T - ' '• . • * ..;•-..(,.;,/ -.jr^e&y. —VOL' XXVII—No. 5 SPRINGFIELD, N. J., THURSDAY,1 NQVEMBER-i-7rl955- tOWNSHW OF. SPBlNiBriELDV OrtlCUL NEWSPAPERV* 10* A COPY. $3.50 BY THE Yl Urges Early Gives Control - ._- to start those Davega Stores, well known Ihristmas mailings!", Post- ~76-year'old chain , store OF- master^ A. V.—Del Vecctiio .. Last" week's local-^electTOn—results have given'the -ganigation and -ono«jof • tho ya'rnA^ ^r>f^.yjy"' Ifliinchingi tiDi j largest merchandisers in ttii,s 1955 "Mail Early for Christ- .t threatens to-carry on right through'to tluL Spring mas" campaign. .';•'"" : : . section qf the~nation; become primaries-" •"•;''--v ', " ""''"'".•"•"•"•"'"•"••"• . • V raember-s of Springfield's "While Christmas is about a " All of the self appointed political, trouble shooters month a\yay,There in-the-Postpfr can now'point to conclusive reasons to prove that the'elec-, "rapidly growing retaiL sales fice-it's Christmas-todays and group with the formal ^pen- "every day. until, December 25th;" tion was won or lost because of this and that—but the men ing of their new~and elal> he said; Applications for extra behind the guns for .both sides Jn. the Springf ield contests^ |~orate" establishment torrfor- help are being processed and-the are satisfied that everything possible jvas done, and no analysis of the vote will Change "anybody's"Tnind at this .» rowc (-Friday) on Route 22. hejp_ being selected, trucks are being serviced. In fact every thing late date. -.—. ^~ . This- recently. "completed ~~i,.,:..:. readied-fori;he-flood"of - One very"""importaht result of building is located in Spring- Qbesd onJELaate-22-practica all_ggcj>rds of the Springfield jbst Handville-to the- Tdwnifiip-Gom- Lumber," office^-: :— _'. ..'_ •-;— .: mitteerJs-that-feere'is rio^questionr ~justracross-the=h-igfiway-aiwi iMany gifFparcejs-have^alreadi been dispatched tOr-membe'rs~of are_now united under iheJeader- : v rHbward-xFormstin-restaurar if:"li?eaI~CHairTiia n Charles'- A ctaff nf Ttiprp.handisini to _civittatts •iniforeign: countries •ehrtstm-aricards~lo) es experts; under,^training.for ihaLjthe_Republicans_would^-50w- I"—several weeks will be in charge —be-deUvereti-in ^iOhey arfl-seatrby-air mail present a united front-^that there- -of Salnuel—Stejn^-who has been were factions and rival groups_ -£a«sigtted-as general manager of before December ;l¥t. Mail gifts now to_frfends apd not -marking tim.e__jsj&__the "Springfield—operation^- Mrr J3eardsley leadeisfiip^^but both 1^- Stem comes here with over twenty READY FOR CUSTOMERS^— Photograph showing new equipment has beenJnsfeUed to give service to the cus- ing .in otiier states. - - • Davega Store on Route 22 in SpringfieEf-whiclr will be Postmaster Del Vecchio espe, the Democrats.and some.of the y f experiencp e with the D^ tomer and display the-greatTTumber of items. i hi formally opened for business this week. Plenty of free park- daily-calls .on__the housewives-to vega"organization in their New — (Mickey Fox Photof help in his egbrt to deliver, every aBze that these rumors of divided: -York—stores—and^recently—had :Ing spacejwill be avaUabieJor.all_patrons_and-every- modern. : loyalties—were—entirely—-untrue.- charge of the White-Plains oper^ packa^e^ndC3ristitm fore' December 25tn,:. Beardsley'and Mayor Bmder are ..ation,. making that store one of "The lady- of the house is in in absolute control of the GOP in the best in the entire chain. - charge,of each family's Christmas: Springfield-and..: the'-vict^y-last He will be assisted. in__intrb- mailing program; She"sefexts" the" week over-a h.ard-punching"Derao- "ducing .Davega's selling and mer- cards, buys; most of the gifts and. cratic-team, makes their position chandising-methods by John A. s to it that the iff very secure as heads of the Re-' .Herdman 'as •senior assistant man- friends and loved-ones is up _toj JOINS CHADWICE OFFICE. publican Darty; here. ^. "."TJ- ager. Cyrus Sandier and Vincent date." •-."' -•— '- — rMayor—Binder is "mentioned Shannt, ..two others with experi- .-.—-. - Springfield for many along with Chairman Beardslev^ Trnce iiTTDavega's operattbnsiviir -He-urges that-you^take-the fol- '""" iiseT—as-^mliny-^"sep?rs : lowingjsteps at once^_get out your years, has become a member "of [_fcelp"in-SpringfieM as-:assistant the- B. Jf^ Chadwick^-Agency,-well pointed out,-it. was he vrtio^took^:: managers. Executives-from: the Chrwtmas card listYhd-carefully l\old) Of the campaign aMng' with— check through it. Make sure each known realtors" at 336 Morris Ave- -home_fi£fice's-iri New York_City nue. Mrs. Niesz is a member of Beardsley—when=^aiings "began and Newark will T>5rticipate in .address includes the full name, toyook a-little/discpuraging" in street and number, city, zone and the Board of Realtors of the jOr- 1 the formalxopening day 1 -the-early-weeKs of-the-contest. state. Then pay a. visit-to the Post anges and Maplfewood and^has 1 monies. ". • . been veTrjraictlveiri^vSribus civic 'As soan\as the 'pros'—-the, po^. Office, stock up on stamp's (use local The riew • building is conceded^ 3c stamps on :'• your Christmas -programs^ or^nc . IL . ... _ , -•to be. the last word in'displaying :cards'jfor fifsfclass^mail" service) is- a -member-of- the -Springfield all types of merchandise which ^On Page-15) Woman's Clul», V.F.W. Auxiliary^ the happy workers for the victors,'. will include The usual stock items Mothers' Guild of St. James -"the, whole campaign changed and you",-could_seer thei difference "oiDavega^stoTeSTsach: as., tele-. -Church,, past officer of the -Rosary fe vision-sots, Radios, refrigeratorsr PRE TEEN DANCE Society and secretary of SprinjF immediately. Thire's-nothinJFio- eloqueht as having the winner and - sporting goods "and si>6ititie*r»p€ _Fjiday,-rNoyember 18th TieldnCub Scouts^- Pack 171. Mrs.\ ^parel-^ith: the. addition off such none-pf-1he.fdissidenLinfiinbersrdt: NiesV joins~the5genei!alI5ales or-" ithe^loca^Rejpubiican^brganizatibn flepartnvents -as^ drugsjTtoys, Gym 7:3d p.m. gaiilzatloif ~6t &ei Chadwicfc "Ageri- candy, household - goods, -^Snuff will now be_ able to challenge this For All Springfield! 7th & 8th cy, Springfield. members of theleadership. T^is should dose the |_ electrical appliances, photograph- • Graders Board of Realtors of the-Oranges ItidZiL ranks." " £ and Maplewood. ..•.—; j solace inThe fact that theyiiorcedLl..._ -the GOP-to put in their first team Stores open their hew operation on the highway tomorrow, ager "Jack" Herdman, and General Manager Sam Stein. Home Here last weelcT7TfaturaUOhe.y,_could- hilli^hriHltl^^ (Mickey Fox Photo) have been'much happier-with '. didates. and—the-narrow margin _ of defeat makes them look ;ahead : Marmon Property Legion Head T( Continued on Page 4) „ • • Red Cross Board Politics may be a "many/splendored thing" to the ma- jority of people, and-adverse-election results are usually ByPeclS Plans Big Program wrappedin-ceiLQphane^and. placedJn. th_e_ho'pe' chestrrintiL _»Secon3 d Fatality by Theproposed, newt shoppjng-cen-- Children next -year. - _. „ t'er on.th¥ Marmon property which^ Springfield Superintendent But to one home owner in Democrats lost last-week;" said wotrtd-be located in both-Spring- - Members -<jfcihe£Bb.ard- oFlhe f-the" housejdio admits^ Automobile Here— |-ei^SclTools_B.enjamin F. field and Summit, is on the sell- 5pringfieW=whose- name cannot" Commander Ray Schramm of thef=Springfield posfe-of locaLRed Cross Chapter held a | Newswanger- announced^ at ing block/accbrdmg to an adver-' jvefy~ipnportant. meeting at the be divulged for obvious reasons}-,, her husband," but living °where The second-automobile fatality Tuesday evening'sTneeting of tisemenr appearing, in a_ reccnt- American-Cegion, joins with Mrs. •Samuel C. Goldstein, last week's resultfwhen the Re- we are- would not add" to our- in Springfield this-year "occurred Jewish Community Group aucjt the Board of Education that editioj/of the.New^.Ydfk Sunaay an ofjtHe iocaV Lpeoj>Je_ of the jubliearis -iKon both~places on tiie_ happinesshnnninAPK . We'vTJJo'iiAe haVi n A.d the."fUn,1 linntriheavyr . earloncliyr Tuesday^jnprniriTitflpfiiiv ' tnnrninfgf wheltrVian« •a» tbriurnJ~Monday evenirig^and'clis e-^new-Edward J\k_Waltbn: TimesToffering the entire'afea to township" to financially support the drive in'behalf of Township- Committee—that • was' ^- (Contiauedon Page 15) Roselle resident,- Robert. J. -"• Mc- , cussed^ various phases, of a pro- 'th'eendof the-world." . .-• Kean, 30, was killed at 1:45 a.m.;, School should, be ready for by sold! Retarded Children "which,, comesTtdTa^ close this week! ; occupancy by January 1. The advertisement reads as fol- gram of activities. Plans for. es- So discouraged are these ardent his car striEing,a tree in front Tte^riv^tn^Sl&Tii^ie^^ V.F.W. Ladies Meet '.. If ""this schedule is maintained lows : "For Sale 100% sKoppiSf "raBltsHiTig—nead'quTiTfers~4oT of-the Raymond Chisholm School _MOhe_iuMngJtoej[_'ove£ito_ center" location, Summit-Spring-. m- South Springfield avenue, ac- ort under the auspices of the New Jersey Association Eor -Red;rCrojsr at—the—(3annon Ball 1 the local school board by Decem- r^J. J. juncfiorTbf Springfieldv "cofaihg to the~policer reportr ~ Retarded -Children to raise "funds~T6r-Tiecessaryiwork~in Hbuse. were extiored, a majority ber 15,_the. "school" superintendent avenue, Broad. Street and Morris : : ing classified, advertisement: the Ladies' Auxiliary to_Battle The first'death was August 2' 1 research.-T.- • ~' ~~. • '•' of the Board members" agreeing ,s coniident pupils^ wijrbe • abfe Avenue;—Twenty-one—and half REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE _ _ H*|ll Post 7683, was held on~Tues.- acres,: 19U0 foot road frontagdS that such a move-would help the- to start 'classes righr after the oMrs. Goldstein, is" assisted by iral palsy,' Mrs. Gotdstefn _.. SPRINGFIELD day evening, November 1^,' atwas. struck and killed by. a car- lliCtt500000 / local^chapter ^considerably.'.. RANCH HOUSE InlFielflstone sec» g Mrs,—CHarles--J.-Hampton"..as-cp^ Udfc!HlfildThrbdobndfc!H»lngfieldiTheebedrobm ^ hPtHMi in front of his home at 58 Shunpike Reports were received on ^ ,000.
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