WHAT'S NEW IN THE CGA Shanghai, July 2002 Geographical names added to the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica since the publication of the CGA (March 1998) and the Supplement (August 2000) . What's new in the CGA Shanghai, July 2002 The SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica, CGA, was edited in March 1998 and copies of it were made available to the national delegations during the SCAR meeting held in Conceptión. A new publication, the Supplement to the First Edition, aimed at the updating of the CGA, was prepared for the discussion to be held at the Tokyo's SCAR meeting and was edited in August 2000. Following the publication of the Supplement new data or amendments to the existing data have been collected, as usual, from the SCAR countries and added to the database. In the meantime the CGA web site, www.pnra.it/SCAR_GAZE, was maintained and is being quarterly updated. Scope of the present document is to list all additions/amendments intervened after August 2000 and therefore not contained in the Supplement. The contributions consist in the following. - 242 new features: 14 introduced by Argentina, 48 by Bulgaria, 1 by Canada, 5 by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), 2 by Germany, 6 by Great Britain, 14 by Italy, 12 by New Zealand, 2 by Russia and 138 by USA; - 235 new-adopted names: 5 adopted by Argentina (2 already named by GBR-USA, 2 already named by CHL-GBR-USA and 1 already named by CHL-GBR-RUS-USA), 4 adopted by GEBCO (already named by USA), 81 adopted by New Zealand (already named by USA) and 145 adopted by USA (143 already named by NZL and 2 already named by AUS); - 46changes in the feature reference number: 22 affecting Argentina, 2 Australia, 3 Chile, 2 Norway, 2 New Zealand, 2 Poland, 10 Russia and 3 affecting USA; - 14 changes in name: 2 received from Argentina, 2 from Australia, 3 from Bulgaria, 1 from Spain, 1 from GEBCO, 1 from Great Britain, 3 from New Zealand and 1 from USA; - 20 corrections of co-ordinates: 10 received by Argentina, 1 by Australia, 2 by Great Britain, 4 by New Zealand, 1 by Poland and 2 by USA. - 3 names deleted: 1 by Argentina and 2 by New Zealand. Table 1 lists, in alphabetical order, all the names affected by a revision, the third column adding some detail on the kind of changes. Table 2 lists the same names but presented differently, in multi-tabular form, to clarify the category of the entry (new feature, change in co-ordinate, altered name, etc.). R. Cervellati, M.C. Ramorino July 2002 . 3 . 4 What’s new in the CGA, alphabetical order Table 1 - What’s new in the CGA, alphabetical order Cou- Name Ref. n. Latitude Longitude ntry Notes Abenante, cabo ARG new feature 17243 77°40'S 41°58'W Ackley Point NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17016 77°47'S 166°55'E Ackley Point USA new feature 17016 77°47'S 166°55'E Active, estrecho ARG co-ordinates amended 47 63°24'S 56°10'W Acuña, islote ARG change in ref. n. (from 51) and co-ordinates 49 60°46'S 44°36'W Acuña, punta ARG new feature 17244 68°08'S 67°08'W new name, feature already named by GBR Adams, nunatak ARG 58 71°44'S 68°34'W and USA new name, feature already named by GBR Ader, monte ARG 79 64°10'S 60°31'W and USA Ageno, punta ARG new feature 17245 68°07'S 67°13'W Agrimbau, punta ARG new feature 17246 64°08'S 62°05'W new name, feature already named by CHL, Agudo, pico ARG 13100 66°02'S 65°18'W GBR and USA Ainley Peak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16796 77°30'S 169°02'E Alaggia, islote ARG new feature 17247 64°34'S 62°47'W Albornoz, punta ARG change in ref. n. (from 3431) 17241 73°17'S 60°20'W Alcorta Rocks NZL new feature 17017 77°30'S 166°22'E Alcorta Rocks USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17017 77°30'S 166°22'E Alegre, punta ARG new feature 17248 68°13'S 67°03'W new name, feature already named by CHL, Alejandro, cabo ARG 203 66°44'S 62°37'W GBR, RUS and USA Allen Rocks NZL new feature 17018 77°33'S 169°09'E Allen Rocks USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17018 77°33'S 169°09'E Alley Glacier USA new feature 17019 79°58'S 158°05'E Almendra, punta ARG co-ordinates amended 258 63°51'S 59°24'W Almonacid, punta ARG change in ref. n. (from 4667) 17242 72°17'S 60°42'W Alpheratz, Mount GBR co-ordinates amended 265 70°59'S 66°59'W Altamirano, cabo ARG longitude amended (from 61°16'S) 267 64°23'S 61°13'W Alvear, punta ARG co-ordinates amended 277 66°18'S 65°44'W Amundsen-Scott South USA new feature 17020 90°00'S 000°00'E Pole Station Anadon, punta ARG new feature 17249 68°12'S 77°00'W Ana, cabo ARG change in ref. n. (from 405) 409 64°35'S 62°26'W Ana, caleta ARG new feature 17250 64°35'S 62°26'W Anderson, glaciar ARG co-ordinates amended 351 66°22'S 64°06'W Andresen, isla ARG co-ordinates amended 378 66°59'S 66°44'W Animas, isla ARG new feature 17251 65°25'S 65°26'W Anne Hill USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16797 78°14'S 162°43'E Anniversary Bluff USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16798 78°33'S 164°15'E Antipodes Fracture Zone GBC new name, feature already named by USA 16641 60°00'S 150°30'W Apolo, glaciar ARG name modified (from Apollo, glaciar) 444 68°51'S 64°46'W Aramayo, cabo ARG co-ordinates amended 453 77°40'S 42°25'W Arce, nunatak ARG co-ordinates amended 458 66°07'S 61°10'W Arcondo, nunatak ARG new feature 17252 66°09'S 61°09'W Arctowski, península ARG co-ordinates amended 473 64°45'S 62°25'W Argentina, cordón ARG new feature 17253 88°00'S 68°00'W Argo, nunatak ARG new feature 17254 66°15'S 60°55'W Artemis Ridge USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16799 77°27'S 162°14'E Arthur, puerto ARG feature already named by CHL, GBR & USA 550 64°46'S 64°05'W Asencio, punta ARG new feature 17255 63°54'S 60°53'W Askin, Mount USA new feature 17021 80°10'S 157°53'E ASTRO Point POL longitude amended (from W to E) 585 66°16'34,4"S 100°45'00,7"E Atanasoff Nunatak BGR new feature 17191 62°36'50"S 60°07'11"W Atholl, Mount NZL longitude amended (from W to E) 603 78°00'S 163°44'E Atlantic Club Ridge BGR name modified (from Atlantic Club Peak) 12736 62°38'56"S 60°21'54"W Aylman, rocas ARG new feature 17256 68°07'S 67°07'W Aytos Point BGR new feature 17192 62°42'19"S 60°03'16"W A, Ice Stream USA new feature 17022 84°50'S 145°00'W Baia Terra Nova, Stazione ITA new feature 17177 74°41'42"S 164°07'23"E 5 What’s new in the CGA, alphabetical order Cou- Name Notes Ref. n. Latitude Longitude ntry Ball Peak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16800 77°34'S 162°47'E Barker Peak NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17023 77°30'S 168°18'E Barker Peak USA new feature 17023 77°30'S 168°18'E Bawden Ice Rise GBR co-ordinates amended 1016 66°51'30"S 60°09'18"W Beazley, Mount RUS change in ref. n. (from 1074) 14071 62°58'S 60°44'W Beeby Peak NZL new feature 17024 77°15'S 166°54'E Beeby Peak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17024 77°15'S 166°54'E Belgrave, Mount USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16801 76°36'S 162°01'E Bellafronto Bight USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16802 78°13'S 165°06'E Benson Bluff USA new feature 17025 80°00'S 157°57'E Berry Bastion USA new feature 17026 80°13'S 157°11'E Bifrost Ledge USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16803 77°35'S 162°11'E Bird Saddle NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17027 77°23'S 166°53'E Bird Saddle USA new feature 17027 77°23'S 166°53'E Birthday Bluffs USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16804 78°33'S 164°22'E Black Knob NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17028 77°50'S 166°40'E Black Knob USA new feature 17028 77°50'S 166°40'E Blackwall Ice Stream CAN new feature 17012 82°52'S 35°21'W Boney Point USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16805 76°39'S 162°43'E Borowski Peak USA new feature 17029 80°11'S 159°13'E Botev Point BGR new feature 17193 62°45'44"S 60°18'54"W Boulder Cones NZL new feature 17030 77°48'S 166°42'E Boulder Cones USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17030 77°48'S 166°42'E Bowles Ridge BGR new feature 17194 62°37'00"S 60°10'20"W Bowling Green Col USA new feature 17031 79°40'S 158°35'E Boyana Glacier BGR new feature 17195 62°42'12"S 60°05'32"W Brandwein Nunataks USA new feature 17032 80°02'S 159°55'E Britannia Range NZL name modified (from Britania Range) 1867 80°05'S 158°00'E Bromley Peak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16806 77°38'S 162°04'E Brough Nunatak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16807 76°31'S 162°27'E Buckley Nunataks GBR new feature 17168 74°55'S 72°10'W Bullfinch Ridge USA new feature 17033 76°29'S 162°13'E Bungenstock Plateau GBC new feature 17161 68°57'S 6°30'W Burgas Peninsula BGR new feature 17196 62°38'00"S 59°55'00"W Byrd Camp USA new feature 17034 80°05'S 119°32'W B, Ice Stream USA new feature 17035 83°40'S 145°00'W CAI, Cima ITA new feature 17178 80°03'02"S 81°22'33"W Caldwell Peak NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17036 77°29'S 167°54'E Caldwell Peak USA new feature 17036 77°29'S 167°54'E Camp Slope NZL new feature 17037 77°32'S 167°08'E Camp Slope USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17037 77°32'S 167°08'E Campbell Terrace USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16809 77°41'S 162°28'E Canada Peak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16810 77°37'S 162°50'E Cape Shirreff Field Station, Livingston Island USA new feature 17038 62°28'S 058°28'W Cashman Crags NZL new feature 17039 77°32'S 166°51'E Cashman Crags USA new name, feature already named by NZL 17039 77°32'S 166°51'E Cat Nunatak USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16811 77°29'S 163°28'E Centipede Nunatak NZL new name, feature already named by USA 17040 77°45'S 166°53'E Centipede Nunatak USA new feature 17040 77°45'S 166°53'E Chayter, islotes ARG longitude amended (from 54°12’W) 2573 65°18'S 64°12'W Chepelare Peak BGR new feature 17197 62°43'23"S 60°15'09"W Chiavari, Cima ITA new feature 17179 79°51'47"S 82°41'15"W Chinn Glacier USA new name, feature already named by NZL 16812 77°28'S 162°15'E Chmyznikovnuten NOR change in ref.
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