Scholars Crossing 1986 The Fundamentalist Journal 2-1986 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 2 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 2" (1986). 1986. 8. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1986 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FEBRUARY1986 . TWODOLLARS ffi Peterr( f \'^ and / \ Barba Jen Peterand Barbara Jenkins-Reaching Out to America t t W OiTJFTiETil ili tfFti f ) i ilttfillrllrt. ar-1, D tYrti a I J.'J2 | irtrTF4@ - For more information write or call toll ftee 1-8O(}-82L.4445- Alpha (Paslor,Parenl, elc.) Omega Organizalion Pubtications Address Cily/State P.O. Box 3153, Dept. FJ2 n Sendfree ChrislianSchool Inlormation Tempe, AZ 8528L ! Sendlree Home SchoolInlormation FJ2 ?Il- uou uonder uhu Corturesscutrcs in ? ="2',a iotheConmuni1ts,redd thisbook = --=a !-Thisisthebookthatdissects|ibera|ismdeepdowntoitsrottencore...aSno- : I SUICIDE| 3ffidi}#s*#:::r*,r"'. :*il,*i**'ffi:nl{n'.qt:# n:'x'il : -|6g-rtrFF|andpsycho|ogyofthelibera|'Ahintoftheriches:-gEIItE=- ^""ilv""v"u'vD : I | :;;".';ffiil#i?,1rrt*:m5*x;nun*r: : : IWESThruyon6.Mddq.do6dqd.b..,h l:wri .Il" common ancestors oJ liberalismand Communism. = : I | ! . Why liberalssneer at patriotism. ! o Very precisely:how liberalismlies at the rootof raceriots, murderous taxes, : nationalsurrender and the crimeexplosion - andwhy liberalsare helpless to - do anythingabout their own follies. a .Il"^::":jies thatimpel liberals to waron the Risht - while theLeft JamgS | sivins 3 EUHII{AME tJnllnnlvl | .lH1i'fffihtt'fl[1#':f. EXTRA!Burnham's fascinating "39 ffJii,Articles orof Liberarism,,anLiberalism," an intriouinointriguingtest =- y9y, your"ideologrcal quotient." RrcN.RyBooKS I that ol anyone,can take to determine You'llbe ! H.'":.o1':n:9,'"'l91Tiiit"!i,?l:?oI:iy:*:|",I]:1',i:!'.:you yet prepare 518.95.95 in StOfeSstores ll-- lf haven't immersedyourself in this classic, forone of the mind- : 'l openingexperiences of- your life. - - yoursyours '-- - -l FREE! l, - r.* Burnhamthrows light on : cornersonce dark. - Enthwinsrntorwrw** : "DespitethetactthatJamesBurnham'sSuicideoJtheWesthw "ll any book may rouse the tiiends ol order, justice and t not beengiven the attention it merits, it will tind its way and frcedom to intelligentaction againstthe grim .n.rni.r of civili- t make history. It is brilliantly written, clearly reasoned,and zation, Mr. Burnham has given us just iuch an instrument." ! remarkablyiestrained, given ihe subjectmattei: the sicknesso1 -Russell Kirk ? Westerncivilization and its causes."-lrene (brbally Kuhn, .,Janres Burnham has written a book about Liberalism tbr : L'hristian Ectsnotnit:s which the world has been aching. lt is worth more to the west - "bxpounds with corrosiveclarity the right-wingcase . I am than thc year'sgross national product, more than all our planes a surethat the gravestmistake we can commit is to underratethe and bombs - with all ol thcsc,wc havestill beenlosing out in a importanceof his attack on liberal thinking and liberalismin the world. But this book is not only a pathologist'srcport. lt a government."-R. H. S. Crossman,Purtisan Review givcsthe key lbr the recoveryol the West."...-Willianr I'. a Buckley,Jr. ! t ! ! - o How the Glub Works co#'d;*Tii;il;il; 15Oakland Avenue . 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Fr_ 32 I ol Clubbooks wrll beotlbrd at 211500/odiscounts, plus a chargelor shipprngand handling. ! * A, su)nia youbuy zrnd pay for 3 booksat regularCIub prirn, yourmembership may I beenduJ at ary time,either by youor by theCIub. * ll youever ru;eive a !'eaturedSela- I tion withouthaving had l{.} days to daideil youwant it, youmay retum it at Clubcxpensc Fundamentalis FEBRUAI-?Y1986 vot s/No2 Rock Music: Ihe Codence ol WhenJesus soid, "lt iswritten" the Decodence? A perverted pied issuewos settled, for Heviewed the piperentices todoy's youth to follin Scripturesos God-breothedcom- step ond morch to the beot of o mondments.And He cloimed the decodentdrummer, The no-longer- someouthority for Himself,reolizing subtleseduction of our childrenby thot everyword Hespoke counted the rock culture is shockingly for eternity, deliberote,The innocent,possing Fundomenlolsin Focus fod of the fiftieshos become the \)ta7 immorolmonster of the eighties. Peterond BorboroJenkirsore com- Jesus'Viewof Scripture mitted to obeyingGod ond being RoberlE Colemon sensitiveto Histiming for their lives, Preoching& Posloring Theyexperience His provision guid- 43 once, ond instructionos they wolk 47 ln Review Iodo/s Music: From TheRmd Unseen, 17Whence Did lt Rock qnd Profile-AllenR, McForlond WhereWlll lt Roll? 49 When God Orders,He Gives DeborohHuff /fl Monioge,Divorce & Corl Curtis& Remorioge-Port6 5l FomilyLiving Rock Music:The Cull/ EdwordDobson Glimpsesof Greolness r8Occult Conneclion 56 The Lifeof Dovid RonoldEnroth HoroldL Willmington Rock Music-Whol'so You Soid lf Foce lhe Focls 20 Youfh Poslorto Do? 6 57 SexuolRevolution on lts Wov AngeloElwell Hunt roJerry FolwellCommenls Out?-CclThomos TheGospel ond Rociol Tleosuresfrom the lext ln fhe "ChrisliqnRock" Equolity 58 22Sound-Con You Heor God Restin TroublesomeTimes Whlspef-Michoel R Smith 12 Fundomenlolismlodoy RichordD Polrerson ChristionAtheism MinisfryUpdote Peferond Boboro EdwordDobson 59 4vCR Jenkins:Reoching Out to Chrislionity& Elhics- News Americo-ln lo the Fomlly r3 Childrenof Truth 62 PornRock Upsets Woshington AngeloElwell Hunt WinfriedCorduon Wives-MortinMowyer Biogrophy NewsBilefs Ihe Wedding 32 JohnJosper 64 28 Peter& BorboroJenkins RobertB Johnson Atler All My love Forever ond Ever Thunderln the Pulpit-The 66 Gorbochev-ReogonSummit 30 Morge \$4tzen 35 SunDoes Move-John Josoer lrrelevon?-IrumonDol lor FundomentolistJournol lose your eyes and picture the dream of a lifetime- scvcndays in Noruay,Scan- dinavia, the land of the midnight sun. Preachingfrom l3 of America's greatestpreachers and mis- sionaries.A boat cruiseon one of Nor- way's longestand most majesticfjords. First-classhotel accommodationsand mcalsincluding an internationalbanquet and BBQ grill party worthy of the king of Norrvay himsclf. Envisionan entireday at King'sPark, Scandinavia'sncwest and largestamuse- ment park, u'ith JerryFalwell and the Old-Time GospelHour Trio preaching and singing to a packed house in the -i1 great 4,000-seatamphitheater. imagine the view from Pulpit 14te# Just Rock, a massive structure extending , 2,100feet straight above Lyseford. Think ofthe afterglou'cach evening where you .t, :?cB relax, fellou'ship,and indulge yourself Sffi with every kind of Norwegianpastry \ imaginable. And that'sstili not all. Add now a two-hourlive concert with Don Norman, Robbie Hiner, Mack Evans,Phil and Lori Brown,and manyothcrs, lifting up the Lord in musicalpraise. Tired of just dreamingl Then turn your dreaminto a reality.Join the many hundredsof other independentBaptist pastors,missionaries, and church leaders, ^- l L^ ^ ^^-, ^r r,,,^/.kus 'go (, Pa' | \,, L4'uJU rhis summer-and at a price you could rmagineonly in your wildest dreamsl Dates:August 5,10, 1986 b., Hr""1 In the U.S.wrire: GWG Travel, r:*')a 8101Whinier Blvd., Bethesda, MD 2081i, rS or phone:)01-310-4599. ,,; .:" 4 ',-,:39'i# In Europe,write: Phil Brown, : Eurofokus'86,Postboks 81, 4051 SOLA, Norway,or phone:01f-47-4-651408 -',*'tl]'.'..' or 011-4i-1-651435. *i''lh -: E I _.. = ii=-=T"F )kus ffi*' YOUSAID IT Shimei'sDust All this racial prejudicestuff is a here and telling us we haveto accept through. They want us to learn their bunch of hooey! If those minorities them. It's not our fault they're language and their culture. Why would just act like the rest of us, peo- different. should we? Everyoneknows ours is ple wouldn't give them such a hard I'm tired of people complaining better.If theywant to be a part of this time. Who do they think they are any- abouthow theyare treatedby others. great "melting pot" they had better how?They don't haveany right coming Look at all the hasslesthey put us start melting! Our ancestorsworked hard to build this country, and nobody is going to take it awayfrom us. Besides,we were here first! If they don't like it let 'em ACCENT BIBLE leave.We didn't changeanything when CURRICULIJM we camehere. Indians! What Indians? Shimei " . esthetically refreshing and Biblically sound." Madea difference... TheLord movedmy wife andme to a new area.We were searchingfor a church home when I picked up the Fundamentalistl ournal and disested (The following letter was written by Rev. [,ee.) everyword. After readingreceit and backcopies of the magazineand after - "Accent Bible Curriculum
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