Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 02/10 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 26. Januar - 08. Februar 2010 1. Syrien that peace with Syria does not mean eating humus in Damascus but is an existential interest, no less Syrische und israelische Politiker lieferten sich important than blocking Iran's nuclear ambitions.” Anfang Februar einen mehrere Tage währenden Zvi Bar’el, HAA 07.02.10 Schlagabtausch, der die Debatte um eine erneute Eskalation zwischen den beiden Nachbarstaaten in Tensions in the Middle East den israelischen Medien anfachte. “The repeated Israeli messages in recent weeks Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak hatte in einer meant to lower the level of tension vis-à-vis Syria Rede vor hochrangigen Offizieren gesagt, es könne are falling on deaf ears. The Syrians don’t believe zu Krieg kommen, wenn kein Arrangement mit us. […] Syrien gefunden werde. Während dies in Israel als This is very reminiscent of the period ahead of the Aufruf verstanden wurde, Verhandlungen mit Syrien Six-Day-War, when the Russians made sure to fan zu beginnen, interpretierten syrische Stellen die the flames and feed the Syrians with horror stories. Aussage als Kriegstreiberei. A hint regarding the identity of the war-monger at Syriens Präsident Bashar Assad erwiderte daraufhin this time may be found in the words of US National in einem Gespräch mit dem spanischen Außen- Security Advisor Jim Jones last week. The American minister, Israel führe die Region an den Rand eines general spoke about the planned US sanctions Krieges. Der israelische Außenminister Avigdor against Iran. In response to the sanctions, he said, Lieberman fachte die Flammen weiter an: Den there is a possibility that Tehran will encourage its nächsten Krieg werde das Regime Assad nicht satellites in the region – Syria, Hizbollah, and überleben. Premierminister Netanyahu bemühte Hamas– to attack Israel and set the whole region on sich inzwischen, die Wogen zu glätten und erklärte, fire. […] Israel sei jederzeit zu Verhandlungen mit Syrien What about the Syrians and the Lebanese? They ohne Vorbedingungen bereit. are merely pawns on the Iranian chessboard.” Alex Fishman, JED 04.02.10 We need a statesman “Syria holds an asset that Israel does not recognize. Frustration in Damascus Peace at this time means the possibility that Israel's “Bashar Assad understands the price he and the strategic position in the Middle East and the world ruling Alawite minority would have to pay, in a will change. Syria is a key country along a new axis country that is 74 percent Sunni, for a genuine being formed in the Middle East, which includes peace with Israel. […] Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. […] So a very He’d have to expel Hamas leaders from Syria, a important arena of interests is forming, not only for step the [Muslim] Brotherhood would find Israel. […] insufferable. A bad divorce with Teheran would The expression ‘we want peace,’ which is void of ensue. Hizbullah would reorient Lebanon’s policies substance, cannot even begin to express the folly accordingly. […] and shortsightedness of Israel, which is shrugging Naturally, if Assad got the Golan Heights on his its shoulders at a chance to reach peace with Syria, terms, the legitimacy of his regime would be if for no other reason than to prevent a damaging bolstered. But no Israeli government […] can come blow from this new axis. To this end, we need a down from the Golan in return for a sham peace. statesman […] who can make Israelis understand Assad will not risk a real peace that would force 1 Syria to rethink its ideological identity in the absence als unbegründet zurückgewiesen. Zugleich wurde of the Zionist bogeyman. How could he justify erst jetzt bekannt, dass zwei hochrangige Offiziere, continued authoritarian rule? […] die an den Kämpfen beteiligt waren, schon vor So a strong argument can be made that the last sechs Monaten einem Disziplinarverfahren unter- thing Assad really wants is peace with Israel.” zogen worden waren. Zunächst hieß es in Me- JPO 05.02.10 dienberichten, dass es dabei um den unrecht- mäßigen Einsatz von weißem Phosphor gegangen Syria now sei. Dies wurde jedoch von der israelischen Armee “There will be no dramatic breakthrough on the dementiert. Palestinian track in the near future, so a breakthrough on the Syrian track must be initiated. Israel is being evasive again The problem is basically political. Peace with Syria “Israel submitted on Friday […], a response to the has no party and no leader. […] UN secretary general following the Goldstone report. Oddly, the remnants of the Israeli left relate to peace […] The minute details the document presents of with Syria like some kind of stepchild. Their passion 150 inquiries by the Israel Defense Forces, including is for the Palestinians, not the Syrians. The ardent 36 criminal probes, are not persuasive that enough courting is all aimed at the disinterested has been done to reach the truth. It may be Palestinians. Even today, Israel is expending most assumed that the UN will not make do with Israel's of its peace-seeking energy on a useless effort to response, and the danger has only grown that the cajole the wrong neighbor. debate will be taken to the International Criminal The time has come to reset the system and change Court. […] course. To forestall the evil rising in the east, every Suspicions will continue to haunt Israel and trouble effort must be made to enter a dialogue with Syrian any of its citizens who want to know what happened President Bashar Assad.” in Gaza. Therefore, a moment before it is too late, Ari Shavit, HAA 04.02.10 we call for the immediate establishment of a commission of inquiry for the sake of the truth and Will you shut up already? our international standing.” “Ehud Barak tells senior officers that diplomatic HAA 31.01.10 impasse will prompt war with Syria. Benjamin Netanyahu […] slams Damascus. Finally, Avigdor It’s all about politics Lieberman warns Assad that Israel will be toppling “Operation Cast Lead can be examined according to his regime. military-professional criteria, moral criteria, or Within the space of one week, this government of diplomatic criteria. It must not be examined in line chatterboxes, who do too little and talk too much, with international law criteria, as Goldstone wants, managed to bring the Mideast to the boiling point. for the simple reason that it’s irrelevant. International We’ve never seen anything like that before; this is law that pertains to wars is premised on three reckless abandon, pure and simple. […] assumptions: The war pits states against each They deal with the most sensitive issues of life and other, both sides deploy soldiers in uniform, and death, war and peace, yet show no sense of both sides are committed to the same codes. None responsibility or sound judgment.” of the above conditions was present in Gaza. […] Uri Misgav, JED 05.02.10 INeither justice nor law are the tools of the trade here, but rather, pure politics. The establishment of 2. Israelische Reaktion auf den a commission of inquiry in Israel will not mitigate the Goldstone-Bericht pressure against us, but rather, merely serve to encourage hostile elements to continue to press Einmal mehr wird in Israel die Etablierung einer Israel.” unabhängigen Untersuchungskommission zum Giora Eiland, JED 03.02.10 Gaza-Krieg des Vorjahres diskutiert. Aktueller Anlass ist der offizielle Bericht, den Israel auf Anfrage der UN als Antwort auf den Goldstone- Report veröffentlicht hat. In dem Bericht, der sich The ‘Goldstoning’ of Israel auf Untersuchungen der israelischen Armee stützt, “Jerusalem presented UN Secretary-General Ban wird der Großteil der Vorwürfe der UN-Kommission Kimoon with its initial rebuttal of Judge Richard 2 Goldstone’s bill of particulars on the way Israel Wer sich klar macht, wo der Schwerpunkt der fought in Gaza . […] A more comprehensive, point- militärischen Konfrontationen im 21. Jahrhundert by-point refutation is in the works. […] liegt, versteht, das bestimmte Teile der Genfer We do not assert that our army made no tragic Konventionen für Kämpfe dieser Art nicht mehr mistakes; what we do emphatically reiterate – based zutreffend sind. Terrororganisation wie die Hamas, on Israel’s initial submission to the UN – is that no die Hisbollah oder Al-Qaida […] erzeugen ein army engaged on multiple fronts against irregular amorphes Schlachtfeld, für das Theorien der forces, embedded among a supportive enemy Kriegsführung erst entwickelt werden müssen. […] population, is more ethical or takes greater care to Israel befindet sich an der Spitze, was die avoid harming innocents than the IDF. Entwicklung passender militärischer Fähigkeiten The Goldstone Report was born in bias and matured angeht. Deswegen bemühen sich Militärs aus aller into a full-fledged miscarriage of justice. […] Israelis Welt hierher, um von der israelischen Armee zu further resent the report’s dammed-if-you-do- lernen, und nicht umsonst kommen die einzigen dammed-if-you-don’t stipulation for an Israeli Stimmen der westlichen Welt, die sich gegen den commission to examine IDF behavior during the Goldstone-Bericht aussprechen, von Generälen und Gaza war: If Israel refuses, Goldstone threatens Kommandanten. […] further ‘law fare’ at the International Court of Justice Anstatt sich […] mit Kämpfen zur in The Hague; if Israel does establish an inquiry Schadensbegrenzung gegen einen Bericht commission it might imply Goldstone’s complaints abzugeben, der seine Wirkung schon erzielt und have validity. seinen Schaden schon angerichtet hat, ist es One option
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