Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-1-1929 Bee Gee News December, 1929 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December, 1929" (1929). BG News (Student Newspaper). 99. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/99 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. m BEE GEE NEWS !'! "> STATE NORMAL COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN, OHIO i ! $ • • 4 1111 ( ' ij i! & V) • Page 2 BEE GEE NEWS mas spirit that has been carried down BEE GEE NEWS through the ages by the best of people Published by THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY everywhere. Bowling Green State College There are always those who think that Published Monthly Except Aug. and Sept. in order to celebrate any event of im- Erwin Price , Editor-in-Chief portance it is necessary to violate the Corrine Burkett Associate Editor Robert Boyer Associate Editor law. They would substitute the senti- Glenn Johnson Associate Editor ment expressed in "Show me the way to Mary Miller Society Editor Dave Wilson Organizations^ Editor go home" for that of "Silent Night, Holy Robert Sheffer Sports Editor Herman Lugar Business Manager Night", or "Hark, the Herald Angels Prof. G. W. Beati Faculty Adv: Sing" and think that they were having Coral Brltt Specialties a good time. This type of person is fast SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copy Scents disappearing, since they realize that Per Year 50 cents they are only deceiving themselves. As Subscription payable in advance good citizens it is our duty to uphold the Send all Remittances to high ideals of our nation and make it an BUSINESS MANAGER, BEE GEE NEWS Bowling Green, Ohio example for the whole world. There must In care of B. G. S. C. be law and order, "peace and good will" within the nation as well as between Merry Christmas and a nations. What a splendid world this Happy New Year would be if all nations conserved and car- Christmas is just around the corner. ried the Christmas spirit through the Signs of its approach are seen on every entire year. This is not an impossibility hand. Holly wreaths, Christmas trees, Why let the springs of good will and and beautifully decorated store windows cheerfulness empty themselves in one greet us everywhere. The annual orgy gay holiday week? Christmas is a time of spending is at its height; young and when we think first of others. Why con- old are making a final effort to get just fine it to the holiday season? The snows what they want for a friend or relative. of March, the heat of summer, the pro- We Americans annually spend over one phetic wail of autumn winds furnish billion dollars each Christmas season and even better settings for " the larger think it is worth it. The average person heart, the kindlier hand." spends 3 per cent of his years expenses I know people who seem to carry the for gifts and decorations at this season. Christmas spirit through the whole year. Then too, a different atmosphere seems Am I one of these? Are you? Let's ser- to pervade us all. Even the most callous iously ask ourselves this question before of us take on a new air. Tight lips take we swing into the New Year. on a merrier twist. Past trials and —Glenn Johnson. hardships are forgotten as we swing into the spirit of the season. Somehow we ap- Worries of a Student Teacher preciate more the blessings of "peace on Boy's Essay on Geese earth, good will toward men*' that was Geese is a low, heavy set bird which is expressed on that first Christmas day most meat and feathers. His head sits on almost two thousand years ago. one end and he sits on the other. Geese To many of us, it means a trip home, can't sing much on account of the damp- a reuniting of friends, great feasts, dis- ness of the moisture. He ain't got no tribution of gifts, and pleasant eve- between-his-toes and he's got a balloon nings of visiting and relaxation from in his stummick to keep from sinking. school routine. Many of us will partici- Some geese when they get big has pate in celebrations of our home church curls on their tails and is called ganders. or school. A few may use the season for Ganders don't half to sit and hatch but travel reading, work and for other pur- just eat and loaf and go swimmin'.-If I poses. But let us all maintain the Christ- was a goose I'd rather be, a gander. BEE GEE NEWS Page 3 CHRISTMAS lets the soul die with the body. If this were true, the fact that we have a soul Sometime, about the time of the would make no difference in our lives. I reign of Antoninus Pius (138-161 A. D.) believe that there must be some place a day was set apart commerating the where this soul can continue life after birth of Christ. Why December twenty- death. That place is heaven. fifth was chosen is not known. Anyway Birth and death are just steps in a "the Christmas Spirit is of far more im- cycle, which we can not complete be- portance than the historical exactness of cause of our lack of knowledge. I have the time." faith to believe that when I die I shall Charles Dickens says of Christmas, be united with my loved ones, who have "It is a time when want is keenly felt, gone on before. and abundance rejoices. "We, who are I prefer to believe that we are creat- in abundance, should catch the meaning ed in the image of God and not that life of this great truth. Let us not forget is an accident. Each person who is given that "it is more gracious to give than to life is given it for some reason. receive." Too many times we give to be given to, not that reciprocation is all Human beings have a tendency to wor- wrong, but that the true Spirit of Christ- ship. By believing in atheism you are mas means something more, giving "one's trying to change human nature. self with his alms." Is it an accident that I have a mother, Each year there are thousands of who sacrifices to make my life a happy families who are destitute, who spend one, who looks after and care for me Christmas giftless and joyless. If it is even now? No, there is some greater within our power, and it certainly is, let power that has given her these qualities us lend a helping hand. Slip a lonely of kindness and understanding. dollar under a wanting door; buy the There are extremes on both sides. The cold waif a red stocking cap; take the average man has religion. I am average; sick family a basket of food; help "keep I have religion. the pot boiling", or one of a dozen other My religion consist of these facts. The things. And if you have never sensed Bible is not a figure of speech, but the true appreciation, note the countenance inspired word of God. We are created in of a person who is unspeakably grateful. the image of God, in righteousness and And so, students, when we sit down to in spirit not in form. There is truth in our bountiful Christmas dinner let us the birth of Christ by the Virgin Mary. feel glad, and rejoice in the fact that we Salvation shall be obtained by faith ndt helped someone over on the "lower east by good works, but good works may be a side." result of faith. Trere is a continuing —Sophy Moore city in heaven to which our soul goes as soon as we die. On the day of Judgment our souls will be united with a glorified I Believe It Not body. In communion we do not receive John Burrough, in "The Worm Striv- the bread and wine nor do we receive the ing to be Man" and "The Gospel of Nat- body and blood. What we do receive is ure", presents many true facts, but I the bread and wine, but to us in a spirit- prefer not to believe his arguments. ual way it is the body and blood. I have studied both questions—religion fane Marquardt. ' and atheism. I much prefer religion. Religion is something to which you can cling when trouble comes your way. It Teacher, teaching Gothic Architec- gives you a God to whom you can.pray ture: What does looking at the interior for strength to do that which is right. of these high Gothic Cathedrajs make . We are different from animals in the your eyes do? ': !: fact that we have a soul. John Burroughs Student: Water. Page 4 BEE GEE NEWS afti@im: SKOL BOOK AND MOTOR The pledges of the Skol Sorority re- According to its custom, Book and ceived their first degree on Tuesday, Motor recently elected new members November 26. The members are now and greeted them at its semi-annual looking forward to being entertained by banquet. Those honored by election to the the pledges at a Christmas Party on organization are Corinne Keeler, Leo- December 17.
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