

THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1\[,inety-ftrst u4.nnual COMMENCEMENT MONDAY, JUNE SIXTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED FORTY-ONE THE EASTMAN THEATRE TEN-THIRTY o'CLOCK ORDER OF EXERCISES ORGAN PRELUDE Voluntary Croft Concert Overture Hollins Allegro Gioioso . Bossi Harold Osborn Smith at the Organ PROCESSIONAL-Pomp and Circumstance Elgar Members of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Paul White, Conducting THE AUDIENCE IS REQ.UESTED TO REMAIN SEATED WHILE THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION ENTERS THB THEATRE PRAYER . The Rt. Rev. Bartel Hilen Reinheimer, D.D., LL.D. OvERTURE-Rienzi . Wagner The Orchestra ADDRESS RoBERT PoRTER PATTERSON CoNFERRING oF DEGREES THB AUDIENCE IS REQ.UESTED TO REFRAIN FROM APPLAUSE UNTIL THB RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES ARE RETURNING TO THEIR SEATS Candidates of the College for Men Presented by Dean Van de W alte Candidates of the College for Women Presented by Dean Clark Candidates for Honors Degrees Presented by Professor Arvin Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Director Hanson Candidates for the Diploma in Nursing Presented by Miss Dennison Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Dean Gilbert Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Dean Whipple Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Gilbert ORDER OF EXERCISES CoNFERRING oF HoNORARY DEGREES Master of Humane Letters . MARY THORN LEWIS GANNETT Presented by Ethel M . Luce-Clausen Doctor of Science RENE JULES DoBos Presented by George Packer Berry Doctor of Science GEoRGE WASHINGTON CARVER Presented by Walter Ray Bloor Doctor of Music FREDERICK AuGusT STocK Presented by Howard Hanson Doctor of Science . WARFIELD THEOBALD LoNGCOPE Presented by William Sharp McCann Doctor of Letters . EvE CuRIE Presented by John Rothwell Slater Doctor of Laws . RoBERT PoRTER PATTERSON Presented by Dexter Perkins CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendida! 0 Mater ave, salve tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! -JOHN ROTHWBLL SLATER Recessional-March from "Tannhauser" . WAGNER The Orchestra THE AUDIENCE IS REQUESTED TO REMAIN SEATED WHILE THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION LEAVES THE THEATRE DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH HONORS From the Division of Honors Stttdies in the College of Arts and Science Bachelor of Arts with Highest Honors *ALEXANDER jOHN ALEXANDER, with History as Major Study Bachelor of Arts with High Honors *BAllBAllA HELEN BouRGEOIS, with English as Major Study RosEMARY Woon CHRIST, with History as Major Study Bachelor of Arts with Honors EMERSON EAGLE CHAPIN, with English as Major Study DoNALD THOMAS O'KEEFE, with English as Major Study DAVID NATHANIEL SEDERQUIST, JR., with Mathematics as Major Study Bachelor of Science with Honors RAYMOND HARNED WEISLBR, with Optics as Major Study DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH DISTINCTION OR HONOR From the College of Arts and Science Bachelor of Arts with Highest Distinction BENJAMIN SHIMBERG, in History ELIZABETH MAY FISHER, in Fine Arts MARJORIE MITCHELL, in Psychology Bachelor of Arts with High Distinction JosEPH EnwARD GouLD, in History JosiAH SAND, in Economics WARD SHELDON WORDEN, in English PAMELA RAB FAHRER, in Sociology jEAN GRAVES WILLIAMS, in History Bachelor of Arts with Distinction SHERMAN SHEPARD CoHEN, in Economics WILLIAM RoBERT MANN, in Mathematics GEORGE MicHAEL MULLEN, in English MILTON PEARLMAN, in Government jEROME RAPPAPORT, in Economics PAuL SAuL WEINER, in Sociology RosE BmELMAN, in Economics EDITH RosENow, in Archaeology SuZANNBJunn SANNBY, in Psychology TATJANA UFFNER, in Fine Arts MARY FRANCES WHITE, in Sociology Bachelor of Science with Highest Distinction THOMAS NELSON Donn, JR., in Chemistry ROGER EnwARD DREXEL, in Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science with High Distinction MICHAEL ANTHONY INsALAco, in Chemistry RoTH RANDLE RoTHPUS, in Chemical Engineering *Marshalls DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH DISTINCTION OR HONOR Bachelor of Science with Distinction NoRMAN RussELL GAY, in Mechanical Engineering HARRY JUNIOR HART, in Mechanical Engineering PETER VALENTI, in Mechanical Engineering JUNE DoRIS MoFFATT, in Chemistry From the Eastma_n School of Music Bachelor of Music with Distinction Josl!FH HYMAN BEIN Nl!VIN WISHARD FISHBR RoBERT PRATT FoUNTAIN HBRBBRT A. FRANCB . T. ScoTT HuSToN, h· SIDNBY EDGAR MBAR HARoLD LBSLIB MBBx: JoHN LEWis MoRGAN, JR. H. MAXWELL OHLEY J AM1!S L. PIERCB EARL PRICE EuGENB A. SHOWALTER JAMES EMERSON SMITH DoNALD WESLEY STAUFFER EDUARD VAN NIEL MARGUERITE BAKBR LORENB CARPENTER DoROTHY W ARNB DAHLBERG BEATRICEJANBT GREENO MARY JANB HANTZ LILLIAN EsTRIN HARBATER MARIE LoUISE JEFFERSON PHYLLIS BARON KLADKY FRANCES MoNTAGUE NEWMAN HARRIETTE ANNE SLACK SMITHEY RABURN STUBBS JEAN MARIB TIERNBY From the School of Madicim and Dentistry Doctor of Medicine with Honor CLEMENT ALFRED FINCH LEON A. HEPPEL JAcoB WILLIAM HoLLER ARTHUR KoRNBEBG CHARLES wAIT LLOYD FRANK PYE SMITH THEODORE BEHN STEINHAUSEN PRIZES AND HONORS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE The Townsend Fellowship--to LILLIAN 0RDBN The Davis Priz.e.r-to WILLIAM RoBERT MANN AND GBORGB MrcHABL MuLLEN The Hull Priz.e-to WARD SHELDON WoRDEN The Stoddard Priz.e in MAthematics-to WILLIAM ALVIN BAUM The Eliz.abeth M . Anderson Priz.e-to ELIZABETH MAY FI&HBR The N. B. Ellison Priz.e-to ALBXANDBR JoHN ALEXANDER The Kreyer Priz.e in German-to RoBERT W . SwANTON AND HARVBY EDwARD WBIN· GARTNER The Williams Memorial Priz.e-to BARBARA HBLEN BouRGEOIS The Alumnae Priz.e-to MARY BARBARA DAwsoN The Charles A. Dewey Scholarships-to DAVID DBxTBR PERKINS AND LLOYD BIRMINGHAM The Rigby Wile in Biology-to DANIEL CARLTON GAJDUSBK AND BuRTON GouLD ANDREAS The Jesse L. Rosenberger Priz.e-to WILLIAM THOMAS RUDMAN The Susan Colver Rosenberger Priz.e-to ELEANOR MARGARET HITCHCOCK The Russell Mumford Tuttle PriZ,e-to MARY FRANCES HAWLEY The John Dows MAirs Priz.e-to PHILIP MooRB CHBNOWBTH The Terry Priz.e-to NoRMAN RussELL GAY. HoNORABLE MENTION TO Cnus FALCONER, JR., AND CHARLES YouNG The Charles L. Newton Priz.e-to HARRY JuNIOR HART AND BERNARD JoHN MEZGER The Leet Priz.e-to GEORGE WILLS The William Morse Hastings Priz.e-to JosiAH SAND The MAthematical Club Priz.e.r-to:DAVID F ALKOFF, WILLIAM RoBERT MANN, AND GEORGE CLARE: MoNRoE, JR. The Charles Ellis Caldwell Priz.e-to WARD SHELDON WoRDEN The Emil K.uichling Priz.e-to WARREN KuNZ PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA XI Elections in 1941 LBROY WooDARD APKBll HARRY DBLBoN PoLSTBR NoRMAN J. AsHBNBURG GLENDON ENNES RAYSON NoRMAN P. BARNES RICHARD F. RILBY ALLAN HARVEY BROWN lf:ERBBRT ScOVILLE, jR. HARRY EMBRSON DASCOMB NoRMAN STANLBY SIMMoNs RoBBRT H. DicKB FRANK PYB SMITH THoMAS NBLSON Donn, JR. RAYMOND HARNBD WBISLBR ROGBR EDWARD DRBXBL JAMBS WoonRow WILSON RoBBRT E. FBLLows JosBPH EnwARD WILSON CLBMBNT ALPRBD FINCH WARRBN E . WINSCHB RoBBRT MoRGAN FINK RAYMOND WILLIS YAW FRBDBRicKJAMBS Ross FLBWBLLING DoNALD ROTH Goon ARNOLD BRAMS GROBMAN HARRY WILLIAM HALB, JR. FRANCIS EDMUND HUNTER HARRY DuRwoon KINGSLEY MARY JANB BIRD RBGINALD F. KRAUSE ELIZABETH FRANCES BROWN KARL DAVID KRYTBR ErnBL MARGARET DAVIS J osBPH CARL RoBNBTT LICKLIDER SYLVIA RUTH LBVY JoHN MARSHALL, JR. MARJORIE MITCHELL CHARLBS LBWIS 0xLBY ]ANB PLACK ARTHUR H. PBARSON HBLBN IDA THAYER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE PHI BETA KAPPA Elections in 1941 *ALEJ[ANDBR JOHN ALBXANDBR *BENJAMIN SHIMBBRG ALPRBD LBRNBR BusH PBTBR vALBNTI JoHN ABRAM BUYCK: WARD SHBLDON WoRDIIN EMBRSON EAGLB CHAPIN SHBRMAN SHBPARD CoHRN *BARBARA lf:ELBN BOURGEOIS THoMAS NBLSON Donn, JR. *RosEMARY W oon CHRI&;r ROGBR EDWARD DRBXBL p AMBLA RAB FAHRBR NoRMAN RussBLL GAY ELIZABETH MAY FISHER JoHN RxcHARD GBARY, JR. ALMA EUDORA HABSSIG JoSBPH EDMUND GouLD MARJORIE MxTCHm;.L HowARD BBYB HAMILTON *MARTHA MoRRISON MxCHABL A. lNSALCO RUTH VIRGINIA P.HBLPS GsoRGB MICHAEL MuLLRN BARBARA]ANB RAY MILTON PBARLMAN 9uzANNB JUDD SANNEY RoBBRT RANDLB RoTHFUS ELSIB SIBGL JosiAH SAND ALicB EnL TAYLOR DAVID NATHANIEL SBDBRQUIST ]BAN GRAVBS WILLIAMS *Elected in the Junior Year PRIZES AND HONORS EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Artist's Diploma This diploma is the highest award of the Eastman School of Music in the field of applied music and is awarded only for outstanding performance upon recommendation of the entire faculty. NATHANIEL MAXWELL PATCH, in Piano MARIA L. PARADISO, in Voice Pwformer' s Cmiftcate MELVIN MARTIN BARTELL, in Voice MARTIN CARY BURTON, in Piano OscAR AGNEW CooPER, in Voice W. EVERETT GATES, JR., in Viola WALTER RoY HousER, in Bassoon EzRA LEoNARD KOTZIN, in Oboe RoBERT J. LA MASTER, in Viola JosEPH VINCENT LUPKIBWicz, in Voice SIDNEY EDGAR MEAR, in Trumpet HAROLD LESLIE MEBK, in Horn JoHN LEWIS MoRGAN, JR., in Voice MAc MoRGAN, in Voice WILLIAM FREDERICK OssEcK, in Clarinet EARL PRicE, in Clarinet A. CLYDE RoLLI!R, in Oboe EuGENE A. SHoWALTER, in Oboe jAMBS EMERSON SMITH, in Violin DoNALD WESLEY STAUFFER, in Tuba CARL GEORGE VAN BusKIRK, in Voice MARGUERITE BAKER, in Violin THELMA GASPAR BEACH, in Violin JoYCB WILLIAMS HAINES, in Voice KATHRYN I. OAKES, in Voice DoROTHY jEANNE SPENCER, in Harp CHARLOTTE LoUISE WACHS, in Voice ANNA YURKIW, in Voice SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY Ths Cushing Pri'{s - to KENNETT ARRINGTON GREIG Dspartmmt of Msdicins Pri'{es Ths Hsnry C. Buswsll Pri'{s-to jACOB WILLIAM HoLLER Ths Hsnry C. Buswsll Scholarship--to ARTHUR KoRNBERG Clinical Prsvsntivs Msdicins Pri'{es to-ARTHUR KoRNBERG, CHARLES RoBERT SIAS, and JoHN HENRY GROSSMAN ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Elections in 1941 CLEMENT ALFRED FINCH HARRY DuRwooD KINGSLEY LEON A. HBPPEL ARTHUR KoRNBERG JACOB WILLIAM HoLLER CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS Ed ward Jerome Anderson John Francis Montione Charles Gifford Beach George Michael Mtillen Kenneth Bloss Willard Bennett Munson Guy A. Bondi Albert Neri Kenneth Brundage Bowen Arnold Paul Nicosia Gordon David Brady William H. Oldenbrook Elmer Francis Brooks, Jr.

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