LOCUMENT RESUME ED 945 638 TE 002 122 AUTHOR Devito, Joseph A.: TITLE Speech and Language:' Development. 7,,,,d\ Acquisition, A Bibliography. - INSTITUTION Spegch Communication Association, Wew Yot-k4 N.r.-- PUB DATE [70] , , 40 ). NOTE 30p. - EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC Not Available frot EDRS. 'DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies, *Child Language, Concept, Tormaticn, Kindergarten, *Language Deiteiopme'nt, Linguistics, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Tsycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, *Speech. Verbal Communication, Verbal Development ABSTRACT This bibliography on the acquisition and development of speech and, language lists, in alphabetical order by author, 423 books and journal articles published between 1937 and 1970. [Not available in hard copy due-to marginal legibility of original. document. ](Dry U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIONAWELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROMTHE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PrN STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPA'ESENT OF ICIAt OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A BIBLIOGRAPHY SPEECH AND LANGUAGE: DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION PREPARED BY: JOSEPH A. DEVITO HERBERT H. LEHMAN COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK d 0 FOR THE: AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BARBARA SUNDEINE' WOOD, CHR. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO CIRCLE 1 I 11111%4%. BIBLIOMAPHY. Alflright Roert.W and Joy Buck Anrixht "The Phonolou.of a; Two -Year Old Child." Word, 12 (195) 382-390, . "Application of Descriptive Lin; uistics to Child Lar;TuaEe," Journal of Speech and HearinP Research1-11.951). CP Al- Issa,.I. "The Development of Word Definition in Chiidren" of Venetic psycbolorv, 114 (1969), 15-11. Amster, Harriett. "Concept Formation in Children," Elementary 42 (19'65), 543-552. Amster, Harriett and Geoffrey Keppel. "Letter-Sequence Habits in Child- ren," Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 7 (1968), 32r-,-332. Anastasi, Anne-and Rita D'Angelo. "A Comparison. of Negro and White Pre- school Children in Language Development and GoodenOugh Draw-a- Man I. Q.," Journal of Genetic Psychology, 81 (1952), 147-165. Anastasi, Anne and Cruz DeJesus. "Language Development and Nonverbal I. Q- of Puerto Rican Preschool Children in'NeW York City," Journal of Abnormal and Social psysholo,y, 40 (1953), 357-366. Anisfeld, Moshe. "tancuage and'CognitiOn in the Young Child," in The Psycholinguistic Nature of the Reading Process, ed. Kenneth S. Goodman (Detroit, Michigan; Wayne State University Press, 1968), pp-167-193, Applegate, J. R. "Phonological Rules of a Stdialect of English," ) Word, 17 (1961), l'36 -193. Asch, Solomon E. and Harriet Norlove. "The Development of Double Function Terms in Children: An' Exploratory Investigation," in Bernard Kaplan and:Seymour Wapner, eds, Perspectives in p'sycho7 logical Theory -- Essays in Honor of Heinz Werner. New International Universities Press, 1960, pp.47-'60. Reprinted in DeCecoo (1967), pp. 283r290. Austerlitz, R. "Gilyak Nursery Words," Word, 12 (1956),'\260-279. Badt, Margit:I. "Levels of Abstraction in Vocabulary Definition of Mentally Retarded School Children," American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 63 (1958) 241 -24G. Baer, William P. and Harris Winita. "Acquisition of /v/ in 'words' as a Function of the Consistency of. ty/ Errors," Journal of Speech and Hearing:Reaaarch, XI (1968), 143 -145. Baratz, Joan C. "Language'in the Economically Disadvantaged Child: A Perspective," Asha, X.(196.8), 143-145. "LanguaFe al.A.COnitive Assessment ofNegroChildren: Assumptions and Research Needs,: Asha, XI.(1969), 37-91. BaSit,'A.."A Comparative SiOdy of Verbal Understanding. in Children and- AdultS," Journal'of Verbal Learning:and Verbal Behavior,' 7 11968), 1121-1122. Beier, Ernst G., John A. Starkweather, and Don E. Miller. " Analysis of Word Frequencies'in Spoken Language of Children," Language, and Speech, 10 (1967), 217-227. Bellugi, Ursula. "The. Development of Interrogative Structures in Children's Speech," in Klaus F. Riegel, ed. The Development of Language Function. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Center for Human Growth and Development, 1965, pp. 103-137.- "Linguistic Mechanisms Underlying.Child.Speech," in E. M. Zale, (1968), pp 36-62.. Bellugi, Ursula and Roger Brown, eds. The Acquisition of Language. Monograph of the Society for Reasearch in Child Development, 29, no. 1 (1964). Berko, Jean. l'TheChild4s Learning of English Morphology," Word, 14 ." (195i), 150- 177. Berko, Jean and Roger BrOwn. "Psycholinguistic Research Methods," in Paul H. Mussen ed. The Handbook of Research Methods in Child Development (slew York: .Wiley, 1960), pp. 517 -557. Bernstein, Basil 13. "Some Sociolcreical Determinarits of Perception," British Journal of Sociology, 9 (1958). 159-174. "A Public_IiinguaFe-:--- Some Sociological Implications of a Linguistic Form,: British Journal of SocioioFy, 10 (1959) 311-326 . "Language and Social Class," British Journal of Sociology,' 11 (1960), 271-276. "Aspects of Language and Learning in the Gensis Of the Social Process," Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1 (1961), 313-324. "Social Class and Lingdictic Development: 'A Theory of Social Learning,: in A. H. Halsey, 4_ Floud,°and A. Anderson, eds. Education, Economy, and Society, (ew York: Harcourt, Brace 6: World, 1961), pp. 283-314. "Social Structure, language,.and Learning" Education Re- search, 3 (1961), 163 -176. "LiL,:uistic Codes, desitatir.on Phenomena, and Intelligence," Lalruare, and Speech, 3 (1952),.31-45. "Social Class, Lituistic Cocks and Grammatical. Elements,"- Language and Speech, 5 (192), 221- 240. "Elaborated and Restricted COdes: Their Social Origins and Some.. in' J J. Gumperz Byrnes, eds: The Ethnography of CoMmunicattoL, Special Publication of the Ameri- can Anthropologist, 66, no. 6, patt 2 (December 1964), 55-59. "Elaborated and Restricted.CodesiAn &Aline,"Internatiol.al Journal of American Linguistics, 33. (1967), 126-133. Bever, Thomas G. "Associations to Stimulus- Response Theoriesof Lang- uae," in Theodore R. Maxon and David L. Horton; eds.Ver'al Le: havior and General Behavior Theory. EnFlewoOd Cliffs,New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 478-494. Bever, T. C., J. A. Fodor, and W Weksel. "On the Acquisition of Syntax: A Critique of 'Contextualeneralization'." Psychological Review 72 (1965), 467-482. Repriuted in Jakobovits and Miron (1967), pp. 235-293 . "Is Linguistics Empirical?" Psychological Review, 32 (1965), 493-500. Reprinted in Jakobovits and Miton (1967), pp 2'15-293. Black, John W. "Communiration Behaviors: Acquisition and Effect," in Robert J. Kibler and Larry L. Barker, eds.-Conceptual Frontiers in Speech-Communication. New York: Speech Association of America, 1969, p. 76-103. Bluemel, C. S. "Dote,le-Syllable Words," 'Journal of Speech and ataylag. Disorders, 24 (1959), 272-274. Boucher, Jerry'and Charles E. Osgood. "The Pollyanna Hypothesis," Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal,BehaVidr, 3 (1969), 1-.3. Bratne, Martin D. S. " The Ontogeny of En::;lish Phrase Structure: The First Phase," Language, 30 (1963)5 1-13. "ON.Learning the Grammatical Order of Words," Paycho lorleal review, 70 (1963), 323 -348. Reprinted in Jakobovits and Miron (1967), pp. 232-256: . ,"On the Basis. of Phrase Structute:. A Reply to Bever, Fodor, and Weksel," Psychological Review, 72 (1965), 291-292.' _Reprinted in Jakobovits and Miron (1967), pp 274.-234.' "The Insufficiency of a Finite State Model for Verbal' ReConstructive Memory," Psychonomic Science, 2 (1965), 29L-292. "Inferring a GramMar from Responses: Discussion of Gough and SegWs Comments," 'Psychonomic Science, 3 (1965),.-241-242. ex Braine, Fartin. "Learnin t.;;e Positio,a.of Words Relative to a- Marker Element," Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72 (1966); 532-540. .Brandis,,Walter and Dorothy Henderson., Social Class, Language and.Com- munication. London: Routiedt & Kegan-Paul,. 1970: Brannon,,John B., Jr. "A Comparison of Syntactic:Structures in the Speech of Three and Four` -Year -Old Children," Language and Speech, 11 (1958)', 171,481. -- "Linuistic Word Classes in the Spoken Language Normal,. Hard of Hearing and Deaf Children," Journal of Speech. and Nearing. Disorders, 11 (1969), 279-287. '.Brett; Sue M. "A New Measure of LanguageMaturity," Elementary English, 41 D.965)'. 666,-663. Brod' eck, A. J. aqd_Orvis C. Irwin. "The Speech Development of Infants Without Families," Child Development. 17 (1946); 145-156 Brown, Roger "LicK,uistic Determinism and the Part of Speech," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55 (1957),-1-5 Reprinted in.Saporta (1961)pp. 503-509. "The Original Word Game," in Words and Things. New York: Free Press, 1958, pp. 194-223. "How Shall A Thing Be Called?" Psychological Review, 65 (1958), 14-21. Reprinted in Harper, Ahdersbn, Christelisen, and Hunka (1954), pp. 647-954; OldfieTd and Marshall (1953), pp. 32-91., . "The Acquistion of Language," in D. M. Rioch and E. A: Weinstein, eds. Disorders of ComMunication, Proceedings of the -Association for Research In rervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins,---1964, pp-56-61. "Language: The System and Its Acquisition. Part I: Phonology-and Grammar: Part II: The Semantic System: Languare, Thought, and Society," Social Psychology. New York; Free Press, 1965,pp. 246-349. "The Development of. WH Questions in Child Speech," Journal 2g. Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 7 (1968), 279 -290. Brown, Rand Jean Berko; "Word:Association and theAcquisition of Grammar," Child Development,
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