e -COMPLETE I M ..O.R.E ADVERTISING Only The REVIEW Gives YOll LOCAL LOCAL NEWSMATTER Co~rr'I' of ALL Home. in LOCAL CIRCULATION Grosse pointe 1:1 Cr.tiot Twps, CI l) Grolle Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper ------------------- -"---------------------------------------------- C IRCULATION PAID riOfHHLY U10S~E POIN" jC, t,~IUII(,N~ 1 lUI)::;Df\(, FtBPljAPY 13, 1')47 IN CARRIER IOc A MOt,jTH PHONE LE 1162 DIN T £--1 JI1~O L Scholarship Applicants Interviewed IT h* p. I'S t AftlGRAPHS, /JI ose I owns Ip nmary ~s em :;;~':~~,':;'':n~~t~:~~y~~;'by The POI/Iter I Ba1'1lot I EIt.ec Ion MondE'aYi xpenslve, ~or~l~I~~(I~nc~o~~e~~:at;~~n~nl • • 111J P Contest Hot I Ob~olete" d Watson .. former WJR II In Clt)'• -------- U Director, ~;.o once re- 1 t~livesSm GrO!l!ienear thePointestudIOSJo~arms,of I I On Monday next, the 17th of for the next four years, and .... "hleh are located at Names of seven hundred and February, the v 0 t e r s of the masmuch as the manner of ad- A complete study of the J8~tOl1 and West G ran d fifty persons who registered or ITov. nshlp of Grosse POinte Willi vancement and progress or our Grosse Pmnte Pollee radio SYS- 111 d The veteran an. voted more than two \'ears ago agam be gIven the opportumty township government depends tem by Thomas K Jef!ens, Suo ul~~~rhas several sportscasts In thf' Cltv of GrosSe POinte at chOOSing the men who V'ollli entirely upon the men selected penntendent, VIllage of Grosse un ver WJBK recularly. have been stricken from the I conduct their townshIp affaIrs I to direct It, the voters should ar 0 registration poll oook.~ of that ! --------------- sef' to It that none but the most Pomte Shores substantlates the d II Ge.\qwere, a senior at the MUOlclpahtv by City Clerk Nor- _ I Lt S w: Reed efflclent and best quallfled are flndmgs of the M u n 1c 1pal . t Ul1lversitv SChool and I bert P Neff PossIble !>choJarship candidates fl'om G ro~se Pointe High School were intel'\ le\\ ed' ••• chosen League, whIch declared the sys- r~ of the' DUS Writer:' htS I Undl'r I I' gal prOl'lSlOn, the Iw a commIttee fL'om the l:nJ\'ersLty of )1 Lchigan Club of Glosse Pointe last \\ eek, I Gets C,..Jatl.On Carl Schwelkart, veteran Tovm. tem obsolete and expensIve. P l n selected as one of twen Y ClelK sent out 1.092return-postal I ~I \ShI SupervISOr IS unoppo,sed T. !~""Il~t~ In a national rard.~ In Dl'cember notifYing ApplicatIOn,; for the Regents-Alumm Scholarships of the Lnl\ersitv of )llchlgan "ere for re.nommatlon m the pn. The G ".>31' Pomte VIllage t~~ntest sponsored by the I these persons that they must' to be in by SaLUllld) 1<1.:>1. III the group, l€ft to ;':ght, ~:-c ~!ls, Whltle~', J"m~« Rl'Own. fiOY Heroism mary. ,councIL duected Jefferis to make n Hall of the AIr t rro~ Signify theIr IntentIOn to Yote I GPHS student, Dr. V, C, Porter, D.D.S., and H, T. Stock. , The major offIce to be fIlled the InvestlgaLiull dorte, it :~- number, seven con es an by WIthin thirty days or by -------- Is that of clerk which 15 pres. celved a report from the MUDl- be chosen to appear on the January 28, 1947 Itwenty days Grosse Pointe I $6 3,18 3 R0ad T Lt stuart William Reed, ently held by H~nry Lavers, whO: Clp-a! League highly cntlclS1ng OU.'ibloadcast. the Tow n prIOr to the primary electIOn) a x USNR, of Eima. NY, husband' has had the poslt!on smce 1942 the system tmg heard over the Amen- or their names would be can Red Cross Drive lof Mrs Nancy M Reed of 7241 He 15 seeking re~lectlOn. : Tbe report asserted that tile Broadcastmg System, I celled M . G. I LIncoln Rd, Grosse Pomte, has I Elmer SmIth, of St Paul ave- Iineffieiency arises principally ~ en of Grosse Pomte I Onl~ 327 repIIE's were received, Heads Announced 0nIes Ive n receIved a permanent cltatlon nul' Will be Laver's opponent. cause direct car.to-ear COIDD1'IUU- ay Pears . d I th I t th b I for h.s Silver Star Medal from I ' I fo is difficult and because ms \11,as amazed at the mo - f lIS ~ Imina 109 I' a ance ChaIrman for the G r 0 sse I I Secretary of the Navy James Voters Will also declde upon a I ~a I n adulation ba lUKe- Improvement:; on the 1947 lro~ t be pn~lege °d VO~lng ,It POll1te commumtles m the ap P0.1ntes *, n 1946 IForrestal, for the Pre.>ldent \ Justice of the Peace a highly I t re\~e~:~ amplitude ~ocl.ta- llar 'It h¥ a button for s e un erstoo, owe~er, I proachlng Amencan Red ClOSSI I Lt Reed who has been re- Important positIOn whIch has r p bod d t resen*- and a button for that," ~X; Ithat not all of those taken off' general soliCItatIon drive have Ipased to lIiactlve dut , received four candidates They are Don1 bon, the met IDe a P med Ra" 'If It had JUs,: the boo~s, are now re~ldent.~ of been announced by POinte cha:r I the award for condu~ as Com. J Goodrow, George A Geau. Th1S radIO system serves tbe more It would drIve ltself Ithe Clt~, SU1ce the time elapsed man Mrs Forman S JohnstOll. I d Off f th LeI ILl champ, HairY J Llppman and I police departments of eall the [)OO't(or~et "S"eel for the Icovers a more or less tral'..!:lent 1 man mg gIcer a e f N Robert A Zebezzmk Three WIll ~Grosse Pomte muroclpalltl s ex. -e'" F~idav is Valentine's Iperiod, created by "..artlme CQ.I1.l TkheyMare, FrfordGross e PFoU1t~I A total of $63.18385 hM been I GROSSE POINTE WOODS - 416 ddurlDFr.the lnvasJ10n °6 19~~- be noml~ated one to flli the II cept GressI' pornte Clty, and Ia dltlOl1S -par. rs I' prlc -k c ora '$39958 hi h k t t I f man y, ance, on une, .." 'h t d ..... G ~~"e pointe T ........... \.,.. I . 11032 BIShop road, City of Grosse paid to Grosse Pomte mumcl.1 _ . ,I'.' C ma es a a a 0 i and susequently ll.'! a Staff En- vacancy made by t e reslgna- opera I' UJ r......, vw .. he fa' orlte subject among Th1S Is the bIggest precmct IPointe M.s FrancIs E Brassy Ipalltles by the Board of Wayne $5,977 78 Grosse Pomte Woods Igmeermg and operatl0ns Officer hon of James N. McNally, now \shIp. There IS a fIXed transm_ mters dunng the past week In MIchIgan \lIItl1 some 4,000 I • • • receIved as Its share of the 1946 I t t on Wayne COunty Prosecutor and ter at a station on Vermer the cold \\eather, many said Inames on record m thp clerk's I~~;l1t~3~ar~l~giu:o~'gar o~~~: I County Road CommISSioners as I WeIght and Gasolme Tax cOI-1~~ t~:~I~;o~hfh:r~:fe'; ~g- two for a four.year term. I Road In Grosse Pointe Woods, t thlS was the worst wmler offlce. \ 252 V end 0 ~ I' ro~d: Gross~ theIr share ill the 1946 weIght Ilections dam to France. Four constables WIll receIve which Is connected by lelW!d lears It Will be remembered that Pointe Sholes Mrs Lloyd Hook : and gasolme tax COllectIOns. ac- I Mr SmIth pointe~ out that I Durmg the war, citations were the nod, as only four have flIed. IBell T~lephone lmes to each of ccofd~'1g to th(' we a the r DetrOIt recently cancelled 100.. "445 Uml'erslt v place and cordIng to an announcement I thlS money lS earmarKed fO! 51'",. I Machine No 2 RS IThey are Wlll1am C Hl1lmer, the police desks. The desk office ler I !IS statlStlCS the "orst wmter I 000 voters from theIr records G;osse Pointe Woods Mr~ .Au-I d today b Leroy C. SIlllth,1 clflc expenditures III the fl :JW. temporary cr incomplete for I John W TravIS, Cecil K. Aylmg office does not put his call over history was In the year 1709 under the same legal prOVision I t L d' d 90' Loch ,ma e Y I 109 order of Priority: I"t ason,o; 'I and Ben Behrmann, ,the aIr; instead he telephones en m Europe fro~t pt'ne. I gllS a e) ar , moor County hIghway engineer. A-Payment of the mumclpal. secm'. y re I It to the trallSmltter operator th"ef' 'ards in th~ ground, "B I. K " 'road. i Checks have been mailed to It) 's share of State trunkl1ne Text of the ful! cltatlOl1 IS ar WIlham W Penoyar 1.5 the I who repeats It over the aU' The ted . A~r1atlc "as frozen I e glan ermease I Pomters mterl'sted in \\'orkmg I the treasurer of each pOillte and Federal aId mall1tenance follo\\s d Io.nly candIdate for Board of Re-\ transmItter 15 of a type that re- r a~the\11,a.5 also the OO205tof PI ed f A on the Red Cross drIve IwhIch I commumty for the fmal 1946 costs \ 'For conspIcuous gallantry an vIew and there IS no candidate qUIres attendance by a l1censed Mediterranean 1 ann or ugust \begIns March 1.
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