Texa-s LawReiew Article REDUNDANCY: WHEN LAw REPEATS ITSELF John M. Golden Book Review THE COUNCIL AND THE COUR'- LAw AND POLITICS IN THE RISE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT David Kaye & Kal Raustiala Notes THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL: HOW THE BRmENo FACTORS CREATE AN UNACCEPTABLE RISK OF EXECUTING PERSONS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Hensleigh Crowell PROTECTING NORTH AMERICA'S. PAST: THE CURRENT (AND INEFECTIVE) LAWS PREVENTING THE ILLICIT TRADE OF MEXICAN PRE-COLUMBIAN ANTIQUITIES AND IoW WE CAN IMPROVE THEM Ryan D. Phelps MARCH 2016 VOL. 94 No. 4 PAGES 629 To 806 Texas Law Review A nationaljournal published seven times a year Recent and Forthcoming Articles of Interest Visit www.texaslrev.com for more on recent articles IF YOU CAN'T BEAT 'EM, JOIN 'EM? How SITTING BY DESIGNATION AFFECTS JUDICIAL BEHAVIOR Mark A. Lemley & Shawn P. Miller February2016 PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE OR PRESUMPTION OF MERCY?: WEIGHING Two WESTERN MODES OF JUSTICE James Q. Whitman April 2016 Individual issue rate: $15.00 per copy Subscriptions: $47.00 (seven issues) Order from: School of Law Publications University of Texas at Austin 727 East Dean Keeton Street Austin, Texas USA 78705 (512) 232-1149 http://www.utexas.edu/law/publications Texas Law Review See Also Responses to articles and notes found in this and other issues are available at www.texaslrev.com/seealso BLACKHORSE DOWN: Do NFL TEAMS NEED TRADEMARK PROTECTION? William . Mason Receive notifications of all See Also content-sign up at www.texasIrev.coni TEXAS LAW REVIEW ASSOCIATION OFFICERS KARL G DIAL MARK L.D. WAWRO KEYAVASH HEMYARI President President-Elect Executive Director JAMES A. HEMPHILL NEEL LANE Treasurer Immediate Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRANDON T. ALLEN GWENDOLYN DAWSON JESSICA B. PULLIAM R. DOAK BISHOP STEPHEN FINK MICHAEL L. RAIFF JOHN B. CONNALLY IV MARK GIUGLIANO ADAM T. SCHRAMEK HON. GREGG COSTA CHARLES HAMPTON CHARLES W. SCHWARTZ JAMES A. Cox DEANNA E. KING HON. BEAANN SMITH ALISTAIR B. DAWSON BEN L. MESCHES STEPHEN L. TATUM SCOTT J. ATLAS, ex officio Director KATHERINE A. MARCOM, ex officio Director Texas Law Review (ISSN 0040-4411) is published seven times a year-November, December, February, March, April, May, and June. The annual subscription price is $47.00 except as follows: Texas residents pay $50.88, and foreign subscribers pay $55.00. All publication rights are owned by the Texas Law Review Association. Texas Law Review is published under license by The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, P.O. Box 8670, Austin, Texas 78713. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, P.O. Box 8670, Austin, Texas 78713. Complete sets and single issues are available from WILLIAM S. HEIN & Co., INC., 1285 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, NY 14209- 1987. Phone: (800) 828-7571. 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Copyright 2016, Texas Law Review Association Editorial Offices: Texas Law Review 727 East Dean Keeton Street, Austin, Texas 78705 (512) 232-1280 Fax (512) 471-3282 [email protected] http://www.texaslrev.com ENTR DOCU TEXAS R TEXAS STATE LIBRARY APR 05 2016 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF LAW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS WARD FARNSWORTh, B.A., J.D.; Dean, John Jeffers Research Chair in Law. JOHN B. BEC'KWOWTH, BA., J.D.; Associate Dean for Administration and Strategic Planning, Lecturer. ROBERT M. CIIESNEY, B.S., J.D.; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Charles L Francis Professor in Law. WILLIAM E. FORBATH, A.B., B.A., Ph.D., J.D.; Associate Dean for Research, Lloyd M. Bentsen Chair in Law. EDEN E. HARRINGTON, B.A., i.D.; Associate Dean for Experiential Education. Director of William Wayne Justice Centerfor Public Interest Law, Clinical Professor. ELIZABET T. BANGS, A.B., J.D.; Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. LAUREN FIELDER, B.A., J.D., LL.M.; Assistant Deanfor Graduate and International Programs. MICHAEL G. HARVEY, B.A., B.S.; Assistant Deanfor Technology. REBECCA E. MELTON, B.A., J.D.; Assistant Deanfor Alumni Relations and Development. DAVID A. MONTOYA, B.A., J.D.; Assistant Dean jbr Career Services. GREGORY J. SMIELH. B.A., J.D.; Assistant Deanfor Continuing Legal Education. FACULTY EMERITI HANS W. BAADE, A.B., J.D., LL.B., LL.M.; Hugh Lamar Stone Chair Emeritus in Civil La'. RICHARD V. BARNDT, B.S.L., LL.B.; Professor Emeritus. JULIUS G. GEIMAN, B.A., LL.B., LL.M.; EarlE. Sheffield Regents Chair Emeritus. WILLIAM W. GIBSON, JR., B.A., LL.B.; Sylvan Lang Professor Emeritus in Law of Trusts. ROBERT W. HAMILTON, A.B., J.D.; Minerva House Drvsdale Regents ChairEmeritus. DOUGLAS LAYCOCK, B.A., J.D.; Alice McKean Young Regents ChairEmeritus. J.L. LEBiW'Fl, A.B,, J.D., LL.M.; Joseph C. Hutcheson Professor Emeritus. BASIL S. MARKESINIS, LL.B., Ph.D., D.C.L., LL.D.; Jamail Regents Chair Emeritus in Lass'. JOHN T. RATL IFF, JR., B.A., LL.B.; Ben Gardner Sewell Professor Emeritus in Civil Trial Advocacy. JAMES M. TREECE, B.S., J.D., M.A.; CharlesI. Francis Professor Emeritus in Lastw. PROFESSORS JEFFREY B. AI3RAMSON, BA., JD., Ph.D.; Professor of Governmnent and Law. DAVID E. ADELMAN, B.A., Ph.D., J.D.; Harr Reasoner Regents Chair in Law. DAVID A. ANDERSON, A.B., J.D.; Fred and Emily Marshall Wul/ Centennial Chair in Law. MARILYN ARMOUR, B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Social Work. MARK L. ASC'HER, B.A., M.A., J.D., LL.M.; Haden W. Head Regents Chairfor Faculty Excellence. RONEN AVRAIIAM, M.B.A., LL.B., LL.M., S.J.D.; Thomas Shelton Maxey Professor in Law. LYNN A. BAKER, B.A., B.A., J.D.; Frederick H. Baron Chair in Law, Co-Director of Center on Lawyers. Civil Justice, and the Media. BARBARA A. BINILIEF, M.A., JD.; Joseph C. Hutcheson Professorin Law, Director of Tarlton La' Librari and the Jamai Center/for Legal Research. LYNN E. BLAS, A.B., J.D.; Leroy G. Denman, Jr. Regents Professor in Real Property Law. ROBERT G. BONE, B.A., J.D.; G. Rollie White Teaching Excellence Chair in Law. OR EN BRACIIA, LL.B., S.J.D.; Howrey LLP and Arnold, White & Durkee Centennial Professor. DANIEL M. BRINKS. A.B., J.D., Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Co-Director ofBernard and Audre Rapoport Center or Human Rights and Justice. J. BUDZISZEWSKI, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Professor of Government. NORMA V. CANTU, B.A.. J.D.; Professor of Education and Law. LOFTUS C. CARSON II, B.S., M. Pub. Affrs., M.B.A., J.D.; Ronald D. Krist Professor. MICHAE. J. CHURGIN, A.B., J.D.; Ravboirne Thompson Centennial Professor. JANE M. COiEN, B.A., J.D.; Edward Clark Centennial Professor. FRANK B. CROSS, B.A., J.D.; Herbert D. Kelleher Centennial Professor of Business Law, Professor of Laws. WILLIAM H. CUNNiNGHAM, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.; Professor of Marketing Administration. JENS C. DAMMANN, J.D., LL.M., Dr. Jur., J.S.D.; William Stamps Farish Professorin Law. JOHN DEIGH, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Pro/essorof Philosophy and Law. MvEcuH ELE DICK ERSON, B.A., .ID.;Arthur L. Moller Chair in Bankruptcy Lass' and Practice, Universits' Distinguished Teaching Professor. GEORGE E. Dix, B.A., J.D.; George R. Killam, Jr. Chair of Criminal Law. JOlHN S. DZIENKOWSKI, B.B.A., J.D.; Dean John F. Sutton, Jr. Chair in Lawvering and the Legal Process. DAVID J. EATON, B.A., M.Sc., M.A., PhD.; Professor of Public Affairs. ZACHARY S. ELKINS, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Government. KAREN L. ENGL E, B.A., J.D.; Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law, Founder and Co-Director of/Bernard and Audre Rapoport Centerfor Human Rights and Justice. KENNETH FLAMM, A.B., Ph.D.; Professor of Public Affairs. JOSEPH R. FISHKIN, B.A., M.Phil., D.Phil., J.D.; Professor of Law. CARY C. FRANKLIN, B.A., M.S.T., D.Phil., J.D.; ProfessorofLas. MIRA GANOR, B.A., M.B.A., LL.B., LL.M., J.S.D.; Professor of Law. CHARLES E. GHOLZ, B.S., B.S.. Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Public.4ffairs. JOHN M. GOLDEN, A.B., J.D., Ph.D.; Loomer Family Professor in Law. STEVEN GOODE, B.A., J.D.; W. James Kronzer Chair in Trial and Appellate Advocacy, University Distinguished Teaching Professor. LuNo A. GRAGLIA, B.A., LL.B.; A. W. Walker Centennial Chair in Law. BENJAMIN G. GREGG, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Government. CHARLES G. GROAT, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.; Professor of Public Affairs. PATRICIA 1. HANSEN, A.B., M.P.A., J.D.; J. Waddy Bullion Professor. HENRY T. C. HU, B.S., M.A., J.D.; Allan Shivers Chair in the Law of Banking and Finance. BOBBY R. INMAN, B.A.; Professor of Public Affairs.
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