J^JSTJD > RAILWAY N'S JOURNAL Vol XV: NO. S REVELSTOKE B.C.. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904 $2 OO a Year in Advance Will Hold Sitting in Revelstoke .r 'Xjt. 1 ty»*K tyfti tyfti tyfti tyt*t*r ftt Vp tyfti ty1*1*1 tyfti tyfti ty****** ty fti ty***** ty **** ty* **** ty* **^* ty* ty***** tyt't'ity r*l*i ty t't'i ty 1*1*1 ty fl* "l 1*1*11' FAREWELL TO Mr. H. Floyd, secretary of the Rev­ GREAT BRITAIN elstoke Board of Trade has received tie following leltti* from AV. A. fial- AND RUSSIA liher, M.P., announcing the important fact that the Hallway Commission Massey Hall, Toronto, Crowded will hold a sitting in Kevelstoke : May Clash on the Red Sea- DEPAKTRrlENT STORE House of Commons, with Enthusiastic Admirers — Ottawa, July Ulh. Britain Objects to Actions of mgggg;<»»ngm!CT^rvs-iT'.v^.'MJ:iili-yj..T.Mlg Significant Exhibitions of Re­ Secretary Board of Trade, Russian Pirate Fleets—Situ­ Hay, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed Wheat, ty •sszssm Kevelstoke, B. C. sentment against Government. Dear Sir,—1 have arranged with the ation is Critical. Flour, Roiled Oats, Etc. J* member's of the Railway Commission, TORONTO, July IS.—iMassoy hull was who will be going on a tour through LONDON*, July 20.—It is believed by packed to tliu doors Friday night by the "West during the latter part of loading naval officers here who are Bacon, Hams, Eggs, Groceries and ty one of the most enthusiastic audiences July and August, that they hold sit­ cognizant of certain sweeping orders c that ever assembled tliere, on the oc­ tings at Nelson and at Revelstoke. I issued yesterday hy the admiralty that Canned Goods, Etc., Etc. ^ Read this List Carefully, there is something her would ask you to kindly give notice the British government intends to to interest vou. casion of Uie farewell reception by the to all the Boards of Tr-idc in the dif­ citizens to Lord Dundonald, lute corn- ferent towns surrounding of this fact, compel Russia to surrender the Pen­ ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED •MTmaanCTBiiari uiander in chief of the Canadian so that they may have an opportunity insular & Oriental liner Malacca, seized militia. of'meeting the,- Commissioneis and as a prize of war by the Russian discussing the question of freight cruiser St. Petersburg and on route to An address was presented to^ his rates or any other question within the lordship. "When Lord Dundonald scope of their authority. No special Lilian under a prize crew. It is also rose to reply, tliere was an outburst of date can be fixed ns yet for the holding generally understood in naval circles fine applause. Again and again the crowd of these sittings but you will receive a that no other British ships will bo cheered hiin, the band meanwhile letter from the Chairman of the Com­ stopped by the Russians after the playing "For He's n .Tolly Good Fel­ mission advising you that he will MACKENZIE AVENUE. Oxfords low." When Ilie applause had sub­ hold such sittings, to be followed British cruisers reach the scene. For men sided Lord Dundonald snid: afterwards by a three days' notice of Admiral Freeiriantle, one of the "I do not consider that it is neces­ the date when the .sittings will he held. foremost of the British naval officcis, ftytytytytytytytyty ty ty tytytytyty ty ty tytyty ty ty tyty We are showing sary to trouble you with many words I would like to see advantage taken of said in this connection: Men's WhiteCanvas with regard to the particular incident this and to that end would recommend "Were I commander-in-chief of the whicli led up to rny-summary dismissal that all association's be notified and Mediterranean fleet I should lake the Shoes at from the command of tho militia. also that this letter be published in thc law into my own hands and order my $2.25 Theic is perhaj).*, hardly anything newspapers. When you receive notice ships to' escort all British ships B. C. MINES which more intimately concerns the pf the date it should-be wired at once through the Suez canal and the Red Wo liave .1 Super ior well being of/the nation than that its to the different associations, or per­ Sea and piotect them from any •Line of Oxfords in Vici defences should he placed in as efficient haps it- would be better to have a interference, at the hands of the PROSPEROUS Kid and Patent Leather. cOrrdition as possible. * , meeting of the Associated Boatds of Russian ships. I hope the govern­ Very dressy arid Cool "I was myself convinced that mat­ Trade to first discuss matters gener­ ment will adopt stiong measuies in ters in this connection were indeed far ally and, appoint delegates to repre­ this matter From the Mines to Smelters from satisfactory and I turned 0,11 the sent them at such fittings. " It is against all common sense to Resumes Operations after lying $4.00 searchlight to show the people of Can­ Yours truly, believe that 11 ship can one day be a 82.816 Tons of Ore Shipped ada that there was an evil that was merchant vessel and the next day a Dormant for Six Months- injuring their defence force. What W. A. GAT.T.IHKU. ship of war. These ships passed Rich Looking Quartz now During the Month of June followed? 1) AH eyes were turned A special meeting of the Board of through the Dardanelles as merchant­ of This Year. o • toward the lit>ht." All saw the fwil Trade has been called for Monday 1 men and ought not to be recognized Being Mined. anrl realized that the-light revealed now as warships. If they'came out next the 25th inst., at 8 p.nr., to dis­ The Goldfinch stampmill, which has Ore shipments from Kootenay mine's what was true. But there is nothing of the Black sea as warships Russia to smeltei-s total up to S2,81G tons for that -some people hate more than cuss such matter's as may be. consid­ has violated her tieaty obligations, turned out several thousands of dollars A splendid assortment of Wash truth, even though that truth may be ered advisable to lay before the and in either case the ships have no the month of June this year as against' in gold bricks but which has been j 03,179 tons shipped in June, 1903., This, , in tlieir own best interests. Commissioners. status and Great Britain should either lying dormant since last January, was| Skirts in Duck, Crash, Pique, "Some of, these have turned their compel.Russia to recall them or take is a net increase of 10,637 tons'. Every anger upon mc,* upon * the man who the consequences. As admiral I started again today at its profitable district from .which ore, was shipped Muslins, etc. These ought, to be was Jetting light into dark places. should not hesitate to, seize them if occupation, urrder the direction of J. shows an increase, except one, which of interest to you-.these hot days. People have been told that I was try­ they were not recalled."- T. Vogler. is good evidence that -.the mining. ing to dragoon tliem, endeavoring to Once again the leading English A number of mon aro working at over-ride the civic "power, and acting news'papeis editorialize' in the gravesL industry iu the 'Kooteiiaj* and Boun­ contrary to the spirit "of the constitu­ tones on the Russian seizures of Brit­ the property, operations being con­ dary districts pf British Columbia is : tion,'trlicn in truth it was not T but BEG BEND ish vessels. Even the Standard, de­ fined to a surface showing from which' in ji better condition today .than at/ Cool and Comfortable others, wjio ' were' tramplirig'iipo"n the clares that tin; nation loolts.to the 'for­ rich golSl-yiilui-s have heretofore b<*en this.time last year.* -'Besides; the sub- . spirit •. of Lhe constitution, that great eign office to take more effectual action obtained...,. The ore, now being taken staiitial increase in 'ore tonnage for magmr/eharta whose essential princi­ than the ordinary course of diplomatic ple is freedom and eveu-handed justice Mr. Fowler, Mining:. Engineer intercoiuse piesciibes. The case is not out is fine looking' stuff and .it is the month as compared with Jtine last to all nien.regnidless of political party. of * Duluth, Minn., Visits the .one for fastidious treatment. If noth­ now almost assured that- the Gold­ year. 202 tons of pig lead were shipped -33?l All right thinking persons realize ing is done officially to relieve the finch will turn out a creditable gold by the Canadian Smelting Works at Qoys the 'vital importance of non-interfer­ Big Bend—Is' Pleased with painful strain the irritation of the brick at the end of the month. Trail to Toronto, AVinnipeg, Montreal &GrGm ence with those officials who adminis­ country may grow into stubborn re­ and other points in Canada.• This is/ ter justice between man and man." Appearance of Camp. sentment. AVe cannot, foi1 the sake of A. F. Rogenbeiger, who is in charge \J*A "When Lord Dundonald concluded peace even, sit down under a series of of the property, intends to thoroughly an advance step in another direction— i&ash *Suits his speech there followed a scene Mr. Fowler, M. E., of Duluth, arid' undisguised provocative measures. exploit and develop it, and prove that supplying Canadian markets with the Jesse Bradley returned on Friday products of Canadian .raw material.
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