WEATHER SttadyUs 14OIO Partly doady today, high la For AH Departments Ike 4k. Fair toaight and tom*r- tow. Low toaight U tho low Mi. High toBMirow hi tha 40s. Ked Monk Register An lnd«D«nd«nt N«w«oap«r Und«r Same Ownershipmf Since 1878 Iuut4 Daily, UMitf ttrcum Mil;, MMrM u fMond CUM Hutu 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 81 •I Uii Port OIOM at R*i Bank. N. /.. undar Uw Act at Much S, ISIS. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 Calls for Big Vote CD Test Seen On Sewer Proposal GoodlnCounty; LITTLE SILVER — A govern- iog body member toft night cal- led tor a "large, representative'? Pleads Innocent vote when the day comet for re- sidents to decide whether they SomeConfusion want a $1,600,000 sewerage sys- In Auto Death tem installed here. FREEHOLD - John Stolz, 54, FREEHOLD — "Very good co-operation" in Mon- of Irvlngton, pleaded not guilty Councilman Douglas C. Wright mouth County was reported during yesterday's Civil said that is the only way thebefore County Judge John C. Borough Council will be able to Giordano yesterday to chsrges of Defense alert properly tell if residents are forcausing death by auto. Frank L. Wilgus, county CD director, said only or against the system. According to Prosecutor Vin- Red Bank had trouble with the test ; He spoke at the second public cent P. Keuper, Stolz waa the Thomas S. Dignan, acting hearing called by the governing driver of a car which struck body to a sewerage ays- Santo Laura, 22, of 102 Washing- itate Civil Defense director, tern report prepared by A. Jto. n St., Keyport, July 25,1MI in Mid the statewide test was Lansing Sanitary Engineering Matawan Township. Mr. Keuper good, with the exception of Weather Co., Trenton. The borough order- said Lauro waa a state Highway ed the survey made two years Department laborer working on Hunterdon County, where ago. the highway at the time. people refused to head the take- Due To Only about 30 persons attended The prosecutor said Mr. Stole cover signal. the hearing in contrast to some failed to stop at the scene of the AU.9UIIT—Red lank Polic. ,e. So*_ . Emarion *. Wllltam. a check. s BroadSt. t* tee that all motorists and pedes- Dr. Warren Fowler, Sr., Red 300 st the first one in October. accident and waa picked up k fi i l h k il dd D W Fl Improve , Governing body, Board of mile away. trians have tak*n covar. Picture was -taken fivamJnutei after the take-cover tiqnal tounded. Dr. Warren Fowler, Bank CD director, uid "we were Health, and Sewerage Committee Mr. Lauro died six days later Sr., Civil D.f.m. director, said motori.r* co-operated during tt* test, but added. "W* war* vary dissatisfied with vwy «•«««'«> •» the pedest •y It* Associated Pres*' members answered the questions in Perth Ambey Hospital. •ha. pedestrian response." Dr. Fowler said nearly 200 parsons remained an th* ttr**ts aftw tho taic-covr sign*!. H,™^^,^ that 100 to2 M posed by residents in letters. NEWARK-Wind-whipped mm psrsaaa r—lakwd ea the streets whistled through much of New- 10 Letters Read Gli*2aper Jersey yesterday, making driving A total of IS letters were read Canine Control Question Thieves Hit Yankrfs, Get UM take-cever perie*. and walking hazardous. tut night There were 22 read at The take-cover signals sounded the first hearing. Telephone Northern rural New Jersey re- Many of the questions over, ,363 in Cash, Jewelry at 1:30, and the test ended 10 ported u much as V/, inches of lapped each other, but the gov-Causing Council Confusion minutes later. snow, the tint substantial ac- erning body insisted on answer- Rates For Some Middletown Township CD ofcumulatio- n of the season. Cars The canine control question is and Frederic E. Giersch, Jr., Jewelry and cash totalling $2,- ficials said the test there gene- ing all of them. splitting Red Bank's all-Republi- also voted to introduce the or- EATONTOWN - New Jersey 313.48 wti stolen from Yanko's A few questions were raised store, 30 Broad St., Red Bank, rally wss good, but pointed out can governing body. dinance. Bell Telephone subscribers .in that some people at highway from the floor toward the end While the mayor and council this borough wiU be able to Sunday night or Monday morn- Only 'Trace* of Snow of the meeting. WarreaAbsaat shopping centers "apparently stand united in the face of any Th* chief proponent of thecall Asbury Park numbers' toll, •«•;• • -• • • •••' •'. .-,•••• weren't aware of the alert" Recorded in Thu Area Mayor P. Paul Campi saM onepolitical attack, a proposal to free after next ltaesday. The Police Chief George H. Clay- more hearing will be held - at control ordinance, Councilman Tha tows-tip's 11 fir* XaW WHss mWrnm WmmW VBMB put dogs on leashes has proJoh- n Warren, Jr., wu absent. Assodstad Press reported yes- ton said' $1,071.18 to cash wu a-** ' •^A^^_^__^^^A^ g^^kfj^puafw e_u_iB_a-s_s_SB_i a date still to be determined. duced many mixed,feelings. So waa Councilman Peter W. terdaytd . taken' from, 'two ufes on thLandse •P" He and council members have By a 3-2 vote last nlght-wlth Fahro. The State Public UtillHes third floor and four cash regis- after the day left aalya Ih said they want residents to be Mayor George A. Gray reluc- With the issue apparently set- Commissioomn n announced'ed:: the ters on the street floor. M fully informed of the proposal tantly casting the tie-breaking SUte police at the Keyport n*LaagsVaach< before making the decision in a tled, Mr. Oakley stirred things plan, which is going to save MWatebM ' Safely ballot—Council voted to introduce up later in the meeting. subscribers In the state an barracks said one out of fiveto a "trace." A total el to*" vote. The jewelry—M watches,. 30 motorists stopped on roads in the the dog control ordinance. Pub- At council's last meeting, when estimsted $l.«M.0W a year, necklaces, 21 bracelets, 43 pairs LAKEHORST (AP) — A 350- toath af aa kaeh IsH to Jha Actually, the governing body lic hearing will be Dec. 21. introduction of th* dog ordinance Among other exchanges which Keyport and Keansburg area is not bound by what the major- Approved by Voters of ear rings and 27 pins—were foot blimp landed at the Naval didn't know the Civil Detenu test wu postponed for further study will join in the toil-free setup taken from a display case on Air SUtion here at 7:2S a. m. esspsratarea ity decides. Officials are using A referendum at the November of humane guarantees for' theinclude: Belmar . Farmlngdale; was going on. the vote result* to sample pub- the first floor, the chief said, today after high winds kept it •a hi thre* la FtW general election on a dog control dogs, Mr. Oakley accused Ms fel- Englishtown - Matawan, James-: George Yanko reported the aloft overnight. Other Bayshor* municipalities lic opinion. question received overwhelming low council members of being burg, South River; Firmlng- No date has been set for the theft when he opened:the store Ground crews hoisted gasoline also reported generally good re- approval, 2,332 to 724. "hoity-toity." dale • Beimar, Freehold; and yesterday at g a. m. sults during the test to ha balloting, and Just how it will When the measure came up Tha dictionary says htrity- Lakewood . Point Pleasant, to th* big craft In a special m be conducted has not been de- The thieves climbed a pole sev- -_.__» bucket durinc tha t-sht en _1i_f_ir for introduction last night, Coun- lity BUM "thoughtless, giddy. Toms River f cided either. aral stores north of. Yanko's. sevinl^ w™attaint« "-s we•»n* t ••• VHBVIVVW-VaTS •**l*XP VajSJ*BV*SBBm 1 tarry *Malchow eaid. The reduction In toMs U theChief Clayton said,: and • then marts I Davtt That still hu to be workad "While I do not like a dog or- result of the state's appeal of SSl 1 out, the mayor said. walked along roof tops to Yan•jeeausaofthewiad- . : It *aat very watt. dinance, I know that we arelast tight Mr. Oakjay gajfbs rats grant** Bell to's. Entry wu •mad* through Mr. Wilgus uid flrir alarms TakteTakingf No* SiteSides duty-boun. _ d to .pass oje.. .How. feHMMWehow'aaadMr. TalapBM* by th* PUC Us 1»7. rear, window on• ths third g n spent t were sounded m Freehold six ton's' on the Non* was Ocean; Towwhip ^ *asaM' borougMr. hWrigh officialt sampbaalta "are nodt tryin thagi evtrcaus.e Ith>e penaltiegoiag tos arvotee toono be. TherMfmi thsrI- ' *_ wa______s_ nothlnf take-cover strew sounded. <*»• aormaiy milder Atlantic City. ... P* **-*-' '--— — -----^ a_g_si ' j_n_irssts-Tgl' _•___ v^rt_."*»'- '«*___•_•_____-*•'•*! to raJftoad this sewer proposal . .end would wett-a-hard than Little Hope abeni'"%» operation. On* siren in Oakhurst faOed to but m through*" , oa the poor man.' tf Oakley asked Barn- Three paper baas with bills Sound. Mr. .Wilgus.. said. Disap U; p ;jbttofw f He uld they are-"taking no Councilman Everett C. Bayn- aul Carotenuto. borough attorney, and ehanr -wr^talten from a f weather coaitldas wsr* btoiud also.rasMted.• 'ia south River, a ton voiced similar sentiments If Mr. Matchow and Mr. Bayn ^0Wd' P 2Jx34-lnch safe In the office of A spokesman saM m* i for the failure. ; ' ^ " want out ia a mu- sides" but all they ask It that about the fines, and voted against to-air refueling is undertaken as many of the residents .as pos- ton could vote "no" on Introduc- Samuel Yanko., Chief Clayton There war* a* aidpel power phut but wu introducing the ordinance.
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