STATE PLAN PROPOSALS 1989-90 Volum e II 5 ^ '^^OVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Development and Planning Department December, 1988 P LAM - P ROPO 3 /JLS 1939 - 90 ^5 a W [W V 0 L IT M E II. n (c'jorrt V? B G-ovemraent of WGst Bengal Development & Planning Department Raj Bhavan, Calcutta. -O December, 1988 (j- H IK Sab. National Systems I3wl*^ ^ National Institute of EducationtJ \ Plannir'* A ministration ^ - \ u i o m umuMmmmmmmmmmmMMmmuuuuummt S CONTENTS 3e —---- — ^Page No. STATEI^NT %J - 1 % Heads oi Development - Outlay & Expenditure A 1 - A 5 GN - 2 s Levelopmunt Schemes/Projects- ^ Outlay & Expenditure 3 1 - B 165 GN - 3 5 Physical Targets■and ^.cnievements C l - C 44 GN - 4 s Minimum Needs Programme “ j’}': Outlay 3< Exijenditure D 1 - D 2 GN - 5 5 Minimum Needs Programme- ^ Physical Targets & Achievements E 1 - E 4 GN - 6 ; Centrally Sponsored Schemes Outlay & Expenditure F I - F 29 ^ TSP - 1 2 Tribal Sub Plan - Outlay & Expenditure G 1 - G 3 $ TSP - 2 s Tribal Sub Plan - Physical Targets and ^ iiChievements H 1 ~ H 11 ^ SCP - 1 ; Special Component Plan for % Scheduled Castes - Outlays I 1 ~ I 3 $ SCP - 2 : Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes - Physical Achievements J 1 - J 17 yv TPP - 1 ; 20-Point Programme - ' =•£ ^ Outlay 8< Expenditure K 1 - K 2 si'- =^;= TPP _ 2 5 20-Point Programme - Physical Targets & Achievements L 1 ~ L 7 =ife ^ DP s District Plans M 1 - M 8 5JA, t'C I EAP ; Externally Aided Projects N - N 2 WS ~ 1 s Urban Water Supply/ ^ ■ Sanitation 0 1-05 ^ V/S - 2 ; Rural V/ater Supply / Sanitation P 1 =fs=fc ==ife 5^ S T A T E M B W T - flW-T. A - 1 nRAFT M S U ^ _ P L M 19§9::90 - HEAIS qF_DEVaOPMiiWT - OLTLAY AMD EXPHIDITTBE :d even o h l o l ^ O _______ Co do Major Heac^Minor He-ds of Plan Act ual (App rove d) ilat i ci- ’Proposed Xbf whicl DBVGloTDmont No. (1985-90) Exp on- Out3_ay )pated OiAlay I Gapita3 Agreed dit ure. Exoen- Content I T ■F !• AGBICI3LTURE & ALLIED ACTIVITIES t 1 01 atei 00 Crop Husbaxidry, 8680 ,69 1621.1+6 1836.10 2292.00 2216.95 102.00 2k) 2 00 Soil & Water Conservation. 903.00 ^ 195.00 222.15 216.65 235.30 11.10 2^03 00 AnimaZ HiJSbandry. 515.73 619 .65 619.65 658 .00 P13.25 2 h o h 00 Dairy Development. 1336 .00 176.86 179.25 179 .25 20 2.00 158.60 2140 5 00 Fisheries. 3800 .00 8l >+.0 2 900 .00 900 .00 9^5.00 271.00 2k) 6 00 Forestry & VfLld Life* 565+7,00 989 .10 1325.00 1325.00 1^ 55.00 338 rlO 2h07 00 PI gnt ation. - - « , . 2 ^ 8 00 Food, Storage & WarehoiJSing. 30 If. 31 72.15 72.00 6lf .90 75 M) 20 .00 2hl'y 00 AgricuLtura;! Research & Education. 1610 .00 318.71 3Mf . 5o 517.80 V)V .00 5.00 2V16 00 Agric-uLtur^l ?inaxicial Institutions. 25b .00 25.56 1+3.75 ^3.75 67.50 67.50 ;v 2h3^ 00 Other Agricultural Prograriimos : 2>f35 0 1 a) Marketing & Quali.ty Con crol. 739 .00 116.27 190 .00 179 .00 200 '.00 55.00 2h3^ 60 b) .-Others (to be specified) . 2V 2? 00 Co-operation. 14000 .00 580 .19 800 .00 8gO .00 872.50 I1-72.5it- 1 01 0000 00 T_o_t_^l - (I) . 2973‘t-.00 5^25.05 6532 .lo 7138.00 7331.65 17llf.09 s oontd A - 2 St otemen'^. GN-I ( contd.) (Rs* iSeventh I-----i qBTr-W " 'z i — 13,13s^ — Mpjoi- Huao/^Minor^^Minor Headslie of ? l0 ji Act-ual )ilpprov'3d),fuitici- Tproposod Tof w’nlcl • DevG3.opraGnt (I9P>?-90), 3 xpun- < Outlay )t)atad ( Ourblav ( AgrcjGd ^ dituro., Sicp-- en > “ ; Con-f-.ert Oii'ulav . ) ^__ _______ ____i ; z : : x r ’B " ' II . R'JRJJ:, DS^/ELOPMIiHT : 1 0 2 25bl 00 Prog;rc-^rTnGS for Rurol Dnvulo-Dmont. 25bl 0 1 a) Intogr^tod Rural Development Programme 10^^00 .00 2 3 W .6 3 2601.00 2601.00 2700 .00 - (IRn?) & Allied Programmes, 2501 0 2 b) Drought Prone Ar=>a Frogramme ( DPAP) • 12?lfi00 207.65 255.00 230 .00 255.00 2.00 2501 0 ^ c) Int3grated Rural Energy Programme (IREP). 90 -.00 13 .39 30190 30 .90 32.50 8.00 1 02 25o5 00 Rur;^ ShTOloyment. ; 25C)5 0 1 a) Nation.al Rur;OL Bnployraont Programme (NRS?) lOOOO'^O 1 9 1 1 c32 192V.OO 3261.00 2150 .-00 1737*-6o 250 5 60 Id) Other Progrpjimes-"(like anploynent Guaran- Schema otc, - to he spucified) « 2506 00 ' Land B;3forms, lf28o .00 1973 .00 W>5.25 525 .00 5o 5 .00 96.15 25i 5 00 Oth'2'r RuroJ. Devolopment Programme (inclu­ lif7 5 .00 190.96 231.15 2 31.15 27^ .21 120 .50 ding Community DGVolopm>^t d' Panchayats) , 1 02.0000 00 T^o^t^ '^l - (II) • 27069 .00 66!+i.95 5507.30 6879.05 5916.71 193^.25 1 03 0000 OC I I I , SrBCI.yL i\BM PROGRAMIMBS : 5?22.00 1 3 3 7 .1 ? l ? 5l .35 I8V1.26 1912.61 83if .80 IV* IRRIG^.trON & Y LO O 'D CONTROL s ’ 0^ 2701 00 Major & Medium Irrigation. 19 500 .00 5 W 5 .2 2 ' W 5-^0 h-7^^.00- V8V3.00 ^373.00 2702 00 Mino r I r ri g at ion • 12100 .00 lif7 6 .o8 2580 .00 2580 .00 3305.00 1972.5b 273 5 0 0 Command Area De\^olopmait * 900 .00 7^.12 155.00 155.00 155.00 112 J30 2 7 1 1 0 0 Elood Control (including anti-s3a io5oo .00 2086.05 25'+5 .oo' 25>+5 .oo 3157.09 ^ yi 82.po erosion, etc.) 1 oU- 0000 00 T^o^ t^O- - ( 1 ^ • If 30 00 .00 9 1 2 1 M 10035.0010035.00 .00 9539.50 O r\y~t -h A - 3•L..^___ ___ ~ ____St ate men t GN-I (contcl.)___TRs. l^khsj Seventh ^ 1 ^ 7 “'BB’'TI^___ '7ZiZ^^Sl}9r3^Z T’ ’ i Plc?ji , ) A c t u e X j?r^o3cd| oY VMch( (19 8^-910) > Exp en- Ou..l.av 'Dated ■'pit al-< Agra ed ‘ ; dH turo ) Eto on Cont'.nti -iti. - Q j i t i ^ ._______ _____ ^ ^ ,v. .s :n e -r a:-t 105280100 P'o-v/er,^ 127181.00 19808.^3 26206 .0(1 ;29 739 .oo 38600 .00 2683^.00 2810 00 N on - convent ion aJ S of Eiergy. 90.00 7.81 2I4-.OO 2^.00 30 .00 12.00 i.,o-5,aooo OQ 1272-7 1 .0,0. 19816 .2i+ 26230 .po • 29763.00 38630.00 ■^68^+7 00 ' c '•' :■ :dAp ■. /v;; ■ x. , >, . .Village SmallV.Xndt:i3t es.. 8^30 . , ■ . , V 1 06 28^1 00 ■ '■ ■ ; , \ ' i '':'.i ■j' <_■ 1*1■ ^ 00 1566.63 V1675..75 1996 09 187 .65 61+lf .75 28^2 00 Indust rie ^ ( ot he r * th,^ Vill age & 2U099 *00 W 56 .37 83IW .20 9105.05 ' 7582.50 6512.10 Small In_da^tpies)-* ' 2853 0 2 15M l n i'^nbg.^r ;.v 820 .00 ■ 81.51 9 2.0 5- 92.05 119 .5o 110 .70 1 o6'O0Ot) 00 ' ( \/i). 3 3 3 ^ .00 6503.91 10108.00 11193.19 9576.65 7267.55 k N'^S'P' O R^^T-r; -- ■ ’ - -• Dr 1'0 7 '‘30'5i ^co ? 0 rt-s & L Ig ht Ho’“US e s , -- ’ 30^2 00 Shipping.’::';,, ,' ’: - ' - ’ - - ;'3p?3 00 ' Ci-vll Avi ion .' iS'o .00 3.>+9" .25.00 25.00 25.00 25 .00 '^3p9+ 00. ■Jk)3.6.3 & Bridges; 7^h6>o .00 19^3 .29- 2709 .00 2709 .00 2991.00 298V.U0 3cf^ 'DO^'' Road Trqjif^^ort, ■ 1 ^091.00 3181.09 32x5 .'XI 3215.00 3323.00 3301.00 Ini jid. V'f at:^;r .Tr sp f t . 5^-,if3' ■^_?6 ,06' 0 0 lo5'9 ^0 . .... 2C0 .DO 2eo .00 252.00 ' 2 T .O!^ Other Transport |to::-|e spOcifi<?d) ^:: ' V “ —- '' ' , — •m X 07 bood op ;--( VII) ^ - “ 22760 f O 6209 ;oo ■ ■ ;6591,00 65V) ) ' • ' .'f 5182.30 6209 :00 i'C6a*(M(i o ^ n I I . GOMMffllCATlONki- A 4 ........ ..... Gontd^^ seventh )l 9 b7-a8 I W - ’Ho--- _____ J s M i -00 ■ "^ T - Gc<5.e Mnjor TiL:,?d/Minor Ho-ds of) PI a:'; A ct ual / App ro ve a Antici­ ■? ropo^ 'id,.;bf 'S .o h ’ y No • Djvolo-oniant. ) ( 1985-90^ E:pen- ( Outlay pated" : Outlpy ■ <' C q p itijl ) ;^rced i . diture., Srnen- Contef;t V - p u t l a y .( ___ _____ - < diture 1 , " T ' 1r ' " ' B 1IX . SC1BTC3 . TSCMOLOGY & BmRntfiiaiT ; 1 09 3^00 00 Scientific Rosoo.rch (incl. S. '& T,) 30 0 .0 0 ' 23.75 ' . 63 .00 63.05 172.60 ■ 93.^^0 00 Ecology & Snvironmsnt. 6oo .00 ' 37.10 '60.00 59.80 65.00 1 09 oooc 00 T_o_t_p^l - IX. ' 900 .00 - 6c .85- 123.00 122.85 237.60 • 93'.cf0 X. GET SR.,>0: BGOiroiilC SERVTCBS : ■ . - 1 10 3U-51 00 S2crcto,riat Econcmlc Services. 200 .00 13 .00 8.10 8 . 1 0 * 10 .>49 ' 0.50 3^52 nn•'w>' Tourism.
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