UCSD is home to a host of student organizations that are each dedicated to serving the university's spiritua l needs. See page 9 THE UCSD Circulation MONDAY 11,000 ARI) Odober 8, 2001 UC SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org VOLUME 104, ISSL'F 6 'Quilt Students rally for peace, not hate tnade for MSA hosts • • VICtll11S event, Jurassic 5 rapper speaks Marshall By EVAN MCLAUGHLIN Contributing Writer students act in A pea ce rally featuring speakers from van ­ ous campus organizations as well as JurassIc 5 remembrance rapper Akil was held at the Price Center on By STACY EISENBERG Thursday at noon. The Muslim Snldcnt Association org.l­ Contributing Writer nized the "United For Peace, ot \Var" Students and staff made a "quilt of demonstration. Motivation behind the event remembrance" for the victims of the stemmed from increased racial tensions epr. I I terrorist anacks as part of directed toward Muslims and people of Welcome Week's Day of Service. Middle Eastern and South Asian descent, Participants included members of which have nared recently in the aftermath of the Active Community at Thurgood the Sept. I 1 terrori t attacks on New YOI k Marshall College community service City and Washington, D. club, students from other colleges and "Our mo t important objective is to edu­ adnlJl1Istrative staff. cate," said MSA President Ahmed Salem. The quilt patches are actually "People have been associating Islam with lCr­ slJuares of co nstruction paper decorat­ rori m, and that is not right." ed by II1diVldual students during the Since the attacks last montll, there has service club's first annual Day of been an increase in hate crimes towa rd Service. For two hour on the morning Muslims and other edenic groups, Salem said . of epr. 18, snldents were invited to The mosque Salem attends, The Islami c come into Ocean view Lounge and Center of San Diego, has been plagued by construct a square using colored paper, cherry bomb and paintball attacks. 1uslillls markers, crayons, glue or anything else entering th e place of worship are often verb.rI ­ they cou ld procure. The squares werc Iy abused. Salem hopes that Thursday" event later taken to a professional printer spread feelings of unity and undcrstandmg and laminated. The quilt was laid out among attendees. and the individual pieces tied together Student speakers in ancndance included with string at the ACT meeting on Salem, elly Salom of MSA , Elizabeth Sept. 25. Sargent of Intra-Varsity Christian Fellowship, More than 120 students con­ Warren Sophomore Senator KeVin I I~u , tributed to the making of the quilt. Diana Rodriguez of Movimiento Estuuanul The quilt is now displayed in the Chicano de Azdan, Shantnoy Sethee of Sikh Marshall Dean's office. Ir will be on Student Association and Fatiano Padojino of display for approximately one more Tyler Huff/Guardian Students for Economic J usticc. Akil, a member of the L.A.-based hip-hop Anti-hate: A protester rallies for peace and nonviolence toward Muslims at Thursday's even~ hosted by See QUILT, Page 2 the Muslim Student Association, in the Price Center. See RALLY, Pl!~e 2 A.S. closes gates at Fa II Fest Turnout exceeds RIMAe's capacity By CHARLIE TRAN "[The performers] kept the jumps, ob tacle courses and Velcro Senior Staff Writer crowd bouncing," said Muir jumps A.S. Council provided for sophomore Jenny Damman. "Who additional entertainment. FallFest was a resounding suc­ says UCSD is an academic institu­ Over 1,500 students in line were cess Friday as record attendance tion?" barred from entering the event. forced the A.S. Council to close About 4,800 filled the arena, "People started rushing through entry gates to RIMAC Arena, bar­ which has a capacity of 4,700. the gates," said A.S . Vice President ring many students from entering Students lined up from the Finance Sam Shooshtary. the event. entrance of the arena to Hopkins "However, security did a wonderful Afroman acted as a last-minute Drive, reaching almost the entire job." substitute for Toya, joining Alien length of RIMAC Field. Some stu­ Many students were unhappy Ant Farm and Warren G in this dents arrived two hours before the year's concert lineup. event started, ignoring the air See FALLFEST, Page 3 A I..... t tilt p.lrlotl.m Monday Octe: High 73 I Low 'S1 (~ thlt hIS loIlowed lilt SfPI. llltt~ks . Tundly Oct 9: High 74 I Low 54 ". 2 1 Sit paqt 4 WtdnttdIy Oct 10: High 75 I Low 54 " 4 5 9 Th~ worn.n', voUtybelllHm "I live two minutes from UCR. This """"'2"""''--_________..!!11 'pllt In hOY Q.m •• It Chico place stomps over it. .. lyon Iiw/Cuotditm ~~"'----------.2t5 Slit'..., UC OIYl •. 16 Drydtn Mitchell Alien: Dryden Mitchell of Alien Ant Farm performs at Friday's FaliFest, which ~~ ___________~~~ S•• paq.20 Alten AnI Form srnger also featured Afroman and Warren G. See SlOl)' above NEW: 3 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2001 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 200 1 THE U CSD GUARDIAN "They shuuld 'n : acc()lI1l11lldJI~d ,t il uf us. With hi g b a nd ~, th~)' ,lwlIld Quilt: Fall Fest: at least have enuugh sJl,lce." Item will be sent to New ETCETERA Artists enjoyed playing Other sllldcllIS whu \\'~r~ lefl for UCSD aud ience (Ju t had similar complaints. York along with donations "The)' shuuld stan .dlm:.ltlllf( Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 morc lIIuncy for bigger \ ' ~nll~'," ALISON NORRIS .. JEFFREY WHITE week, and then it will be se nt to the 18-year-old male student at RIMAC and frustrated wi th being barred said 1\ luir juni or !.Irian P ~ n · ~ '. Editors in Chief medical treatment. from enteri ng. Citing "totall y ullcxpcct ed" East Coast along with a $400 dona­ 12:38 p.m.: A student reported field for being drunk III pub\tc. tion to the International Associa tion LAUREN L COAITNEY "This is our A.S. mo ney," said Sunday, Sept 30 burglary to a while 1991 Chevrolet Transported to detox. of Fire Fighters in Washi ngton, D.C. Ma1lllgi"g Editor Muir sophomore Kristin Kelle y. S<~ CONCERT, l"I~' h 4:19 p.m.: A 19-year-old male truck In Lot 356. Loss: $1,0.50.. 9:08 p.m.: Officers detained a The money will be given to the wi ves MARYAM IANIHASHEMI .. student iniured his elbow while play­ 1:18 p.m.: A student reported 19-year-old student at RIMAC field Jnq children of the fire fighters wh o ANDREW qUADRI In g soccer at RIMAC Field. the theft of a video camera from for being drunk In public. Rejected died in the World Trade Center col­ Copy Editors Transported to Thorn ton Hospital by SRlV at Student Center Building B. from detox. Transported to Thornton lap,c. MARGARET O'NEILL Ntws Editor Hospital by officer. Original plans for the Day of paramedICS. Loss: $5,o.o.D. 6:00 p.m.: An 18-year-old 4:37 p.m.: A student reported 9:17 p.m.: Officers arrested a Service Involved having child ren from GEOFF DIETRICH female student su ffered a knee burglary to a red 1990 Toyota truck 19·year-old male student at The Preuss School work together Associa" Ntws Editor Inlury after failing at Argo Hall. In Lot 102. Loss: $445. Matthews Apartments for bein~ a with ACT to make greeti ng ca rds fo r DIVYA RUNCHAL .. 5:29 p.m.: A student reported minor in possession of alcohol. Oted sc nior citizens. Howcver, after the JENNIFER SPOSITO Transported to Thornton Hospital Opi"io" EditoN by paramediCS. the theft of a wallet from the Price and released. a ttacks occu rred, those pl ans were 10:31 p.m.: Officers detained a ca nceled. JOSH CROUSE .. 6:11 p.m. : A student reported Center. Loss: $1 DO.. ISAAC PEARLMAN burglary to a green 1999 Ford 7:15 ,P.m.: Officers towed a blue 19-year·old female studen t at ACT leaders decided that the quilt Sporu Editors RIMAC for battery. Oted and was the best way for students to show Ranger. Loss: $463. 1996 Mltsubishi Mirage from VOigt MALAVlKA CiANCiOLLY .. released. their support. ' 10:41 p.m.: Officers impound­ Dnve and Lyman Lane for the driver ClAIRE J. VANNmE ed a white 1991 Yamaha motorcy­ haVing a suspended license. Stored 10:50 p.m.: Officers arrested an Paula Gluzman, one of ·the co­ F,aturrs EditON 18-year-old male student ilt the chairs of ACT, said that the attacks cle from La Jolla Farms Road for at Star Towing. JOSEPH LEE .. CHARLIE TRAN illegal parking and having no proof 10:45 p.m.: Officers arrested a Marshall tennis courts for urinating in were "still fresh on everyone's mind" Hiatus Editors public. Cited and released. on the morni ng of Sept. 18. Layi ng of regis tra tion. Stored at Star 57-year-old male nonaffiliate . !or LAURA BROWN .. ED WU TOWing. indecent exposure at the Cognttlve 11 :52 p.m.: A student reported butcher paper on the fl oor of the DtSi!P' Editors the theft of a purse at RIMAe. Loss: Ocea nview Lou nrre, Glu zman and 11 :04 p.m.: Officers impounded Science Building. Cited and LYON LlEW a 1993 Kawasaki motorcycle from ordered off campus for seven $12D. others handed out materials to the Stu­ Photo Editor dents and simply "let them at it." Lot 403 for having registration days. KENRICK LEUNG expired over six months. Stored at Saturday, Oct.
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