i I • I ; , f MONDAY, JULY 81,1944 Mancheater Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation f E 5 f For the Moaih of Jrijr, 1944 The Weather Aviation Cadet John W. Des- Employeea at thh Manchester Have Year Hot Air Fumaee Pfc. Earle CUffo«-<* has re­ Trust Co., who are on a vacation Foiemri *r U. S. Heather Bmeuu The Red Cross surgical dreee- One# again th# children have turned to his duties at the Ogden mariais, 22,,30 Birch street. Man- Reconditioned For Winter 1 8,728 Mr. and Mrs. Roland ParmeUe Fonfirmed their loyalty to the Red Arsenal. Ogden, Utah, after be­ clicstcr, .was recently awarded a Include Mrs. Henrietta Ruff ,of and daughter Barbara, have ings committee is extremely grate­ Cross. Two mUe girls. Colcen Marksman's medal for proficiency the bookkeeping department: Miss OoaalderuM* high eloudtoeav ful to all the women wbo have ing confined to the Buahnell Gen­ Can 8966. Member *f the Audit tvlth MO importont tempetutorc loutTown moved to their new home at 219 Underhill and Virginia Johiwn. eral HoaplUl. Brigham, Utah, in firing the .45 caliber automatic Gloria DeUa Ferm, secretory to BnreM of ^Sreatottoae Woodland street. Since arriving responded to the need for diess- both of Cambridge street, nave pistol at Maxwell Field. Alabama, the treasurer; Robert Boyce of NOHMAN b e n t z ' : luuige* tonight and Wedikeadey. from California two months ago ings, and are counting on their turned over to the Mnnchwter for the past 22 days. an in.stallatibn of the AAF Train­ the mortgage department: Miss The Local .Ttaunith J Mr«. H. J. BlcHfort they have been living witA MTO, continued support. Tonight the Jeanette PatoA of the discount Manchester—-A City of Village Charm iey . of GreenhiU Monday evening group meet chapter the The Board of Directors of the ing Command, ^ two week* *t their Parmclle's uncle and a i^ ***■• they raised by iftldlng • '^'j**,* Manchester Chapter. Amtrlinn and loan department, • and Miss in the haU art Center eburch at Elephant sale recently. The chil­ Arline Holmes, one of the tellers. yOL. LXIU,, NO. 257 (CiMMdSed Advertlelng eu Page 8) ■er home tn Colebrook. and M*. » . W. of 11 7:30, and it bi hoped that the at­ Red Cross, will meet tomorrow, Miss Dorothy Sonego, Mrs. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1944 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI Hcmloeii MPaei. tendance will be as flne as it ha* dren collected the '‘elophants Md Tuesday, afternoon at 4 o’clock Ruth Boyce, Arthur Keeney and /F l o o r LAYING ^ and Mre. Oliver Manewr ^1 sold them all by themselves, be­ iJfiuts Genovesl of the Savings Dr. Joseph C. Barry has resign­ Mrs. Marjorie Norton, eataloguer been recently. There la still a cause they wanted to help the in the chapter office. Bank of Manchester are on vaca­ ed as plant physician at United AND SANDING ^ o r t h Main at the Mary Cheney Ubrary, Is large amount of work to get out Red Cross, and the chapter is tion. Miss Sonego la at Hamp­ Aircraft and will devote his entire Reflnishinf and Waainr ■ houae to Arthur Ott •* Tol- spending the week at Old Lyme, in order to fulflll th# promise pleased and grateful for their in­ Mrs. Nellie Wells of New York Pittsburgh Welconic^g Dewey 1, Conn., who will move to hUr| made to Area Headquarters to city is spending a two weeks’ ton’ Beach. N. H.. Mrs. Boyce at time to the practice of medicine Estim ate Giadiy GItcb Sugar Mountain. N. H„ and Mr. 156 Main street, Manchester. <3T- Russian and Polish ?ltonic M Anguet 4. C ^n. finish tbs quota next week. It terest. ___ vacation at the home of her sister, will be Imposalble to do ao unless Mrs. James puffy of 232 Henry Keeney is with hla family at his flee hours will be 2 to 4 andyfl:30 CALL 8254 Yanks Push Invasion to 8:30 p. m. except Wednewuys. SalvaUon Army Band Lady Roberta I>odg*. Daughter* there are a large number of work- MIS. Marlon Mmv atreet. cottage. Groton Long Point. ’ I ■ L a concert Wednesday evening of St. George will meet tomorrow era both this evening and Wed­ dren-s librarian at the Mary lalcfat o’clock on the terrace night in the Masonic Temple. All Cheney Ubrary. .wHl give ■noth^ Forces Hit Pra.ga; I of the flagpole In Center member* are urged to attend as nesday. of the Tuesday morning sto ^ , Aa the majority of Ita mem- Important business will be brought hours tomorrow. at teA o clock in t -are- engaged In war work, up for action by the meeting. The winner# of War Bonda given Center Park. Into Brittany Today; m 14 are tn the armed foreea, away by the V. F. W, and drawn kiMuid haa been unable to give Saturday night at the carnival are Warsaw Set Afire During the month of August the as follows: Herbert Wylie, 58 Pine * 1# ^ in the park as hi past British..... War Relief rooms will fit closed for sewing, but will be open street, 8100. No. 1783; F. MoMon, R o o f i n g —A flb c flto fl occasionally-.For the shipment of Co. H, C. 8. O., $50. No. 3380. Hundreds of Planes ^Sup­ am PubUc Health Nursing a* used clothing and toys. Grace Tournafd, 148 Pearl atreet, Siding and Rocjt port Attack on Sub­ Fires Blast Drive Without Paus( atlon announces that $50, No. 20444; Mrs. D. Paraon. r^lnie at ,10 a. m. tomorro^ R. LaMotts Russell, treasurer 158 Birch atreet. $26, No. Wool Insulation urb Across Vistula; I bs held m the clinic .« » m ^ Marlon Gouln, 24 UnmoM Drive, X of the Savings Bhnk of Manches­ $26. No. 16872: Bmle Pohl, Ferrett Siiiiiiner stimulants for your table from our At Traffic ^HiiBlrial hospital, and the ter, has gone to Camp Alamoo- g^xpert workmaaahl^ Nazis Btiming and “ ■ »by cUnlc from two to four A Glenney, $25. No. 7 ^ : J- raarsBteed. ResuMiaabl* Pnoes. Armor Wedge Nazis Take ! sook. East Orland. Maine, for a Durkee. 412 E. Center straet $25. new collection. Blo^wihg Up Buildings wwr ____ isn Spearhead flis 1 Kk tomorrow at the *am# vacation of two week*. ^ Hi* .son No ebUgsUoii lor an eetimato. In Service €. Because of the picnic. Wed- No 7449. The wipnera of bond* W rit*. ■day the usual well-baby cUidc Robert and family are ^ t the drawn each night w «a Meanor ..in Heart of Gty. , May Cut Off Wraps Off preaching Key 'th a ’TAf.CA,. building ^ same camp. Vlttner, 86 No. School atreat, Colorful Printed Cloths that you’ll use day in and . Of Virfe; Canadians Itted. All children attending Dorothy Christiana, Silver Lone, Burton Insulating Co day out to cheer .vour family on these hot Summer days. Moscow,. vAug. 1.—(^)— United Aircraft Listed I picnic should be at the Sheri- Mrs, Fred Parker of 30 Academy E. Hartford; Mrs. Sadi* Noren. No PtKMM Hartleefl 82-4818 Use them also for draperies, aprons, ami skirts. Be sure Among Plants Paying Brest Sector New Plane New Fighting on Pi I Wednesday at on* o'clock. street, national president of the Main atreet; Richard H ea^. 89 _ an_Uarttoid to see the sample skirt, aprons and drapes made from Driving in from three direc­ Daughters of St. George, ha* re­ -Ridgewood street; George Flndell. 188 Oxford St. tions under hundreds of Red- Huge Sums for En­ is-Pointed East Fli turned after a tour of severar Lancaster Road. the.se colorful cloths. weeks through Southern New starred planesf Russian and gineering Services. American Breakthrdugh Rocket-Propelled Fight­ Of Line; Smash Ni York state and Pennsylvania, dur­ Polish troops today attacked To Avranches Turns Line in Dozen Plui IF YOll’RE ing which she paid an official visit er Capable of Ter­ to many different branches of the Extra Size 58x78 Pre-Laundereif Praga, industrial suburb of Washington, Aug. 1.—()P)—The Normandy Battle into ^pla n n in g f o r a House Military committee fired rific ‘ Speed But Do organisation. Warsaw acrossVistula Fight for France. Bulletin! IT’S A DATE! river east of tlie capital. Rus- another, blast today at what it Not Stand to Fight, Supreirie Headquarters Sergeant Verne Halladay. son of called "a vicioua practice’’ of traf­ r W edding Mr. and Mr*. Burton C. Halladay, Being out those soiled Printed Lunch Cloths aian fliers^^eported demoU- Supreme Headquarter* Allied lied Expeditionary Fot„ of 75 Branford street, la home on garments now and have tiona exptomng' in " the heart of ficking lA labor by groups repre- London, Aug. 1-^fjC)— The Ger­ Aug. 1.—^jT*>—A m e r i c a or Mexican and Fruit Patterns. 'WaraayKuid IxVeatia said "the Expeditionary Force, Aug. 1.— furlough from Camp Gruber, Okla them like new again, by seatfpg themselvea as... furnjahera mans have, now' taken the wraps doughboys and tanks raO L homa. Colorful patterns for the Hitl^rltea in their fury are bum- of engineering services for war —The American breakthrough off another new weapon—a rock­ our modei[^ acientinc and blowing up many build- which covered 40 ' milea in aeven ming into Brittany seized tw| Banquet larger size tables. Fast color. *' $ 2 - 6 9 contractors,. et-propelled fighter—and all Allied drv-cleanii? technique. ngt.” The practice, which it condemn­ dc^a to Avrahehea and tdmed th* key dams 10 mile's southc There wtn be a special meeting One Dlviaion Routed fliers who have encountered the of V. r . W. Post Wednesday eve­ Call us today and youil ed in a report last March, the Gov.
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