‘We Promise Satisfaction’ SLABROLLER The best available Recommended by Peter Stichbury Variable adjustment from O-GCm (21/2in) MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Reasonably Priced Available only from Furnace Engineering Easy to fire W Suppliers of I Pottery and Raku I Ceramic Fibre I Temp Controllers Consistently I Ceramics I Fibre supports I Pyrometers I Porcelain dolls I Fibre glue I Slab Rollers Better I China painting I Brick cement I Kiln Elements for I Enamelling I Gas Burners mOSt kilns Results I Crucible I Raku Burners I Kiln Repair and I Glass Kilns Relining Wh I 0 A variety- of controllers are available.- I Ban d'mg 89 S 0 Stack bonded fibre on request. I Press Moulds 0 Optional LPG Reduction in our Electric Kilns. I Extruder with Stand Vi, \ F’P. M3,j - ». 'W’v'”?i‘»~4~‘u Yum“? ‘war?mflns~vnrrwrrrrh ~> - . ~ ..... <. ‘-\~.~.~;~.~. Element Suppon System . 3.. a ' . ' ‘1 an- , , 3 Gas & Electric Kilns. From 0.6 cu.ft. up to 30 cuff. I Kilns can be StaCk . WW bonded or partly bunt ---- - FURNACE ENGINEERING 1986LTD in brick FURNACE 6 Holmes Road, Manurewa. ENGINEERING P.O. Box 136, Manurewa. Ph. 267—2661 GIFT SUBSCRIPTION NEW ZEALAND POTTER PO. Box 881, Auckland, New Zealand FRIEND’S NAME: MY NAME: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ., ,. ., ,. .., Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ......................................................... V (I‘tA'nI-Z I’RIN I ) (PLEASE PRINT) Address: ................................................................... Address: ......................................................................... CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD: Please Tick 1:] American Express [3 Bankcard D Diners El Visa _ NZ. [enclose $27.00 (inc. GST)f0r the next three Card No. issues. Surface Mail Overseas $31.50; Cheques payable to NZ‘ Patter Publications- Signed: ............................................................ Expiry Date: ....................... ’A card will be sent on your behalf to the recipient For Office Use Only: CODE TL with the first issue. IN 'IHIS ISSUE NEW ZEALAND POTTER THROUGH THE FILTER PRESS VOLUME 35: NUMBER 2: 1993 Howard S Williams, Editorial Editor: THE POTTERS SHOP AND GALLERY ODIO Howard S Williams Judith White writes about the Wellington Co—operative’s new premises PO Box 147, Albany, NZ HULME GAS AWARD Phone (09) 415 9817 Photos by Bob Hudson, from the Tauranga Exhibition CO Advertising: CLEVELAND CERAMICS AWARD Cecilia Parkinson (0 Phone (09) 415 9373 Photos from Dunedin, by Til Noever Penny Evans JOHN CALVER, UK PO. Box 881, Auckland A preview of master potter John Calver who tours here later this year 1O Phone (09) 445 8831 THE ROYAL EASTER SHOW Subscriptions: The NZSP Exhibition, photographed by Howard Williams 12 Publisher and Distributor: NZ Potter Publications Ltd WELLINGTON POTTERS ANNUAL EXHIBITION P O Box 881, Auckland, NZ Photos by David O’Cane, from the Majestic Centre, Wellington 13 Fax (09) 309 3247 HEATHER McLEOD Managing Director: Linda Tyler profiles this Dunedin clay artist and her sculpture 16 Cecilia Parkinson NELSON WHITE Design and Layout: A new white firing clay body is introduced by Potters Clay, Nelson 18 Cecilia Parkinson PAPER CLAY John Parker Jennie Rassell describes Rosette Gault’s demonstration in San Diego Howard Williams 20 THE ITALIAN CONNECTION Printed By: Jeannie and Andrew van der Putten visit potter friends in Northern Italy 22 lmedia Print 71 Upper Queen Street COROMANDEL CALLING Auckland, NZ Mike O’Donnell works on sculptures for the Coromandel Watchdog Exhibition 24 Copy Deadlines: BAYE RIDDELL & MANOS NATHAN 1st day of February, June, September Two top Maori potters exhibit their work in Phoenix, Arizona 28 Issued: Apri|,August, December NORSEWEAR ART AWARD Price: $9 per copy incl GST Annual Subscription: Photos by Sandra Shand from the Waipukurau Civic Theatre Gallery 32 $27 incl GST FLETCHER CHALLENGE CERAMICS AWARD, 1993 Overseas Subscriptions sent surface mail: NZ$31.50 Helen Schamroth profiles this year’s judge, Kari Christensen from Norway 34 THE OPENING NIGHT Advertising Rates: GST not incl Described by Peter Lange, director of the Auckland Studio Potters Centre 35 Display: 4 Colour: FLETCHER CHALLENGE PORTFOLIO Back cover: $1650 Photos from the exhibition, by Haru Sameshima 36 (Min. 3 issues) Full page: $759. Halt page: $550 FLETCHER CHALLENGE ; FOUR EXHIBITORS Anthony Bond and Chris Weaver, profiled by David Lewis Display: 38 Black and White Hilary Kerrod and Dianne Buchanan, profiled by Robert Kay Inside front /back covers: $532 Full page: $485. Halt page: $295 KODAK PHOTO AWARDS Quarter page: $179 Student photographers’ photo essays on Fletcher Challenge exhibiting potters 43 Potter's Market: SALTING THE MIDHIRST TAJ Full page: $418. Half page: $253 Bev Rea writes about the “Salt Fire Trio" from New Plymouth 45 Quarter page: $154 Eighth page: $93 GALLERY GUIDE Our country wide list of galleries, shops and potters’ showrooms 46 Classified: 55¢ per word POTTERS MARKET Minimum 10 words 47 Cash with order Finished art work must be COVER PHOTO supplied or above rates will be added to. Winner of the 1993 Copyright New Zealand Potter Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award Publishing Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced Lobo California by Susannah Israel, USA stored in a retrieval system or Photo by Haru Shameshima transmitted in any form without written permission of the publishers PRICE $9 incl. GST ISSN 0113 - 583x communityofbuyers,thereare onlyabout GOLD COAST mother Ariane Revilliod-De La Rive. Eventually, 3 million of them in total and the rest ofthe The Gold Coast Ceramic Art Award was he bequeathed his museum THROUGH THE FILTER world is a long, long way away. and his collections, as well as the large PRESS established in 1982 to bring an exhibition property The very remoteness of the place has of national standard to Queensland, Aus- on which the building is located, Howard S Williams of Geneva. perhaps in some respects been an advan- tralia and to form the nucleus of an impor- to the City JLALFEE’ tage in that outside influences have only tant ceramic collection for the Gold Coast In 1934 the museum became an annex «MM filtered slowly and indirectly into the work, City Gallery. In the eleven years since its of the Musee d’Art et d’Histo/re and was giving rise to a unique and innovative style inception the Award has increased in size transformed into aceramics museum. It is now the headquarters of the International ’Eu-Mw . of their own. The natural obverse, how- and standing and now draws entries from RAW. ever, is that the thousands of miles of sea all states of Australia, New Zealand and Academy of Ceramics, founded within its surrounding them are the barrierto reach- Japan. The major acquisitive award stands walls in 1953, which bringstogether artists and specialists from the world over. More DWBWWI'.’ ing a good sized market and to developing at A$3,000 and additional monies up to the deserved world standing of their ce- A$2,500 are spent on special purchases, recently the museum has been entrusted collections of the City of ramic artists. all of which become the property of the with the glass 30 YEARS ON.... FIRE! “ALONGSIDE” One person who has attempted to bridge Gold Coast City Gallery. The gallery now Geneva. Since the beginning of time, ceramics From the pages of the New Zealand The following story was reported in the Auckland’s new Maritime Museum at those ocean miles is Steve Murray of holds one of the most significant contem- m. in our daily have accompanied mankind Potter, Vol 6, No 1, August 1963 comes New Zealand Herald in late May. It could Hobson Wharf opened with a four day York based Art New Zealand. I met him porary ceramic collections in Australia. life, in our rituals and our artistic aspira- the following: serve as a warning to other potters who festival from August 19 to 22. within the craft village of the International The judge is chosen each year from a tions. This has resulted in an incredible “On June 15, 1963 a meeting, called by have similar workshop set—ups. Part of this festival, and continuing until Autumn Fairat the NEClast July and was short list of Australia’s leading ceramic diversity of objects which bear witness to the Editorial Committee, was held to dis- Blaze in Floor quelled by Foam. December 8, is an exhibition of ceramic attracted by a particularly fine range of artists or gallery curators. The judge for the evolution of our societies: the evolu— cuss the possibility of forming a New Firefighters pumped hundreds of cubic sculpture with a nautical theme by Peter raku and smoked, pit fired pots. Such 1993 is to be Greg Daly. The judge views tion of techniques, of economic condi- Zealand Society of Potters. The meeting metres of foam to put out a fire in the floor and Dean Oxborough. wares are unusual participants in a trade all work, then selects a number for the tions, of taste. was held at the Centre Gallery, Welling- cavity of a pottery workshop in Auckland Peter, and his son Dean, are both well show and would have stopped me in my exhibition. All entries are also viewed by ton, where our first major overseas exhi— yesterday. known for their interpretations in clay of tracks at anytime, but having been brought the gallery director as potential additions The collections of the Musee Ariana bition was on display. Assistant Fire Commander Owen things maritime; boats, sails, sea and more than half way across the world to be to the collection. reflect seven centuries of ceramic crea— There were 76 people present from Woods said the fire appeared to have islands -the depiction oftheir own Hauraki in Birmingham, they really grabbed my An entry fee of A$1 0 is payable per item. tion, from the Middle Ages to our time, in Auckland, Napier, Hawera, Feilding, started under the floor of the building in Gulf backyard at Mahurangi and their love attention.
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