Bowdoin College Catalogue (1866 Spring Term)

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1866 Spring Term)

Bowdoin College Bowdoin Digital Commons Bowdoin College Catalogues 1-1-1866 Bowdoin College Catalogue (1866 Spring Term) Bowdoin College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowdoin College, "Bowdoin College Catalogue (1866 Spring Term)" (1866). Bowdoin College Catalogues. 88. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Bowdoin Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bowdoin College Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Bowdoin Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OF BOVDOIN college, Q iQ ii? O t) X) * CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS or BOWDOIN COLLEGE, AND THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE. Iprtng '®uui-18 6 6. BRUNSWICK: PUBLISHED BY J. GRIFFIN. 1866. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. S • . • TRUSTEES. Rnv. LEONARD WOODS, D. D., President. Hon. NATHAN WESTON, LL.D., Vice President. Hon. ETHER SHEPLEY, LL.D. Hon. GEORGE EVaNS, LL.D. Hon. JOHN S. TENNEY, LL.D. Hon. JOSIAH PIERCfc Rev. JOHN ORR FISKE Rev. SEVVALL TENNEY, D.D. Hon. WILLIAM PITT FESSENDEN, LL.D. Hon. JAMES W. BRADBURY Hon. PHILIP EASTMAN Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D.D. Hon. HENRY H. BOODY r FRANKLIN M. DREW , A. B., Secretary. Hon. SAMUEL P. BENSON, President. Rev. GEORGE E. ADAMS, D.D., Vice President. A. C. ROBBINS, Esq., Secretary. ISAAC LINCOLN, M.-D. Rev. DAVID SHEPLEY JAMES M-KEEN, M. D. GEORGE F. PATTEN, Esq. JOSEPH LIBBEY, M A. Rev. JOHN W. CHICKERING, D. D. Rev. RICHARD WOODHULL Hon. JOSEPH HOWARD Rev. JONATHAN CLEMENT, D.D. Rev. JOHN WILDE Rev. EDWARD F. CUTTER Hon. GEORGE DOWNES Hon. SAMUEL C. FESSENDEN DANIEL W. LORD, Esq. OVERSEERS Hon. JOHN S. ABBOTT Hon. WILLIAM W. THOMAS CHARLES A. LORD, A. M. ERASTUS FOOTE, Esq. Rev. EDWIN B. WEBB, D. D. Rev. HENRY G. STORER BARNABAS FREEMAN, Esq. Rev. STEPHEN ALLEN Rev. OREN B. CHENEY, D. D. MARSHALL CRAM, Esq. Hon. RICHARD D. RICE CHARLES E. SWAN, M. D. I. B. BRADLEY, M. D. SAMUEL PICKARD, Esq. Rev. JAVAN K. MASON Hon. JOSEPH TITCOMB Rev. JOHN PIKE Rev. BENJAMIN TAPPAN Rev. EBENEZER G. PARSONS CHARLES DUMMER, Esq. EDWARD P. WESTON, Esq. THOMAS TASH, Esq. Hon. WOODBURY DAVIS JOHN ROGERS, Esq., Treasurer of the College. 6 BOWDOIN COLLEGE OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT LEONARD WOODS, D D., PRESIDENT. AMOS NOURSE, M. D., PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. JOHN SEARLE TENNEY, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF LAW, AND LECTURER ON MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, D. D., COLLINS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. THOMAS C. UPHAM, D. D., PROFESSOR OF MENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND ETHJCS, AND INSTRUCTOR IN THE HEBREW LANGUAGE. WILLIAM SMYTH, D. D., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. OFFICERS. JOTHAM BRADBURY SEWALL, M. A., PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. CORYDON L. FORD, M. D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. WILLIAM C. ROBINSON, M. D„ PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. ISRAEL T. DANA, M. D., PROFESSOR OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. WILLIAM W. GREEN, M. D., LECTURER ON SURGERY. JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN, M. A., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND ORATORY, AND LECTURER ON COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. STEPHEN J. YOUNG, M. A., PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES, AND LIBRARIAN. CYRUS F. BRACKETT, M.A., JOSIAH LITTLE PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE, AND PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. EDWARD N. PACKARD, M. A., INSTRUCTOR IN LATIN AND MATHEMATICS. NATHANIEL L. BRIGGS, M. A., INSTRUCTOR IN ELOCUTION. WILLIAM C. DOLE, DIRECTOR OF THE GYMNASIUM. FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE LEONARD WOODS, D. D., President ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, D. D., Secretary. THOMAS C. UPHAM, D. D. WILLIAM SMYTH, D. D. JOTHAM BRADBURY SEWALL, M. A. JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, M. A. STEPHEN J. YOUNG, M. A. CYRUS F. BRACKETT, M. A. EDWARD N. PACKARD, M. A. SENIORS. 1) Names, lienidences. Rooms. Beecher, Charles McCulloch, Georgetown, Mass., 28 a. h. Boardman, Charles Augustus, St. Stephen's, N.B., 25 a. h. Carlton, Delavan, Portland, 17 a. h. Carter, Sylvester Benjamin, Neioburyport, Mass., 21 a. h. Chapman, Henry Leland, Portland, 12 M. H. Colby, Hiram Kendall, Xopsham, Mr. Colby's. Cook, Ezekiel Hanson, Lewiston, Tappan Hall. Fellows, John Allen Chandler, Bangor, Mr. Fellows'. Fernald, Joseph Greenleaf, Poland, 22 a. H. Gerrish, Frederic Henry, Portland, 26 A. H. Gross, John Parshley, Brunswick, 22 M. H. Herrick, John Jacob, Chicago, III. 22 A.H. Hinkley, Charles King, Gorham, 5 M. H. Holmes, George Freeland, Oxford, 24 a. ii. Hussey, William Perm, Neivburgh, 8 A. II. 10 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Kelly, George William, Portland, 28 A. H. Lawrence, Hiram Bartlett, Wayne, 21 A. H Lord, George Edwin, North Yarmouth, 24 a. h Merriam, Leander Otis, Garland, Mrs. Elliot's Packard, George Thomas, Brunswick, Mrs. Packard's Shepard, Thomas, Bangor. Sumner, George True, Appleton, 27 A. H. W ebster, Charles Edwin, Portland, 1 1 M. H. Woodman, Russell Davis, Searsniont, 27 A. H. 24 JUNIORS. 11 Names. Residences. Rooms. Arey, Melvin Franklin, Hampden, 26 m. h. Clark, Jotham Franklin, Wells, 26 m. h. Cobb, Oren, Winthrop, 21 m. h. Cole, Rollo Marble, Brunswick, Mrs. Cole's. Curtis, Isaac Sanford, Bath, 6 a. h. Cutts, Usher Ward, Biddeford, 4 a. h. Davenport, George Patten, Bath, 24 m. h. Drake, Arthur Gilrnan, Plymouth. Eaton, Benjamin Briarly, Wells, 8 M. H. Gray, Napoleon, Harrison, Mrs. Wentworth's. Horr, Stephen Calvin, North Waterford, 6 A. h. Huse, William Stickney, Neivburypoi't, Mass., IS a. h. Hutchinson, Winfield Scott, Paris Hill, 9 m. h. McClintock, John Norris, Hallowell, 11 a. h. McDonald, James Wallace, Bangor, 12 A. H. 12 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Merriman, Richard Greenleaf, Brunswick, Mrs.Merriman's. Mudgett, William Pitt, Neivburgh, 28 m. h. Newman, Stephen Morrell, West Falmouth, 5 a. h. Plummer, Stanley Adelbert, Dexter, 12 A. H. Reynolds, Henry, 'East Wilton, Mrs. Hamilton's. Robinson, John Fairfield, Dover. Sewall, George Tingey, Oldtown, 6 M. H. Smith, Joshua Vincent, Brunswick. Smyth, Frederick King, Brunswick, Prof. Smyth's. Webster, Henry Sewall, Augusta^ 1 A. H. Wilson, Joseph Colburn, Oro7io, 25 M. H. 26 SOPHOMORES. 13 '0Jjt0ttf0?M Names, Residences. Rooms. Baker, Orville Dewey, Augusta, 1 A. H. Besse, Charles Baker, Bristol, 5 W. H. Bodge, George Madison, Bridgton, Mrs. Wentworth's. Burns, Joseph Scribner, Hamuli's Grant, 6 W, H. Chamberlain, Charles Edward, Bristol, 5 W. H. Chapman, Charles Jarvis, Bethel, 12 M. H. Cushman, Charles Henry, New Gloucester, 5 A. H. Davis, S. Granville, Denmark, Derby, John Sayward, Alfred, 6 W. H. Elden, "William, East Corinth. Emery, Thomas Burnham, Gorham. Emery, Thomas Jefferson, West Falmouth, 5 W. H. Fessenden, Nicholas, Eastport, 21 M. H. Fogg, Simon, Jr., Stetson, 9 W. H. Foster, George Winslow, Bangor, 8 W. H. 14 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Ham, Llewellyn Sprague, Wales, 4 A. H. ^Hamilton, Oliver Guy, Watcrborough. Hardy, Vitellus Merrill, Wilton. Hinkley, John Adams, Gorham, 5 M. H. Hitchcock, Frank Eastman, Bamariscotta, Mrs. Lamb's. Holyoke, Charles Galen, Yarmouth, 12 W. H. Jones, Edward Elijah, Minot. Mason, Elias Sinclair, Bethel, 1 1 W. H. Packard, Robert Lawrence, Brunswick, Prof. Packard's. Pressey, Joseph Wesley, Corinth. Ring, Charles Augustus, Portland, 29 M. H. Rundlett, Leonard Warren, Brunswick, Mrs. Rundlett's. Sawyer, Robert Giveen, Portland, 10 W. H. Shepard, William Frank, Bangor, 9 M. II. Smyth, George Adams, Brunswick, Prof. Smyth's. Stearns, Arthur Tappan, Lovell Centre. Webber, Charles Edgar, Damariscotta, 12 W. H. Wells, William Thorn, Great Falls, N. H'., 10 W. H. Whitman, Charles Otis, Woodstock, 3 A. H. * Deceased. 34 • F R E SUM E N . 15 &f mbmiti* T J\ d:nes. Residences. Rooms. Bangs, Charles Hoyt, Salem, 32 M. H. Beale, Charles Edwin, Monmouth. Boardman, Frederic Henry, St. Stephen's, N. B., 25 a. it. Call, Newman, Newcastle,, Mrs. Hamilton's- Chadbourne, Frank Watts, Dover. Cole, Charles Abraham, Paris Hill, Mrs. Cole's. Conant, Charles Staples, Turner, Mrs. Sinnett's. Coombs, John Colby, Bowdobikam, Mr. Elliot's. Cornish, Adelbert Dana, Portland, Miss McLellan's. Cotton, John Colby, rolfborough, N.H. Mrs. Hamilton's. Cunningham, Oscar Porter, Ellsworth, 2 A. H. Dean, George Henry, Webster, Mrs. Sinnett's. Dike, James, Bath, 32 A. H. Eaton, Thomas Henry, Bath, Mr. Eaton's. Fernald, Benjamin Franklin, Exeter. Fogg, Elbridge Gerry, Stetson. Fogg, Frederic Augustine, Portland, 10 M. H. Fowles, Charles Edward, Edgecomb, Mrs. Hamilton's. Gooch, John Henry, Yarmouth. Greene, Oscar Fitz- Allen, Troy, Miss McLellan's. 16 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. 1 Hale, Clarence, Turner, 3 A. H. Hale, George Weeks, Brunswick, Mr. Hale's. Hill, Horace, Biddeford. Johnson, Samuel Epaphras, Farmington. Kennedy, James Hunter, Strong, 13 A. H. Knowlton, David Hunter, Farmington, 31 M. H. Lothrop, Leavitt, Saco, Mrs. Lothrop's. Melcher, Burdus Redfield, Brunswick, B. M. Melcher's. Moore, Charles Henry, Lewiston. Morgan, William Pitt, North Yarmouth, 16 M. H. Mosher, George Frank, South China, 25 M. H. Oakes, Wallace Kilbourn, Auburn. Payson, Edward Payson, Westbrook, 16 M. H. Perley, Willard Humphrey, Portland, 10 M. H. Powers, Cassius Cornelius, Pittsfield, Mr. Elliot's. Quinby, Henry Brewer, Biddeford, Mr. Hale's. Ring, Frank Whitman, Portland, 29 M. H. Skinner, Alvah Greenleaf, Brewer. Wadsworth,Marshman Eddy, Livermore Falls, 29 A. H. Wadsworth, Melvyn Cutts, Pittston. Warren, Joseph Franklin, Hollis. Whitman, Hanson Sporlbrd, Bryanfs Pond, 29 A. H. Williams, Oscar Scott, Durham, 31 M. H. Woodbury, Fitz- Allen, Auburn. Woodside, Albert, Wales, 32 M. H. x W ood well, William Haskell, c Newburyport, Ma SS.i 2 A. 11. Wright, Albert, Newcastle. 47 . TERMS OF ADMISSION. 17 €txm% nf SI h m i js £i i n ti Candidates for admission into the Freshman Class are required to write Latin grammatically, and to be well versed in Geography, Arithmetic, six sections in Smyth's Algebra, Cicero's Select Orations, (Johnson's edit.) or an equivalent in amount, the Bucolics, two Georgics, and nine books of the iEneid of Virgil, Sallust, (Andrews' edit.,) Xeno- phon's Anabasis, six books 5* together with Latin and Greek Grammar and Prosody, and the first thirty exercises of Arnold's Latin Prose Com- position.

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