yl . / ’ W, ( ■ V. V -' J m 7 ' ■A'\. *'U •> t ■;v '/ * , . i: 0 n / SATURDAY, MARCH 23, tl$87[ A m a g e Daily Net Prest Run ' Tha Weather for the Weelt Ended o f U. 8. Weather Bmwaa FAGB PO^JR^BEN Mplrrh 58, 1987 ' Fair, ' coDtinued'''- odol Low fiear $0. Inoreaaing ’’ ' * • hla work. He poured the coffee in D u t c U F a iM little diliiige in the paper ^cup, added cream, pnt M^sen-Barry Wedding Member of the Audit About Town the cover on the cup, then poured 1 Bureau o f Olrculatton .day. High 48-80. Hmrd, Along Main Street a spoonful of sugar Into the coffee’ Monchester-^A City of Village Charm ' '/ pot. Ah, me, spring 1* here! Coming Here . ' X ■m:- BniM Tedford, m>v of Mr*. UIv[ And,on 66mt df Manche»ter*$ Side Sireets^ Tito rt Interpret The Itah K. Tedford, « A c a d e m y ^ , ’ ■ Rave M e-* Waltz Aaslstance .4* needed in settling Wishes Of The Family * VOL. LXXVI, NO. 148 '(SIXTEEX PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 25^ 1^7 (Ciaaslfled Adverttsing on Fags 14JM P M C E FIVE m i^tted rifctuJt U «ntog>«rch Firemen, ate wondering (and L Dtith-lndonesi'an I family of aix ' * . I ■ ,'< 8 «t th* > Marin* 0)r|M-''1lacruit A-' _____ ■ \ - ■_________ ' Information Please i*of llnO seeking out the ranch. It more so, are their wives) just who persons Which Is expected to ar;- D*pot, Parrij Jaland.^C;. didn't cost’'our friend a red cent; they are going to dance with at rive in, Maneheater some time JOHN B. BUBKE Sometimes one hear* of In­ their-,testimonial dinner-April 8. Monday. FUNESAIHOME Mra. John Jcdtadh, 90 Oreanwood stance* where the telephone com­ Get A Bigger Drawer The family includes a mother, T op Congress Dr., 1* reSMWOon chairman for In deciphering some our note* pany, perform* services far above A few of the boy* were standing fOf a stony this week bn the com­ Mrs.' Anna Johannes, and her fiv'e. TEL. MI S-8888 th« *nn;>M State day^nwnlon oiiUlde the SUte Armory compar­ children, Coenraad, 30, bank 87 BAST CENTER ST.' ' o f the-Greater Martford and beyond the call « i any con­ ing'* sffsir for SMFD ffremen, urs ing their new registration plates clerk; C2iqrles, -25, ‘toolmaker; AMBULANCE SERVICE Chiefs to Get _____ C3iapt*r of Delt Zeta to tract they' may have with the volunteers snd honorary firemen, Thursday when the subject of what Kitty, io, studying for teaching; public. ■ • , we got the Idea that Tony O’Bright jjeld April 18 In the Holyoke to do with the old ones came up. was going to provide hts. usual fine Elly. 18, student; .and .Willem, IS, Room of the Yanhe* Sllvefamith The recent experlent^e of a tnuda Data // friend of our*^ la a fin*"case in ^.."Lots of organizations are col­ atyle of music forydariblng pur­ student. ‘X p- Inn In Wallingford. lecting them'to raise money, why poses. Such is ' nor the case, we r , ♦ - * * , •• / _ » ■rhe family ia. expacted to ar­ It *U started when he made ar­ Rol donate your .old plates to one understand.' He ^ Just one among rive from Hollsind by air. They WashingLon, March 25 (fl*) V <rhe Buckley Child Study Group o f^ e groups T”*was offered, sen- many who hss-bffered to help the will vlalt the Atheneum, the Hart­ rangements to meet a .friend of have been in Holland since 1946. —Presidenr^senhower sum­ his at a rendezvous point Some- slblyiv . District celebrate ita 6bth anni­ The husband, now deceased, was ford Public Ubrary and the Chil­ Another shggested , keeping the versary and ita swan song before By JOHN'M, HIGHTOWER t ^ t the United State* would help moned top Democrats and dren’* MuaeUtn In Hartford Tues­ where in up-*l*te New York. The held by the Japanese in a ' con­ 'Britain reduce Ita forces and, at the initial plan was for each of the plates for souvenirs and asked, Joining Ufa Town Fire Department centration ckm p. in Indonesia. Washington, Marc'i 25 (/Pj Republicans in Congress, to a day from 8:80 a.m. to 2:30 p.hi. July 1. -, same time maintain its firepower Reeelrwmons may be made by call- pair to go to a certain hotel In a "Remember when you Were a kid This family necua help in lo­ -'■President Eisenhower at a high level of effectiveness. 4 p.m. EST briefing today on and your DaoNused to tack one the'achool ofllce, certain Empire State town. Somebo^ has suggested The cating housing and employment. tends to go as far as t l^ a w This was reflected'Mn the confer- the iJermuda conference. plate on the w alN jf the garage?” Herald. >f*y and line up about-l."M) The one - that arrived first The Uyo young men could room to­ will allow in making jdom ic eneb-ending communique with the The White House announC'ed reaw :' would leave a message for the A few nodded in agTMment. girl*, ifbmewhere. Nix! Leave ua gether apart froni'the rest of the announcement of the agreement on that the President, Vlcb-President Maneheater Auxiliary Police will This same voice added: '.T col­ warheads for guided/tnissiles Other, telling him where they nofrupset the better- halve* any- family in the event tliat housing guided missiles. Nixon and Secretary of State Dul­ "meet Monday night at Police Head­ lect match book cover*,\WTty not quarter* for a target ieeelon. atart- should meet ,«iore. , - for the six people Is not available PINE accessible for Brijblsh use in What the comtnunlque did not les will participate in the discus­ old license plates?" . Ing at 7 o’clock. Several auxUlariee Well, frleild A arrived first and But for the recoi-d. there will be In one place. 'They will also need emergencies. I cover is the question of how Uie sions. followed the .pre-arranged plan. A wit countered with thl*-'’'re- musical. entertainment -by PHARMACY Eisenhower aniY BriUsh Prime i British are to get the atomic war- It described them as aimed to-> 'X ., About 8,000 Known from thU vicinity have alao been mark: SI would, but they., clutter eiiiployment. Mrs. Johannes jbas Invited to participate In thia target When Friend B arrived, he asked O'Bright. No dancing. 884 Center St— Tel. Ml 9-9814 Minister H arold^acm illan reached I head* for these and ®f>y other ward bring members of both par­ up my bureau drawer*.",^ iiidtcated that she is interested In meeting. ■ . th e' innkeeper If hi* buddy had Njiousework or. working aa a seam­ a final "a g ^ m e n t In principle" : w ea^na that may ^ supplied.by ties In 'Congress up to date on Et- left-"'a message. Friend B was It’s Getting Around. during thelb^ks at Bermuda that genhower’s meeting with Prime Reeras IJk* .Oltl Time* stress in a factory.- Hobert W. Blalek. president of shown the message and, after The 49-page tabloid mailed with PIN E-LEN O X c ; • "certain ^Ided missiles 'Will be j States 1 ^ ’ the President 1* forbid' Minister MacmtltHTTof Great Brit­ S tr anidfedin Midwest "reading It, he found that he could Events at tha^Jloard of Directors Persons - having ■ any informa­ made s a la b le ' by the United d«n to give or lend atdmlc explp- ain. Bqiintor Corp.. will speak and^ The Herald’s edition of Friday, tion regarding housing or Job op­ show color movies of Mexico ^ thl not distinguish the name of the meeting last 'Tiiesday were remi­ States4or use by British forces.” , : “ive® ‘o miy foreltm government Those inrited Were House -Jsn. is in celebration of the portunities for- this family are PHARMACY meeting of-ihe Rotary Cfub ^ e s - town at which Friend A said they niscent of the' old town . meeting paper’s 75th anniversary, has been Ihia was one of the major results' the administration has de- Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex.), Sen­ ui^ged-to call the Center Congrega- 299 E. O nter St.— MI 9-0899 ! Liberal. Kan., March 25i/Ph— A Rock Island passenger train day night at 8i30 at the Mphches- should m eet . , . days the subject of many compliments. of/the conference. Elsenhower re-0*ded to do, however, i* to store in ate Democratic Leader Johnson of A lf he could decipher was the It Was not the first Board meet- Uonal Church office hr. Hugh M. dmed to Waslilngton yesterday to Britain supplies - of atomic war­ Texa.s, Senate Republican- Leader I Carrying 200/passengers. 25, of them ill and under doctoi^s ter Country Club.< , / A number of people who re­ heads which could be quickly fitted what appeared to be ^ a l^g which haa blossomed out in ceived It by mail or by carrier have Brautigam. ^set in motion the actions needed to' Knowland' of California, arid'Mouse ! care, remained .stuCk today in snow drifts near Meade, Kan., motel, "The l.OOO-Acre Ranch.” '(^e old tradlton, but in som* ways Mrs. Johannes' brother, Jan Van carry out his agreement with the on the missiles provided to the Republican Leader Martin of Mas­ , The Men’* O ub o f the Zion sent it to former residents and British. This in Itself is legal so , with no immediate prospeCts of rescue. , Lutheran Church>wni meet-Mon­ Friend B decided to call the It was the moet colorful.
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