BOSNIACA 61 UDK 027.54(497.24)“1923/2013“ Devedeset godina Nacionalne biblioteke Azerbejdžana *** Ninety years of the Azerbaijan National Library Karim Tahirov Cijelu bibliotečku zajednicu posebno je obradovalo Azerbaijan National Library to što je dekret o proslavi 90. godišnjice Biblioteke potpisao Ilham Aliyev, predsjednik Republike Azer- Baku, Azerbaijan bejdžan. Potpisivanjem dekreta opet je potvrđena sva briga i pažnja koju rukovodstvo države posve- Abstract ćuje kulturi i posebno bibliotečkim naukama u zem- A treasure trove of knowledge, the keeper of the cul- lji. Na osnovu ovog dekreta u biblioteci je od 23. do tural heritage Azerbaijan National Library today is 25. septembra 2013. održan niz manifestacija koji- the information centre of the republic, also it can be ma je obilježena proslava godišnjice. said headquarter of library science organizing, di- Ključne riječi: Nacionalna biblioteka Azerbejdža- recting and developing science, education and cul- na, devedeseta godišnjica ture. For many years the library is at the service of society, nurturing a generation of prominent scienti- sts, writers, researchers, workers of science and art. As part of the anniversary celebrations there were Founded on 23rd of May in 1923 Azerbaijan National held 27th Annual meeting of the international orga- Library celebrates today its 90th birthday. All this was nization of the Conference of European National Li- a long way that library passed carefully preserving braries (CENL), 15th general meeting of the Library cultural values and innovative scientific knowledge. Assembly of Eurasia (BAE) and opening of the III Great joy for the whole library community was the Baku International Book Fair in Baku. The anniver- signing of the decree by the President of the Azer- sary was also marked by the official signing cere- baijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on celebrating the 90 mony on mutual cooperation between Azerbaijan year anniversary of the library. The signing of the National Library and Presidential Library named decree once again confirmed care and attention after Boris Yeltsin and Azerbaijan National Library given by the head of state to the culture and par- and the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan. ticularly to the library science in the country. On Also there was held official opening ceremony of the basis of this decree there were held range of the department “Rare books and library museum” in anniversary ceremonies in the library on 23-25 of Azerbaijan National Library. September 2013. In total the ceremony was attended by 60 foreign Keywords: Azerbaijan National Library, 90 year guests, directors of more than 35 national librari- anniversary es of the world, the president and members of the CENL, the president and members of the BAE. Sažetak On 23rd of September Ilham Aliyev, President of Riznica znanja i čuvar kulturnog naslijeđa Nacio- Azerbaijan Republic received Bruno Racine, presi- nalna biblioteka Azerbejdžana danas je informaci- dent of the CENL, vice-presidents Marie Christine oni centar Republike, a može se reći i sjedište bi- Doffey and Janne Andresoo, Gulisa Balabekova, bliotečkih nauka iz kojeg se organizira, usmjerava vice -president of the BAE, Abulfas Garayev, Mini- i razvija nauka, obrazovanje i kultura. Godinama ster of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic stojeći na raspolaganju cijeloj društvenoj zajednici, and Karim Tahirov, director of the Azerbaijan Nati- Biblioteka odgaja generacije istaknutih naučnika, onal Library. pisaca, istraživača, djelatnika iz područja nauke i The President stressed the importance of the next umjetnosti. Osnovana 23. maja 1923. godine, Na- meeting of the CENL and BAE in Azerbaijan, par- cionalna biblioteka Azerbejdžana danas slavi 90. ticipation representatives of the library society from rođendan. Bio je to dug put koji je Biblioteka prošla different countries in such celebrations. The Presi- brižno čuvajući kulturne vrijednosti i inovativno na- dent also expressed his confidence that the discussi- učno znanje. on and constructive solution of many library issues 62 BOSNIACA during conference will strengthen friendly internati- Philharmonic within framework of Uzeyir Hajibayli onal relations and development of the library sphe- Musical Festival. re. At the same time the head of the republic said Next day, 24th of September at the Park Inn “Dan that current anniversary is a good cause to explore ulduzu” hall was held the 27th Annual Meeting of modern Azerbaijan and expressed hope that the gue- CENL. It was attended by over 50 participants from sts will be pleased with their visit. Arriving for the 40 countries. first time in Azerbaijan president of the CENL Bru- no Racine thanked President for the warm welcome, Just for reminder CENL Fund was founded in 1987 shared his impressions about capital of Azerbaijan and its first meeting was held in Lisbon, with the – Baku and directly from the visit to the Azerbai- participation of 11 European National Libraries. jan National Library. Bruno Racine confirmed his Currently CENL has 49 member libraries in 46 co- indispensable part in the celebrations of the library, untries of Europe. Since 2003Azerbaijan participa- opening of the third Baku International Book Fair tes in the meetings of CENL as an observer and sin- and said that holding meeting of CENL in Baku a ce 2005 as a full member regularly takes part in the significant event in the library world. annual meetings of the organization. The proposal to hold the next CENL meeting in Azerbaijan was Gulisa Balabekova, vice-president of the BAE in first put forward by the National Library of Azer- her turn expressed deep gratitude to the President baijan at the meeting in 2007 in Madrid. In 2010 of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for the warm welcome CENL Executive Committee adopt a decision to and hospitality. hold a meeting in 2013 in Baku. On the basis of the Elchin Efendiyev, deputy prime minister, Abulfaz decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic da- Garayev, minister of Culture and Tourism of Azer- ted 24 June, 2013 on “Celebration of 90 year anni- baijan Republic and other ministry officials, admi- versary of the Azerbaijan National Library” it was nistration of the National Library, CENL and BAE, decided to hold the next meeting of CENL in Baku directors of leading Azerbaijani libraries, director of in September within framework of the anniversary Centralized Library System as well as the entire li- celebrations of the library. brary community participated in the inauguration of Abulfaz Garayev, minister of Culture and Tourism the III Baku International Book Fair on September of Azerbaijan Republic also attended at the meeting. 23, 2013. More than 15 national libraries of Euro- He warmly welcomed guests at the event held in pe demonstrated their highly valued exhibits at this Azerbaijan - Land of Lights. Briefly but succinctly fair. They caused great interest among the visitors. he spoke about the rich culture of the Azerbai- 125 publishing houses from 25 foreign countries, jan Republic, the historical path she passed, about a number of big publishing houses, bookshops and fourfold change of Azerbaijani alphabet within a printing enterprises of the republic attended at the century, mass publication of books on Latin by the exhibition and presented very interesting printed decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic materials. Also books from the collection of the and spreading them out as a gift to the libraries in Azerbaijan National Library (Azerbaijani classi- the regions. “After this event not only the national cal literature and world classics published in Latin literature collection of library in the Latin alphabet alphabet by the decree of the President of Azerba- was enriched, but also greatly increased the flow of ijan Republic Ilham Aliyev), other books from the readers to the library,” - said the Minister. He also collection of the National Library, as well as from touched a number of issues facing the Azerbaijani the Ministry of Culture and Tourism were demon- libraries, such as creation of a digital version of li- strated at this exhibition. In total number of these brary collections, creation of an electronic catalog, books were more than 600 copies. exchange of bibliographic records and full automa- tion of all library processes. “I am confident that Afterwards opening ceremony in the conference this meeting of CENL, discussions of vital library hall of the library there was held closed meeting of problems will play a big role in the development CENL Management and Executive Committee and of Azerbaijani libraries, create the conditions for European Library members. Then guests got acqua- the exchange of best practices of European coun- inted with the work of Azerbaijan National Library, tries and will open the way to national informati- with departments and a rich collection of library. on resources to the international community” - said After visit to the library guests attended a concert Abulfaz Garayev. of the new Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert was held with the participation of Azerba- Director of the Azerbaijan National Library Karim ijani and German musicians in the Azerbaijan State Tahirov made speech at this ceremony. “I am ho- BOSNIACA 63 noured to receive here, on Azerbaijani land parti- rarest and ancient books of the National Library and cipants of such a significant event. Organization of museum exhibits. such international events has great importance not The guests also looked through exhibitions like “90 only for the National Library but also for the enti- years on the service of the people” consisting of the re library community. Azerbaijan National Library books of Azerbaijan National Library, “25 +5 best expresses its readiness to hold follow-up meetings designed Estonian books 2011-2012”, “Classics of of CENL as well as actively to participate in any World Literature”, “Karabakh - the cradle of our other projects of this organization.” - said Dr. Ta- culture”, “Azerbaijan through foreign languages”. hirov. After all there was the XV general meeting of the The next speaker, Bruno Racine, president of CENL Library Assembly of Eurasia (BAE).
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