“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” –Anthony Brandt FAMILY RESOURCE GUIDE 40 LGBTQ2S+/Sexual and Gender Diversity Specific Resources This Family Resource Guide is meant to help families find the services and Pflag Canada www.pflagcanada.ca supports they may be looking for in their community. It covers the area of Service Alberta - Change of Name, Address or Sex www.alberta.ca/birth- the Northern Lakes Family Resource Network, which includes Athabasca, record-sex-amendment.aspx Lac La Biche, Caslan, Rochester, Boyle, Grassland, Plamondon, Calling Lake Trans Equality Society of Alberta www.tesaonline.org and the surrounding areas. Northern Lakes Family Resource Network: hps://www.ualberta.ca/ismss/programs-and-services/fyrefly-in- Provincial FRN’s were selected in 2020. The NLFRN, as well as others prov- schools.html ince wide deliver high quality prevenon and early intervenon services hps://ab.sogieducaon.org/links and supports for children aged 0 to 18. Northern Lakes FRN provides sup- ports to families with principle based pracces that include Indigenous ex- perience, Preserve Family, Strength-based, Connecon, Collaboraon, and Connuous Improvement. The ‘hub’ of NLFRN is located at FCSS in Atha- basca. There are 5 ‘spokes’ associated with the NLFRN. 2 spokes are located at FCSS in Athabasca, they are the Family Centre and Family Wellness (Diversion), there is also a Family Wellness worker based in Lac La Biche. A Home Visitaon spoke is part of the FRN provided by Healthy Families, Parenting has nothing to do with perfection. Perfection isn’t even the Healthy Futures to cover the enre NLFRN area. A fourth spoke is the Care- goal, not for us, not for our children. Learning together to live well in an giver Educaon program called “It Takes A Village” based out of FCSS Lac La imperfect world, loving each other despite or even because of our imper‐ Biche. The fih spoke is Indigenous Parenng program provided by the Lac fections, and growing as humans while we grow our little humans, those La Biche Canadian Native Friendship Centre. All programs/services offered are the goals of gentle parenting. So don’t ask yourself at the end of the by the FRN are FREE. day if you did everything right. Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from your answer. That is perfect parent‐ For more informaon or to register for any of the programs or services pro- ing. ~L.R. Knost vided by the Northern Lakes Family Resource Network. Call: 780-675-2623 (FCSS Athabasca) Email: [email protected] Facebook: hps://www.facebook.com/NorthernLakesFamilyResourceNetwork2 39 Indigenous Specific Resources CONTENTS Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association www.anfca.com About Northern Lakes Family Resource Network Center for Suicide Prevention (Indigenous Workshops) www.suicideinfo.ca Indigenous Health www.albertahealthservices.ca/info/Page11949.aspx Family, Parenting, and Early Childhood Supports Indigenous Relations: Key Services www.alberta.ca/indigenous- relations.aspx Childcare, Daycare, and Preschool Programs Métis and Indigenous Children's Services Office Locations www.alberta.ca/ metis-and-indigenous-childrens-services-offices.aspx Schools K-12 Native Counselling Services of Alberta www.ncsa.ca Thunderbird Partnership Foundation www.thunderbirdpf.org Health and Wellness Metis Nation of Alberta Region 1 10104—102 Ave Lac La Biche; T0A 2C0 Doctor, Dental, and Optometric Offices 780-623-3039 hps://albertamesregion1.com/ Our region encompasses the communies of Lac La Biche, Athabasca, Fort McMurray, Counselling Fort Chipewyan, Fort MCKay, Conklin, and Anzac. Libraries Ministerial Other Family Services and Help Lines 38 3 FAMILY, PARENTING AND EARLY CHILDHOOD Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped 1-800-232-7215 Bullying Helpline 1-888-456-2323 SUPPORTS Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-387-5437 Family Community Support Services (FCSS) Child & Youth Advocate 1-800-661-3446 3598 – 48 Ave; Athabasca T9S 1T9 www.ocya.alberta.ca (780)675-2623 Child Care Subsidy 1-877-644-9992 https://athabascacounty.com/family-and-community-support-services/ Crisis Helpline 1-800-565-3801 The mission of FCSS Athabasca is to improve individual, family and community well- Community Resources https://www.ab.211.ca/ being by providing or supporting preventative programs and services. Along with the 2 Emergencies 911 NLFRN spokes Athabasca County FCSS also offers programs, services, information, and referrals through: Emergency Womens Shelters 1-866-331-3933 Seniors Advocate—provides information to seniors and their families about community https://acws.ca/shelters/ supports and government resources. Family School Liaison-helping youth find solutions for difficulties they are experiencing Family Violence Info Line 310-1818 with one-on-one counseling, group sessions, and referral services and/or information. Find Shelters https://www.alberta.ca/find-shelters.aspx Mentorship Program-Volunteer adult mentors meet with a grade 3 or 4 student at their Foodbanks Alberta 1-866-251-2326 school 1/week during the school year at lunch to eat, do a fun activity together, and talk. https://foodbanksalberta.ca/ Family Wellness (Diversion) The Family Wellness workers support clients in navigating Income Support 1-877-644-5135 the appropriate community services needed to meet their identified needs. Workers assist Mental Health Helpline 1-877-303-2642 families in identifying their natural supports, teach the skills required to maintain strong social networks and assist them in connecting to community groups and organizations that Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee 780-427-0017(adult) expand social resources. Workers provide flexible services to assist caregivers identify 780-427-2744(trustee) their strengths and set goals. Services are provided in the home, office or an alternate com- 24hr Emergency Income Support Contact Centre 1-866-644-5135 munity location depending on client choice. Services are provided in Athabasca, Lac La Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 Biche, Calling Lake, and surrounding areas. (NLFRN) Chat at KidsHelpPhone.ca Text 686868 Athabasca Family Centre provides an inviting and safe space for caregivers to interact with their children and other caregivers and children. Main centre is in Athabasca with outreach RCMP Emergencies 911 services to Boyle, Rochester and Grassland. Services include parent education programs, developmental screening and support groups for identified needs or challenges. Crimes Under $5000.00 hps://ocre-sielc.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/alberta Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Athabasca-Family-Centre-243838946165300/ Athabasca 780-675-4252(Complaints) 780-675-5122(Administration) (NLFRN) 780-675-5077 Victim Services Strengthen a parent and Boyle 780-689-3622(Complaints) you strengthen a child. 780-689-4081(Administration) Lac La Biche 780-623-4380(Complaints) 780-404-2500(Administration) 4 37 780-623-7770 Victim Services OTHER FAMILY SERVICES AND HELP LINES Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) 8702 91 Avenue, Lac La Biche. Lac La Biche County Community Access [email protected] 8702 91 Ave Box 1679 T: 780-623-6745 or 780-623-6819 Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 https://www.laclabichecounty.com/our-services/fcss-and-community- 780-623-6763 development [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/llbcountyFCSS/ Lac La Biche County’s FCSS and Community Development department focuses on social https://www.laclabichecounty.com/our-services/fcss-and-community- programs that enhance residents’ quality of life and wellbeing, encourage personal growth development/community-access-system-busing and strengthen the community. The department works alongside other local and regional affordable transportation within the hamlet of Lac La Biche. Call for information regard- organizations to build partnerships and further a sense of community belonging. ing service to outlying areas within Lac La Biche County. FCSS activities include grant programs, information and referral services (including assis- Area Food Banks tance for seniors), volunteer recognition and supports, community events, various courses Athabasca—Athabasca Good Samaritan Ministries Association and workshops, hosting interagency meetings, and much more. FCSS is here to help con- Parkview(Airport) Rd. Athabasca; T9S 2A8 nect social programs and services with the people who need them. Phone: 780-675-3557 Email: [email protected] It Takes A Village – A series of workshops covering various topics of interest to parents Lac La Biche—Waskaysoo Community Food Bank and caregivers. Workshops will take place in Lac La Biche (2/month for 9 months of the 10105 Churchill Dr. Lac La Biche; T0A 2C0 year). The topics will be varied and will help educate caregivers. (NLFRN) Phone: 780-623-3249 Email: [email protected] Community Programming and Services – Programs for children & youth, adults & fami- Boyle—Boyle Food Bank (open Tuesdays 11:00am—2:30pm) lies. Please refer to the Facebook page for up to date programming information, or call the 5015 3 St. Boyle; T0A 0M0 above office number to find out about dates, costs, and available subsidies. Government of Alberta – Programs and Services Alberta Health Services Helpline 1-866-332-2322 Alberta Human Rights Commission 780-427-3116 https://www.albertahumanrights.ab.ca/Pages/default.aspx Abuse Helpline 1-855-4HELPAB (1-855-443-5722) Addictions Helpline 1-866-332-2322 Alberta Family and Social Supports 1-877-644-9992 Affordable Housing https://www.alberta.ca/affordable-housing.aspx 36 5 Rochester
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