PAGE 14 THURSDAY MAY 11,2000 CATHOLIC COURIER DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER, N.Y. C-_P#+*'' " Milestones recounted as pope turns 80 Pope John Paul II turns 80 on May 18. able to travel freely and frequently the electors began to look elsewhere. Born fctrol YVojtvla in Wadowice, an in­ around the world, establishing personal Their eyes fell upon Carlo Colombo, die dustrial town near Cracow, his path to contacts that would serve him well in the moderate 7&-year-oId cardinal-archbish­ maturity was strewn with many personal second conclave of 1978. He attended op of Milan. But Colombo announced obstacles. the eucharistic congress in Philadelphia that he would not accept election. His mother had died in childbirth essays in in 1976, and visited the Middle East, That evening Cardinal Franz Koenig when he was only 9, and his physician- Africa, South and East Asia and Aus­ of Vienna is said to have campaigned brother died caring for the sick in an epi­ theology tralia. He gave the Lenten retreat to the openly for Wojtyla as one who under­ demic, when Karol was only 12. The fa­ pope and the papal household in 1976. stood the problems of the church behind ther, who had raised him, died in 1941 After Paul VI's death on Aug. 6,1978, die Iron Curtain. Th'e next day his votes when the future pope was just 21. Cardinal Wojtyla participated in the elec­ doubled to roughly 20. B\ then, Europe was embroiled in an­ tion of John Paul I. When the newly There was also a surge for another other world war. Nazi occupation forces earned a doctorate in theology in 1948, elected pope died after only 33 days in non-Italian, Cardinal Jan Willebrands of closed the Jagiellonian University in Cra­ under the direction of Reginald Gar- office, the cardinals returned to Rome Holland, head of die Secretariat for Pro­ cow where Karol was a student. To avoid rigou-Lagrange, a prominent theologian in a virtual state of shock, looking to moting Christian Unity. Willebrands deportation to Germany, he worked in a known for his traditional approach to re-r elect someone more physically vigorous. asked his supporters to unite behind Wo­ quarrv as a stone cutter and later in a ligious questions. The restorationist cardinals, regarding jtyla, who was elected, it seems, on die chemical plant. After three years in parish work, Fa­ Pope John XXflFs council as a major dis­ eighth ballot. There was no move to In October 1942 he began his studies ther Wqjtyla returned to die Jagiellonian aster, lined up behind Genoa's Cardinal make the vote unanimous, some oFSiri*5 : for the priesthood in an underground to study philosophy, while teaching so­ Giuseppe Siri. The cardinals favoring supporters holding out to die end. seminary maintained by Cardinal Adam cial ethics at the local seminary. In 1956 Vatican II reforms supported Cardinal John Paul I had honored both John Sapieha, archbishop of Cracow. The he was appointed professor of ethics at Giovanni Benelli, the archbishop of Flo­ XXIII and Paul VI by his unprecedented voung seminarian was struck by a car in Lublin University. rence and a trusted adviser of Paul VI. A double-name. The newly elected pope, late February 1944, and was hospitalized His life as an ecclesiastic then shifted powerful force in the Roman Curia, he referring to Paul VI, who had made him for nearly two weeks. Later that same to the "fast track." Onjuly 4,1958, at the also had made some enemies. a cardinal, and to John Paid I, chose the vear, the archbishop moved all of his age of 38, he was appointed auxiliary The restorationist cardinals were de­ name of John Paul II. John XXTH was not seminarians into his official residence bishop of Cracow. Less than six years lat­ termined to block Benelli, even if it mentioned but die pope will beatify him until the end of thenar. er, he became archbishop of Cracow. He meant electing the first non-Italian pope in September. Karol was ordained on Nov. 1, 1946, was only 43. Three and a half years after in more than 450 years. Although reli­ To John Paul n, a happy 80di birthday. and left Poland two weeks later to begin that, at age 47, he was named a cardinal. able reports indicated that Benelli had • •• graduate work in Rome at the An- In spite of the Communist control well over a majority of the votes, he could Father McBrien is a professor of theology gelicum, a Dominican university. He over his homeland, Cardinal Wojtyla was not garner die necessary twrthirds, so at the University of Notre Dame. Christ, as good shepherd, protects his flock Fourth Sunday of Easter (May 14): you. How true! But if a person refuses to why a shepherd carries, besides his staff, (R3) John 10:11-18; (Rl) Acts 4:8-12; rest from his labors, he will soon refuse a rod: a heavy club. David tells how he (R2) 1 John 3:1-2. to labor for die rest Uiat is eternal. clubbed a lion to death to protect his Permit me a few more words about So again, I plead with you to work for sheep. "Thy rod and thy staff, they com­ keeping Sunday morning uncluttered a cessation of sports, business, and un­ fort me." with sports and shopping until noon. necessary work at least on Sunday morn So Jesus gives us shepherds, — die There is no better way to build up the so families can worship togedier and be Latin word is "pastors" — willing to give family than by Sunday worship together togedier, at least this time once a week. their lives for die sheep. Yet today diere and a Sunday dinner together. Now to the Sunday readings for is a dearUi of "shepherds." Our Lord The recent Code of Canon Law says: "Good Shepherd Sunday." asked us to pray for vocations to the "On Sundays the faithful are bound to Twice in the Gospel Jesus calls him­ priesthood. , . participate in the Mass; they are also to self the "good" shepherd. In Greek there • •• abstain from those labors and business its die blessings of God, the source of all are two words for "good": agathos and ha- Father Shamon is administrator of St. concerns which impede the worship to blessings; it powerfully restrains the los. Agathos simply describes a person or Isaacfogues Chapel, Fleming. be rendered to Cod, the joy which is greed of possession and the thirst of thing as competent, sound, all right. Ka­ proper to the Lord's Day, or the proper pleasure — twin plagues, which too often les, describes a person or thing that is not relaxation of mind and body." (Canon make a man who is without self-restraint only good but, in addition, winsome, at­ Daily Readings 1247) miserable in the midst of abundance." tractive, lovely. From kalos comes the Note the new code uses the strong Louis Martin, father of the Little word "calligraphy," meaning beautiful Monday, May 15 words "are bound" and die focus is not Flower of Jesus, felt so strongly about die writing; and kaleidoscope, meaning Acts 11:1-18; John 10:1-10 on the kinds of work forbidden but on Sunday rest that he closed his shop on beautiful patterns. Tuesday, May 16 worship, joy and relaxation. In other Sundays, the busiest day of the week. It When John wrote of Jesus, "I am die Acts 11:19-26; John 10:22-30 words, Sunday is an invitation to come was the day country folk came to Alen- good shepherd," he used the word kalos. Wednesday, May 17 apart from the hustle and bustle of life con to shop, to prepare for weddings and He wanted us to know diat Jesus is more Acts 12:24-13:5; John 12:44-50 and rest awhile and think of the things to buy presents. His neighbors thought than efficient. He is faithful, kind, lov­ Thursday, May 18 that make life worth living. him foolish, yet he became one of the ing, understanding and concerned, Acts 13:13-25; John 13:16-20 Leo XIII wrote in his encyclical Rerum most successful businessmen in town. enough to seek out and save lost sheep Friday, May 19 Xovarum (No. 23): Today his home is one of the finest in But Jesus is a good shepherd for an­ Acts 13:26-33; John 14:1-6 "'Christian morality, when adequately Lisieux. And he is up for canonization. other reason: He lays down his life for Saturday, May 20 and completely practiced, conduces of Seek first the kingdom of God, Jesus us, his sheep. Acts 13:44-52; John 14:7-14 itself to temporal prosperity, for it mer­ said, and everything else will be given Sheep are pitifully helpless. That is Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre 7021 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls ON L2G 7B7 Come worship with us Tel: (905)- 3564113 - Fax: (905) 358-2548 Email: [email protected] for these special Masses Summer 2000 Retreats Two SPECIAL MASSES May 28-29: An Introduction to Icons Jul 23-28: DeMello Spirituality: Joy is the May 14, 2000 Jun 11-16: Directed Retreat Week Infallible Sign of God MOTHER'S DAY MASS- 9:00 A.M. Jun 18-23: Rejoice in. Your Hope (for Priests) Jul 28-30: Married Couples Retreat Jun 11-16: Directed Retreat Week Jul 30-Aug 5: Sisters' Retreat "And the Cloud Mother's bring your Daughters! Jun 24-30: Prayer of Heart & Body Descended..." Daughters bring your Mothers! Jul 1-8: Directed Retreat Week Aug 6-12: Preached Retreat For Laity Serving in Jul 2-7: Wellness: The Way to Live Life Fully Church Ministries May 21, 2000 Jul 9-14: Journey to Wholeness Aug 13-18: Healing Your Inner Child: HOMECOMING MASS - 9:00 A.M.
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