Planning Committee 23rd November 2011 Agenda Item 4 Ward: ALL Key Decision: Yes / No Report by the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Wellbeing Planning Applications The Committee is requested to consider the following planning applications in accordance with the power contained within section 70 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which states:- (1) Where an application is made to a local planning authority for planning permission:- (a) subject to sections 91 and 92 (time limits), they may grant planning permission, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as they think fit; or (b) they may refuse planning permission. (2) In dealing with such an application the authority shall have regard to the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations. 1 Page 6 Application Number:- Recommendation:- Approve AWDM/0656/11 Site:- 20 Woodland Avenue Ward: SALVINGTON Proposal:- Proposed new dwelling with garage and parking space in garden land rear of 20 Woodland Avenue. 2 Page 22 Application No: Recommendation - Approve AWDM/0680/11 Site: Goods Yard, Goring Street Ward: GORING Proposal: Redevelopment of former car sales business site for 29 dwellings, including 11 affordable flats in the form of three storey gateway block of flats; four storey block of flats behind; two terraces of 3 storey townhouses and rear three storey terrace of townhouses together with open space and landscaping and provision for 47 cars and new internal access road and alterations to access. 3 Page 47 Application No: Recommendation - Approve AWDM/0243/11 Site: 1 Highdown Avenue Ward: TARRING Proposal: Conversion of doctors’ surgery into 1 No 2 bed and 1 No 3 bed maisonettes utilising existing access with 4 parking spaces on site. 4 Page 63 Application No: Recommendation - Approve AWDM/0509/11 & AWDM/0510/11 Site: Mayfair Hotel, 11-12 Heene Terrace Ward: HEENE Proposal: Restoration and alteration to the former Mayfair Hotel to form 11 residential apartments (Applications for planning permission and Listed Building Consent). 5 Page 83 Application No: Recommendation - Approve AWDM/0354/11 Site: 276 Goring Road Ward: GORING Proposal: Change of use to A5 (takeaway) and erection of a single storey rear extension, including a new shop front and erection of air compressors and extract duct to the rear. 6 Page 97 Application No: Recommendation – Split Decision AWDM/0558/11 Site: 8 South Street Ward: CENTRAL Proposal: Installation of four sets of non-illuminated letters on front elevation (one set on sub- fascia, one set on fascia panel, one set above the first floor windows and one set above second floor windows)(Retrospective). 7 Page 104 Application No: Recommendation – Approve on behalf of the WB/11/0238/FULL South Downs National Park Authority Site: Worthing Golf Club, Links Road Ward: OFFINGTON Proposal: Erection of 2 no. buildings on existing compound for the storage of green keeping and agricultural land management machinery and staff facilities and extension of existing hard surfaced area to allow for onsite turning of material delivery vehicles. 1 Mr Phil Rowe AWDM/0656/11 Mr Patrick Oliver SAL MAPO Location : 20 Woodland Avenue Proposal: Proposed new dwelling with garage and parking space in garden land rear of 20 Woodland Avenue. Not to Scale Reproduced from OS mapping with the permission of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright Licence No LA100024321 1. THE PROPOSAL AND THE SITE The application site is part of the rear garden of No. 20 Woodland Avenue in a low density residential area towards the northern edge of town. It gently slopes down north to south. The proposal is for a 3 / 4-bedroom bungalow with its own garden at the back of No. 20, a chalet bungalow. No. 20 has a 45 metre deep rear garden with mature trees and shrubs and the new bungalow would reduce it to 18 metres deep. The new bungalow’s garden would be 11 metres by 18 metres. The site is to be accessed by a shared drive between No. 20 and No. 22 Woodland Avenue, also serving the bungalow (No. 22A) at the back of No. 22 (WB/07/1411/FULL). A free standing garage would be built between the new bungalow and No. 20. The new hipped roof bungalow is L-shaped and to be built with piled foundations. Where the bungalow footprint intrudes upon root protection areas of protected trees on the site, the existing ground level will be maintained. Therefore, the floor slab in these areas must be constructed at a level on or above the existing ground level. As intrusion on the root protection areas coincides with some of the highest ground levels under the building, the floor should be raised to a structural slab level of approximately 72.8m. The current slab level is approximately 72.42m and therefore the whole building requires raising by 400mm. An additional increase in slab level may also be required to provide a void (in the order of 225mm) under the slab should soil be susceptible to heave. In all, the potential maximum increase in height of the bungalow building compared to the previous scheme is 625mm. AMENDED PLAN Following concerns by local residents and consultations, the Planning Officer has negotiated with the applicant changes to the proposal. These are:- • Bungalow building shown with site levels and to be built with agreed piled foundations, and not “cut into” garden to form terrace. Introduction of chimney and kitchen bay window and other external finishes to bungalow building; • Removal of terrace with small area of timber decking instead; • Boundary retaining wall replaced with fence at point of Holm Oak RPA; • Reposition of free standing garage off from boundary to No. 20 and reduction in its length; and • Replacement of all trees to be felled (protected or not). 2. PLANNING HISTORY A proposal to develop the site for a new dwelling with garage was refused and dismissed at appeal (WB/10/0558/FULL). The Inspector concluded the proposal would potentially threaten the future health and well being of protected (and other) trees on and around the site. This was the only reason for dismissal. The bungalow (No. 22A) to the immediate west was permitted in 2008 (WB/07/1411/FULL). The bungalow (No. 16A) to the east was permitted in 2009 (WB/09/0368/FULL). 3. APPLICANT’S DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT (SUMMARISED) The Application is supported by a detailed tree constraints plan, tree retention and protection plan, and arboricultural assessment with accompanying foundation assessment report. “Background Previous application dismissed on appeal for same development as currently proposed. Inspector’s sole concern was uncertainty as to whether proposed dwelling could be constructed so as not to prejudice protected (and other) trees on and around site. To this end a tree constraints plan, tree retention and protection plan and an arboriculturist assessment has been prepared by Lizard Landscape Design together with an accompanying Foundation assessment report by Hemsley Orrell Partnership Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers. Both reports conclude that with a slight increase in height to the ground floor slab that the potential threat to the future health and well being of protected (and other) trees on and around the site would be satisfactorily mitigated. Arboricultural assessment by Lizard Landscape Design concludes: All Existing Tree and Ground Protective Measures and Tree Protective Fencing shall be laid out in accordance with the drawing (LLD273/02 – Tree Retention and Protection). The specialised foundation design, as specified by the appointed Structural Engineer, shall reduce the impact upon valuable trees within the proposed development area. With consideration and inclusion of a detailed landscape scheme, to include planting of additional native tree species to mitigate the loss of tree cover, the impact upon the existing trees considered mitigated within proposed Woodland Avenue development scheme, and in accordance with BS 5837; 2005 – Trees in Relation to Construction. The foundation assessment by Hemsley Orrell Partnership concludes: The strip foundation option will be more onerous on the trees, causing greater damage and disruption to the roofs than the piled foundation scheme. It is our recommendation that strip foundation not be used within root protection areas of trees under tree protection orders. Would recommend piled foundation is preferred as it should cause minimum disruption to tree roots. Shallower foundation requirements should also lead to reduced damage of tree roots. Piles need to be sleeved to minimise damager of roots. Piled foundation option appears to be most economic in terms of quantities of concrete used. Suggest structural slab level of new ground floor slab needs to be raised to approx. 72.8 m. Following recommendation to raise floor slab, need to excavate within root protection areas to form garden terrace to north of building negated. This terraced area should not be cut into the site as it impinges on root protection areas. Garage does not impinge on root protection areas and traditional strip foundations suitable. Extract from appeal decision Conclusion Although I have concluded that the scheme would not harm the character or appearance of the area or the living conditions of nearby occupiers. Amount Additional dwelling in rear garden of existing property. In line with several of other properties in area, all with substantial rear gardens. Layout Site accessed from driveway provided to similar dwelling to 22 Woodland Avenue, with consent of owner. New entry doors, and ground floor doors and windows of ‘Secured by Design’ type for maximum security. Scale Maximum overall dimensions of the proposal will be as follows: Height: - 4.7m at highest point Width: - 11.3m (Max) Depth: - 12Cm (‘V shaped building). Landscaping Existing landscaping retained apart from 5 Silver Birch trees and several shrub plantings (which will be removed),and tidied up as required Silver birches protected under preservation order, so removal dealt with under separate application.
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