran1. We see third-world sor . For he shall deliver the poor dictators holding onto power with who cries out in distress , and the with FIBRE RUSH SEAT death grips, the only purpose of their oppressed who has no helper " (Psalm regimes and armies being to maintain 72:4a, 12). From the day of the Lord's Si11ce 1877 their personal privilege. Clos er to coming forward, justice and peace R.Geissler.i Inc . home, some see our own nation and shall prevail everywher e. Church flouting world opinion as we John the Baptist proclaims with P.O . Bo x 432 pursue our own agendas, no matt er boldness the beginning of the close of Old Gree nwich , CT 06870 what. And all of us hurt and abuse one this dark age. "Repent, " he insists, "for Ph one: (203) 637-5115 another , telling ourselves in the the kingdom of heaven has come process that we have no choice , or near." "One who is more powerfu l that it really doesn't matt er anyway. than I is coming after me ," he DEDICATEDTOSTAINED In the midst of this world's fallen­ announces. "I am not worthy to carry GLASSEXCELLENCE ness and sinfulness, however , occa­ his sandals" (Matt. 3:2, 11). He refers, sional glimmers of light appear around of course , to Jesus Cluist, whose com­ FOR MORE THAN A [iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiijii iiiiijiiiiiil us. The daughter of a wealthy Alban­ ing ush ers in the last days. He is the CENTURY ROIIl..F'S ian couple forsakes all to minister as a root of Jesse , foretold from of old, and nun to the poorest of the poor in Cal­ his ministry is literally filled with fore­ AND THE PAYNE cutta. A political prisoner of 25 years tastes of the kingdom. He heals the STUDIO HAVE BEEN becomes the first president of a demo­ sick, he comforts the oppressed, and cratic South Africa, miraculously for­ he proclaims good news to the poor . CONSERVING AND giving his former oppressors. The And it is Jesus who promises that , in CREATING STAINED defiance of a steelworker in Poland the interim before his coming in glory, GLASS WINDOWS galvanizes all of eastern Europe to his followers shall do greater works overthrow oppressive totalitarianism. than his (John 14:12). WORLDWIDE. Precursors of an age better than our Today's readings remind us of the FORMORE INFORMATION & LITERATURE own do appear regularly in our midst , glo1ious hop e of eternal life in God's PLEASEWRITE , PAX, PHONEOR E-MAIL TO : and Christians und erstand them as kingdom which is ours through Christ. inbreakings of the kingdom of God. They also call us both to plant and to Rohlfs StudioInc . Both the prophet Isaiah and the nourish its seeds in our own midst . 783 South.3rd . Ave. MountVernon , NY10550 LookIt Up 800-969-4106 In what ways is Mark's account of the ministry of John the Baptist similar to that FAX:(914) 699-7091 of Matthew? How is it different? (Mark 1:1-8 ) e-mail: [email protected] ,o S 0~ .,0 .... BE SURETO ThinkAbout It ~ ~ What are some of the seeds of the kingdom which have been planted and are ~ VISITO UR ; . WEBSITE blossoming in our own commmtities ? ► ffl . < www.Rohlfstudio.com An A ll•••• .. ot NextSunday Rof'l•I •S11,d,u lrw. The Third Sunday in Advent (Year A), Dec. 12, 2004 Traditional • Contemporary • Restorations Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 146 or 146:4-9; James 5:7-10 ; Matt. 11 :2-11 4 THE LIV ING CHURCH· DECEMBERS. 2004 BOOKS A ChurchAt War reporter with an in1pressive grasp of conservatives blan1ing the generation By Stephen Bates. 1.8.Taur is. church history, and at least the rudi­ formed in the 1960s as tl1e culprits for (www.ibtauris.com).P p. 256. $24.95. ments of theology, yet a clear secularist the liberal swing of the churc h, Mr.
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