ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17 Consolidated financial statements of METRO AG METRO IN FIGURES € million 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Change in % Key financial figures Sales development (like-for-like) % 0.6 0.2 0.5 – Sales (net) 37,496 36,549 37,140 1.6 thereof METRO Wholesale 29,692 29,000 29,866 3.0 thereof Real 7,736 7,478 7,247 –3.1 EBITDA 1,606 1,918 1,611 –16.0 EBITDA before special items1 1,771 1,791 1,810 1.0 EBIT 860 1,219 852 –30.1 EBIT before special items1 1,081 1,106 1,106 0.1 thereof METRO Wholesale1 1,061 1,048 1,114 6.2 thereof Real1 93 105 80 –24.3 EBT (earnings before taxes) 466 894 649 –27.4 EBT (earnings before taxes) and before special items1 693 808 896 10.9 Profit or loss for the period 265 519 345 –33.5 Profit for the period before special items1 464 495 583 17.8 Earnings per share (basic = diluted)2 € 0.703 1.393 0.89 –36.0 Earnings per share before special items1, 2 € 1.253 1.333 1.55 16.5 Dividend per ordinary share € 0 0 0.704 – Dividend per preference share €000.704 – Cash flow from operating activities 1,252 1,173 1,027 –12.4 Investments 1,155 1,007 827 –17.9 Equity ratio % 14.2 18.3 20.3 – Net debt 3,815 3,051 3,142 3.0 Employee (annual average by headcount) 165.404 156,852 155,082 –1.1 Locations 1,061 1,041 1,041 0.0 Selling space (1,000 m2) 7,529 7,377 7,249 –1.7 1 The special items for 2015/16 and 2016/17 are presented in the combined management report: 3 – economic report, 3.2 assets, financial and earnings position – earnings position – special items. 2 After non-controlling interests. 3 Pro forma disclosure of combined financial statements. 4 Subject to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting. METRO GESCHÄFTSBERICHT 2016/17 CONTENTS 5 43 TO OUR COMBINED MANAGE- SHAREHOLDERS MENT REPORT 7 Letter to the shareholders 45 1 Overview of financial year 2016/17 and outlook 10 The Management Board 46 2 Principles of the group 12 The year in review 81 3 Economic report 16 METRO share 99 4 Report on events after the closing date and outlook 21 101 5 Risk and opportunity report CORPORATE 111 6 Remuneration report GOVERNANCE 125 7 Notes pursuant to § 315 Section 4 23 Report of the Supervisory Board and § 289 Section 4 of the German 29 Corporate Governance Report Commercial Code and explanatory report of the Management Board 131 8 Supplementary notes for METRO AG 37 (pursuant to the German Commer - GOALS AND cial Code) STRATEGY 135 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 138 Income statement 139 Reconciliation from profit or loss for the period to total comprehensive income 140 Balance sheet 142 Statement of changes in equity 144 Cash flow statement 145 NOTES 252 RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES 253 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 263 SERVICE To our shareholders our To TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS 7 LETTER TO THE SHAREHOLDERS 10 THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 12 THE YEAR IN REVIEW 16 METRO SHARE 19 07– To our shareholders Letter to the shareholders 7 LETTER TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Financial year 2016/17 was among the most eventful and We have had an eventful fi nancial year. In our transform- strategically important years in the history of METRO. ation process towards becoming a more customer- With the initial public off ering (IPO) of shares in the new focused company, we have taken an important step to METRO AG, we created the foundation to deliver even focus all our eff orts on generating additional value for more focus, innovation and growth. In a dynamic mar- our customers. ket environment where habits, needs and demands are changing at an increasingly rapid pace, agility and speed With our METRO Wholesale and Real segments, we are emerging as the most important factors for success. are a leading specialist in the wholesale and food retail The new group structure will provide us with considerable trade. The METRO Wholesale segment includes our advantages in this regard. METRO Cash & Carry sales line with stores in 25 coun- tries, but also the entire delivery business, which is At the end of March 2016, the Management Board of the making a signifi cant contribution to growth. Real is former METRO GROUP informed the shareholders that focusing on the German market with its hypermarkets the merits of demerging the group and spinning off the and will roll out the successfully trialled Food Lover wholesale and retail business should be investigated. This concept, which combines emotional and rational cus- announcement was followed by an intensive preparation tomer needs, in additional stores, either to the full time and the organisational separation by 30 September extent or via selected modules. Our digitisation initia- 2016. At the Annual General Meeting held in February 2017, tives allow us to promote the development of digital an overwhelming majority of 99.95% of shareholders voted solutions for our hospitality and retail customers. Our in favour of the demerger. In July 2017, we were fi nally on goal is to elevate the food and hospitality sector to target with our project: the demerger was recorded in the a whole new level. We understand that assisting our commercial register on 12 July 2017 and shares in the new customers in becoming more successful will also deliver METRO AG have been trading on the Stock Exchanges in rewards for our company. Frankfurt and Luxembourg since 13 July 2017. We will also not rest in our eff orts to continuously opti- Many of you have already been issued with shares in the mise our business. From today‘s perspective, we do not new company as a result of the demerger. Other share- expect any further major restructuring measures. The holders purchased their holdings in our company after the practice of adjusting our earnings for special items will initial public off ering. We warmly welcome all of you as not be used beyond the reporting year 2016/17. We will shareholders in our company! make changes to our reporting in the future; for that reason, all necessary measures from fi nancial year 2017/18 After less than 2 months on the stock exchange, METRO onwards will be included in the reported earnings. already met the criteria for inclusion in the second most important German stock index. Shares in the new Directing our focus on the wholesale and food retail METRO AG were included in the MDAX on 18 September sector has greatly extended our company’s fl exibility 2017. This helps us position ourselves on the capital mar- and agility. This allows us to further sharpen our cus- ket and appeal to a wider circle of investors, such as index tomer focus, accelerate growth, increase the implemen- funds that track the stock market index. In addition to the tation speed and ultimately improve our operational development of our share price, attractive dividends are earning power. an important aspect for many of our shareholders. At the fi rst ordinary Annual General Meeting of the new METRO METRO WHOLESALE AG to be held in Düsseldorf on 16 February 2018, to which The core customers for our METRO Cash & Carry sales I cordially invite you, the Management Board and the line are small and medium-sized companies. We have Supervisory Board will propose payment of a dividend divided them into 3 customer groups: HoReCa, Trader of €0.70 per share on the basis of our dividend policy. and Service Companies and Offi ces. These customer I would be delighted to welcome you at the meeting. groups vary regionally. In Eastern Europe, for example, food stalls and small traders – especially in countries such Even though the new METRO AG is still a young com- as Romania, Poland and Russia – still account for 40% pany, we will be able to report on the development of our of total food retail sales, compared to less than 10% in company over a complete fi nancial year and also off er a Germany. These regional diff erences are also refl ected comparison with the previous year. The previous year’s in our business: while small independent retailers are our fi nancial fi gures as of 30 September 2016 correspond to main target group in Eastern Europe, we are concentrat- those reported in the combined fi nancial statements of ing our eff orts in Southern and Western Europe on the the former METRO Wholesale & Food Specialist Group. many hotels and restaurants. METRO ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17 8 To our shareholders Letter to the shareholders Clear trends are evident for the store-based business of METRO wholesale outlets. Assortments are increasingly geared to local needs, inspiration and knowledge transfer are becoming more important and the development of solutions for our customers, such as pre-packed goods or post-purchase delivery, is gaining in relevance. Our focus is on food products, but also on those non-food categories that allow us to provide meaningful support to our customers. The share of food in our total sales revenues will continue to rise as it has done over the past years, with our private label products playing a very important role. Our private label products are designed Our customers are passionate entrepreneurs. This is to provide our customers with unique added value at unmistakably expressed in their dedication and in the attractive prices. They also complement the business diversity and quality of their daily business activities.
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