香 港 中 文 大 學 年 報 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015–2016 香港中文大學年報 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015–2016 香港中文大學年報 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015–2016 大學校董會報告 2 目 Report of the Council 錄 篤學能養志 樂育可樹人 14 Education—Nourishing Minds and Building Character Contents 精研憑格物 推陳以致知 26 Research—Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 百川滙學海 涓滴傾社群 42 Community Outreach and Engagement— Forging Ties Near and Far 管理與行政 56 Governance and Administration 大學校董會成員更替 57 Movements of Council Members 2015至16年度大學主管及高級人員 58 University Officers and Senior Staff 2015–16 2015至16年度研究所所長 60 Directors of Research Institutes 2015–16 大學校董會成員履歷簡述 62 Brief Biographies of Council Members 大學校董會屬下委員會職能簡述 77 Brief Descriptions of Council Committees 大學校董會屬下委員會成員 79 Membership of Council Committees 2015至16年度大學校董會成員出席會議紀錄 81 Attendance Record of Council Members in 2015–16 重要合約聲明 85 Statement of Contract of Significance 財務概況 86 Finance 附錄 90 Appendices 學生與畢業生數字 91 Students and Graduates 獎學金及經濟資助 93 Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students 教職員人數 94 Number of Staff 研究資助及成果 95 Research Funding and Output 圖書館統計數字 96 Library Statistics 捐贈芳名錄 97 List of Donors 校友 100 Alumni 2 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2015–2016 大學 校董會報告 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL 2016年10月 October 2016 3 目標及策略 Objectives and Strategy 香港中文大學(中大)將繼續遵行以 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has adopted the 下的使命及願景,作為大學的目標,並 following Mission and Vision statements which will continue to 制 訂 適 切 的 發 展 策 略: guide the University as our institutional objectives in renewing the development strategy: 我們的使命 我們的願景 Our Mission Our Vision 在各個學科領域,全面綜合地進行教 努力成為香港、全國及國際公認的 學與研究,提供公共服務,致力於保 第 一 流 研 究 型 綜 合 大 學,並 使 我 校 存、創 造、應 用 及 傳 播 知 識,以 滿 足 建立於雙語及跨文化傳統的學生教 香港、全中國,以至世界各地人民的 育、學術成果及社會貢獻,均保持 需要,並為人類的福祉作出貢獻。 在卓 越 水平。 To assist in the preservation, creation, To be acknowledged locally, nationally application and dissemination of and internationally as a first-class knowledge by teaching, research and comprehensive research university public service in a comprehensive range whose bilingual and multicultural of disciplines, thereby serving the dimensions of student education, needs and enhancing the well-being of scholarly output and contribution the citizens of Hong Kong, China as a to the community consistently meet whole, and the wider world community. standards of excellence. 4 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2015–2016 策略規劃是大學上下齊心參與的持 Strategic planning is a continuous process which involves 續 過 程,成 果 通 常 是 一 份 策 略 計 劃 participation of, and engagement with, the whole University 書。中大在年內敲 定 並發 表《香 港 community, the outcomes of which are normally manifested 中文大學策略計劃2016–2020》, 該 in the form of a strategic plan. At CUHK, a five-year Strategic 計劃勾劃出教育、研究、持份者參與 Plan 2016–2020 was published during the reporting period 等三項大學要務的策略,也闡明實 under review. The plan sets out our strategies for the core 踐 策 略所 需的 配 合措 施。 functions of education, research and engagement, as well as the enabling environment in which these strategies are to be 在教育方 面,大 學 將 為 學 生 提 供 更 implemented. 多 學 習 機 會,提 升 其 語 文、自 學、終 身 學 習 等 能 力,鼓 勵 他 們 創 新 創 業, Our strategies for education aim to enrich the learning experience for students as well as enhance their language 在競爭激烈和急速轉變的世界脫穎 proficiency to develop self-learning skills, lifelong learning 而 出,貢 獻 所 長。中 大 是 研 究 型 大 commitment and competencies that will make them 學,我 們 將 繼 續 進 行 前 沿 研究,特 別 both innovative and entrepreneurial to flourish in—and 是 中 大 擅 長 的 跨 學 科 領 域,不 但 在 contribute to—a globally competitive and rapidly changing 國 際 學 術 界 發 揮 影 響 力,也 造 福 本 environment. As a research-led university we shall continue 地、亞 洲,以 至 全 球 的 公 民,應 其 所 to engage in cutting-edge research, especially in those 急,濟 其 所 需。藉 着 動 員 社 會 上 各 持 interdisciplinary areas identified as our strengths, not only to 份者參與大學事業,乃可加深社會認 make an intellectual impact internationally but also to benefit 識我們的願景,了解我們的目標,並 humankind in addressing challenges and societal needs 認同我們的成就。 locally, regionally and globally. Through engagement with the public we will better articulate, develop and communicate an 為了 實 踐 這 些目標,我 們 必 須 建 設 identity consistent with our visions in order to facilitate the 有 利 環 境,使 人 力、財 力、物 資 等 資 community in understanding our goals and recognizing our 源,能 妥 善 分 配 和 運 用,確 保 教 學、 achievements. 研 究、知 識 交 流 的 長 期 成 效。大 學 也 將致力保持世界級的基建,配 合 我 In order to implement these strategic aims, we need to develop 們 在 資 訊 時 代 的 學 術 發 展。 an enabling environment in which our human, financial and physical resources are appropriately allocated and deployed to help us attain sustainable excellence in teaching, research and knowledge exchange. Similarly, the University aims to maintain a world-class infrastructure that supports our academic endeavours in an information age. 大學校董會報告 Report of the Council 5 財政表現 Financial Performance 2015至16年度為2012至15年三年撥 The financial year ending on 30 June 2016 was the roll- 款 期 的 延 展 年,標 誌 着 三年 制 本 科 課 over year of the 2012–15 triennium. Following the successful 程 順 利 完 結,而 大 學 於 上 一 個 撥 款 conclusion of the three-year normative undergraduate 期及延展年完結後財務狀況更加穩 curriculum under the old academic structure, the University 健。截 至 2016年6月30日 為 止,大 學 emerged from the 2012–15 triennium and the 2015–16 roll- 及成員書院綜合盈餘為六億二千六 over year in a further strengthened financial position. The 百 萬 元,綜 合 總 資 產 淨 值 為 一百 八十 financial results of the University and its constituent Colleges 五億 元。穩 健 的 財 政 實 力 使 大學 能 recorded a consolidated surplus of $626 million for 2015–16 夠應付2016至19年新一個三年撥款 and consolidated net assets of $18.5 billion as at 30 June 2016. The improved financial strength will equip the University to 期的挑戰,並應付《策略計劃2016– meet the challenges unfolded in the new 2016–19 triennium 2020》中 的 資 源 需 求。 and the resource needs identified in the Strategic Plan 2016– 此財務報表臚列受政府資助或由非 2020. 政府資金支持的經常性和非經常性 The financial statements reported the income and expenditure 活動收入及支出。以下各段落概述 for both recurrent and non-recurrent activities funded by the 大 學 營 運 表 現。 government or supported by other non-government funds. 大學在2015至16年度的總收入較過 Comments and highlights below refer to the operating results 去年度減少一億八百萬元或百分之 of the University. 一點三至七十九億七千二百萬元(見 Total income decreased by $108 million or 1.3% to $7,972 表一)。收入下跌主因是利息及投資 million in 2015–16 (see table 1). The decrease was mainly 淨收益、捐贈與捐款及其他收入減 attributable to a reduction in interest and net investment 少,而部分跌幅因政府資助增加而 income, donations and benefactions and other income, 抵消。政府資助收入共四十七億九 moderated by the growth in government subventions. 千八 百 萬 元,相 比 去 年 增 加 三 億 四 千 Government subventions accounted for $4,798 million and 二百萬元,收入上升主因是學生人 recorded an increase of $342 million compared to the last 數增加、通漲,以及因2015年4月公 financial year, mainly due to additional allocations to block 務員薪酬上調而發放的額外整體補 grants and supplementary grants to support increase in student 助金及增補補助金。學費、課程及 numbers, inflation and upward pay adjustment for April 2015. 其他收費也錄得輕微上升二千一百 Tuition, programmes and other fees went up slightly by $21 萬 元 至二十 億 元,當 中來 自非 大 學 教 million to $2,000 million, of which 52% was contributed by 育資助委員會(教資會)資助課程收 non-UGC (University Grants Committee) funded programmes. 入, 佔 整 體 學 費 收 入 百 分 之 五 十 二; Fee income from non-UGC funded programmes slightly 該 等 課 程 無 政 府 補 貼,收 費 較 高,佔 exceeded that from the UGC funded programmes, owing to the 總 學 費 收 入 比 重 較 大。市 場 預 期 美 relatively higher tuition fees being charged for the former in the 元息率逐步上升及2016年6月英國公 absence of direct subsidies from the government. Interest and 投贊成脫離歐盟,影響環球投資市 net investment income were caught in a downward trend and 場 及 經 濟,增 長 未 感 樂 觀,令 利 息 及 fell by $366 million to $1 million, due to the general negative 淨投資收益下跌三億六千六百萬元 outlook in global investment markets and economic growth, as 除 註 明 以 外,所 有 款 額 皆 以 港 元 計 算 Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are expressed in Hong Kong dollars 6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2015–2016 至一百 萬 元。此 外,年內 教 資 會未 推 a result of the expectation of US dollar interest rate hike and the 出配對補助金計劃,捐贈及捐款收入 UK’s vote to leave the European Union in June 2016. Without 下跌七千一百萬元或百分之十四點 the momentum of a new round of UGC Matching Grant 七 至 四 億 九百 萬 元。 Scheme, the donations and benefactions income dropped by $71 million or 14.7% to $409 million in 2015–16. 大學的總支出在2015至16年度增加 百分之七 點一或四億八千七百萬元 Total expenditure rose by 7.1% or $487 million to $7,309 至 七 十 三 億 九 百 萬 元 ( 見 表 二 ), 主 million in 2015–16 (see table 2), attributable mainly to the 因是年度薪酬調整,新學制的推行, upward revision of pay adjustment and the planned increase in 實 踐 大學 策 略 發 展而 增 加 的 教學、 learning, research and support services for the new academic 研究及支援服務開支。大學用於學 structure and capacity building.
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