
vC 1 ‘'I ' T ; -^' TUESDAY. JANUARY SI. 1961 Tht Weathtr ■ry-y'- Avtracfi Daily Nst Praw Ron FvrsessO sf U. S. Weutbsr 1 YACSTWSLTB Far the Week iM M d^nr^fstfir Stifttfng Dae. 81,1860 Fair, very 1 3 ,3 1 4 Low 8 to, U Two circles of the Community $2,000 in Drugs ersBitog etoeffineea, Oeottsoad < Baptist Church Women’s Soeiaty Skating Report Dimes Marcli;. ; jmber ^ the Audit m ih lO to 18.“ A lm u t T o w n win meet tomorrow at.8 pjn. Ike Bureau of Otfeulatles Mancheaimr^A City of Village Charm Estelle Carpenter Circle #01 meet Donated for Neody T o ^ h t ODUndl, Degree of a t the home of Mrs. RusseU A. will nwet tiHnoTrow at Turner, Main St, Talcottvina and "Operstlon -J.C. Doctor” an­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. !, 1961 (Claaalfled Advertlsbig on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS T:80 pjn, « t oad Fellowa Hall. the Reed-Eaton Circle will meet at nounces that mors than $3,000 in Mothers from Mandiaster aad VOL. LXXX, NO. lOS (SIXTEEN PAGES) mabtiag otticen win be named, the home of Mra Qoyd Christen­ drug samples have bean coUsetsd S3 towns in Hartford County wtU and there will be a aodal hour. sen, 67 Keeney St. In MandMStwr to be ahippsd to leave their .hemes tonight a t 7 in nesdy foreign medical faculties a last all-out effort to put the K. Stephen Harvey, aon of Iftr. The Manchester PharmadeuUcal oTsrsaas. IMI New Manar of Dimes Drive C(Ud weather continues and ao Ths projsct Invotvas the regu­ Hartford County over the t “ State News and Hm. Beverley H. Harvey. 38 Society will meet tomorrow s t 0:30 doea .good ice abating conditlona pjn. St FIsrM’e Reetaursnt lar coUection of duplicated and/cr UpwiuniB of 6,000 women---- - Ehaabeth Dr, haa been elected as a t Center Seringa Fond. overstocked drug samples from partldp^ ta the Mothera March piedldent of hla dormitory. Gov­ The iiarlc department roporta ernor Dyer Houae. at Bryant Col- psrUelpatlng Manchester doctors. in 39 towns. Members of Nutmeg Forest, Tall tha pond wiU he open tonight un- Seventeen cartons of drugs, Manchester’s Mothers March Roundup Jege, Providence, RX Cedars of tebanon, will meet to­ tU 10 o’clock under aupervislott. from vitamin pills to vaccines, have Chairman Haaal Malay saM today night at 6:30 at the Watldna-West The area la Shimlnated and been coUected in Manchester dur­ “Ws have 435 volunteer, workers RaroUl B. Krir, general aecr^ Funeral Home. 143 E. Center S t, to caimed musie originatea frixn ing the past three weeks. They of whom SO bavs already brought tary of the Connecticut Council Join with the Manchester Liodge of Center Sprlnga Lodge where WlU he shipped to Bsltlmors, Md., For Northeast checking is also svsilable. In returna. Boost in Fees of Churchea, will be gdest apeaher Masons In paying r e a p e c t a to where they wUl be sorted and The returns srs vary good sad at a meeting of the Mar^eater Herbert B. Houae, who was a mem­ Center Springe Aimex has been' packed to he sent* to ’Ihallsnd, Cctundl of Churches tonight at reserved for hockey players. ws hope aU. ths voluntsar workers ber of both organlzaUona. North Africa and Weat Gsrmaiiy. wUl get their returns in tomorrow The northeast portion ccw w a. accompmued by 6:30 at Concordia Luthfran Skating wlU be permitted at The World Health Organlaatkm Due at UG>nii Church. Charter Oak Park until 10 to­ nll^t, she asM. the country gripped Saranac Lake Airport’e ther New Talks Delay Members of the American i e ^ n (WHO) and the American Rad night. Croat wUl be in charge of giettlng liorlag Btndlo Mrs. Rtehard Howes, Hartford again today by bitter subzero mongieter stood at -89, and an tm^ Auxiliary will meet tonight at 7 at Coasting WiU ha permitted daily chAkman W oman’s Activity, official -45 was recorded at a radio Hartford, Feb. 1 (/P)—A A meeting of Manchester And* the Holmes Fuiwral Home, 400 these vital drugs to needy refugees temperatures that Choked rise in fees can probably be lUaiy, Children’s Services of Con- In Center Springs Park until dark. overseas. Engaged said that ’’This la ths first yaar station In Bloomlngdale, Just north Main S t, to pay reapecU to Mias that svery town ' in Hartford many rivers and streams in of Saranac Lake. expected at the University of necUeut. win be held tomorrow at Manchester is Just one of many Tha engagemant of Him Jebyna 10 ajn. in the chapel a t South Jessie M. Reynolds Connecticut communities injmlved County haa been organised for a No Hunting the area with huge floes of Many other-30 degree readings (Connecticut next year, says Methodist- Church. In *Di>«ratlon J.C. Doctor.” it was iuna Fadoia of Manchester to Nor­ Mothers March.” iCG 0 President Albert N. Jorgen Captive Passengers A statewide group, the Oak Hill PTA to See Play reported that 'mors than $36,000 man Paul BUtringnam of New Lon­ The project, one of the moat suc­ l^t's agaravating any tim# tfi As New England entered its Watertown, east of Lake Ontario, Parent Teacher Group, will meet worth of drug aamplw have' al­ cessful events of the annual cam­ 14th day encircled by an Arctic had a -20; Oneonta. in the south- sen, . .u . On Mental Health don la announced by her parents, hava to hunt for a placa to air mass,, Boston notched its cold­ Mntral section, had a -15; Buf- Jorgensen told the General As Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the gym­ ready been collected throughout Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fedora,-01 paign, raised over 15 mUUcn dol­ to^o racorted «ro, and Albany -6. sembly’s MucaUon Committee yes- nasium of the Oalc Hill School. 130 thft ilftbe. lars nationally In the 1960 Ilrive, aark vour car. but when you est morning since Feb. 9,1959 with FOR RENT The 'WladdeU PTA viU present OUvar Rd. Navlgation on the Allegheny terday "built-in mandatory in- S aa« to aaea Slevie Piejeeteea Holcomb S t, H a r t f o r d . Guest Members of the committee in Her fiance la the son of Mrs. Mrs. Howes said to d ^ , pre-dawn 2 above. Rlver was halted by ice up to 6^ “ sto co^rontlng the Still Aboard Liner speaker will be Miss Dorothy F. a program in cooperation with the charge of Manchester drug collec­ Josephine Eltringham, New Lon­ Tonight at 11 o’clock, a special Most New England readings atnmd or aOeat. alae 38 naa Mandtester Area Mental Health ipadts or attend a^funeral terv* inches thick from PltUburgh to university would make a hike in slide peyjeetacik Haynes, director of pubUc infor­ tions include Dr. D oubts Smith, don. Mothers March telecast will be ranged from 20 degrees to SO de­ Lock No. 7 at KitUnnlng, about few IneviUble. mation of the Coimecticut Insti­ Association tomorrow at 8 p.m. chairman; Gilbert Stevens, Robert Miss Fedora is ^ 1958 graduate presented on Channel 18 with a grees below sero. It was 22 below Brasilia, Brazil, Feb. 1 </P)—C^apt. Henriqae Galvao mes­ at the school. Heavlrides. WtUIam Featherstone ice, it'i even more lo. Our off- 40 miles northeast of PitUburgh. He added, however, much de WELDON DRUG CO. tute for the Blind.-Colored slides of Manchester H i ^ School. She U report of this yearia returna. straat parking area raiiavas aero at Caribou, Maine. Navigation on the Ohio and pends on the actions taken by the saged President Janio Quadros today that he has decided to M l Mam Bt. TM. Ml 3<03S1 showing activities of Oak HiU stu­ The Manchester Little Theater and Richam Werkhelser. in her sophomore year at Central Juneau, Alaska, recorded 23 Monongahela rivers In the Pitts- legislature tois yeav in connection sail the captive Santa Maria into the port of Recife. dent! will be shown. group will put on a dramatic State CoUege at New Britain, and you of tnis problem. _ above, and, Fairbanks, A la s k a , burgh areas was slowed on ac- I'with the university, aketch, entitled, "The Case of the la continuing her studies as a night ' posted a minus 20. The school’s basic fee is now Missing Handshake." This wUl be count of ice. Hoae Co. 3 of tha Tov | Flro rr- Tall Cedars Plan student She Is employed in the of­ Men’s CluB Seats Thermal, <3aUf., had a reading $150 a year, but a student’s total Recife, Brazil, Feb. 1 {4*)—The Santa Maria headed in from followed by a discussion period. fice of the P ratt and Whitney Air­ of 79 yesterday and Yuma, Aria., expenses may run up to $1,500 a the South Atlantic toward Recife with her captive passengers partmant holds its annual banquet Refreshments wtU be served. (Oonttoced on Page Eight) Saturday at the Garden Grove at craft engineering department Officers Friday recorded 78. year while living on campus. Out- today, but stopped short of the dock for another parley Potluck, Dance Mr. Eltrlngham is a 1956 gradu­ It waa 23 degrees below aero at of-state students pay a $550 basic r btnu 7:30 p.m. AcUve and honorary % to determine future action. members will attend. RusseU ate of New London H l|^ School. He New officers of the Emanuel Lebanon. N. H.. and 17 below at fee.
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