V. L. MÉNAGE EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY COLIN IMBER OTTOMAN HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS THE INSTITUTIONS OF AN EMPIRE Ottoman Historical Documents The Institutions of an Empire V. L. Ménage, edited with additions by Colin Imber Contents Note on Transliteration xii The Islamic Months xiii The Ottoman Sultans, c1300–1687 xiv List of Illustrations xvi Preface xvii Maps xx Figures xxii CHAPTER I The Dynasty: Legitimation and Titulature 1 Section 1 The Assertions of the Chroniclers 1 1 The voice of the dervishes: the dream of Ertoġrul 2 1a From the Anonymous Chronicles 2 1b From the Tevārīkh-i Āl-i ʿOṣmān 2 2 The voice of the ġāzīs: how ʿOsmān became an independent ruler 3 3 The voice of the ʿulemā: how ʿOsmān became an independent ruler 4 3a Kitab-ı Cihan-nüma about why ʿOsmān and his descendants were called ġāzī 4 3b Kitab-ı Cihan-nüma about how the drum and the standard came to ʿOsmān 4 4 Pagan Turkish tradition: the genealogy of the Ottoman sultans 5 4a Yazıcıoğlu ‘Alī on the line of ʿOsmān 5 4b Şükrullāh on the line of ʿOsmān 6 5 Conflation in the Oxford Anonymous Chronicle 6 Section 2 Titulature: Caliphal Claims 7 1 Inscription of Kayḫosrev II (1236–46) on a tower of the sea walls at Antalya 9 2 Inscription on the tomb of the Aydın-oġlu Muḥammad (d. 1334) at Birgi 9 3 Inscription of 1337 from the Şehadet Mosque in Bursa 9 4 Inscription from a bridge in Ankara, dated 1375 9 5 Other inscriptions referring to Murād I 9 6 Dedicatory notice in a Qurʾān preserved in the mausoleum of Murād I 9 7 Inscription on the tomb of Bāyezīd I, dated 809/1406–7 10 8 Title-page of an almanac (in Persian), dated 824 (1421) 10 vi OTTOMAN HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 9 A reference in Ṭursun Beg’s History of Meḥmed II 10 10 A reference in Celālzāde’s History of Süleymān I 10 11 Ebuʾs-Suʿūd’s proemium to his statement on ‘state lands’ 10 12 The second deposition of Muṣṭafā I, 1623 11 13 Fatwās on the Ghalzay Ashraf, 1726 11 14 Süleymān I to Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, 1554 12 Sources 12 CHAPTER II The Dynasty: Princes 14 Section 1 The Appointment of Princes in the Early Fourteenth Century 14 1 ʿOsmān’s sons 14 2 Orḫān’s sons 14 3 Orḫān’s sons, after the conquest of Nicaea 15 Section 2 Princely Governorships 15 1 Prince Ḳorkud leaves Istanbul for his governorship 15 2 A letter from Prince ʿĀlemşāh’s mother Gülrūḥ to Bāyezīd II 16 3 A decree of Prince Aḥmed to the yaya yoldaşlar 18 4 A decree of Prince Selīm [II] 18 5 A decree of Prince Meḥmed [III] 18 Section 3 Fratricide 19 1 A statement of the former Byzantine Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos (d. 1383) 19 2 The accession of Bāyezīd I, 1389 19 2a From the Anonymous Chronicles 19 2b From Karamanī Mehmed Pasha’s historical treatise on the Ottomans 20 3 The civil war (1402–13) 20 4 The accession of Murād II, 1421 20 5 The accession of Bāyezīd II, 1481 20 6 The first accession of Meḥmed II, 1444 21 7 The second accession of Meḥmed II, 1451 21 7a From Michael Doukas’s Historia Turco-Byzantina 21 7b From Ibn Kemāl’s Tevârih-i Âl-i Osmân 21 8 Popular criticism of fratricide: the story of the abdication of ʿAlī Pasha 22 9 The accession of Meḥmed III, 1595 22 10 The accession of Aḥmed I, 1603 23 Sources 24 CHAPTER III The Dynasty: Recruitment into the Sultan’s Service 26 Section 1 Pencik and Devşirme 26 1 A decree regulating the pencik 26 2 Tolls to be levied on slaves taken across the Bosphorus 28 3 A template decree for levying boys for the devşirme 29 4 A Janissary lobbies the sultan on behalf of his family 30 5 Escaping the devşirme 31 6 The recovery of a captured novice 31 Section 2 Promotion to the Sultan’s Service 31 1 Command to the aġa of the Janissaries, 1562/3 32 2 Command to the aġa of the Janissaries, 1567/8 32 CONTENTS vii 3 Command to the aġa of the Janissaries, 1560/1 32 4 Command to the aġa of the Janissaries, 1573/4 32 5 Command to the aġa of the Janissaries, 1583 33 6 The pay of palace servants: an account register from 1478 33 Section 3 Berāts 34 1 The appointment of a preacher in Bursa 35 2 The appointment of a beglerbegi 35 3 The appointment of a ḳāḍī 36 4 The appointment of a metropolitan 36 5 The appointment of mountain guards 37 Sources 37 CHAPTER IV The Vizierate and the Dīvān 39 1 The Āṣaf-nāme of Luṭfī Paşa 39 2 The dīvān: a Venetian account 49 3 Submissions to the sultan 50 3a Submission of the vizier Yemişçi Ḥasan Paşa 50 3b Submission of the vizier Yemişçi Ḥasan Paşa 51 3c Submission of the vizier Yemişçi Ḥasan Paşa 51 3d Submission of the vizier Yemişçi Ḥasan Paşa 52 3e Submission of Yemişçi Ḥasan Paşa 52 3f Submission of the grand vizier Meḥmed Paşa 52 4 The sultan’s written instructions 53 5 The death of a grand vizier: the report of Henry Lello, English ambassador, 1597–1607 53 Sources 55 CHAPTER V The Provincial Administration and the Tīmār System 56 1 From the report of Iacopo de Promontorio, c1475–80 57 2 An entry in a tīmār-register, with marginal notes 60 2a Tīmār of İnebegi and Ḥüseyn, sons of serʿasker Ḥasan 60 2b [Possibly relating to the village of Yılınça] 61 2c [possibly relating to the village of Pirvol] 61 3 Two entries from the detailed register of Āmid, 1518 62 3a Tīmār of Yemini the Kurd, a sipāhī of the sancaḳ of Āmid 62 3b Tīmār of Saʿduʾllāh the yaṣavul, a sipāhī of the sancaḳ of Āmid 62 4 Sundry marginal notes in a summary-register of c1445, Thessaloniki etc. 63 5 Marginal notes in a similar register of 1455, Skopje 64 5a Tīmār of Mūsā, retainer (ḫidmetkār) of ʿĪsā Beg 64 5b Tīmār of Yūsuf, kinsman of the mīr-aḫur Ḥamza Beg 64 6 Two tīmār grants 65 6a Thessaloniki: the tīmār of Meḥmed 65 6b Yalaḳabad [in the sancaḳ of] Ḳocaeli 65 7 Conversion of privately owned revenue to a ḫāṣṣ-estate 65 8 A call for volunteers before the Moldavian campaign, 1484 66 9 Submissions by and to the sancaḳ begi of Bosnia, c1512–14 66 viii OTTOMAN HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 9a The sancaḳ begi of Işkodra to Yūnus Paşa of Bosnia 66 9b The sancak begi of Zvornik to Yūnus 66 9c The sancaḳbegi of Bosnia to the nāʾib of Visoka 67 9d The sancaḳ begi of Bosnia to the Porte 67 9e The sancaḳbegi of Bosnia to the Porte 67 9f The sancaḳbegi of Bosnia to the Porte 68 9g The sancaḳbegi of Bosnia to the Paşa 68 9h The sancaḳbegi of Bosnia to the Paşa 68 10 ‘The good old days’ 68 Sources 69 CHAPTER VI The Religio-legal Institution 71 Section 1 Law and Religious Practice 71 1 Passages on the law of sale from Ḥanafī legal texts 72 1a From al-Matn of al-Qudūrī (d. 1037) 72 1b From al-Ikhtiyār fī taʿlīl al-Mukhtār of al-Mūṣilī (d. 1284) 72 1c From al-Fatāwā of Qāḍīkhān (d. 1195) 72 2 A fatwā on the application of Shāfiʿī doctrine 72 3 A fatwā on acquiring land for a new mosque construction 73 4 A fatwā on taxing land occupied by descendants of the Prophet 73 5 A fatwā on a ḳāḍī granting unauthorised tax exemptions 73 6 A fatwā on Rumelian ḳāḍīs issuing ḥüccets 73 7 A fatwā on sipāhīs taking a tithe 74 8 A fatwā on Muslim villagers neglecting prayer 74 9 A fatwā on money fines for neglecting prayer 74 10 A fatwā on executing a repentant heretic şeyḫ 75 11 Command to the sancaḳbegi of Amasya 75 12 Command to the sancaḳbegi of Amasya, İlyās beg 75 13 To the sancaḳbegi of Kastamonu and the ḳāḍī of Küre 76 14 To the ḳāḍī of Niksar 76 Section 2 The Administration of Law 77 1 A ḥüccet on repairs to a monastery on Mount Athos 78 2 A ḥüccet on returning a defective slave-girl to the vendor 78 3 A sicill-entry on the sale of a vacant site by a Muslim to a dhimmī 79 4 A sicill-entry on a debt owed by a dhimmī to a Muslim 79 5 A sicill-entry on a money loan 79 6 A sicill-entry on the daughter of a recent convert 79 7 A sicill-entry on divorce and the legality of the wife’s second marriage 80 8 A sicill-entry on cloth measuring short 80 9 A sicill-entry on unsatisfactory goods 80 10 A sicill-entry on a complaint by the weavers’ guild 80 11 A sicill-entry on a smith not receiving his dues 80 12 A sicill-entry on the payment of tax on a slave-girl 81 13 A sicill-entry on the ownership of sheep 81 14 A sicill-entry on a burglary 81 15 A sicill-entry on a violent argument between father and son 81 16 A sicill-entry on a command to the sancaḳbegis and ḳāḍīs of Anaṭolı 82 CONTENTS ix 17 A sicill-entry on a command to the ḳāḍī and the inspector of muḳāṭaʿas 82 18 A fatwā on contracting marriage between minors 82 19 A fatwā on the validity of contracting marriage without the ḳāḍī 83 20 A fatwā on re-marrying without intermediate marriage 83 21 A fatwā on giving customs money as zakāt 83 22 A fatwā on giving alms 83 23 A fatwā on a preacher’s statement about a ḳāḍī 83 24 A fatwā on the testimony of foreign merchants (ḥarbī) against a dhimmī 84 25 A fatwā on a Christian woman’s charitable endowment 84 26 A fatwā on the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul and its surroundings 84 27 A fatwā on slaves purchasing slaves of their own 85 28 A fatwā on the sultan’s slaves contracting marriages 85 29 A fatwā on a ḳāḍī acting outside his jurisdiction 85 30 A fatwā on the dismissal of a debauched ḳāḍī 85 31 A fatwā on the death of a falsely accused person after wrongful torture 86 32 A fatwā on extortionate loan transactions 86 33 A fatwā on tax income for sipāhīs 86 34 A fatwā on tax income, including in kind, for sipāhīs 86 35 A fatwā on bennāk tax 87 36 A fatwā on capitation tax (ispençe), grape tithe and taxes on pigs 87 37 A fatwā on a rebellious son of the sultan 87 38 A fatwā on those who lead the sultan astray 87 39 A fatwā on deposing a sultan who disturbs order by accepting bribery 88 40 A fatwā on the legality of killing fomenters of corruption 88 41 A fatwā on punishment for a thief stealing from the imperial treasury 88 Sources 88 CHAPTER VII K.
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