1862!"3. VICTORIA. STATISTICS , OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA, FOR THE nJAR COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORlJS IN 1'HE llEGJSTRAR-GENERAL'S OFFICE. PRESEN.TED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELI,ENCY'S COMMAND. , , JOHN FERll.ES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No.9. ·.,- .l CONTENTS. FAG PART I.-POPULATION 5 n;-PRODUCTION 89 " IIT.-INTERCHANGE 57 " IV.-FINANCE, ETC .... 221 V.-ACCUMULATION 251 VI.-RELIGIOUS, MORAL, AND INTl'}LLECTUAL PROGRESS 261 <l " VII.-LlTIGATION, CRIME, ETC. 278 " VIII.-VITAL STATISTlCS, I~TC. 297 IX.-CIVIL ESTABUSHMENT, ETC. 336 FOREIGN CONSULS 402 [NDEX m' OFFICERS 403 GENERAl, INDEX 441 STATISTICS OF THE CQLONY OF VICTORIA, 1861. PART I. POPULATION. No.9, a. PART I.-POPULATION. CONTENTS. Pa,. CENSUS OF lS61-GENEIlAL SUMMAllY 9 HonSES 9 INlIABITAN'fS AND HOUSES 9 COUNTIES AND PASTORAL DISTRICTS 10 l~L ~:CTORAr, D lSTllleT" 11 ELBCTOltAI, PROVINCES 12 GOLD FIELDS 12 MUNICIPAUTJES 13 TOWNS AND VII,LAGES 14 RELIGIONS OF THE PEOPLE 21 OCCUPATIONS OF 'fIfE PEOPI,!!: 22 BIRTIIPr,ACES OF THE PEOPLE 24 AGES OF TIlE PEOPI,E 25 B1Wl'IIS AND DEATHS 26 MARRIAGES 26 hUIlGIlATION .2'1 ImlITGIlANTS WHOI,LY AT THE PUBLIC EXPENSE 2S PARTIALLY AT TIlE PUBLIC EXPENSE 2S EMWRATION 29 brMTGIlATION AND E~f1GRA'rION (I,) 30 (IT.) 30 CHINESE TMMIGHA'.rION AHD E]IIGnATION 31 POI'UL.tTlON-hCREASE OR DECREASE Hi' 1861 31 INCREASE (m'DECREASE IN EACH QUARTER 32 ON 'rIlE GOLDFlELDS 33 AnOIU(HKAL POI'UJu\TION 33 NUMBElt OF ELECTOIlS 34 NATl;nALlZATr~N-NA'rIVE PI,ACES AND AGES 35 OCCUI'ATlqNS AND AGES 36 ill lJ.NICl P ALI'f1);S 37 UO.ll> BOARDS 3S .f STATISTICS OF VICTORIA, 1861. POPULATION. CENSUS OF l86l.-GENERAL SUMMARY. SUMMARY of the Population of Victoria by the Census taken on the 7th April, 1861. Population. Persons. MI>les. Females. .. -~~~ .. Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines 513,896 1-"- ~302,8~1 211,015 Chinese... .•. .... 24,732 24,724 8 Aborigines ... 1,694 1,046 648 Total 540,322 328,651 211,671 CENSUS OF l86l.-HOUSES. SUMMARY of Houses in Victoria by the Census taken on the 7th April, 1861. Description. Total I'--,----.-- Number. Inhabited Stores. Offices, and Inhabited. Uninhabited. Bullding. Public lnIltitutions. i i --,- -~ 128,617 5,017 Jl9 I 579 I I I .. Material•• Wood, Iron, or Lath Tents and Dwe~ having Bark, Slab, and Material. not Bri<lk. or Stone. and Plaster. Canvas Roo • I Mud Huts. specified. --,--~ ..-- 134,332 - 18,990 59,346 42,750 I 9,280 3,966 CJassification a.coording to the Number of Rooms. ... _-- I "'---1'-" , Houses of One Room. Houses i Houses in which of Two Ho1l1!8S of Houses of Houses I Three a.nd FoUl' Five and Six con~more I the Brick, Stone, [ canvas Tents Rooms. Number of RoomB Wood, or Iron. and Hutll. Rooms. Rooms. Si1<Rooms. I was unspecified. 4,039 i 36,123 34,509 34,817 9;772 7,517 I, 7,555 I I CENSUS OF 1861.-INHABITANTS AND HOUSES, SUMMARY of the Inhabitants and Houses in Victoria by the Census taken on the 7th April, 1861. Dwellers i.P. I Travellers i 'I' r-----;---'---"~. '~~~~e~i Pel'!"""! . Population Brl<lk, Tents: Slab Bark, IHabitations: Drays ISlee~ m M>.gmtory Totul Stone, Wood, and Dwellings! and of and S ips Population and , having M dH t unstated Camping and Hulks. Iron Houses. ! Canvas Roofs. i U U s. i materials. Out, '-- ---~ !-.. ~ .. -- Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines 364,817 100,849 32,614 7,785 2,575 I 1,915 3,341 I 513,896 Chinese ... ... ... ... 1,802 22,028 ... 833 46 3 20 24,732 Aborigines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1,694 i 1,694 --~ ... Total ... 366,619 122,877 32,614 ~,618~ 1,918 540,322 ... I 2,621 I 5,055 1 . WILLIAM HENRY ARCHER, Registrar-GeneraL Nq.. 9, b. .cENSUS OF 1861.-COUNTIES AND PASTORAL DISTRICTS. .... ..., o ; POPm;.ATION, inclusive and ex~lusivc of Chinese and Aborigines ;. and Houses, whether Inha):>ited, Uninhabited, or Building, in each County and Pastoral District of Victoria, according to t,he Census taken on the 7th April. 1861. Population .. Population Houses. (inclusive of Cbine~ and Aborigines). (exclusire of G'hinese an(l Aborigine.). Countiea and' P~atornl. Districts. ~ ~ w ~ ~ • 'Il!fl:lHl ~. o! ';.3,.Q to $0..0"" 00 ~~. ~ t ~ i ~ ~ f~i I . ~ ~ r:><::;J r:>< ~.:I p p:j ~i'li;i.:l E-! 1-3, - H .______ ~-------------------I----------I·----------I'.. ---------- --,-------- ------__ _____----_ ~ Anglesey 1,749 1,1'17 632 1,715', 1;101 , 614 329 3 1 333 5 Bourke; 166,746 88,322 78,424 166,184 . 87,762 78,422 31,476 3,129 58 250 37,904 00 ~_~~~j~sie - .... J.. 2(),502-i 12,781 ,7,721 20,408 12,693, 7,715 .4,471 7~ S 8 4,566 " 3,588" 2,1'08 ;1,480 3,545 2,081" 1,.~64 544 7 3 554 o E,:elyn 3,617 2,201 ..1,416 3,514 2,108, 1,406 863 1 1 865 ~ Follett ! 696 387 .,'" 309 696 ,387 309 126 126 Grant, 65,519" 36,Q84 29,435. 63,502 34,068 29,434 14,295 1,089 22 85 -15,491 g Grenviile ' 30,154 ~ 18,604 1~1,550: _.. 28,325 16,777 11,548 7,985 116 10 31 8,142 I-j Halllpden 3,265 - },9'81 .1,284' 3,~97 1,938 1,259 558 558 o Heytesbury ••. 969 542 421' 965 53!r 427 186 S 191 Mornington . 4,368' . 2,530 1,838 4,363 2,525 1,838 834 40 1 6, 881 ~ Norma,Ii.by ••• o,! ..... ~, 8,026 4,212 3,814 7,944 4,172 3,772 1,469 105 6 I' 1,581 P'- Polwarth 2,171 1,241 930 2,156' 1,229 927 361 2' 363 .... Ripon~: 10,000 6,881 10' 00 3,119 8,892 5,767 3,105 2,S56 1 2,582 0') Talbot 65,528' ' 44,813 20,715 56,810' 36,105 20,705 18,213 5 3i 18,345 .... Villier!l ....:! .13,892 1,518 ;6,314 13,~58 7,49~ 6,.360 2,490 54 9 2,553 .\ ,. GippsLand 6,398' 3,920 ~~8 6,214 3,796 2,418 1,2(6 6 7 1,289 64,969 43,412 19,469' Tb.ei Loddon ."~ . 2J~57 59,658 38;15l!: 21,505 193 8 SO 19,750 ~t"I' The, Murray .~ f; • , 31,931 22,671 ~~ 27,256 18;043, 9,213 8,218 62 25 8,305 Rodp.ey 3,280 2,321 959 3,049 2,126: 923 908' 17 3 928 The: Wimmera 1 27,675 20,424 ~251 26,389 19,436· 6,953 8,990 25 9,025 ----",--_:...._-1-----_--1--__-1--_-1---- __ --1-·------1-------11.0 1--'---1------ ~ 535,043 324,070 210,973 50S,640 298,323, 210,317 12S,617 1?,017 119 579 134,332 1 ;:: , PersonS. in Ships, Hulks; &c. .. , I },9',18 -I' 1,68'S I . ,230 I - 1,915 I 1.685"' 230' .... ...' ... II ... 1 ••• Migrafory Population .... 3,361 2,S93 468 3,341 2,873 468 ... • ...: '" ... --------------__ ---------------------1----, , Total 9f Yictoria ,..,! 540,322 I. 32S,651 211,671 1__ 513,896 1 302;881 211,015 128,617 5,01(7 119 I 579 134,322 ..,."" ~ (. WILLIAM BENRY ARCHER, Registrar-General ST:A.TISTICS OF VICTORIA.; 1861.-POPULATION. 11 CENSUS OF l861.-ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. POPULATION, inclusive and exclusive of Chinese and Aboriginel!; and Houses, whether Inhabited, Uninhabited, or Building, in each Electoral District of Victoria, according to the Census taken on the 7th 'April, 1861. , Population Population (incllUlve of Obio_ lind (exclusive of Chinese and Honses. Aboriginesl. Aborigines). --_.... .~-----------.r Electoral District. d Boa 01 01 .; ~ N~;a~ I ~ .... ro-~;::! !l u! 1 iQ~~ 1 !l ~ j j ''S ~8"!j~ ~ Il<I j ~ Il< ~ f>i P iXl .... !;l:l,:! ... --------------------;----;----'---j:--- -- . I. West Melbourne ... lJ,023 ,6,186 4,837 11,022 6,185 4,837 1,961 '144 5 107 2,21 7 2. North Melbourne .. , 16,798 8,570 8,228 16,743 8,515 8,228 3,768 347 2 16 4,133 3. East Melbourne .. , 12,981 7,400 5,581 12,694 7,1l5 5,579 2,421 274 8 72 2,77 5 4. Emerald Hill ... 8,924 4,529 4,395 8,892 4,497 4,395 1,958 184, 2 6 2,15 o 5. Sandridge ... 3,496 1,893 1,603 3,496 1,893 1,603 8.54 71 1 3 929 6. Williams Town ... 4,492 2,230 2,262 i 4,492 2,230 2,262 992 125 1 4 1,12 2 7. Collingwood ... 24,475 11,998 12,477 24,475 11,998 12,477 5,552 620 12 ... 6,18 4 8. Richmond ... 13,140 6,470 6,670 13,140 6,470 6,670 2,879 356 ... ... 3,23 5 9. St.IGldl.l. ... 18,108 8,563 9,545 18,108 8,563 9,545 3,602 472, 15 18 4,107 2,171 885 90 1 2 97 8 10. Brighton ... i 4,349 2,178 2,171 4,349 2,178 11. South Bourke ... 11,380 6,069 5,311 11,380 6,069 5,311 ' 2,299 143 6 2 2,45 o 12. Evelyn ... ... 3,617 2,201 1,416 3,514- 2,108 1,406 863 1 ... 1 865 13. Mornington ..
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