Elcverth SerlcJ; VdTI, No. 6 Monday, June 10. 1996 Jyaistha 20, 1918 (Sd'n, LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First session - Part I1 (Eleventh Lok Sabha) (Vol. ?I contains Nos. 6 to 8) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITOR4AL BOARD Shrl Surendn Mkhra Secretary-G@neml LokSabha . Shrimati Rev8 Nayyar Joint Secretary Lak Sabha Secretatlat Shrl Bhatl .Chief Edbr Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A.p Chakramrti Senior Editor Smt. Kamla Sharma Shri F!K. Sharma Editor Edltor Shri P.L. Bamrara Shri Rakesh Kumar ~hriJ.B.S. Rawat Assistant Editor Assistant Editor ' Assistant Editor [OI~~GINALENGLISH PROCEEIXNGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISHVERSION AND ORIGINALHINDI PROOEEDlNGS INCLUIJHD IN HIN~I VI;KSI(INWILL BE TRI~ATEDAS AUTHOR~TATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF] CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. 11, First Session (Part-11) 1996/1918 (Saka)] No 6, Monday, June 10, 199G/Jyaistha 20. 1918 (Saka) MEMBERS SWORN OBITUARY REFERENCES Demise of tormer President Dr. Neelam Sanjwa Reddy and others Shri H.D Deve Gowda Shri Atal Bihar~Valpayee Skr~P.V. Narabirnha Rao Shrt Sornnath Chatterjee Shri Surjit Singh Barnala Shri Chitta basu Shri Suresh Prabhu Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee Shri G.M. Banatwalla Shri Sanat Kurnar Maridal Shri N VN Soniu Shr~Madhavrao Sc~ncl~a Shr~Narayan Datt T~war~ Sht~Rarnakant U. Dhalap LOK SABHA DEBATES ----. LOK SABHA till 1969. He was deeply devoted to Parliamentary institutions and made a very distinguished Monday, June 10,1996/ Jyalstha 20, 19 18 (Saka) contribution as Presiding Officer In form of decisions and rulings from the Chair. (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) A widely travelled person, he headed many [MR. SPEAKERin the Chair] Parliamentary delegations to various countries. He was again elected to the Slxth Lok Sabha in 1077 MEMBERS SWORN and re-elected Speaker of the Slxth Lok Sabha during the same year. However, he was destined to Shri Bommagani Dharma Biksham (Nalgonda) have greater attainments. Shri Ghulam Rasool Kar (Baramulla) In July, 1977, on his being chosen as the Shri G.M. Mir Magami (Srinagar) President of India, his long and illustrious public Shri Mohammad Maqbool Dar (Anantnag) career reached Its zenith. Through hls administraltvo Shri P. Namgyal (Ladakh) acumen, he added dignity to this office. A man who Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta (Udhampur) rose from humble means, displayed throughout hls public ilfe an abiding commitment to the welfare of Shri Mangat Ram Sharma (Jammu) the people. His skill in handling the tortuous political Shri Shivanand Hemappa Koujalgi (Belgaum) and administrative situations of the time is an ample testimony of his innate qualltles, astuteness and equipoise in the moments of stress and crisis. 11.10 hrs. His amiable disposition and genial informality OBITUARY REFERENCES earned him accolades. Even after he retired from the august Office of the President of India, his sage Demise of former President Dr. Neelam Sanjlva counsel served as a beacon in the troubled times. Reddy and others His name will ever remain inscribed in the annals [E nglis h] of India's parliamentary and political history. MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I have to inform Dr. Reddy passed away at Bangalore on 1 June, the House with profound sorrow of the sad demise 1996 at the age of 83 years. In his death, the nation of our former esteemed President, Dr. Neelam Sanjiva had been deprived of a statesman of rare quality, a .Reddy and five former colleagues viz. Sarvashri Ram veteran freedom fighter, true democrat, able Charan, Valmiki Choudhury, D.D. Puri, P.A. Antony parliamentarian and, above all, a gem of a person. and Vijay Pal Singh. Though Dr. Reddy is no longer in our mldst, his memories will be with us for many years to come. An illustrious son of India, Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was one of the veterans of India's struggle for Shri Ram Charan was a member of Fourth Lok freedom and a leading light in the country's socio- Sabha representing Khurja Parliamentary political life for more than half a century. He took Constituency of Uttar Pradesh during 1967 to 1970. part in India's Freedom Movement and was A dedicated political and social worker, Shri Ram imprisoned several times. Charan was associated with various organisations Dr. ~eejamSanjiva Reddy was actively connected with the welfare of labourers and worked associated wlth the political affairs of his home State, hard for the upllftment of weaker sections of the Andhra Pradesh since 1931. He was Member of society. Madras Legislative Assembly in 1946 and Constituent Shri Ram Charan passed away in New' Delhi on Assembly of India in 1947. He served as Minister in 15 March, 1996 at the age of 70 years. " the State Government of Madras during 1949-51 and held various important portfolios. Thereafter he Shri Valmiki Choudhury was a Member of Fourth served his native State of Andhra Pradesh as Deputy Lok Sabha representing Hazipur Parliamentary Constituency of Blhar during 1967-70. Chief Minister in 1953 and later as Chief Minister during 1956 and again in 1962-64. He also served An active social and political worker. Shri as Minister of Steel and Mines, Transport, Aviation, Choudhury worked hard for upliftment of' rural areas Shipping and Tourism in the Union Council of and development of weaker sections of the society. Ministers during 1964-67. He was a member of Khadi and Vlllage Industries Commission. Dr. Reddy, a conscientious parliamentarian of high standing, was Member of Rajya Sabha in 1952 A close associate of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Shrl and 1964 to 67 and was later elected to the Fourth Choudhury participated in the freedom struggle and Lok Sabha In 1967 and was elected to the Office 01 was imprisoned several times and remained in jail Speaker, Lok Sabha and continued to hold that office during 1842-45. Ob~tuaryReferences JUNE 10. 1996 Obituary References 4 A man of letters, Shri Valmiki Choudhury authored from casteism and communalism. He dedicated his a number of books, Important among them being entire life for amelioration of the lot of the wezker 'Rajendra Babu Ka Vyaktitva', 'Rashtrapati Bhavan sections of the society. KI D~ary','Ajat Shatru' etc. Shri Vijay Pal Singh passed away at District Shri Valmiki Choudhury passed away on 28th Hospital, Muzaffarnagar on the 6th of May, 1996 at March. 1996 at the age of 75 years at New Delhi. the age of 73 years. Shri D.D. Puli was a Member of the Third Lok We deeply mourn the loss of these friends and Sabha representing Kaithal Parliamentary I am sure the House will join me in con\!sying our Const~tuencyof undivided Punjab State during condolences to the bereaved families. 1962-67. THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI H.D. DEVE Earl~e~,he had been a Member of Punjab Vidhan GOWDA) : Hon. Speaker, Sir, while associating myself Sabha durmg 1952-62. with the Condolence Resolution moved by your A dedicated social and political worker, he honour in this House, it is my paintul duty this worked relentlessly for'the upliftment of the down- morning to associate myself wlth the Motion paying t~odden A noted industrialist. Shri Puri represented homage to Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy. India'at the United Nations Sugar Conference, Now In the demise of Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, the York in 1956 and again at Geneva in 1958 and 1961 nation has lost an eminent freedom fighter, an able and led seveal tr ae delegations to Iran and Pakistan administrator, a clean politician and an elder in 1961 statesman. He sacrificed almost everything during the freedom struggle including his higher education . An able 8'31i anien!ar~an, he lost no opportunity by responding to the clarion call of Mahatma Gandhi to dtaw fh~ri: E.I,~I?V 0: the House to the problems by taking a plunge into treedom struggle early in his faced by tfie l\:.!heia youth and spent several years in Jail. He was from Shr I U.D Fur passed away at London, the United a farming family. By sheer dint of sacrifice, hard h~ngd:.>nion 22nc Apt11 1996 at the age of 82 years. work and merit, he became the Chief Minister of 5h11 PI\ k~>:~;nywas a Member of Eighth and Andhra Pradesh. As Chief Minister, he took initiative N~ntn~ok Sabh;~ ~epresenting Trichur Parliamentary in launching many projects which later led to an C;~rl: :!t~i~i~cy7: Keiala during 1984-83 and accelerated agricultural development. He was not 1 Pd+.'.ll only a progressive administrator but also an extraordinarily sensitive politician. He was a mass E:,: ie:. h+ ti311 Seen a Member of Leg~slative leader and was deeply committed to high standards A~.s,e~l~tlt\:#I lte~alaclu~~ng 1072-77 A well-known in public life poI~tic..?l.>?d S~CIJw!!ri\er. Shr~P.A. Antony took kern 1'1t~1~'T.iin :b~cjeveiopment of educat~onfor He served the country in several capacities the WCT kc! rr<:14c.,ns71 the society. starting as a Member ot the Madras Legislative Assembly and the Constituerlt Assembly of India, as Ar ri;:tlve ~,~~~t!~~rnen~arian.Shr~Arttony also Minister In the State and Chief Minister of Andhra :,rivt~l ac h!ot~.t*rr nt the Committe , on Government Pradesh. He was a Member in the Cabinet formed Ac-.~.ur;~l;i:cr, ..:?r:;:~ltat~ve Comm~tteeof Commerce, by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and later in the Cabinet i;ornn-rlli~~:In C)tf8olal Language. Committee on of Shrimati lndira Gandhi. As an able administrator, c I~Li: ialr! or ?he Table and Consultative Committee he provided nature guidance to several Ministeries o; tt1- Mirr~~t~y .::f kxternai Aftairs.
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