MONTHLY BULLETIN, MARCH 2021 FromtheDeskoftheGeneralSecretary_____________________________ 1 AgendaofMonthlyMeetingofMarch2021___________________________ 2 DiscoveryofBurmeseCoinHoardintheSoilofAssam:SundarpurFinds _______ 3 S. K. Bose President'sColumn___________________________________________ 4 DavidWashbrook(1948-2021):TheYouthasIsawHimatWork_____________ 8 Rajat Kanta Ray HowISpentMyTimeduringthePandemic___________________________10 Amiya Kumar Bagchi CoronaandI _______________________________________________12 Contents Pabitra Sarkar TheLockedDownElderlyBrains __________________________________15 Subhamita Maitra Boredom:PlaguingYouthduringPandemic__________________________18 Chandrima Biswas CounsellinginCoronaTimes ____________________________________22 Satyajit Das Gupta TrialsandTriumphsofStudentswithAutismDuring2020_________________26 Mitu De BuildingOurResilience:PractisingAgilityintheRealmof NewGenerationTeaching-LearningPlatform_________________________29 Sanchita Goswami EducationallyYours:NothingRemainstheSame_______________________32 Sabyasachi Chatterjee AcademicPublishingDuringtheCOVID-19Pandemic:OverallTrends _________35 Prasun Chatterjee ManagingthePost-COVIDEconomy________________________________38 Achin Chakraborty COVID-19PandemicandWorkersinInformalSectorinIndia _______________41 Ishita Mukhopadhyay TrendsofCOVID-19:UnderstandingFacetsof13monthsofthePandemic______46 Anirban Mitra and Saswata Ghosh OneYearJourneybyCOVID-19Express______________________________55 Soumen Basu, Sudipta Mukherjee and Asok Kanti Sanyal AYearintoCOVID-19:GlancingthroughaJournal ______________________60 Gorky Chakraborty NewBooksfromReader'sChoice__________________________________65 Arun Bandopadhyay NewArrivalsintheLibraryduringFebruary2021_______________________71 espite many ‘negatives’ during the corona period and despite the fact that the word ‘positive’ be- Dcame a dreaded word during the corona times when people went in for testing, one positive effect of corona period was the huge time available for me to read books, journals and periodicals which were lying idle at my house for a long time and again those which were available through the net. I cannot resist the temptation of reviewing one such book viz., The Presidential Years 2012-17 by Pranab Mukherjee, the ex-President of India which was published only in January 2021. It was a fascinating experience for me to go through The Presidential Years, 2012-17 (Rupa Publications, 2021) by Pranab Mukherjee, the ex-President of India, who had an unfortunate expiry a few months back. Written in the first person form and published posthumously only in January 2021, the book is a scintillating account of the experience of that veteran statesman and politician of not only what happened during his years of Presidency from 2012 to 2017 but also contained many anecdotes, observations and references to the course of Indian poli- tics during the last several decades. An autobiographical account of an Indian President is not new, as The Wings of Fire, by the late President, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam would tes- tify. But the present work is not an autobiography in the strict sense of the term in the sense Kalam’s work is, which is an autobiography covering the entire span of his life. Nor is it a Diary in the sense of a date by date account of what happened during the said Presidential Years. On the other hand, the major areas are thematically distributed and discussed – with antecedence where necessary, in the inimitable lucid style of writing of Mr. Mukherjee. In this first person accounts the author recollects the challenges he faced during his years as President – “the difficult deci- sions he had to make and the tightrope walk he had to undertake to ensure that both constitutional propriety and his opinion were taken into consideration” (blurb of the book). After completion of his term as President, 4 l Monthly Bulletin, March 2021 President's Column Pranab Mukherjee writes, in the Epilogue the constitutional norms. The Presidential Section, “when I look back on my years as Years is a living testimony of how successfully President, I derive satisfaction from the fact Mukherjee could function as the President of that I followed the rule book in letter and India, fulfilling that role. spirit in dealing with Governments and issues As already noted, the whole gamut of of the date, but also because I never veered experience and activities have been arranged from the constitutional parameters that have thematically delineating the activities in been laid down for an Indian head of states. several areas like Reflections on Parliament, The satisfaction is also from the realization Presidential Addresses, Experiences with that I took several initiatives to expand the the Judiciaries, Foreign Visits and Foreign scope of activities within Rashtrapati Bhavan Policy Issues, Interaction with Leaders, Path and the larger Presidential Estates, most of breaking decisions, President in relation- which yielded tangible results during my ship with his Prime Minister and his overall tenure" (p. 177). assessment of the situation etc. In all these Pranab Mukherjee entered the Parliament narratives, Mukherjee has continuously kept at a young age of 34 and in mind his momentous and from that humble position constitutional role as the he rose to become the thir- President of India, who is teenth President of India. His the constitutional head of experience in Government is the State but not the head of unparalleled having variously the Government. But candid held the positions as Minister expression of the sentiment of Defence, External Affairs, and his personal opinion on Commerce and Finance. He some crucial issues and de- was elected to the Rajya velopments have also been Sabha five times and to the expressed through these Lok Sabha twice. He was a narratives. Pondering over member of the Congress the election debacle of the Working Committee, the Congress in the 2014 Lok highest policy making body Sabha election, Mukherjee of the Congress Party, for a says “… I do believe that the period of 23 years. A closest Party’s leadership lost po- aide of Mrs. Gandhi, undisputedly the number litical focus after my elevation as President. 2 man in her cabinet he was bypassed many a While Sonia Gandhi was unable to handle time as the most eligible candidate for Prime the affairs of the party, Dr. Singh prolonged Ministership from the Congress Party. There absence from the House put an aim to any must have been a huge bitterness in his mind personal contact with other MPs”. He fur- for this, but gentleman and farsighted as he ther comments “if I had continued in the was, he never expressed it in public. From Government as Finance Minister, I would this position of active politics, when Pranab have ensured Mamata’s continuity in the Mukherjee became the President of India by coalition. Similarly, Maharastra was handled securing the support of parties across political badly, partly due to decisions taken by Sonia line – he got 69% of votes, which was much Gandhi. I would have brought back Shivraj higher than what was in the kitty of the Con- Patil or Sushil Kumar Shinde, considering the gress party – there were many who surmised dearth of a strong leader from the State like whether he can function judiciously, apoliti- Vilasrao Deshmukh. I don’t think that I would cally and conscientiously as President as per have allowed the State of Telengana to be Monthly Bulletin, March 2021 l 5 President's Column created. I firmly believe that my presence in whether the President’s speech should be active politics would have ensured that the cleared from the Government beforehand. Congress would not have faced the drubbing On this, he says, “I wish to make one thing in received in the 2014 General Election” (pp. clear. I have never shown my speech before 20-21). any event to any official of the Government. There is an interesting entry in this work But at the same time I have refrained from capturing his mood in the pre-election period being reckless or popular, taking care not to of 2014. As he was the President, he even say anything against the Government policies refrained from exercising his voting rights in and programmes … I had to be careful and the General Election as, he thought, that he calibrated in my address” (pp. 27-28). But it had been voted to the constitutional post of was not so in case of address before the joint President by a number of parties. But he was session of the Parliaments which was scru- ready for a post-election intervention if the pulously left to the Government to provide situation wanted him to do so. His candid a draft. On the decision of the Government admissions are recorded in this work. “I had to scrap the Planning Commission and to expected a hung parliament with the BJP appoint a NITI Aayog in its place, Mukherjee emerging as the single largest party with says “I was not personally not enthused by the about 190/200 seats. In such a situation it idea of the scrapping of the Planning Com- would have been my constitutional respon- mission, (though) I did not wish to rake up a sibility to ensure stability. Had the Congress controversy by opposing it publicly”. emerged with fewer seats but promised a Surprisingly, in his memoirs, Mukherjee stable Government, I would have invited that touches on many points affecting the body leader of that party to form the Government, politic in so many ways like Article 356, Centre keeping in mind their previous track record State
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