Toddy's JULr/flUGUSTI977!l. • Animal Health Volume 8/Number 4 July/ August 1977 COVER PHOTO: FEATURES ASffibl Health SYNANON/by Skip Ferderber 8 CONTROLLING INTERNAL PARASITES OF HORSES II CATS AND LEUKEMIA/ by Alice E. Villalobos, D. V.M. 14 "PETS ARE PASSENGERS, TOO.' Compliments of Norden Laboratories 16 OLD DOG ENCEPHALITIS/ bit John M. Adams, MD, Ph.D. 18 STAFF and Harold D. Snow, D. V.M. Richard S. Glassberg, D.V.M./Edifor Norene Harris/Associate Editor Pat Taketa/Art Director WHAT IS A HEART MURMUR? Laura Tracy/Aduerti'sing Director 22 Harry Maiden/C/rcu/oJion Manager D. M. D\em/Staff Photographer Dyana Paul/ Youth Editor ALLERGIES AND YOUR DOG/by Janet Harry 26 Millwood Custer, D.V.M./ Companion Animals Editor Charles H. Reid, D.V.M./Equine Editor Robert J. Schroeder, D.V.M./ IS YOUR DOG ITCHING???/ Eco/ogy and Public Health Editor Oscar W. Schalm, D.V.M./ by Victor H. Austin, D.V.M., M.S. 27 Research Editor Wesley A. Young, D.V.M./ Exofic Aflimofe Editor FIRST AID/by C. P. Ryan, D.V.M. 28 YOUR CAR CAN BE A DEATH TRAP 31 TODAYS ANIMAL HEALTH/ ANIMAL CAVALCADE is pub lished bi-monthly by the Animal DEPARTMENTS Health Foundation, 8338 Rose- mead Boulevard, Pico Rivera, California 90660. Single copies DIALOGUE $1.00. 6 issue subscription, $4.00; additional gift subscrip­ tions (if ordered at the same time), $3.00 each. Copyright, ASK DR. SMITHCORS 1977, Animal Health Foundation. CAN YOU DEPEND ON IT?/"Your child can get pinworms from the family dog." 21 FOR THE YOUNG/by Dyana L. Paul 25 Today's Animal Health/Animal Cavalcade 3 IT'S THEIR JOB TO KEEP A dialogue WATCHFUL EYE ON ZOO ANIMALS United States Department of Agriculture Office of Communication A U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian and a representative of the Baltimore Zoo are shown checking a black panther. USDA makes twice- yearly unannounced inspections of zoos to make sure they are providing a level of care that keeps animals healthy and functioning normally. USDA Photo by Charles D. Herron ashington, D.C. - The elephant and controlled. And they review Wis ankle-deep in mud. The kitchen records to see if menus are hippopotamus has blood on his back. adequate and nutritious. The lion is strolling down main street. And . inspectors check out The monkey has a red swelling on its complaints from the public. Some of buttocks. The hyena is throwing up. them prove to be merely misunder­ Trouble at the zoo? Could standings, Dr. Sherman says. For be-but, then again, maybe not. example, the "bloody" hippopotamus Our plant-eating beagle, Rudy, is There's a lot of interest in zoo was just sweating. This type of hippo's occasionally thrown in the slam for animals, according to Dr. Keith sweat is naturally red. eating my wife's roses. Sherman, the government veterinar­ The chimp with the bulbous red ian who handles zoo animal care for rear was just a female showing normal The penalty is not, however, a matter the U.S. Department of Agriculture signs of the breeding season, Dr. of indeterminate sentencing: Periods (USDA). His office in USDA's Animal Sherman says. And the hyena, like of confinement in this 5' x 40' run are and Plant Health Inspection Service many meat-eating animals, throws up determined by the number of plants (APHIS) licenses and inspects the 200 food at times to feed her young. consumed; he also has food and major zoos in this country, along with That's the way a weanling gets started water during his incarceration. many smaller animal exhibits. on solids. By law, zoos must provide a The lion on the loose, however, It isn't hard to catch him in this level of care that keeps animals was real, not just a bad dream. On chin-on-paw pose because he spies healthy and functioning normally. To APHlS's complaint, the owner got a on the back yard in this manner check this, APHIS makes twice-yearly severe warning from a federal judge during the greater part of his confine­ unannounced inspections. Inspectors to keep better cages--even though the ment periods. Thought you might like look at the housing of zoo animals— lion was trained, and well-behaved the photo for your excellent magazine. the buildings, the cages, and proper during his stroll. And the elephant separation of incompatible individ­ ankle-deep in mud got relief by way Dan Cotterman uals. of an APHIS order to his owner to La Habra, California They also look at the quality, either drain the manure and standing quantity, and frequency of feeding water from the pen or close the and watering, and cleanliness of the exhibit. food handling and dishes. They How can a zoo goer distinguish I'm with you 99-44/100 percent of inspect the environment—like shelter an animal's natural peculiarity from a the way. The other 56/100 comes in for animals kept outdoors, sanitation, real problem? Dr. Sherman suggests when you agree with people like drainage and ventilation. And, they talking to the animal caretaker or his Betty Evans, who object to fur coats. examine veterinary care and handling boss, the zoo keeper or curator. A of animals. tactfully worded inquiry usually gets When you object to captured endan­ APHIS keeps up with what the peculiarity explained or a problem gered species for fur—I'm with you. happens between inspections by corrected. However, when you stretch this to monitoring personnel records to see if In the meantime, APHIS inspec­ include RANCH GROWN FUR ANI­ the zoo has adequate staff working tors are regularly checking on care for MALS, I object. Whether animals are throughout the year. Exhibitors must zoo animals. If deficiencies are found, raised for meat or fur is the farmer's have competent animal keepers who they are brought to the attention of affair. A crop is a crop is a crop, etc. work under the direction of a the zoo to be corrected. If action is veterinarian. APHIS inspectors also not taken to correct the problem, the Dave Goodman look at animal records to note how government can impose a fine, get an Odenton, Maryland ' well disease and injury is prevented injunction, or even close the zoo. 4 Today's Animal Health/Animal Cavalcade ask Dr. Smithcors Where do dogs and cats get tapeworms? filter out a considerable portion of the radiation, if Q Tapeworms have a life cycle requiring an any is occurring. intermediate host, which for the most common What should I feed a desert tortoise? A types are cat and dog fleas. Tapeworm eggs in Q Tortoises are vegetarians and will eat lettuce, segments, passed in cat and dog feces are eaten by tomatoes, dandelions, clover, apples or any flea larvae, and the infective stage is attained in the A succulent garden plants. They will do best if the adult flea. Dogs and cats become infected by diet is varied. Some will eat bread, but this should ingesting fleas when they groom themselves, or be allowed only sparingly. Water should be when the fleas fall into feeding dishes. Tapeworm available at all times, especially when they are infections are notoriously difficult to cure, so the coming out of hibernation. old adage about an ounce of prevention really Will it hurt my dog if he eats raw eggs? applies. If you keep your pet from getting fleas, Q Raw egg white (not the yolk) contains a substance you will also greatly reduce the chance of his called avidin that combines with biotin (a member getting tapeworms. Intermediate hosts for other A of the vitamin B2Complex) and makes it species of tapeworms include small rodents, unavailable, although some biotin is synthesized in rabbits, fish, lizards and even domestic animals. If the intestine. Signs of biotin deficiency include your pet roams freely and is a hunter, there isn't dermatitis, hair loss and poor growth, but long much you can do to prevent infection, but the before this occurs your dog would show direct food you supply should not include raw meat or effects of the raw egg white. In dogs weighing 12 fish, especially if it has not been inspected. to 15 pounds, a single raw egg has produced no ill My cat sleeps on the color TV. Will it get effect, but two caused the feces to soften, and four Q radiation poisoning? or five caused diarrhea. But heating destroys I haven't heard of this happening, and offhand, I'd avidin, and cooked eggs are the best possible A be inclined to say it isn't likely, but it is risky to source of high quality protein. make generalizations when dealing with a particular Can human lice live on a dog? situation. Some color TV sets have been known to Q Yes! Like other parasites, lice tend to prefer their leak radiation, and the chance of this increases if particular hosts, but they will take what they can they are not properly maintained. Your cat is A get. An interesting case reported in the veterinary probably less interested in what's on the tube than literature concerns a dog with human crab lice in the warmth it supplies, so you might consider acquired by sleeping with his infested owner. providing another warm spot and blocking access Generally such wanderers will return to their own to the TV. A heavy aluminum cookie sheet will host if given the opportunity. POMERANIAN BREEDER ed earlier work at Colorado State financially pressed Detroit Zoo but WILLS $58,000 FOR CANINE University.
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