lrlta ltt 1amp lJJiluum 7 !fumhtr 1 N111umhrr_ 1815 irlta lrta 1£amp OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Delta Zeta Fraternity AREMA O'BRIEN Editor The DELTA ZETA LAMP is published at Col um­ bus, Ohio, in November, January, March and May, by The Edward T. Miller Co., official printers of the fraternity. Subscription price, $1.50 per year. Entered as second-class matter Dec. 1st, 1915, at the post office at Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. VOL. VII. NOVEMBER. )Jo. 1 Delta Zeta Fraternity FOUNDED AT MIAMI U~IVERSITY , OCTOBER 24, 1902 Guv PoTTER BENTO ', D . D., LL. D., Grand Patron. FOUNDERS ALFA LLOYD HAYES ANNA SDDIONS FRIEDLI NE MABELLE MINTON MARY CoLLINS ANNA KEEN DA\'IS JuLIA BisHoP CoLEMAN GRAND COUNCIL Grand Prcsident.. .................... ............ MARTHA Lou iSE RAILSBACK 1628 r. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Grand Vice-President .. .............................................. ERMA LINDSAY 202 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Grand Secretary .. ...... ................................ RENNIE SEBRING SMITH Y. W. C. A., Hamilton, Ohio. Gra-nd T1·easure1· .. ......................................................HAzEL PuTNAM Lake City, Iowa. Editor of The Lamp ...................................... .......... AREMA O'BRIEN 78 West 4th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Historian .................. ................ .. .................. MRs. H . L. STEPHENSON 412 Marguerite Ave., Portland. Oregon. Registrar ..... .. ................................................ ........... JANET CAMERON 9 :Monroe St., \\'arren, Ohio. Parliamentarian ... ................................................... ........ RuBY LoNG Cashmere. Washington. EDITORIAL STAFF OF THE LAMP Editor ....................................... .. .. ......... .................... ARE~1A O'BRIEN 78 \Vest 4th Ave., Columbus. Ohio. Business M anager .................................................. MADELINE BAIRD 315 \Vest 9th AYe., Columbus. Ohio. Exchange Editor .......................... .. .............. MRs. R. A. STEPHEKS 6450 Harper AYe., Chicago, Ill. Alrmmqe Editor.. ................... ... ··-- ............................ GEORGIA SAYLn-r: 438 Arcadia Court. Ft. \iVayne, Ind. Social Service Edito?' ... ............................................. BEULAII GREER 3526 N. Illinois St.. Indianapolis, Ind. j;tanbing illommtttrrs SOCIAL SERVICE BEULAH GREER ( Alpha) Chairman BEss Boos (Omicron ) CLARA BELLE HuFFMAN (Eta) EXAMINATION MRs. GRACE BuRRITT SLUYTER ( Zeta) Chairman MRs. J. R. DAns (Zeta) ETHEL KING (Zeta) BIG SISTER Mns. !ETTIE WILLS SHUGART (Zeta) Chairman LouisE SHEPPA (Mu) DoROTHY DouGLAS (Beta) FINANCE COMMITTEE MYRTLE GRAETER (Delta) Chairman IIEROTHA 0' ·EILL (Kappa) FRANCES HANKEMEIER (Epsilon) illfraptrr illtrrrtory ACTIVE ALPHA-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. President-Ann Hanlon, Hepburn Hall. Chapter Editor-Margaret M. Devine. BETA-Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Chapter Editor-Margaret Luckings, 120 Oak Ave. DELTA-De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. President- Ruth May Railsback, Delta Zeta House. Chapter Editor-Gladys Yarbrough. EPSILON-Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. President-Georgia Lee Chandler, Delta Zeta House. Secretary-Hazel Sarles. Chapter Editoi·- Katherine O'Connor. ZETA-Nebraska University, Lincoln, Nebraska. President- Blanche Higgins, Delta Zeta House. Chapter Editor-Florence Burch. THETA-Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Presiden t- Joseph ine J ones, Delta Zeta House, 62 13th Ave. Secretar y- R u th Megath ey. Chapter Editor-Fr ances J. Barker. IoTA-Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa. P r esident-Alice A. Hatcher, Delta Zeta Hou s e, 5 Bloom Terrace. Secretary-Lucile Matyk. Chapter Editor-Ber nice Cole. KAPPA- University of VVashington, Seattle, \Vashington: Chapter Editor- Ch ristine Pollard, Delta Zeta House, 4746 16 N. E. LA:\IllDA-Kansas State Agricultural Coll ege, Manhattan. Kan­ sas. Chapter Editor- Mary Hazel Phinney. Me-University of California, Berkeley, California. Chapter Editor-Margaret T aylor, 2821 Bancroft Way. X u-Lombard College, Galesburg, Ill. Chapter Editor- Eth el Nicholson, 750 N. Academy. _T I-Uniyersity of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio. President-Norma Rost , 514 E. 4th St. Chapter Editor-Dorothy G. Smith, 2111 Fulton Ave., Walnut Hills. 01.1ICRox-Uni1·ersity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. President- Helen Howard, 3323 Ward St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretar y- Dorothy Gr een, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. Chapter Editor- Mar y Sanner, 1108 Ross Ave., Wiikinsburg, Pa. ALUM TAE ALPHA-Indianapolis , I nd. President-Martha R a ilsba ck. Secretary-Mae Co erper , 21 30 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. BETA- Cincinnati, Ohio. P r esiden t-Anna Keen Davis, 4677 Glen s hade Ave., Cincinnati, Oh io. Secretar y-Lois P ier ce Zimm er man, 2633 Dar ey Ave ., Sou t h Nor­ wood, Ohio. GAMMA-Columbus, O hio. Presiden t-Ma rie Blu ett, 1964 N. Hig h St ., Columbus, Ohio. Secr e ta r y-Ethel Scofi eld , 1392 Summit S t . DELTA-Lincoln, Neb. ~\f1 s . Nettie Wills Shi!gart, 231 N. 14th St., Lincoln , N e br. EPSILON- ew York City. Erma Lin dsay, 221 Leffer ts P lace, Brookly n , N. Y. ZETA- Seattle, W ash. P r esident- Anna h Shelton , 4502 12th Ave., N . E., Seattle, Was h. Secreta r y-Fr a n ces Ringer Lee, 916 Howa rd No., S eattle, Was h . DISTRICT INSPECTION OF DELTA ZETA General lnspector__ _____ ______ _____ __ ____ __ ______ ____ ________ The Grand P resident DISTRICT I-MARTHA LoursE RArLSBACK, Inspector Chapters: Indiana University, Lombard, Iowa State Uni­ versity. General supervisor of the following states: Minnesota, llli­ nOts, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa. DISTRICT II-ERMA Lr DSAY, Inspector Chapter: university of Pittsburg. General supervision of the following states: Pennsylvania, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New J ersey, Maryland. DJSTRICT Ill- R ENNIE SEBRING SMITH, Inspector Chapters: Ohio State, DePauw. General supervisor of the following states: Texas, Lousiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Indiana. DrsTRICT I V-HAZEL PuTNAM , Insp ec to1• Chapters : Kansas Agricultural. Baker, Nebraska. General supervisor of the following states : Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico. the Dakotas. Montana. DrsTJncT V-AREMA O'BRIEN, Inspector Chapters: Cornell, Cincinnati University. General supen·isor of the following states: the Virginias. }.fiss- issippi, A labama. Tennessee. the Carolinas. DISTRICT V I -ELizABETH CouLTER STEPHENSON. Inspector Chapter: California. General superviso r of the following states: Oregon, Cali ­ fornia. Nevada. DISTRICT \'II-]ANET CAMERON, Inspector Chapter: Miami. Supervisor of the following states: Ohio, Michigan. vVis­ consin. DISTRICT VIII-Rum.· LoNG, !nspect01· Chapter: Washington State University. Supervisor of the following states: Idaho. Wyoming. Okla­ homa. CONTENTS A UTU :'Il l\' -----·-------------------- ·- ·--· ------------------------· .. --------------- -- ------------ -- 9 THE So:\fG BooK.- -- ---------------------- -- ----- ------ ·---- ------------ --------------------·- 9 A BIT OF APPRECIATION; MRs. ELIZABETH CouLTEH TEPIIENso:-~ ______________________________ 11 MRs. GERTRUDE McELFRESH ____ ____ __________ __ ____ ___ ________________ ___ __ 12 MI s MII .DRED 1cKAv __ _______ ____________________________ ___ ____ __ _________ ___ 12 Miss GRETTA T u u . Y ------ -· __ ---------------------------- ----- ------------------- 13 B(TY A BRICK __ ____ ____ ________ ______ __________________ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ __ ________ -- -- ---- --- ---- 13 \ "ocATIONAI. DEPARTJ\IE!\T: TnE Cor-LEGE \ iVoMAN AND VocATIOKS .. ________ ____ __ _________ ___ ____ 15 ~URSING , A PROFESSION FOR EDuCATED \ VoMEI\' __________ _____ _ 17 CENsus OF \ VoMEN \ VoRKERs ____ ____ __ __ ____ ________________________________ 21 THE .ArwERTISlNG Co ' T EST .... ---------------------------- ------- ------------· -------- 22 ADDITION FOR THE DIRECTORY-- ---- -- ------------------------------- ---------------- 2± STERLll G OR PLATED _____ __________ _________________________ __ __ ________ ____ ___ _____________ 26 U IVERSITY OF CIKCIKKATL ........... , .......... __________ _________________ __ _____ 29 A FEw SuGGESTrO-"'S IN \ \'RITIKG SoNes FOR THE Sol\'"G BooK 33 EDITORIAI .S ·------------------ -- -------- ------·-----·------------------------------ -------- -- ---- 34 IK MEMORIA:\1 ------------- ------ ----- ------- --- -·---------- ----- ----- --- ------·-------------· 37 SociAL SERVICE : TriE Y. \ V. C. A. oF CoRNELL UNIVERSITY ____ __ __ ____ ______________ 38 FINDIKG THE vVAL ________ _________ _________ _____ ______ _____ __ __ __ ______ ____________ ______ 42 AwARDIKG ScnoLARSHIP C P AT O rno STATE UNIVERSITY ____ 43 SociETY -- -- -- -------------- ------- --- -------- -- ------------ --- -----·-·----------------------------- 46 OuR Pos-:r Box: ACTIVE Cll APTERS ----·----- ------- ---- -- -- ------- ---· -- -----------------·-----·---- 48 ALU:\1NAE CHAPTERS -----·---------------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- -- --------- --------- ·- 60 ExCHAI\'GES ------- ---- ------ ---------------· --- -- -- ---- -·-----· ----- -------- -- ------- -- --- ------ - 63 ADVERTISEMENTS -·------ ---------------------- -- --------------·- -- ----------------------Gi5- 1 1 IDn ilrltu lttu PIRIT of dear Delta Zeta, ...._S You are with us every day, In the smile of friendly faces, In the songs that cheer the way. In the gleaming of the candles, In the flicker of the flame, In the long gold rays of sunset, Speaks the love that crowns your name. When we waken in the darkness, We can feel your great heart beat With the love that ever leads us Upward, onward to His feet. From
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