1 2 today. It was no easy task his fresh- Dear Chaminade Family, man year. His doubts were big. As you page through this annual report, the numbers tell a good My stresses were huge. Would he part of “the story” of the Chaminade experience. Numbers matter, even carry it out? I can’t tell you of course. Our Development team constantly analyzes numbers: how it warms my heart to hear him number of donors, repeat donors, new donors, amounts given, today talk about how he “loves” events hosted, etc. I am incredibly grateful to the Development Chaminade, and how this teacher is staff for all their efforts on behalf of Chaminade High School and for his “boy” or that teacher is the “man!” It advancing the mission. I owe particular thanks to Bro. Richard Hartz just is a bond that I know will last his lifetime, ’59, Director of Development and Alumni Relations; Mrs. Deborah and for that alone, I’ll be forever grateful. Kendric, Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations; This summer after practice, Kevin and one of his teammates and Mr. Christopher Hanley ’80, Senior Development Officer, as well stopped at a local diner for lunch, and there they ran into Coach as the rest of their support staff. When you look at the numbers in Lynch sitting at the table behind them. They exchanged small talk, this publication, you can see quite clearly that they are extraordinarily and Coach Lynch went on his way. Imagine the shock and delight to competent and dedicated to their work on behalf of Chaminade High these two seniors when they found out that Coach Lynch picked up School. their bill! This, Brother Tom, is what Chaminade teaches our boys. But numbers only give you part of the story. The other part of That story will forever remain with Kevin, as will the generosity of this the picture, the part that “the numbers” are fundamentally all about scholarship at a time in our lives when I wasn’t sure what else would is the human dimension of the Chaminade experience. go wrong. This scholarship has humbled me beyond words, and During his visit to the United States, Pope Francis stressed the somehow, someway we will find a way to pay it forward. Thank you importance of being connected. It is this connectedness – it is human again, from the very bottom of our hearts! God bless you and entire relationship that carries and sustains the love of God and his mercy. Chaminade staff! (Thank you, Coach Lynch – “Everything Speaks.”) Without the connections that relationships foster, our lives would be And finally, one from a graduate: Not a single day goes by that dismally solitary. I don’t think about my time spent there. The important lessons I In his reflections offered at The World Meeting of Families, Pope learned there on how to be a “Chaminade Man” and the importance Francis said: These little gestures are those we learn at home, in the of family and religion will stay with me for the rest of my life. The family; they get lost amid all the other things we do, yet they do make last year for me has had a lot of ups and downs, twists and turns, each day different. They are the quiet things done by mothers and but the one thing that always keeps me grounded is reflecting on grandmothers, by fathers and grandfathers, by children. They are my time at Chaminade and knowing what is truly important in life. little signs of tenderness, affection and compassion. Like the warm I didn’t know it at the time, but I was learning some of the most supper we look forward to at night, the early lunch awaiting someone valuable lessons for my future. I’ve had a lot of friends from my early who gets up early to go to work. Homely gestures. That is why our childhood and college come and go, but my one group of friends that families, our homes, are true domestic churches. They are the right will stick around forever are my Chaminade friends. I know they will place for faith to become life, and life to become faith. last a lifetime. I can’t begin to say how thankful I am for everything And this is so very true in our own family, the Chaminade Family, Chaminade gave me, and for giving me the opportunity to be part of where we strive to create “the right place for faith to become life, and something really special, to be part of a group of men who truly care life to become faith.” for each other. I can only hope one day to have sons so they can have Although we are always looking to improve, I think we do a pretty the same experience I had, to set them up for the rest of their lives, good job in meeting the Pope’s challenge. Let me share some emails and to have it instilled into them that the only way to live life is to be I have received recently (when I get really good ones like these, I save a good, respectable person. I work with a couple St. Anthony’s and them!). Kellenberg people, and I proudly hang my Chaminade banner in the This one was sent to Mr. Patrick Hoey, Assistant Principal of Aca- office for everyone to see. Till this day, whenever I bring up to people demics: Hi Pat, I intended to tell you about the Chaminade students that I went to Chaminade and they ask, “Oh that’s the all boy’s school, who attended mass at St. Anne’s last Saturday evening, September did you like it?” I proudly tell them it was the best decision of my 5th. They were remarkable in their attentiveness, deportment etc., life and that I would do anything to do it all over again. I can’t thank etc. I was really impressed by their conduct. At the conclusion of the you and Chaminade enough for putting me on the right path. I truly mass, I asked one of the young men if he and his friends were from have no clue what my life would be like had I not gotten that proper St. Anne’s. He told me that they were not parishioners but that they religious education. went to various churches in the diocese. He also told me that they Sure, the numbers in this booklet matter; they matter a lot. Still, were on the soccer team. Wow, such fine young people! I told him it is the lives behind the numbers, the young men who are directly that I knew you and would let you know about how impressed I was affected by these numbers, that matter the most. seeing them at church. Keep up the wonderful work that you and On behalf of the entire Marianist Community, thank you all for your others do for these “kids.” Have a great school year! loyalty and support of our mission of Catholic Education! This one I received from a mom who received financial aid: Next time you are in the area, drop in and say hello – that’s what Kevin continues to enjoy his days at Chaminade; it is just so hard to families do! believe he’s already a senior. I dropped him off for football camp and couldn’t stop myself from watching this year’s freshmen enter Fortes in Unitate! the building that first time during 3C week, and remembering how much fun Kevin had that week. It seems like just yesterday that Kevin tripped up those steps - literally! He was just so scared. Your staff Bro. Thomas J. Cleary, S.M. ’81 has helped develop Kevin into the student and the young man he is President 3 President’s Letter Dear Chaminade Family, it among the top yearbooks in New York State. It also received First Place from the American Scholastic Press Association. Pope Francis has been a Skylight, Chaminade’s literary magazine, took home Third blessing to the Church and to Place honors from the American Scholastic Press Association. the world. As you know, he has Tarmac was honored by the New York Press Association as stressed the importance of mercy. the Best Overall Newspaper in New York State, topping nearly This made me think: in French, the 100 other high schools, both public and private. Our Speech word “merci” means “thanks.” What and Debate Team qualified fifty-one members for the New a perfect concept for reflection on this past York State Championship, twenty-one for the Catholic National year. At Thanksgiving time we pause to reflect on all of God’s Tournament, and two for the National Forensic League National blessings. However, it is always good to take time to reflect Tournament. The Science Olympiad Team took Third Place out on all that God has given to us, how blessed we are, and to of thirty-seven teams in the Regional Competition and twenty- give thanks to God and those who partner with us in this fourth in the state competition. This makes them one of the Marianist Mission. highest-ranked Catholic schools in the state. Chaminade continues to be blessed with talented, caring We are grateful for the extensive athletic program that we and successful students, an outstanding staff, and gener- are able to offer our young men and for their success this past ous parents, alumni, CAPA and friends. Our facilities and year. The Flyers captured 34 season and league champion- programs continue to expand, giving our students every ships combined.
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