ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT VOL. 110 No. 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010 © 2010, Baylor University NEWS PAGE 3 MOVIES PAGE 6 SIGNING DAY 2010 PAGE 7 Down to Business And The Winners Are A Whole New Class Four students compete Look to see who is Check out our coverage of the 2010 recruiting class that in a prestigious national favored to win at this includes 23 players from around the nation and case competition year’s Academy Awards provides the Bears with hope for next year’s season Nearby area Hippodrome ranks ninth Haunted for crime Study focuses on er said. “We were very surprised at the results since many of the property crime, neighborhoods were near col- lege campuses.” cites many The neighborhood near Bay- college areas lor was not in the list of the top 15 neighborhoods of property BY BE th ANY MOORE crime overall; however, when STAFF WRITER the list was shortened to only ar- eas adjacent to colleges, Baylor A study performed by Neigh- placed in the top 10. borhood Scout, released in De- Schiller, who holds a Ph.D. cember, placed a neighborhood in geography and demographic near Baylor University in the data analysis, said the results top 15 college neighborhoods were based on the average for property crime in America. property crime rates of a specific The area surrounding Third neighborhood over 2005, 2006 and Garden Street on the south- and 2007. The information was east side of La Salle Avenue, then processed through Neigh- placed ninth on the list, with 437 borhood Scouts’ high predict- property crimes per 1,000 resi- ability analysis model to find dents. the annual crime rate per 1,000 Neighborhood Scout founder residents. Neighborhood Scout and CEO, Dr. Andrew Schiller, is a search engine that allows was performing a study on the people to compare and research most dangerous neighborhoods prospective neighborhoods, us- COURTESY PHOTO for property crime in the U.S. ing their large database of statics Cindy Jacobson, a paranormal investigator, was a member of the team that confirmed the Waco Hippodrome is haunted. Jacobson has when he realized many of the and information. cited several sightings of “orbs” in the theater, such as the one in the top left corner of the photo above. neighborhoods on the list were “For Third and Garden, we close to large and acclaimed uni- looked over a moving window versities in America, he said. of those three years and found “We began this research an average of 942 property Waco theater confirmed as paranormal site because we were curious crimes,” Schiller said. ”We then about individual neighbor- placed the average in our analy- hoods’ crime rates, instead of a sis model, which considers the indy Jacobson walks it is haunted, but to prove that it is not,” walks to work the curtains. city as a whole, since there may number of residence in the area Mike said. “Once we go in, we try to de- “One night we went up there and I be higher crime in some neigh- to the bathroom in bunk what we can. What we cannot de- started up the stairs,” Mike said. “The CRIME borhoods versus others,” Schill- see , pg. 9 the dark Waco bunk is what we focus the investigation guy that was with me said, ‘Who is up on Hippodrome.C Suddenly, she on.” the catwalk?’ and I said ‘Well, nobody.’” Mike said they investigated the Hip- The man told Mike again that some- feels someone tug on her hair. podrome on Nov. 14 and Jan. 9. They one was looking at them. She turns around to look for confirmed Friday that the Hippodrome “When I looked up, I saw a black fig- was haunted. ure looking at me,” Mike said. “I walked her husband, but she is alone. “Any time you do theater correctly, it up there to look and didn’t see anything. Or is she? will be haunted,” Burns said. “You can’t I got chills and did not go back up there bring characters to life and expect them again until the second investigation.” to go away.” Mike had not returned to the cat- BY CA T Y HIR st Burns said he has personally expe- walks of the Hippodrome until last year, STAFF WRITER rienced paranormal activity at the Hip- during the investigation. podrome and was not surprised when During the first investigation, MCPI the investigations deemed the building found mists that were unaccounted for With reports circulating that the Hip- haunted. and they caught voices using extremely podrome is haunted, Brandon Burns, “One of the reasons I agreed to the sensitive digital recorders. technical director for the Waco Perform- investigation was because I kept seeing When one team was leaving the area ing Arts Company, agreed last fall to things out of the corner of my eye when so another team could investigate, the participate in a paranormal investigation going up the stairwell,” Burns said. “It is leaving team said, “We are leaving now. conducted by McLennan County Para- like a mob of people heading out of the Have a good show.” normal Investigations (MCPI). building, and I see it more on one side of The response recorded was, “That Mike Jacobson, founder and investi- the building.” you must see.” gator at MCPI, said it is a Christian or- Mike also used to work as a night as- Cindy Jacobson, founder and investi- ganization and all of the work done is sistant manager at the Hippodrome in gator of MCPI, uses a sensitive flashlight pro-bono. the 1970s when it was the Waco Theatre. “We go into a place, not to prove that He was in charge of climbing the cat- see GHOSTS, pg. 9 SOURCE : MAP S .GOOGLE .COM Marketing prof Toyota extends wins Davidson hours for recall BY DAN ST RUMPF Repairs were going smoothly Ass OCIATED PRE ss and a little faster than the half- hour Toyota estimated, he said. for dissertation DETROIT — Toyota’s deal- Treter said customers have BY SARA TIRRI T O in the Journal of Retailing just ers, who have started to repair been calm despite a warning STAFF WRITER after he began work at Baylor in defective gas pedals in millions early Wednesday from U.S. 2008. of U.S. vehicles, are extending Transportation Secretary Ray The 2010 Davidson Award The article focuses on cross- hours, making house calls and LaHood, who said owners of for Best Article in the Journal buying, which is a situation offering other services as they recalled Toyotas should stop of Retailing 2008 will be given where consumers purchase try to repair the damage to Toy- driving them. LaHood later said to Dr. Morris George, associate more than one type of product ota’s reputation. he misspoke and told owners to professor of marketing, at the from one retailer. Toyota Motor Corp. recalled get their cars repaired. Toyota is American Marketing Associa- “This paper is all about iden- DANIEL CERNERO | STAFF PHOTOGRA P HER eight models Jan. 21 and stopped giving U.S. dealers payments of tion Winter Education’s Confer- tifying some of the factors as- Dr. Morris George, winner of the 2010 Davidison award for the Best selling them five days later be- up to $75,000 to help them offer ence on Feb. 21. sociated with cross-buying and Article in the Journal of Retailing 2008, works in his office Wednesday cause their accelerator pedals extra measures like house calls. Receiving the award with the impact of cross-buying on in the Hankamer School of Business. could stick in a depressed posi- “Within the next several days, him will be V. Kumar, professor customers’ value to the com- tion. Toyota is sending dealers you will receive a check from us of marketing at Georgia State pany,” George said. “I was in- cates the substantial effect that that has appeared during this a piece of steel about the size of (no strings attached) with a sim- University, and Joseph Pancras, terested in the field of customer George’s work has had on retail two-year period,” Pullig said. a postage stamp that can be in- ple request - ‘do the right thing assistant professor of marketing relationship management, espe- marketing practice and theory, “It has a significant effect on our serted into the accelerator mech- on behalf of Toyota customers’,” at the University of Connecticut, cially in customer lifetime value. and that it brings academic rec- academic reputation with other anism and eliminate the friction Toyota group vice president Bob who authored the article with This cross-buying is a driver of ognition to both the business universities. That’s probably the that causes the problem. Carter said Tuesday in the letter George. customer lifetime value. I was school and the university as a number one impact — it places Jim White Toyota, a dealer- to dealers obtained by The Asso- George worked on the article, thinking one step backward — I whole. Baylor in a tier of other universi- ship in Toledo, Ohio, received ciated Press. titled “Cross-Buying in Retail- was thinking what are the driv- “The award is given two ties that are known for their ex- about 350 steel pieces, or shims, Carter thanked dealers for ing: Drivers and Consequenc- ers of cross-buying?” years after the article appears in cellence in research.” and began repairs Wednesday their extraordinary measures. es,” as his dissertation when he Dr. Chris Pullig, associate order to assess its impact in the George said he didn’t know morning.
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