For'All Dcpartments'Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 3 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 16,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Health Agency Uhrhane Heads Board to Seek Guardsmen Receive Radio Instruction Red Bankers Earn More, Seeks Funds for Signal Corps Labs Info on Regional Spend Above National Average FORT MONMOUTH-Col. Fran- cis F. Uhrhane, who was formerly NEW YORK CITY—With people Their Program assigned to the>staff of the Chief School Program in Red Bank earning more money Signal Officer in Washington, has Trufolo Succeeds and spending more freely than Public Health Nursing been named commanding officer of Future Enrollments those in most other communities in the Signal Corps Engineering lab- tho United States, the borough is Group Lists Services oratories, Maj. General K. B. Law- Of High School Age Fahy in Agency stamped a flourishing one, with a higher standard of living than the ton, commanding general of Fort LITTLE SILVER—The Ayers- Given in Cpminunitics Monmouth and the Signal Corps Pupils Pose Problem average. Fahy renl estate and insurance The figures bearing this out ar« Center, announced this week. SHREWSBURY —The board of RUMSON — The Public Health agency of 16 Church st. has an- contained in Sales Management's In his former assignment, Col. education here Monday night de- Nursing association of Rumson, nounced that the Interest in the new, copyrighted buying power Uhrhane concentrated on research cided to attempt to join other bor- Sea Bright and Fair Haven, this firm oC John B. Fahy has been survey, covering the entire country. week started their annual, letter and engineering matters, duties oughs in discussing the possibility taken over by Anthony F. Trufolo. which are in close keeping with of a regional high school. Red Bank's 4,200 families had net campaign to raise funds for the incomes during the past year, after nursing program carried on in the his position in the Signal labora- William Crome was appointed to tories. ' • deduction of personal taxes, of $24, three boroughs. The letter appeal represent the board in the discus- 10,000. This represents per family, is in charge of Mrs, Robert G. Ils- sion now going on in Kunuon. Al- earnings of $5,860, obtained by divld- bert L. Strassburger said the prob- ley, association president. ng total income by number of lem will become acute in several In her appeal the president wrote, families. "This association Is again making years because of heavy enrollment/! in schools which send pupils to Red Thi3 was over the earnings gen- its annual independent appeal erally throughout the country, $5, through the mail for the mainten- Bank high, particularly the local one. >60 per family, and was larger ance of your public health nursing han earnings in Middle Atlantic service, always available in your Red Bank's tuition rate of (405, States, 53,751. "the highest in Monmouth county," community. These averages, obtained math- according to Walter Deiss, was al- This service, as you linow, safe- ematically, are higher than the so discussed. Mr. Dies* said the guards your children In their median figures now being publish- rate is excessive and asked that schools, yoy and your family at ed, that have emanated from the Red Bank be requested to' inform home, and protects the total gen- ast census and which were based the board how the figure was de- eral health In your borough, As on a sampling of incomes under termined. He suggested appeal- you share in the benefits of this 10,000 states Sales Management. invaluable public health program, ing to the state commissioner of Maj. Thomas McNeary, Long Branch, right, demonstrates the operation of the latest education. Henry Petzal, however, How good a year it was In Red we feel sure that you will wish to Bank is indicated by tho fact that share also in its support. counselled it is not the time to radio equipment installed in jeeps of the 644th Tank battalion at the Red Bank Armory fight the Red Bank board, since local residents accounted for .0106 The communities which your pub- .Thursday night. The Guardsmen were preparing for two weeks' training at Camp Drum, N. per cent of tho nation's income lic health nurses serve have been Shrewsbury stands the chance of being excluded from the high Y., which started Friday and concludes July 27. Others in the photo, left to right, are with a population that was only expanding constantly; therefore, .0087 per cent of tho total. our need for funds grows propor- school. It was pointed out that, Capt. Frank Friscia, Rumson; Warrant Officer William Kelly, Fair Haven; Pvt. Ernest Elgrim, by state law, Red Bank can refuse The greater buying power was tionately so that we may adequate- Belford; Sgt. Robert Knight, Red Bank; Sgt. John Karinja, Rumson;'Sgt. William Strohmenger, reflected in the amount of business ly meet the increased health de- to accept Shrewsbury pupils—when Col, Francis F. Vhrhane given proper notice—but Shrews- done by the local retail stores. mands. May we bring to your at- Little Silver, and First Sgt. Brutus Applegate, Belford. Their cash registers rang out to tention the fact that every dollar bury cannot leave Red Bank unless Anthony F. Trufolo Col. Uhrhane, who was gradu- that board agrees, the tune of $51,151,000 In the yeav, received is expended for health ated from the United States Mili- which exceeded the previous year's services in Rumson, Sea Bright Mr. Trufolo has been with the tary academy in 1030, • succeeds Flan Music Program' Bids for Parkway Interchange Oil Bids Confuse agency since 1950, active In the sale volume of $44,761,000. and Fair Haven. Brig. General Edwin R. Potzlng ns In other business, the board de- of local real estate. Mr. Ayers will The fact that anles exceed income Our association Is not participat- head of the laboratories, which are cided to invite John Luckenbill, continue with the agency, the new locally points to the conclusion that ing in any community appeal this comprised of three major installa- Board Members Red Bank high school's music di- At Eatontown to Be Opened Monday name of the llrm being Ayers- Rod Bank is the trading ,hub for year, and therefore, our annual tions. They nrc Squicr Signal lab- rector, to its next meeting. How- Trufolo. Mr. Aycrs said the pollcf a wide surrounding aera. drive is being made in the usual oratory, here on the post; Coles Sig- SHREWSBURY—Action to award ard Matteson, principal, said he TRENTON—Bids for construc- of the npw agency ivll! be to aupply Each city was rated to show its •way." nal laboratory, between Red Bank an oil contract was held up by the contacted Mr. Luckenbill about tion of the Eatontown interchange Ha clients all possible types of real relative standing as a market, Included with the appeal letter, and Lincroft, and Evans Signal Prepare for Fund Drive board ol education liero Monday special instrumental instruction in and a new two-mile dual highway estate, with special emphasis on based on such considerations as Mrs. Ilslcy sent copies of the as- laboratory, at Bclmar. Gen. Petzing night to determine which of sev- the school, Mr. Luckenbill has connecting with the Garden State the Little Silver area. It will be number of people, amount earned, sociation annual report for 1952. The was recently named Chief Signal eral bids was actually lowest. such programs in Little Silver and parkway in the boroughs of New under the complete management amount spent and rate of growth. Nursing association, established in Officer In the European Command. The Fred D. Wikoff company of Kcd Bark's rating, called .ita Tinton Falls, assisted »by Jerry Shrewsbury and Eatontown will be Red Bank offered a price of .0835, of Mr. Trufolo, assisted by three 1915, has kept abroost of the Col. Uhrhane, who was born In salesmen. "quality of market index," is 189, times and increased its services Christian. For one afternoon a received next Monday, Orric de- hut its bid did not specify that the Marietta, Ohio, obtained a Master Mr. Trufolo lives at 77 Silver- or 89 per cent higher than the gen- and enlarged its program to in- week—after school hours—the cost Nooyer, secretary of the New Jer- llguro was arrived' at by using a of Science degree in electrical en- brook rd., Shrewsbury. He is a eral national average. clude all fields of health, including is $300 a year. In addition, parents sey Highway Authority, announced New York harbor price of ,0767. gineering from Ohio State univer- graduate, of Bed Bank high school a school health program, Infant may rent Instruments at rates be- today. The harbor price is the basis of all sity in 1936. Hc attended the Sig- and of Muhlenbcrg college, where care and maternal welfare work, tween $15 and $20 a year. Mr, Mat- The new Eatontown spur, will be bids, future oil deliveries being nal Corps school tho following year ho attained senior honors. While home caro program, and well-baby teson said Mr. Luckenblll's experl- built between the parkway and the charged according to that standard. in furthering education and exper- at college, he was class treasurer Radio, TV Shop conferences. This year they spon- enc has been that between 20 to 25 intersection of the Eatontown traf- One bidder—Shore Gns and Oil- ience that has resulted In his be- a member of Kappa Phi Kapa and sored a visit of the state mobile pupils -would enter the program.
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