AN EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL DEC.1972 VOL. 83 N0.2 RELIGION: OF PI KAPPA ALPHA SfUDEf\JS WAf\J IT! use d trictly for news dissemin ation. Sub­ COMMENT jects which arouse reader interes t include human ex pe ri ence , Frate rnity and soc i­ ety iss ues and dep th reporting of the news. The result is a transformation of the obj ectives and format of the magazine to one of feature ori entation. The Shield & Diamond is rea dy to compete with those other publications which demand a share of your readin g time. Accomplishing thi s task requires a provocati ve and co mpelling literature subject, be hin d poli tics, whi ch is losi ng its By R. john Kaegi gri p, on our coll ege ca mp uses. Su rpri sin g? Editor written not only to be informative, but occasionall y stimulating or entertaining No, and Yes l or persuas ive, too. The res ponsibil ity to No, if yo u consider the personal tur­ inform , perhaps from creative angles, will moi l suffered by co ll egians res ul ting from continue to be met, es peciall y as it re lates peer press ures, grades, and a lac k of par­ to the directions and trends of II KA. ental guidance fo r the fi rst time. Ch apter are being encouraged to take Yes, if yo u in ves tigate what the word up the slack through the cul tivation of "reli gion" con notes to many students. local-leve l alumni relations programming. The impact which any and all religious A new Memori al Headquarters printing practices have on coll ege li fe is our main service and an overhai led attitude toward cou rse se rve d in this iss ue. Perh aps the promoting chapter alumni affairs all ows moral of our comp ound fea ture articl e is thi s - It's not whose God is right, bu t I. A New Era for greater flex ibility in our in te rn ational publication. what He stands for, that is rea ll y impor­ Th e significance of the December issue is tant in our li ves. Past Ed itor Stan ley F. Love has to be My thanks to our authors for their fe lt not only by me as a new Editor, but cred ited for the insight and ini tiative nec­ by the entire Fraternity. professional qu ality work and special rec­ essa ry to seek these goals during the past ognition for the efforts of undergradu ate It is indee d a pleasure to present a re­ two years. Stan's perception of the role fined magaz ine whi ch is concerned direct­ members Char li e Bryant (Eta Delta - of a fraternity magazin e is evidence d by MIT) and jim Kowalsk i (Ep sil on Alpha ­ ly with the interests of a very distinctive the fact that nearly 85% of the members audi ence. Alumni and stude nt members Trin ity) for their assistance in locatin g with correct add resses on fil e are sub­ quali fied resources. wil l di scove r, today, a new approach to scribers. The Supreme Counci l rece ntly meeting the old mission of the Shield & saw fit to appoint Stan as Chair man of The artist res ponsi bl e for both cover Diamond - that of informative/ente­ the Editorial Board. des igns as we ll as the re i igio n and foo tball rtaining/e ditorial commun ication for the artwork is Will iam Wong. We will be cohesion necessary to perpetuate an inter­ II. Religion on Campuses see ing more of hi s work in future issues . nati onal organization. May God, no matter whose God, be By distinguishi ng news content from If thi s iss ue is sig ni fica nt to IIK A, its lead with each of us and look kindl y upon the feature content, one may understand this fea ture is certainly important to anyone efforts of this man's work, the thirteenth new direction. There has bee n a decrease interested in college li fe today. Editor of th e 81-yea r old Shield & in the va lue of organization publications Religion is th e second most popul ar Diamond magaz ine. 2 Francis T. O'Brien Gentlemen: Beta Upsilon Alumnus As I sit here filling out my Shield & Diamond request, many thoughts run through my mind. The first is, "Why should I want to keep up a OPEN . Gentlemen: subscription to a magazine that is at time On july 15, 1972, we of the Tau Chapter totally irrelevant to my fraternity?" Although suffered a severe tragedy. john Francis (jack) the Shield & Diamond is one of the more e - Hunneman, Jr. fell from the sun roof of our pensive magazines to which I subscribe, the fraternity house to a parking lot twenty-five thought of money is secondary to the fact that FORUM feet below. He and three other brothers were it cou I d be one of the better magazines that I on the roof when the railing against which jack receive. The potential of the Shield & Diamond was leaning collapsed. An ambulance was is limitless. It co uld become a focal point for Gentlemen: immediately called, and j ack was taken to change, a bridge to the generation gap, and a synthesis for understand in g. I nstead I find it to After 20 years, I read the /-lis tory or Pi Kappa North Carolina Memorial Hospital. He died at be a magazine of dry and wordy articles (many Alpha with great interest. 1:30 P.M. of head injuries sustained in the fall. He was not yet twenty years old. of which are written by other Greek Letter My impressions: Society magazines) that do not interest the j ack did most of his growing up in Greens­ undergraduates and are carefully written as to 1. The establishment of friendship is a goal boro, North Carolina, where he was a member not offend the alumni. I n some instances I can't worth pursuing. of Our L ady of Grace Catholic Church. He help but feel that it is a vanity trip for some of 2. The profess ions are well represented in attended Grimsley High School and lettered in the alumni, " .Hey, Charlie, the fine print on founding and maintaining the Fraternity. both cross-country running and track. His page 37," and more than anything else, a popularity in high school is evidenced by the magazine that constantly praises its officers for 3. Thomas j efferson on lawyers, "They fact that he was voted best looking in his senior l eadership, ab ility, and foresight. Such an challenge everything, yield nothing, and class. example is in the most rece nt issue in which t alk incessantly" - I think that app lies Gary Sallquist outlines the dv,nami c goals set by to professions ge ne rally. After his graduation from Grimsley, jack entered the University of North Carolina, where th e Supreme Council in 1970. The one that 4. Senators Sparkman, Thurmond, and he planned to major in Business Administra­ struck me as odd was the fol lowing: (to) Dirkse n and Pappy Waldorf are lea ders, tion. He pledged Pi Kappa Alpha during the provid e max imum communication to the and PiKA helped make them that. autumn of hi s sophomore year, and it was the alumni and undergraduates through a new hield & Diamond format. 5. I t had its origins in the Deep South, following sumrT.er in which he died. He is sur­ which is an area th at has contributed vived by his parents, six sisters, and three brothers. What I suggest is simply this. Let's be more much to enrich the U.S.A. honest by becoming more objective in looki ng 6. It was founded in 1868, when a college Tau Chapter at ourselves. Print the bad news as well as the edu cation was all over th e world, a good. I f a chapter folds up, then let the lux ury th at on ly the very wea l th y could brothers in on what happened and wh y. Let the afford, and when class lines were clearly Gentlemen: experience of failure guide the way for all of us. drawn. Let the format in clude opinion polls on contro­ Here, at last, is a check for IIKA annual dues. versial topics that can show us where we are so 7. I t h as been well represented by all pro­ we can see where we are going. By "telling it fessed Christi an creeds . We were glad to honor this request since this convention is of special interest to us for the like it is," we ca n not only keep the al umni I recall from 1950-52 at Beta Upsil on, since following reasons: attuned to what is happen ing on campus; we closed, that I joined because I was a boy in can tel l the undergraduate what the real li fe is need of what PiKA had to offer. I have no re­ 1. I enrolled in the Universi ty of Missouri going to be like when he leaves the cloistered grets about that decision . Our house on Broad­ in September 191 0; pl edged PiKA soon halls of academ ia. way Street in Boulder, Co lorado was one of the thereafter and was initiated in Alph a Nu most bea utiful on campus.
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