ublished by the Ukrainian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly vol. LVIII No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23,1990 50 cents U.S., USSR sign Faithful in U.S. celebrate Patriarch Mstyslav's return agreement on by Marta Kolomayets SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - consulates "A new joy has emerged" ("Nova radist stala"), proclaimed Patriarch Mstyslav WASHINGTON - The united І of Kiev and all Ukraine during his first States and the Soviet Union have an– patriarchal liturgy at St. Andrew's nounced an agreement to open a U.S. Memorial Church since his enthrone– consulate general in Kiev and a Soviet ment as prelate of the Ukrainian consulate general in New York, culmi– Autocephalous Orthodox Church in nating years of contacts about the issue. Kiev on Sunday, November 18. The two sides reached agreement Addressing hundreds of faithful who December 10, when Secretary of State filled this seat of Ukrainian Orthodoxy James Baker and Soviet Foreign Mi– on Sunday, December 16, Patriarch nister Eduard Shevardnadze met Mstyslav described his moving six– week in Houston. State Department pilgrimage to Ukraine, a triumphant Spokesman Margaret Tutwiler issued a return to his native land after an written joint statement on December 13 absence of 46 years. announcing the decision. There, thousands of believers, de– Consuls general and staff have al– nied freedom of worship for decades, ready been appointed, but they were not had greeted the 92-year-old primate named in the announcement. Both with the traditional welcome of bread missions are to begin operations in and salt. Children presented him with temporary facilities pending prepara– bouquets of flowers along his various tion of suitable permanent locations, stops in Kiev, Lviv, lvano-Frankivske, Ms. Tutwiler's statement said. Ternopil, Lutske, Rivne and Chernihiv. Opening the two consulates general During an afternoon banquet held in "represents an important step that will his honor here at the Ukrainian Ortho– і Yaroslav Kulynych facilitate the growth of tourism and dox Center, Patriarch Mstyslav empha– business contacts, as well as exchange sized: "Before us there is much work to Archbishop Constantine pays homage to Patriarch Mstyslav 1 during ceremonies and cooperation programs" between be done, it is time to conclude gala at St. Andrew's Memorial Ukrainian Orthodox Church. the two countries, the statement said. and symbolic events; it is time for real in the festivities had been witness to the Constantine of Chicago, the newly- U.S. officials said the American work." truly extraordinary ceremonies at St. elevated Archbishop Antony of New consulate general will be in operation in The solemnities in South Bound Sophia Sobor in Kiev in mid-Novem– York and Washington, Bishop Paisiy of Kiev by February at a temporary Brook, however, were more than sym– ber, for many of the 750 guests, this South America, as well as Metropolitan (Continued on page 13) bolic. They were a historic occasion as daylong event was an opportunity to izyaslav of the Byelorussian Orthodox the Ukrainian Orthodox faithful in the revere the nonagenarian patriarch. (Continued on page 5) The Demjanjuk case diaspora welcomed their spiritual lea– The day began with a patriarchal der upon his return to the United States. divine liturgy celebrated by Patriarch Although some of those participating Mstyslav and assisted by Archbishop Lviv students Evidence in Ukraine organize may hold key to CHRIST IS BORN - congregation "lvan's" KESTON, England - The Student - ХРИСТОС РОДИВСЯ Union of Lviv has recently registered a JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Evidence new church community, in an ecumeni– contained in the Soviet files of the cal effort to unite the many Christian Feodor Fedorenko case may prove that denominations under one roof and so John Demjanjuk, currently appealing put an end to the conflicts between the his 1988 conviction and death sentence different faiths, reported Keston College. on Nazi war crimes charges, is indeed a The initiative was originally support– victim of mistaken identity as his ed by 2,000 Lviv students. Markian defense team has argued. ivanchyshyn, speaking to a correspon– Testimony and depositions by several dent from the Soviet paper Komsomol– Treblinka death camp guards and skaya Pravda (December 9) said the maids - all part of the 1986 proceed– Student Union had been convinced the ings in Symferopil, Ukraine, against idea would work since priests from all Mr. Fedorenko, a denaturalized Ameri– the largest religious communities got can - bolsters the Demjanjuk defense's together last year in a service for the claim that the real "1 van the Terrible" of nation. Treblinka was one ivan Marchenko. Representatives from the Ukrainian Mr. Fedorenko was found guilty of war Autocephalous Orthodox and Ukrai– crimes and was executed in the USSR in nian Greek-Catholic Churches com– 1987. bined with the Student Union to form One of the depositions contained in the congregation, which was registered the Fedorenko file even provides a last week by the Lviv Regional Council. description of Marchenko. Work will be starting soon to renovate a "He was born in 1919 or 1920, 1 do church which is located on the univer– not know where, but he was Ukrainian, A Christmas card from Lviv by Liudmyla Loboda. sity grounds. (Continued on page 13) (Contin?'?d on page 5) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23,1990 .No. 51 1NTERV1EW: veniamin Sikora, Newsbriefs an economic advisor to Rukh from Ukraine Following is a condensed version of transition of Ukraine to a market an interview with veniamin Sikora, a economy has the advantage, when corn- ^ KlEv - Deputy head of the U– Chairman of the Ukrainian Council of doctor of economic sciences who is a pared to other countries in that our debt krainian Supreme Soviet volodymyr Ministers vitold Fokin, reported Radio leading member of the Socio– Economic is a lot smaller than in any other East Hryniov said in an interview that both vilnius on December 7. Collegium of the Popular Movement of European country with the exception of the conservative majority and the Ukraine imports machine tools, Ukraine, or Rukh. The interview was Romania. Secondly, the Soviet Union's opposition are "unanimous" in their precision instruments, building mate- released by the London-based Ukrai– main gas and oil pipelines to the West belief that the draft treaty recently rials, light and food industry products nian Press Agency. pass through the territory of Ukraine. drawn up by the USSR Supreme Soviet from Lithuania and accounts for some in your opinion, what was the most is incompatible with the Ukrainian 15 percent of that republic's trade, important aspect of Rukh's activities declaration of state sovereignty, report– sending coal, metals, machines, tractors, over the last year? ed Radio Kiev on December 9. vegetable oil and grain. (RFE^RL (RFE;RL Daily Report) Daily Report) І think that the most significant thing for Ukraine over the last five years was ^ KlEv — A new law on land 9 MUNICH - instruction No. 509 that in September 1989 Rukh put ownership, which allows the transfer of of the USSR Council of Ministers forward a program for a truly indepen– land to individuals for "perpetual" (dated May 24, 1990) provides for the dent, economically developed state. hereditary ownership for the purposes exemption of certain persons from Even one year ago the program which of maintaining subsidiary farms and Soviet customs inspection, according to was adopted by the congress outlined orchards and of building private the November 22 issue of Literaturna the transition of the republic to a housing, has finally been adopted by the Ukraina. market economy. Ukrainian Supreme Soviet, according it was also specified that if the market to Radio Kiev and TASS reports on Those exempt include the members economy were to be introduced then it December 7. The new law, however, of the Presidential Council, the USSR should have political, cultural and does not permit the sale of land. Council of Ministers, the USSR Su– historical limitations. The state would (RFE; RL Daily Report) preme Soviet, the CPSU CC, republi– undertake such tasks which the market can Communist Parties, party commit– was unable to fulfill. After all, the ^ КІ Ev - An economic and cultural tees at the regional level as well as those agreement for 1990-1995 was signed market can only guarantee the produc– of Moscow, Leningrad, and the capitals tion of material benefits and certain here recently by Lithuanian Prime of the Union republics. (RFE; RL Daily Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene and services. At the same time the market Report) cannot take care of say, education, health, culture and other non-produc– veniamin Sikora Rukh seeks help ^ MUN1CH —Deputy to the USSR tive spheres. Payments for the transit of energy Supreme Soviet Fyodor Burlatsky, who From what you have said, should would guarantee Ukraine a certain helped draw up the USSR's proposed Ukraine have its own program for the amount of convertible currency. of U.S. expert emigration law, has spoken out in favor transition to a market economy, sepa– it is also worth remembering that of delaying the law's implementation. rate from the union and the Shatalin Ukraine's market of 52 million people is WASHINGTON - Dr. Gregory plan? larger than Bulgaria's, Poland's and Stanton, a renowned advocate of hu– Speaking with tyovosti on December Hungary's. Even under the present dire man rights and an expert on inter^a– 7, Mr. Burlatsky cited overworked and І consider Ryzhkov's program politi– situation of our economy our republic tional law, received an invitation from understaffed visa office a, shortage of cally unworkable; it is an abstract plan has a fairly potent agricultural base the Secretariat of Rukh to come to train seats, and the general transport which doesn't take into account new which could become a strong lever for Kiev, Ukraine, as a consultant to the and operational problems that would be realities, in practice it is a program the transformation of the whole eco– defense team of Stepan Khmara.
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