- the UNDOF Journal 1 Dear Reader! Military Public Information Time fl ies - seasons change, Offi cer in HQ-UNDOF about people also change and a 10 months ago, I was very new year comes, but I think impressed by the beauty of Mt. we haven’t changed much in Hermon covered with snow. this mission. When it comes And then, during November to UNDOF, all we have to do 2004, the snow returned once is conduct our mission, that is again to Mt. Hermon signaling to observe and supervise the Editorial the coming of winter. ceasefi re agreement between Secondly, the members of Syria and Israel, with the ear- UNDOF have changed almost nest wish for future peace on According to the old saying, completely from October the Golan. “Time fl ies when you are hav- through December 2004, dur- And also we can say that ing fun.” During these days, it ing which each contingent this year is a new step for both seems to me that time in the rotated and many peacekeep- UNDOF and the Golan Jour- UNDOF-Mission fl ies quicker ers fi nished their mission in nal. It means that this is the than anywhere else. Why? The safety and returned to their 31st year at the end of our 30th reasons I have are not only countries without any inci- anniversary as UNDOF and that I am really having fun at dents. Lots of new faces, so also this edition is the 101st my UNDOF-Mission but also called “Geckos”, have arrived. Golan Journal. that I feel so due to the reasons At last, the year of 2005 has I wish all of you a Happy below. Firstly, it is because the begun. The beginning of the New Year and all the best for winter has come again to the year is a good opportunity 2005. See you! Golan Heights. When I arrived to look back to past events of Capt Daisuke Horiguchi at the Golan Heights as Deputy UNDOF and at myself. D/MPIO HQ-UNDOF Editorial Staff: Unit Press Offi cers: D/MPIO Editorial ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Editor: FC UNDOF Force Commander’s Message .................................................................... 3 AUSBATT - Capt H. Hutter Maj Stefan May COS UNDOF COS Words / FC Meetings ................................................................................ 4 CANCON - Capt S. H. Usborne Managing Editor, New People New People in UNDOF ................................................................................................. 5 J-CON - Lt I M. Fukozawa Layout Designer and Visits Visits to UNDOF .............................................................................................................................. 6 Force Photographer: POLBATT - Capt J. Barczewski Engineering Domino Plan for “UNDOF New” ...................................................... 7 WO II Gernot Payer SLOVCON - Lt I T. Hunal AUSBATT Survival of the Fit .......................................................................................................................... 8 Co-Editor: OGG - Capt D. O’Connor AUSBATT Mass in Quneitra / Peace Light ............................................................... 9 Capt D. Horiguchi MP - Capt G. Muranski J-CON Tasks / Reopening of the Club Fuji ......................................... 10 Proofreader: POLBATT Visit of COS / Change of Command .................................. 11 E. Lynn Elvaiah Miscellaneous Santa on tour ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Miscellaneous KHUKRI - The Nepalese Gorkha Knife ......................... 13 Editorial Offi ce: CANCON UNDOF Vehicle Rodeo Competition ................................... 14 UNDOF HQ CANCON Lest we not forget / Donations .............................................................. 15 Camp FAOUAR SLOVCON Echoes from the press visit to SLOVCON ............... 16 Tel: 6130214-5203 MP Safe driving in UNDOF ................................................................................................. 17 E-Mail: [email protected] Miscellaneous Bingo / Opening of Gym ..................................................................................... 18 Civilian Staff CPX-Training ....................................................................................................................................... 19 The Golan Journal is the magazine of the United Na tions Dis en - OGG OGG-Training / New Chief OGG ............................................... 20 gage ment Ob serv er Force and it is in tend ed to pro vide in for ma tion about the Force and events with in it which are of interest to its We about us FC Offi ce ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 mem bers. The UNDOF Mil i tary Pub lic Affairs Of fi ce publishes History Bet Gabriel ................................................................................................................................................... 22 the Golan Jour nal eve ry third month. While articles and pho to - Recreation Recreation Gallilee ................................................................................................................. 23 graphs are wel comed from all mem bers of the Force, the view and opinions ex pressed are those of the in di vid u al au thors and do not Front (Page 1): GOLAN the UNDOF Journal /Issue 101 nec es sar i ly co in cide with those of the United Nations or the Force Santa Claus on Posn 80, Photo WO II Gernot Payer Com mand er. The cop y right of all material in this jour nal is vest ed in Unit ed Back (Page 28): Skidoo on Mt. Hermon.............................................. Na tions Pub li ca tions ex cept where an ac knowl edg ment is made Photo by 1st Coy / AUSBATT to an oth er hold er. No articles or il lus tra tions may be re pro duced with out the per mis sion of the ed i to ri al staff. 2 - the UNDOF Journal Happy New Year from the Force Commander! FC UNDOF Dear Fellow Peacekeepers Well, my fi rst twelve months with all of you in UNDOF have gone by very quickly indeed. It has been quite an eventful and busy year on all fronts, which I’m sure has helped the time to pass quickly for you also. By now, I have had the pleasure and opportunity to meet almost everyone in the mission, both military and civilian. Let me state, at this our infrastructure and drive carefully stage, my gratitude and, most importantly, on these challenging and recognition for maintained peace on roads, which we must the camaraderie and the Golan. Well done travel daily. Remem- support which I have and thank you to all in ber, better to arrive late received at every turn UNDOF for an excellent than never! from all of you, since team performance. Finally, may I wish all my arrival. We will con- I would like to take of you and your loved tinue to work together this opportunity to ones, wherever they for the betterment of extend a warm wel- may be, peace, prosper- all and the achievement come to all the recently ity and all the best for of the mission and our arrived peacekeepers. the New Year 2005. goals. Welcome to the Golan Since my arrival in the and to UNDOF. I wish Thank you Ďiakujem mission, I am delighted also to welcome the Danke Dziękuję with our achievements, newly arrived OGG Arigato Merci especially with the UNMOs to the UN progress of our modern- Golan peacekeeping ization plan. We have family. Have a peaceful, succeeded in enhanc- enjoyable and success- ing our operational ful stay here. capabilities and our With the arrival of the security. We have also winter weather, I urge Major General B. N. SHARMA substantially improved all of you to slow down Force Commander UNDOF - the UNDOF Journal 3 Chief of Staff Words Comrades of UNDOF! being provided Time fl ies and the year was with, but what over before we realized it. This we make out of is probably because the Mis- it. This is just sion keeps us busy. Whoever the soldiers´ claims that this Mission is a life. quiet one has not served here. I n a d d i - COS UNDOF At least for myself, I can con- tion to this, fi rm: Only a busy soldier is a i n U N D O F happy soldier. we have the In recent months, I have opportunity witnessed a lot of very good to make contacts with other ation. work being carried out. Your peoples and cultures and to “Performance raises the self- commitment to doing your represent our own countries. esteem, self-esteem raises the job in a proper and effective With great satisfaction, I saw contentment”. Isn’t this what way was a pleasure to see and contingents working together we are trying to achieve? some have deeply impressed and socializing. Keep this up I am looking forward to me with their motivation and and make the best use of your working with you in the New for the trouble they took in time here! Year. There are many chal- the spirit of good co-opera- To those who arrived lenges, on which I will not tion and pursuit of the goals of recently, I encourage you to go into detail. I am sure, you UNDOF. We have seen many look at UNDOF fi rst. If some- know them and we will man- improvements in the Mission thing is not to your complete age to tackle them and suc- and we can say that life is not satisfaction, don’t look away. ceed, if we work together and so bad in UNDOF. No doubt: Take the initiative and change even sometimes (!), put duty nothing is perfect and some it. Everyone of us - no mat- before personal interests. In aspects might be frustrating.
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