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They described him as a "Skin cancer represents a se­ The state police Major Crime frequent visitor to the elderly northerr rious problem in the U.S. today," Squad was searching for clues this housing complex who would occa­ and the Pl8 Dr. Darrell Rigel said in testimony morning outside the apartment sionally check on the welfare of the prepared for a hearing today by the where a Manchester senior citizen other residents. la foreca House Energy and Commerce was apparentiy murdered Sunday Wood said the man apparently central Pa'c beaith and the environment night. entered the apartment before and d subcommittee. Firefighters pulied the body of emergency officials arrived. He Is The NeW York University Medi- Bernice B. Martin. 51, from her not a suspect. Wood said. centr cai Center physician, in prepared Mayfair Gardens apartment at Most neigbtors said this morning remarks made avaiiabie Friday, 25IA N. Main St. at a l ^ t 5:50 p.m. they noticed nothing unusual before cited estimates that more than i VI \! Sunday. Police spokesman Gary firefighters arrived at Martin’s 500,000 skin cancers wiil be diag­ Wood said this morning that the apartment. One neighbor, Helen V death was being treated as a Ellis, said the emergency alarm nosed this year, accounting tor >1 ? one-third of the new cancer cases in homicide, but he refused to elabth outside Martin’s apartment did not this country. rate on the cause of death or go off. Each apartment has three "A t the current rate, about one in whether there wore any wounds to switches that can be pulled to seven Americans wiii deveiop this the woman's body. There are no trigger an alarm, she said. disease during their iifetime,” he suspects, and no motive has been Ellis said she heard a loud bang said. "Th e rate of skin cancer in the estabiisbed, he said. soon after returning to her apart­ U.S. is increasing at a near An autopsy by the state medical ment at 8 p.m. But she said that the epidemic pace.” examiner was expected to be sound could have been caused by a Rigel said the rate of maiignant completed this afternoon. firecracker, which youths have melanoma, the type of skin cancer Eighth District firefighters ans­ been known to throw in garbage that is often fatai, is rising faster wered a fire call at the North Main cans at the complex. than any other form of cancer Street apartment when they found The husband of Martin’s grande except iung cancer in women. Martin's body. Firefighters hod a daughter had apparently come to "Th e estimated number of cases small fire in the apartment under check on Martin after M artin’s of meianome diagnosed in the U.S. control eight mjnutes after arriving daughter had been unable to reach Rich In has increased S3 percent in the iast at the scene. Eighth District her, Ellis said. seven years atone," he said. spokesman fhomas O ’Marro said. Ellis and another neighbor said Ja zz drun Rtget said that atthough many O ’Marro said the fire was susid- police had asked them late Sunday remained ho factors have been tinked to skin clous in origin and was under night whether they recently had Medical CenI Investigation. received threatening phone calls. cancer, "the generatly accepted ■'i * motherapy ■most important factor is exposure Wood said the fire was restricted Both Ellis and the other neighbor brain tumor to furniture in the apartment and told police they had receivea such to uttraviolet light." man said. caused no damage to adjacent calls late at night and early in the The hearing centered on depte- Th e spokea tion of the osone tayer in the apartments. 41e said police were morning. Ellis said that one caller, - investigating the cause of the fire a maTe, would breathe heavily Into be identified atmosphere that acts as a naturat tion Sunday fitter against the sun’s uttravtotet but had not found any fire the phone. accelerants. Martin, a member of the Man­ 9 Rich, 69, wi rays. There is growing gtobal Hsnid photo by Vurhovtliy a month ag( concern that emissions of chemi­ The f Ire call to the.911 emergency chester Senior Citizens’ Center, paralysis on cals such as chlorofluorocarbons Members of the State police Major Crime Main St. where Bernice B. Martin, 61, number was made by the husband was described by neighbors as a of Martin's granddaughter at 8; 27 nice woman who played cards. Up at first thoui are destroying stratospheric osone Squad search for evidence along a path was found dead Sunday. Police are and allowing more ultraviolet rays p.m., officials said, and firefighters stroke. to reach the Earth's surface. leading from an apartment at 251A N. treating her death as a homicide. were at the scene by 8; 29. Martin’s Please inrn to page 18 He was tra "One would expect skin cancer tests and re rates to increase as the osone readmitted r thins," said Rigel, testifying that after the tui New York University researchers friend and v< have been forced to update projec­ nist Terry O tions of skin cancer rates made only Gibbs sai five years ago. shrink the ti He said that five years ago size. researchers estimated that one in 250 Americans would develop ma­ lignant melanoma during their Wife In lifetimes and projected an increase to one in 150 by the year 2000. Gene Rodi "Th is year ... to our chagrin we television’s found we had not anticipated the said he want recent surge in this disease and second-in-co (that) our estimates were too prise, but th conservative," Rigel said. "We role as a nui now estimate the lifetime risk for " A t least developing this deadly type of during the n cancer has already exceedH our Roddenberr; year-2000 projection and is now one People magi in ISS. After he WI "Should this rate of increase Barrett, as continue, by the year 2000, the lieutenant, I lifetime risk of an individual developing melanoma in the United Roddenberr States is now predicted to be one in "We put hi 00,” Rigel said. Chapel, and He told the subcommittee that not even noticed only is the skin cancer rate rising, Miss B a rr the disease is being found in people 9 In two of the of increasingly younger age. "F ive years ago, it was unusual .-it' to see persons under the age of 40 While 1 wiOi skin cancer,” Rigel said. HsisM ptwto by VUilimtky "N ow we will often see persons in E n te rta in their 20s with this disease.” llach. U ta h A Manchester police officer keeps watch outside Martin’s apartment this morning. In front of him are the charred remains qf a sofa bed. and Bobby I back from after they TODAY’S HERALD songwriters Sinking survivors remember victims and Larent House. Changt of hoart ChancoB dim By Paul Vurschwir He said 91 were missing. FIRy- Bishop of Dover. could see the nets that were In a reveraal of his posiUon a Congressional opponents of mil­ Thu Atsocloiud Press. three bodies had been recovered as “R was very simple. But there stretched across the bow and the week ago, the co^hnlrman of the itary aid to Nicaragua’s rebels say of midday. ? deep emotions, "h e said of the stern on Sunday to prevent flotsam legisiatare’s Judiciary Committee they have virtually no chance of ZEEBRUGGE, Beigium - About On Sunday, officials saM 499 service he and Roman Catholic from drifting away. says he’ll snpport reform of Oon- b lo ^ n g the release of 949 million In 90 survivors and their relatives people survived and that 98 were Bishop Roger Vangheluwe of D irk Kaakebeen, a spokesman C o m l nectlcat’s bail system. The change arms aid approved last year. Story gathered at St. Donaas church hqre missinc. Bruges led with a reading from the for the Dutch salvaging company hy Rep. Richard D. Tblisano, on page 5. today to pray for those killed in the Vanneste said the dtecrepancy book of John. Some 99 spectators Sm RTak, saM about 99 workers are 7 Smmp D-Rocky m n , stems from the capsi^ng of a British ferry and give was due to the fadone survivorhad BMOTrspolwnittna imuiosi b in r i ■ weMing “hoisting poinu” to the controversy over the case of an thanks fOr their own deUverance. iroi repoiTCQ io ■ u u iu in m stood outaide the small, neugothic hull of OK ferry, w h M is lying on its In IMS spa Indtx W- - » ■ » -W .
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