7776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD·-SE:NATE. JuNE 14, PUBLIC BILLS, ~ESOLUTIONS, AND l\IEMORL.t\LS. can Dramatists and Composers, protesting against the second- Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials class postal 1:ates .of the war-revenue act and asking its repeal; ''"ere introduced :m<l severally referred as follows: to the Comrmttee on Ways and l\feans. By Mr. l\IcARTHUR: A bill (H. R. 12463) to designate the na- By .Mr. DOOLirr:rr~~: Petition of cit~zens of Eskridge, Kans:, · tional service flag and national service emblem; to define or- favormg war prohibition! ~ the C?n;urutte~ on the Judiciary. ganizations and persons 'vho shall be entitled to display and . By .l\1~. FULLE~ of llllnOis.: Petltwn of the Woman's Chm"ch wear the same; and for other purposes; to the Committee on the 1 F.edeiatwn of ChiCago, favo1:mg passage of the minimum-wage Judiciary. bill for women; to the Committee on Labor. By l\Ir. l\IADDEN: Resolution (H. Res. 392) requesting infor-· By. 1\lr. GOULD: Petit~on of sundry Bible class members of mation at to the number of men in the sen·ice of the Food Admin- Baptist C~urch of Summ1.t, .N. Y., fayoring war prohibition; to i trator and Fuel Administrator who are within the draft age;. to the , Commi~t~e on the Judiciary. tile Committee on l\Iilitary Affairs. Also, peti.twn of th~ Potter (N.. Y:). Women's Christian Tern- By l\lr. CRAl\ITON: Resolution (H. Res. 394) requesting the perance.l!ruon, favormg war prohibition; to the Committee on President to report to the House of Representatives whether any the Judicmry. order has been issued restricting the supply of coal to pers'ons By l\lr. R~ER: .Petition of sundry citizens of Davis Creek, engaged in the manufacture of intoxicating liquors; to the Com- Cal.~ protestmg agamst the zone system ; to the Committee on mittee on Agriculture. Wa:vs and l\fe~s. ... , By l\Ir. ROGERS: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 302) proposing Also_, memoria~ of ~derson va.ll.ey Chamber of Commerce, of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States· to the Boonville, CaL, mdorsi_ng the military system for the Pncific Committee on the Judiciary. · ' coast; to t~e. Commit!ee .o~ Military .Affairs. By l\fr. SIMS: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 303) to extend the .Al~o! pet:twn of 34 c1t~zens of Colfax,_ <?aJ., asking for war time within which the President may relinquish control of any prohibition' to. the Committee on the JudiCiary. railroad OJ.' system of transportation as provided in section 14 Also! memorial of AJ;derson Val~e! Chamber of Commerce, of of nn act entitled "An act to provide for the operation of trans~ B_oonvtlle, Cal., proposmg the additiOn of a road from Garber­ portation systems while under Federal control, for the just com- v~!Je, thTough th~ Anderson Valley, t? Cloverdale, to con.nect 11ensation of their owners, and for other purposes," approved "Itll the State h1ghway; t~ the Comm~ttee on Roads. March 21, 1918, to Januru·y 1, 1919; to the Committee on Inter- ~Y l\Ir. ~Cl?LLY: l\!emonal of members of New Jersey Bauk- state and Foreign Commerce. ers Assoc!atwn, agam~t passage of guaranty-deposit bill; to By l\Ir. F.ARU :.Joint re olution (H. J. Res. 304) proposing an the Committee.~ Bankmg and Currency. amendment to the Constitution of the United States· to the Com- Also, memonal of the Chamber of Commerce of the United mittee on the Judiciru·y. ' St:ates, favoring adequate highway construction; to the Com- By 1\fr. FI1YNN: l\lemorial of the Legislature of the State of mit-tee on ~o~ds. New·York, urging the retention and extension of t11e underground Also, pebhon of the hbe:ty-loal1 c?mmltt~ of Elizab~tll. mail service; to the Committee on the Post Offices ancl Post N. ~·· :;tnd the <?ommo~ Council of the City of Elizabeth, ~gam ·t Roads. penod1cals prmted m German ; to the Committee on the By l\lr. DALE of New York: Memorial of the Legislature of the Judiciary. · . State of New York, urging the retention and extension of the Also, memonal of th~ State Highway Commission of the State underground mail service; to the Committee on the Post Office of New Jersey, fa\ormg Government aid in repairing hi~h- and Post Roads. - · ways damaged by Army trucks; to the Committee on Roaus. Also, P.etition of the New Jer ey Woman Suffrage Associa­ tion, favoring militru·y rank for Army nurses; to the Committee PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. on J\filitary .Affairs. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills anu resolutions By Mr. SMITH of Michigan: Petition of L. 0. l\liller, chair­ were introduced and severally referred as follows: man of the Kalamazoo (l\lich.) Trades and· Labor Council, By l\Ir. BLAND: A bill (H. R. 12464) granting an increase of favoring House bill .123, relative to female labor; to the Com­ pension to Leander Sawyers; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. sions. By 1\lr. SNELL: Petition of the Ausable Chasm Church, Also, a bill (H. R. 12465) granting an increa e of pension to Ausable Chasm, N. Y., favoring the prohibition of the beverage John H. Rusie; to_the Committee on Iamlid Pension . liquor traffic during the period of t11e war as a war measure ; to By l\fr. DE'VALT: A bill (H. R. 12466) granting an increase the Committee on the Judiciary. of pension to Abraham Benner; to the Committee on Invalid Also, petition of the l\Iethodist Episcopal Church, Red 1\lills, Pensions. N. Y., favoring the prohibition . of the beverage liquor traffic Also, a bill (H. R. 12467) granting an increa e of pension to during the period of .the war as a war measure ; to the Com­ William D. Mickley; to the Committee on Invaliu Pensions. mittee on the Judiciary. By 1\Ir. KETTNER: A bill (H. R. 124GB) granting an increase Also,. petition of the l\Iethodist Episcopal Church, Flackville, of pension to Avril Harris; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ N. Y., favoring the prohibition of the beverage liquor traffic sions. during the period of the war as a "\\ar measure; to the Com­ By l\fr. KRAUS: A bill (H. n. 12469) granting a pension to mittee on the Judiciary. Edward Gaines; to the Committee on Pensions. By 1\lr. SCHALL: A bill .(H. R 12470) granting an increase of pension to Ernest B. Brown ; to the Committee on Pensions. SENATE. By l\Ir. SMITH of l\Iichigan: A bill (H. R. 12471) to correct the militru·y record of Francis E. Hale; to the Committee on l\1ilitru-y FRIDAY, June 14, 1918. Affairs. lle~. Hugh T. Stevenson, of the city of Washington, offered the following prayer : PETITIONS, ETC. Eternal and ever-living God, "e thank Thee that once more Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Thou hast called us to enter into Thy presence, to recognize that on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: · Thou aTt the supreme Ruler of the uniYerse, and to receive from By l\Ir. DALE. of New York: Memorial of The Bronx Boaru of Thee that aid and. strength which will enable us to do this day Trade, urging the acquisition of the pneumatic tubes; also, me­ that which wilt bring glory and honor to Thee and advance the morial of the Chamber of Co:;:nmerce of the State of New York, interests of ouT Nation and the welfare of humanity. To this concerning slow deli-very of mail ; to the Committee on the Post end wilt Thou guide and watch over the affairs of the Semtte Office and Post Roads. and of the House and of the officials of our Government? 'Vilt Also, resolution of the Polish national defense committee, rela­ Thou be with our Nation as this day they recall the gift of the tive to Polish loyalty and war activities; to the Committee on flng? We thank Thee for what the flag has l.Jeen in the history l\1ilitary .Affairs. of our country. 'Ve thank Thee for the eternal principles it ym­ Also, memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of bollzes which Thou hast given tp us ariel through us· to men. New York, against Senate bill 4426, guaranteeing bank deposits; As Thou hast b~en with the men who followed that flag in evE;rY to the Committee on Banking and Currency. war in the past, so be with those who follow it now, and grant Also, memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of we rna~ recogni_ze when the end sha)l come and victory hall New. York, on proposed water-power legislation; to the Com­ once more be g1ven unto us that Tl:hu art the Source of our mittee on Water Power. strength and success, an<l ·may we serve Thee hereafter forever Also, petition of Frank 1\I. Dampman, and the memorials of faithfully as a people. \Ve ask it·in the name of Our Lonl and the Federation of Illinois Colleges and of the Society of Allleri- for His glory. Amen. 1918. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 7777 l\lr. SMOOT.. Mr. President, I suggest the absen.ce of a .ma<le to pJ:int any petition or .memorial it will be the duty of quorum. · the Ohair to at once submit the question to the Senate.
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