August 3, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 13415 HONORING THE WASHINGTON, NEW General Stonewall Jackson and the Battalion, which controls all of Oregon’s Army HAMPSHIRE MEETINGHOUSE Confederacy’s advancements and ended the National Guard aviation assets. I have no Second Manassas campaign. In 1915, monu- doubt that he will serve our state and nation HON. CHARLES F. BASS ments were built in commemoration of both well in this new role. I would like to thank Pete and his wife An- OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Major Generals Kearny and Stevens on the drea for tolerating the frantic pace which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES site. During my tenure on the Fairfax County comes with working here in Washington, D.C., Thursday, August 2, 2012 Board of Supervisors, I was proud to work and wish them happiness and success as they Mr. BASS of New Hampshire. Mr. Speaker, with Mr. Wenzel and members of the Civil War continue their service to our nation back in Or- I rise today to commemorate the 225th birth- Roundtable to raise awareness of the Coun- egon. Mr. Speaker, I invite our colleagues to day of the Washington, New Hampshire Meet- ty’s Civil War heritage, to erect new historic join me in saying thank you to Lieutenant inghouse on August 11, 1787. In 1752, Gov- markers, and create a new five-acre public Colonel Pete Derouin for his dedication to our ernor Jonathan Belcher granted a charter to park highlighting the monuments and the bat- country. the settlement that was later established as tle significance in the history of our County f the town of Washington, New Hampshire— and our Country. INTRODUCTION OF COMPAS- named for our first president, George Wash- Additionally, Mr. Wenzel played a major role SIONATE FREEDOM OF CHOICE ington. in the Save the Battlefield Coalition, which ACT The original charter decreed that ‘‘a Con- successfully opposed construction of a shop- venient Meeting house be built.’’ The colonial- ping mall at Manassas battlegrounds in 1988, style, wooden structure henceforth erected and he was a founding board member of the HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS has remained largely unchanged in both ap- Association for the Preservation of Civil War IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pearance and purpose. Although a tower was Sites. added in 1825, the meetinghouse retains its Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Thursday, August 2, 2012 original exterior. Inside, the building has in recognizing Ed Wenzel for his most recent Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce adapted to the community’s needs, continu- accolade and in thanking him for his tireless the ‘‘Compassionate Freedom of Choice Act.’’ ously serving as church, cultural center, pursuits to protect such important aspects of This legislation allows terminally ill patients to school, and Town Hall for over two centuries. our Nation’s rich history. use drugs, treatments and devices that have The meetinghouse is a foundational estab- f not yet been approved by the Food and Drug lishment, fostering the civic growth of Wash- Administration (FDA) if their physicians certify: TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT ingtonians who have contributed to both our (i) such patients have no other treatment op- COLONEL PETE DEROUIN state and nation through their work as service tions; and (ii) the patient executes written, in- members, small businessmen, farmers, edu- formed consent that they are aware of any po- cators, lawyers, ministers, and doctors. Merg- HON. GREG WALDEN tential risks from the drug, device, or treat- ing its natural beauty with its dedicated and OF OREGON ment. lively community, the town of Washington is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is important to remember that this legisla- truly representative of the best qualities of the Thursday, August 2, 2012 tion only applies to otherwise terminally ill pa- State of New Hampshire. tients. Denying these patents a possible op- Mr. Speaker, I join the people of the Granite Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to portunity to cure their illness—or at least re- State in congratulating the town of Washington recognize a fellow Oregonian and good friend, duce their suffering—is nonsensical and cruel. on the 225th birthday of its Meetinghouse. Lieutenant Colonel Pete Derouin of the Or- The FDA’s approval process for drugs, de- This tribute celebrates the history and birth of egon Army National Guard, as he departs the vices, and treatments is costly and time con- political discourse in the United States with National Guard Bureau’s Office of Legislative suming. Yet, time is the luxury terminally pa- Meetinghouses, and honors these institutions Liaison in Washington, DC to return to Or- tients do not enjoy. So why should the FDA as symbols of American freedom and inde- egon. While Pete has served around the world deny terminally-ill patients access to drugs, pendence, whose creation and preservation over the past decade, he has always kept a devices, and treatments that the patient’s phy- are reminders of the founding of our country. very special place for Oregon in his heart. sicians have determined represents the pat- f Pete was born and raised in my great state ent’s only possible chance for survival? and joined the Army by earning his commis- For example, the FDA refused to allow Abi- RECOGNIZING ED WENZEL AND sion through the University of Oregon’s ROTC gail Burroughs (who was diagnosed with head HIS HONOR FROM THE NATIONAL program. He served for many years as a part- and neck cancer at the age of 19) access to CIVIL WAR TRUST time soldier in Oregon as an officer in the Or- the cancer drugs Iressa and Erbitux by the egon National Guard. After the attacks of Sep- FDA. Never mind that a renowned oncologist HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY tember 11, 2001, Pete felt the call of service at Johns Hopkins had determined there was a OF VIRGINIA and decided to leave the comforts of home significant chance of saving her life if she IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and make military service his full time career. could use these new drugs. With her only Over the last decade, he has served his coun- chance of survival denied by the federal gov- Thursday, August 2, 2012 try in different corners of the globe, including ernment, Abigail passed away on June 9, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I Iraq, Bosnia, and Kosovo. 2001, at the age of twenty-one. rise to recognize Ed Wenzel for his passion, For the last four years, Pete has worked Another example of why this bill is nec- effort, and success in preserving our nation’s here on Capitol Hill as an outstanding advo- essary is the case of thirteen-year old Anna historic Civil War battlegrounds. Mr. Wenzel cate for the National Guard. I’ve worked close- Tomalis, who enjoyed horseback riding and recently received an honor from the national ly with him during his time as a legislative liai- soccer until she was diagnosed with Civil War Trust on behalf of his preservation son for the Guard, and have found his dedica- embryonal sarcoma. Chemotherapy and sur- efforts for a Civil War battlefield site in Chan- tion and effectiveness to be exceptional. We gery failed to reverse the cancer, so Anna’s tilly, Virginia. The Ox Hill Battlefield Park was worked together on obtaining approval for the parents decided to try experimental drugs. dedicated in 2008 thanks in large part to the new Readiness Center in The Dalles and on They petitioned the FDA for approval to use tireless efforts of Mr. Wenzel. allowing the Oregon National Guard to retain Deforolimus, developed by Merk and ARIAD. Mr. Wenzel spent 22 years working to pre- parts of the Umatilla Chemical Depot. Pete Unfortunately, the FDA decided Ana was too serve the grounds on which the Battle of was also instrumental in efforts to make sure sick to be admitted in Deforolimus’s clinical Chantilly—referred to as the Battle of Ox Hill that National Guard soldiers were not unfairly trials and did not grant her a ‘‘compassionate by the Confederacy—occurred on September denied promised bonus payments due to pa- use’’ exemption until three weeks before she 1, 1862. It was during this battle that the perwork errors by the Guard. died. Union army lost commanders Major General Now the time has come for Pete to return Mr. Speaker, I have attached a list of other Philip Kearny and Major General Isaac I. Ste- home to Oregon. He has been selected to patients who were denied access to treat- vens, but it ultimately succeeded in slowing lead the 2nd of the 641st Theatre Aviation ments by the FDA even though their doctors VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:50 Jun 16, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E03AU2.000 E03AU2 13416 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 August 3, 2012 believed these treatments were the only option (IV) JOEL OPPENHEIM a treatment that could save his life: an adult left to potentially save their lives. I ask my col- Joel Oppenheim was first diagnosed with stem cell therapy that helps damaged intes- leagues to help make sure that no more multiple myloma in 1995 but the disease did tinal tissue regenerate from the inflamma- Americans with terminal disease are denied not become active until 1999. Id. At that tion caused by Crohn’s. The sponsor, Osiris Therapeutics, reported that Crohn’s patients treatments simply because the FDA has de- time, he was treated with dexamethadrone (‘‘dex’’), which had unpleasant side effects in the therapy’s Phase II trial all experi- cide these Americans are better off facing cer- and was only minimally effective.
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