'rHEHas theUNION largest circulation ofCJOlTNrl,Y any Weeldy Newspaper PublishedSTANDARD in Union County. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., FIUDAY, AUGUST 19116. a VOL. XXIII. NO. l1 1!1, $1.511 Per Ye r. l'lilll(le Copy 3c IIH'I'I'IIIINiill, ,,Ulll'I'IN4l, I'.UIK 'J'HI•ll·!l<l llt!�'l'llfiUlll, itl 1'!1111111 IJIIrlnK i\11&1111 Slllr� CluMeK U Slllllr<lllyH I WESTfiELD CHUROH NEWS. ll • t t l 1 1l J'l'O(CIJOIOIIIll J)II'CClOI'\!, 1111111 llrlllny llvu11tug�. ltunlhw llu"h��'""' •1,,11u��toiWt••d 111111 Ad· • � u Uu .•u•''""' ut t!h•,. ou .llouu. NU'I'I•!" .\111111'1' 'I'IU! HI•!\'1-:II,U, llnclt'hl'll, IIIIH AVI'Illllll:ul 111111'11• III•:NII,IIIN,\'I"UINH, .iHIII'IIIIII'III llnlt,Uy ll. T, WIUlA'WN, IIIII\' .UK· . Ht \\'lllllhffi'IIIIUiu � rHIUtii•UN lli(N'I'Irl'l', UJI ' HIIHill<liiiH lll"lll'lhll llllltl"l<! lllll'k, 'l'h11 \tot \ II ltHfflt thll t'lll'lllll' 11 tl At'l\1\lnlm Hllt>ltlll•• lilllltlnr•• IIIIo Uuuunll Mu111l11y ul' LtiWI'IIIII'II 1 \ Munn· lhllhllulf, 'l'lw I'IIIJtlt NHI ,I'Pii ul. lllfff!l.lll { ut W\(S'I'I•'IKI.IJ, 'l•··i'illl'<'lltl Nt•nlt '""" l N. 1\'hu '�'�" t•t�·nl ' llllll lll"fflillll�, whh•l1 wn; t•o•c•tJut ly l(iVffll J IIIHhl, Mlllill"'t'H 111111 ttlllfl)' ul'tllll llllh· 1'111\'1'1' Ill ' \\'111'11 Hllrlll'lriool Nuuollll' NJ•Ittttll lllltl '"''''""� "" 'l'uwu, WeciUIIH• llu, 1\1\'I<HI<'il lhtilliHIII\'f!H ol' lllllh'I'INitH, Hll 1(11111( 'l'otJit•s, Jluo rilly lllfll'llilll! tu """ II ul' uu•n 1111 E, B· STOWE, l!l'fflll WIIH hPnl;, Mllyul" l'rn·ldnH, 1<1 l l DR· IIHIIHI ... t 111 <'IIIUIWCH>IS'J', Not'l'l: nr 1111<1 l•'l'ffcll'f'h!lc )M• u• with IIXff.;, 1 11(11! tudr l 111111 :-'l'lu• hollf'H ,·vhu� l u lhf f IIIIIHichollt. H. 'l'lll(l(lll't WIIH :-4Pr1•1'111P llll't'IIU4 l1h111\!il t',•lliiiJ.( tl'\Wt'. Hulwu11\t 1\1\i\tlllllt, l will llu ruullll Ill thu (�IIH'lt \111\\. C!UUllUIJlWI.I llw ur tlw Pl\1''\ 1'\nhtllcM, N. ,J lll•··�·lol',�·uuJniHulwu. lU'i.) 'l'••lt')'hun,,lJ11j-W, .,;n IUIII wur� 1 'J,Iunw tmtll'lt umpltttl t�lllll'l tu thu 111. 111, Uourwihunn Btll'lll!l' nlil'll!llt of!\'1111 till IIJIII!I' ll•ttU'I:IUtu 1�11. 1 tu/;}J. lif .. I'IIKUIUJ.IUUK lllUUhOI of fll' t>lght, fut"lfl II I I.I.IN.'I'I'flll,\1 N ,"' ,Jf•r �t·y•o; � ittllltl I'IIIIU ' I A i':N't.-1 "DEE IIIVE," 1 • 'uuurt'UUI C!hUff'll. fll'clhnllteiiH 111111 I'll• Oil I'I'I'EHli.IV.!W �� H'Pfthtl! C..:uuU c. NE�WARK. l'll·ll •"ll \'Uht, th l llilhlt'n Hit in of tJw JNU'IC, lllll)lmJ Uhlll'•·h Ill"""\ will l Ht�tllnm· lj\Jh•lng l\11, lllntliiiUUIIK \VIli'U llul i t' Wlll'ff nf 1lm of tl IIICJI't•tl. 'l'hc•l'll II uum!KJt' ul' lu•nr· }»lrt L�mthluouH rnw �"'" I'IU:DK, llt:INEOKE, lu•t•lltlo. !'IIIHIII'fllll:l'l'. 11t�ht.nlul lluwu thn ollth'tl wr•Khll'l,l' siclr• uf Mollll· D·· !lltAI>II,\'1'1( 'l'1·lulll' hti{K nrl\•m·IIKfJfl l'ol' Mmulny !lull· f�hlll'l'h• nllj<!IJ\Iui!H In 111111, W<!l'll MXIII thu gl'lldr ot Hontll tnlu lll'mmu, 'l'ulutohulws 1111\KKI'H l "' 'J't·ln •huttt•!!:rHt. Six Slllendid Bargains in l"i t f IJUK\', IIIli lml'uc•fl nuythlug c•cmltl ' l l�l'lli'Y Hmnl11)" Ill M:tliJnlllllO:Iil nvuunu \\'IlK IW l' l l t'l'ulll H lllllllllotr of lwo INK'rutlltt:N'I'� n. Ill. tlimc, two lt"CuK • AJ,J, t:•rttut.t�•.u. f!lmre•h· l'llfol•luuls uf thnt sncllflll, !f'huy tledoii'!Hl Wull> follr tl 1111<1 se. 1111111'� would lhor sn h1 ll at thut tlwy \\'uJ·u 1tf tPI'· tl!at. tltu g-l'lldu IWl'i!l'isitutu tlw ru· o tt u y m 111111•111 'l'h" sm'l'i<Jf'K will huns usnnl, Jim·. W. u\' t1 J•,• •K •PIII !U I Du ll'cll'lli'OIIIIll'e<l us clnnl(t'run<. Uunucil· nil th I r l 'I I wuul' tho <aJUil I'IWIIISCl, 0 .• larl'is st ·uut unrl lhll un or Hirlu· nlllulnllng. l Wnlnnt. street lllltl thllt tn llurnm", th11 Ulutlmum C�lHn••b. 1k Uuuunitlet!, thu WUI'k l'n·�h\'hl\'i"" · i'l"nlll llllhllllllbllu ll'n cu•tlt!l'ocl ln\'tiHilgntiou Be slll't: come l'ur thcse-oppurtunilit:s to thlst t.lm tr:olllo 1111 \ hu Jll'oKf!lll, WhtJroJYm· llfl ls stul'lfl<l; to econ­ lll'fii'WI J,, ltluhlliulul will stoppccl l'm· llw stnl'tt!rl 'l'lm llov. l't;ucl, nnluss hulrl hy thu lt'eos, wo11lc1 tlwt is, iu t(U\\'III'ight 'ml'llf!Ht, de::cisivdy in timdy attin: an: rare. I, Au fot· tlw omize so Attire. uu im•ostil(11tio 11 thu r"1tson nf tlw JII'Oim is li\coly "l'iclctucfl; Stylish Summer "''"IIJIY thu pulp! Smulny. mldm living 1111 thu stroot hU IUssihlo. lo hl'iug out J sml<lun cnttllll! lllllltl•l ·�lllll'l'h, of tho truuH 111111 thu White Wash Wash Skirts--white Mrs; A. l�. lluO'uuu1 uh.Jeetec\ to thu COli· ut' Jl'l'U(t. lu tlte city uf JW�nlletlt the Skirts of $2 .00 t t ol' nuthority nlule:· which thu.r wm·u cut, •ll'llt'tiKilcl, ••rnseph lrcnu iuu tho n:<so;snlollt ful' so\\'UI' llll lluurcluf t•:clncmtlou u u t 'uw tine linen se::veral pretty Indian head inen �evcral 'l'h" Huv G1·uni·"" wii!Jn'ench Uumos of wuulc:; ; l ; \\' I g cl •l l l u II J!<UIIO IUJ!, fill fm· ulimt sh•o;ul, Wlliltuu II. tothu UK t oo w1 ! ie "aHu, for hi1h; ttii iJilyiug the e Hnucluy IIUII'UIIIIIlllll ui•Uiclllg, W w ti ol' i models; ple::ated, fiarc attractive mod ls ; c1rcular 011 uu nl! to hu "II..'' llluml•!l'n for• �lt•thodbl t�t•u•·••h. w llt nu Ucmll'lll nvuuuu, Mttrluu S. 0 jlllhlic so:huols wlth ""ll \lm �•"uln�; u < llllHliouocl. 11nish; gored; some panel front, Wellh thu l'tu·k Couunissiou, whun l ' hi•hiBr circular ; perfect to tllll cnntll'llllllinn of tlto liHHliHH· llfllltur ltlfd winter. J'Jwlowu:it Wll:i sn lllllf!h 'l'h" 1mtot·, D•· .r. Jt. Wtight, will ue· IJinclttitneoJ JUtu WitJflge or thu !luJ �ki1ts that con111are with bias fold, h and trimmed, · · lllCill fill' HIJ\\'et• Uti 1�1111 sii'UUt llllll1'holl· luwol' thew nil thu ut.lllll's Umt Bumrl Clljl)' tho jHJ)(clt nt. lmllt HUI'\"iCtJH Sntulny. l e Bnw:u gl'tulu suhl thnt thu cnmmi:o��ion lmtl uuvut· rtJfu-.,l tlw L'IJII\I·uct, stylish, such I or IJ. tu t.IIU ou 1-At WnHico tu Hll'lll'<l tlrtn tho manv at and more- so good and ___.. ..�-- uniting thull'•'""· $3.00 . lllllhol'izml tho uf UIIIJ 1111 ll\'ecme. th" grououl \hut f!ctltl nl' full wuight and hold their- o\1•n ine haq�ains at we must l,t't'IIU'tl llunwu. ent HO liS lfl blSt K•••l l th Ull ' W fill' Hll)' Jllllt ut tlw and not hu �UJ i e l 'lhu ruliuwiug cll'llillllliCl!., ht��•iui(IJeiJn tllll quality coultl IJ li c • • • • • say-while they last HOIIIIJ 1 , I lliUotillg Of COIIlllliHSIOll it \\'liS Ullll<>r· (fl'it:e, at lliJ •, ,TJIHII!S �[. lfoo\'UI' will loll pllKSCtl liiKJII Jh•st rcurliug lit IIII Clll'li<JI' tl'eoti IlL lllfll 'l'ltu tll'lll lhlll'UUJ•lll • 1 ' 1 ,Yl!IU'I'l HtOOII t hut thd 11110:itl n oi tliu llu.ll'll 1 ; nl' his tlll'illiu�-r e�ptwitmcus 1l 1 1 i1 g IUUf!tiug, Wi!l'it pUHHIJf} ll}H.Jll Sl COIHl llllll o ' lll'onght suit to COlliJil!l the ·at ! uf to l'11Hldt!IICH t h' m:uling Monclny shoulrl loft until b'ull, when""""' I 98 . $2.00 and $2.50 ol' hit-! lmwl�� umung tlw hmul· h l uiJ;ht. Au ot'<li· lm uwu1·cl th,lu tlw t�lllll'llct, tlumgh tllll Shirto in lhum might he movell. Mumltei'H uf thu re:;oro.,•ml \Vaist Dresses white Ila wn;o hHuliul( D)·:wi<s llutt Al'elltc••l unci 1111111:e In ohuugc tile 1111111., of MiclrllesiJX to l!ullti'IWt. l't!Hd Umt tho Boul'tl ! . COIUIUi�siou lllt it U J tht! '11uwu nuuxpltwetl il'IIHntl at l!irtit �l. E.OI Ul'cll, :itreetlo J�nelidn\'UIIlto,uwl uu or•lintUJce l I tltu right to l'fl.il!c:t n11y or all IJicls. 'l'he Wa0h Skirts- check e tWC· Comtuittcu �2.50 pin ur s on i e .• Hu 1ttay authorities. 'flte Howl tlhi· oh,iecl lig 11 h t W'·�tltcl1l, N 1. 1 H\'mlln�, ,\ug· \,(\e�tnhlish lhe gt'l\llo o( lA\Wt'euce ol' lim suit WnH tu tlulerminu handsotiu:st in town white c l jm·isdicliou whu· , mod­ lhltl\'ur will umll\[onn· luimc• 1111 nne! put it np to grounds; a variety of not 1�, 1\11�1, nl7.11>.
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