Who will top our 2020 Fab 55 list? By Mike Craven who separated themselves He's electric after the clear-cut favorite to go played some wide receiver hard to imagine a more mcrnven@sl:llesmrui.com from the pack as juniors. catch, physi~ enough to wire-to-wrreasthestate's in 7-00-7 tournaments phy&ically gifted corner. Our initial 2020 Fab 55, beat bwnp-coverage and top prospect. and built like an outside Troy Omeire, WR, Fort It's time to focus on a which will be released is the type of receiver to Ja'Quinden Jackson, linebacker. Bend Austin: A freakish new batch of recruiting digitally on Thursday and demand double-teams in ATH , Duncanville: The Dwight MCGiothern, CB, athlete with a tremendous targets - for 2020. in print on Friday, will be college, which is rare. 6-2, 200-pounder is the Cedar Hill Trinity Christian: frarne(6-3, 205) and con­ The 2019 Fabulous 55 topped by one of these five Zachary Ev a ns, RB, nation's No. 2-ranked Toe 6-1, 180-pound 5-star sistent hands. He's totaled was Jed by - • --!' ~ prospects, who are listed Galena Park North Shore: athlete - in 2019, that prospect is the best defen­ 85 catches for 1,546 yards wide receiver and Ohio here alphabetically: The 5-star prospect is the was Cuero's Jordan sive back in the state. He and 21 touchdowns in his State early enrollee Demond Demas, WR, top-rated running back in Whittington. No one looks like a safety because first two years on varsity. Garrett Wilson. It's now Tomball: The 5-star Texas the country and is draw­ knows what position of his height and wingspan His offer list includes the time to crown the new best A&M commit is 6-41 210 ing comparisons to Adrian Jackson will play in col­ but is capable of playing nation's elite programs player in Texas, and there and is the No. 3-ranked Peterson, who topped our lege; he's a high school comerback because of his and he's high on both are five 2020 candidates receiver in the country. 2004 Fab 55. He's the quarterback but has hips and footwork. It's Texas and Texas A&M. Duncanville's Ja'Quinden Jackson plays quarterback in high school but is projected to move to wide receiver or into the secondary in coUege. He is one of a handful of prospects that could top the American-Statesman's initial 2020 Fabulous 55. IMIK£ CRAVEN/AMERICAH·STATESMANJ AMERICAN - STATESMAN ' S 2019 FABULOUS 55 AMERICM-STAT£SMAN'S 211' FABULOUS SS 1bo Am<ricu-Slmsman's t-.-.s 55 isl of dlo sutr's top lta1IIS for 2019 ~ Olllonal slgnlng oily, CGfflllllod ti, ml! writ,r MikccraW:11: -. Playw HLWL C-,.note l WR Garrett- I (6A) S-11.115 Sigood-OhioStalt -2 Ol l)c,MAMOWI Colfflseludson(6A) 6-4.29 SigoMWIIIITtJISA&M ) OT KMyonGrffll -AW<Ocita (GA) 6-4J22 Sigood...U.TomA&M Olli MarcclBtucll<s H-·--(GA) 6-2.1!15 SigaNIWlthlSU 5 OT 11'"'" Johttsoo conro. oak Ridge (6A) 6,5.)GII SigotdwilhTCxas 6 WR Judan Wllinillgtoo CIIOI0(4A) H.1!111 Sigotd ,.;u, Texas 1 TI Austins- -Calllollc(Pliw.) 6-i.DS Sig,,od,witl!OkJahofflo OE tMaos.fo,M<ftSlh f0r1WDM-.c.illolc:(Pml.) HJ24 SigoH-NOlr<Olme • C8 J<ffrcyc.,u, Mldllildf Le91CY (6A) H.18' SlgotdWllbAlab.lml '10 5 BrianWIII-, Dallos B6hop ounne (PIW.) H.211 SigeNI-TexasA&M 11 WR ll<janBridg,!s l.<wlslriltHclltoo(6A) 6•U80 Sigotd wilh Oklabom.t 11 WR Theo- Allon (6A) 6-),21ll SigatdwilhOklallclml ll TI Baylor CUpp Brock()A) 6",14' 591N-TC.WA&M 14 C 8'1nsOnflnGII Olltdd(4Al '4,311 5..,t..cJISt•nfo<d lS s Dc,manl- -(GA) HJI! Sig,INI-Tt.WA&M 16 OE MarcusSlriplng Katy ...,.,.Cttd<(6A) H.MI SigoodWllh Oklallclml 11 C8 Marcus Badb Spring Od<anoy (6A) 6<1.166 SigoodwilhAlab.lml 11 C8 Fort - Bush (611) H,21111 Sigood ,witl! n,,cas A&M 1, WR Erick""""'DytanWrigllt wtsl ......... t(SII) 6-4.llS Slgot,if""'1TtruA&M 20 s LewiSClllt Ct<llrta1hni1y~(Pri•J H.1• Sig.d-Gt«gi, 21 s llltnc.r.oloo Mall56ddtrgOcy(6A) s--,,1a SigeNI-Nkansas 21 OE rvondrt~ 6·1,24' Sigood-TtJCaS (5A) l3 0G El Ndom.1-0gar HAlfon(64)- 6-3.llll Sigood wilh Oklallclml 24 WR Elijah Higgins --lc(6A) 6-3,214 SignN!wilhStanlord lS WII ... _, fortllitAII (W g I.Ill SlO,INwilllflclild1 ~~__ M C8 -(6,\) 5 111,171 Slgotd.,,tJ,1U1nols l1 Q8 llo!<llon- Port - GnM,s (SA) 6-1.l!! Sigotd...U,Tt.w 28 QB Gralll Glnldl HouslOO SL Pius X (PriYJ 6-s.m Sigaecl-Atlzona 29 OT AndrtwCOk,r Kall' T>ylor (6A) ~11 SignodwilhTCU l8 118 1Salah5pa,. Kk!ncaans<6Al 6<1,201 5igoed ,.;u, Texas A&M 31 WII Jayfon Elis --~Ridtt(6A) H.117 5igood willl Baylo, )2 OT laYOnne~ ---(CA) 56,)27 Sig,,Nw,thTt;cas ll s ll'"'"OW..S Plinotost(6A) 6-2.191 Slgotd -Tt.W l4 OT JoshEllisoa MM c.soidatod (SA) 6-l.lllS Sigaecl wilh Tc;cas A&M lS 118 Oalmilf1'JilfO!ltt WidlbF>lsHirsdli(4A) 5•10,195 SigoodwilhTCU l6 118 Darwin l3altow -(21,) S-11.195 Sigotdwilh TCU JI OE ~nP,rti,, SCMIIIOlkClllf(SA) 6-4,l21 5""""""'1Klnsos )I ATH iam•um-. -(21,) 61,115 SigeNfw,thTCU 39 118 Dc,ondrldc Gloss Klty(6A) S· ll.211 S;g,,,,d-Olclwmo SC. .., llB o.. idGbcndl Kall' Cinco llineh (6A) H.lll Sigood wilh Texas 41 WR KamlllOWII ~ H<ritagc (SA) H.171 5igood - Toxas A&M 42 C8 BobbyWOllf """"""-(6A) 6•1... SigoedwilhAllzona 41 OT Fort-Dullts(6A) 6 Sl71 SigoN-Tom .. WR ~,on-... - mfiljgt (4") 6-2,1!15 Slgotd-OlclollO<N St.lit 4S WR llltnCWry HOU5&a SL Pius X (PriYJ 6-Uta Sigood-Nlzona 44 5 -lAJNI M-oms Fort-Busll(611) 6-2.185 Sigood wilh Oklallclml 47 OE Kori- M.llMl(SA) 5-1,2n Sigood,.;u,Oklahom> 4& OT HuntorSj)OIS Gartaads.chsc!(6A) 6.. ,211 SiglodwilhNOlr<llanlt ., OE 11t1cdon-.y Klty~(6A) 64J25 SigoN willl TCUS A&M C -(SA) 6-4.324 so I.lid••- 5iglod - ~-A&M 51 QB Gnni- Al1"' (641 6-t,204 5igood ..ell Ole Miss !iZ Olli Mylcs Btool:s ~--('-') 6-U88 Sigoodwilh stcp!K,n f. Aoslil 5) ATH vetton Ga.rd8er Dallos SIIJllnt(611) 5-9,171 Sigltdwilh TCJCaSTOdl 54 OE David~ Klty - ' l!S (6A) 6-3,lll 5igood willl Oklahomo 515 TI ThO<NSGoldoo HOllllaO Sim< J<!Sllll (6,\) 6-4.llt Sigoe,1-HOrlhwesttn 2019 National Signing Day Central Texas signees BASEBAU. Missouri Southern Shelby Medrano, LBJ, SUI Ross College Isaac Davila, Elgin, Texas Noah Blyce, Regents. MIT State Alexis cathy, Elgin, University of A&M·Kingsville Jeremiah Byers, Anderson. UTEP Elhan Moron, Cedar Ridge, Texas at Dallas Andrew Gonzales. Elgin. Temple Akil Chavles, Cedar Ridge, Howard Payne Nicole Garcia, Hendrickson. College Culver Stockton College Jared Ontiveros, Stony Point, Texas A&M-Kingsville lace Grady, Elgin, Dallas Baptist Tyler Cleveland, Stony Point, Concordia (Wis.) La'Shondra Houston, NYOS University Angelo State Juan Quezada, Austin High, Charter, Coastal Bend College Kyte Maysonave, vandegrift, Le Beau Thomas Co~ Round Blinn JC Mackenna Raby, Cedar Par!<, Tourneau Univ. Rock, Doane (Neb.) Univ. Shaylon Roberts, Hendrickson, University of Texas at Dallas Chase Cools, stony Point, Kllgore College Andrea Rodriguez, Austin High, BASl(ETIIAU. (gins) SOUthwestern Matthew sanden is. Angelina College Maddie Edler, Round Rock, COdy Cyr, Smithville, Kansas Mary Hardin-Baylor Danielle Serna, Austin High, University ofTexas at Dallas Wesleyan Ben Simons, East View, Abilene Colorado State Hannah Groff, Round Rock, Edgenin Dilanl·Wiiams, Cedar Christian Hardin-Simmons Ridge, Blinn JC Isaiah Smallwood, vandegrift, TRACK (boys) Jaelyn Knight. Georgetown, Layne Dominy, Dripping Springs, West Texas A&M Andrew Holt, Lago Vista, Oklahoma City Univ. Dordt (Iowa) College zach Smith, Regents, Hutchinson (Kan.) cc Jade Smith, Georgetown, caJeb Forest. Hutto, Texas­ Washington and Lee (Va.) McMuny Univ. Permian Basin Dalton Spencer, LBJ, Navarro JC TENNIS (girts) Kayla Soto, Round Rock, Hendrix Ch/ Fullmer, Anderson, Coopet-lyler, Anderson, Trinity Peyton Brotzman, West,~ (Ark.) College Midwestern State Mark Velasquez, San Marcos, College of Charleston (S.C.) Jared Henick, Hutto. Trinity Hardin-Simmons Rachel Horowitz, LBJ, Davidson BASl(ETIIAU. (boys) Justin Helwy, East V'w!w, Blinn JC Kaleb Wenson, L - ~ (N.C.) College Will Isaac, Round Rock, COdy Jad<son, Lago Vista, McNeese State Keegan McCain, We$ , c. UTSA university of Texas at Dallas SOUthwestern Jesiah Whltmgton, cedar Park. Jett wright, west• e, Hobart eon- Rood, Regents, Hamilton Jeremiah Johns, LBJ. Arizona Texas-Permian Basin (N.Y.) College (N.Y.) College Christian Univ. ll'ey Womble, Cedar Ridge, Swali Yarlagadda, LBJ, John Aundoy Johnsen, LBJ, Cisco JC Mary Hardin-Baylor Hopkins Univ. FOOTBALL Devin Jones.LBJ, Northwestern SWIMMING (boys) Eric Arellano, Stony Point East (Okla) State KM! Harrmer, Vandegrift, TRACK AND AELD (girls)Maryn Texas Baptist vare.. Kalyanapuram, Missouri DeMaio, Georgetown, Incarnate Brian Batts, LBJ, UT-Permian Vandegrift camegie Mellon n Piercy, Regents, MIT Word Basin (Pa.) Univ. Brianna Lopez, Cedar Ridge. DJ. Baptiste, Hutto, North et l<e Kemp, Hendrickson, SOCCER (boys) Ursulme (Ohio) College Dakota State McPherson (Kan.) College Josh Sicocks, Bowie, University Joey Zinmerman, Hutto, West Kirin Bishop, Stony Point, Brant Kemp, Hendrickson. ofTexas at Dallas TexasA&M Midwestern State McPherson (Kan.) College oonte BOOrgeois.IBJ, Jordan Kerley. McNeil. Arizona SOCCER (girls) VOUfYBAU. UT-Permian Basin State Anna Briseno, Cedar Par1<. Celie Contreras, San Marcos, Myles Brooks, Hendrickson, Sam Latham, McNeil, Texas Houston Baptist Texas Lutheran stephen F.
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