fcste sj fr om the associ ated press • BS,^-j U. News Roundup: USC Requests From the State, More Patrolmen By PAT DYBLIE . with Charles L. Lewis, vice president for %!• Nation & World Collegian Staff Writer student affairs, to determine the amount of money the University re- Gwen Herman , head of the Under- , traffic fines and ve- graduate Student Government Admin- Feu'es **?] * rom The The World ^,icle, registration.f Administrative istrative Action Committee, yesterday VC Challenges United States in Talks , Co mlt ee a !fter t0 L6W1S called for additional campus patrolmen ^°J ? . J , . ¦ j-i.t j. last May,Tn buti has1 not vet received an PARIS — The Viet Cong challenged the United States t0 b ^ «-« concerning parking recei yesterday to resume peace talks without- South Vietnam as «Z et SnTped and noth- pts diplomats met over the tangle of Washington-Saigon relations. &? Mlss Berman said. ing serious happens, they don 't report it , "I can t under- "If Saigon does not send a delegation then the three par- nd to the Campus Patrol or to USG," Miss !! ? ™hal the blS secret ls- She said ties — The National Liberation Front (NLF) North Vietnam 01d Maln s reluctance to reveal the and the United .States — must meet without delay to find a Berman said. She said that if Campus , solution on the basis of the program put forward by the NLF, Patrol would get an estimate of attacks , amount of the receipts may be based on said Duong Dinh Tliao, number 2 man in the Viet Cong delega- more night patrolmen could be hired. the ldea that an answer will reveal how tion . Miss Berman met yesterday with "luch overassignment there is in stu- There was no indication, however, that the United States denl parking, was ready immediately to carry out Secretary of Defense University officials to present her com- Clark M. Clifford's threat Tuesday that the Americans would mittee 's requests. University administrators differed go it alone if President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam Miss Berman said' students should yesterday on the destination of parking persisted in his boycott of the conference. complain to Campus Patrol. "If every fees - One contended that the money is U.S. officials emphasized that the United States still ex- , jump or act of vandalism were re- invested in better parking facilities pected a four-party peace conference and was working to get theft , but Saigon's narticioation. They said they expected a South 'Viet- ported , Campus Patrol would have to another said it was part of the "Univer- namese delegation eventually, but set no deadline. increase its staff." she added. sity kettle. " Thieu has announced he will boycott four-party talks The request for a larger night force David Shap iro. (4th-division of coun- unless two conditions are met: stems from the problem of coeds finding seling - Philadelphia ), who has been —That Saigon head the allied delegation , relegating the parking spaces at night. The committee working with USG on the parking prob- United States to a subsidiary role. ;-^£.&*S ' lem said ne contacted Allan A. Derzak —That the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong merge their sought Old Main s approval to open the - , delegations, thus effacing the self-proclaimed independent Conference Center lot near West Halls coordinator for Personnel Actions and status of the front. Hanoi would head the Communist side. —Colleaian Photo by Pierre Belhcini at night. Residents should be Personnel Service, but received no help- EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE the symbol of Administrative power. Old Main, appears given priv- ileges similar to those of students with ful information. less than awesome. At least so it appears in the night shot above. * * • disability permits who may park at Old Main's answers to the parking U. S. Command Stud y ing 'Enemy Intentions ' night behind Geary in East Halls until problem are "typ ical of the old red tape," 8 a.m.. Miss Berman said. according to Miss Berman. The adminis- SAIGON — The U.S. Command is .making a careful as- sessment of enemy intentions after the recent intensified shel- Miss Berman questioned Old Main trators agreed that there is a definite ling of military and civilian targets in South Vietnam. about student parking areas being re- problem, but could see no solution, Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, the U.S. commander in Viet placed by faculty and staff areas in Miss Berman also brought up the nam refused to speculate yesterday on the enemy's aims in Breathe Easy Tonight; . Lot 80 near East Halls. She said too talking with correspondents. question of increased milk prices. Stu- "This is the time for all of us working in the military, to many spaces have been reserved and dents complained when the University- keep our eyes open, watch what is happening and compare it suggested that Campus Patrol make suddenly hiked its prices, she said. Lewis with all the things we know and have watched before, he hourly checks to determine the number attributed the high cost to a rise in said. "Then we can make a judgment." Ax-Mwrciers a Hoax of empty parking places. A' question arose over the shelling of cities inside the prices by the Pennsylvania State Milk demilitarized zone between the Vietnams Sunday. Abrams By PAUL LEVf NE ed in little groups and formed defensive Several weeks ago Miss Berman met Commission. sidestepped this question, saying, "Well, they shelled the Collegian Editor strategy. As the account spread from mouth to mouth, the story changed. One version Marines and the Marines shelled them." Penn State coeds are alive and hiding in The various shellings are presumably being studied within predicted that seven coeds would be mur- their residence halls. dered last night. Another said Jcane Dixon the context of the U.S. halt of all attacks on North Vietnam or- At least that's where they were last dered by President Johnson to begin Nov. 1 as a step toward had appeared on the NBC Tonight Show Chairman oeace. night when the grisly rumor of impending Tuesday night to make her predictions, and ax-murders swept the women's dorms. some people said she appeared on the Today Coeds had been jittery all day after they Show yesterday. heard the tale allegedly reporting Jeane And at least one University coed told Rods Local The Natio n Dixon's latest prognostication : 12 coeds her friends that her ouija board had pre- Nixon Plans Shakeup in Staff System will be axed to death on a central Pennsyl- dicted the ax-wiclder would strike Lyons vania campus between Nov. 24 and Dec. 7. Hall. Newspaper NEW YORK — Richard M. Nixon made it clear yes- The origin of the story is still in doubt , Not on Wires terday that he plans a major shakeup of the traditional but the rumor covered the campus faster Both major wire services denied By DEMISE DEMONG White House staff system. And a top aide indicated that than a November blizzard. It spread from distributing the story. the President-elect intends to be a more "activist" Presi- table to table in the Lion's Den of the Hetzel "The rumor has spread about schools in Collegian Staff Writer dent than Dwight D. Eisenhower. Union Building, and before long the story Virginia. Tennessee and New York," said The Centre County- Demp- , „ . Nixon- announced, through a spokesman, the - appoint- gre"-".- Ordinarily, ^ chatter in the- HUB is con- Robert Gatelyv of-United-Press -International ¦cratic" Chairman" yesterday as- ment ot a second assistant to the President—H. R. "Bob" fined to describing " how good the football in Chicago. "We're trying to find jut 'where sailed the Centre Daily Times, Haldeman, 42, a Los Angeles advertising executive, who team is, or how bad last week's date was, it started." University President Eric A. will handle general administrative-matters and Nixon's but yesterday, the talk was of mass murder. UPI's Washington bureau told The Daily Walker and the Republican daily schedule. ' Rumor Dispelled Collegian that it "won't touch" Miss Dixon's "power structure" for their Haldeman, a chief of staff for Nixon during the cam- It wasn't unl^l Timothy Langston, direc- predictions. The Associated Press has a part in the re-election of paign, told newsmen that there will be only three or four tor of residence halls programs, placed a similar policy. Republican Eugene Fulmer as jobs comparable to his. all of them "generalists" involved call to Washington that the rumor was "We don 't pick up Jeane Dixon at all , " Representative from the 77th in general planning rather than details. dispelled. Jeane Dixon's office denied that said Ward Sims, of AP's Philadelphia Bu- Congressional District. "We don't want specific people locked into specific the famed astrologist ever had made the reau. "She's a little out of the realm of the Mrs. Marie Garner's charges boxes,"' Haldeman told a briefing session at the Hotel prediction , according to Langston. The office news business." were prompted by an editorial Pierre, where the Nixon camp is working out the details did say. however, that colleges from all University coed« should be breathing in the Centre Daily Times, of the transition of power Jan: 20. parts of Pennsylvania had called , asking easier tonight. No deranged ax-wielders are whicli noted that the Demo- about the story. lurking in the shadows of Old Main. A hoax, cratic candidate. Dan Cicmson, The rumor was still spreading through not a holocaust , has struck the Happy Val- nearlv defeated Fulmer in * * * the residence halls last night as coeds huddl- ley.
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