Have Wins — of Traae win no N< Hermandez .With Beard and Mo- banquet on April, 19 in Confer. dero Wearing Campaign Hat. Mrs. Harriet L. Russ, in Fit of hall. President Charles H. \~$rz has appointed the- following Alonzo Noble Thrown from Enfield Street, But Fight May Be Renewed Meianchoiia, Commits Suicide committees to have charge of the ar­ King Street, Hazardville, Shaker rangements: Reception committee, Embankment In Next Congress. as Being' Treated in Elmcroft Station, "Wallop, Ellington, Som- William Calderwood, Dr. Thomas G. His Wagon Overturned While LetL " ers, Windsor Locks, Feeding Hills, Sanitarium, Enfield Street—Her Alcorn, Lyman A. Upson, William J. ing a Bull—Horse Lies on His Windsor. Sudden Death a Shock to Her Hines, William P. Gourlie, Henry R. Prostrate Body Two Hours—Mis­ Many Friends. Page 3.—News from Suffield, Long- CULLOM HELPS HIS COLLEAGUE Cooper, Frank P. Smyth, Fred O. chievous Boys May Have Crossed ; meadow, East Longmeadow, Aga- Mrs. Harriet L. Russ,patient at Dutton, J. Francis Browne, Edward His Lines. wam. e Elmcroft sanitarium* on Enfield Leete, Arthur G. Gordon, Michael G; Alonzo Noble, of this town, was Page 4.—Editorial—Comments of By a Vote of 46 to 40 the Senate De­ street, committed suicide Monday af­ Connor, Peter Smith, John C. Sulli­ perhaps seriously injured by being ternoon or evening by jumping from the Pr-ess—Missionary Jubilee— feats Resolution Declaring Junior van, Warren L. Benton, Arthur E. precipitated over a 15-foot, embank­ Lincoln's First Inaugural. a third-story window. How she came Illinois Member's Seat Vacant Brainard, Martin E. Brodrick, Henry ment Monday evening. Mr. Noble, to commit the deed which caused her Page 5.—News from Suffield—Im­ W. King and Walter P. Schwabe; who resides about a half a mile east; portant Telegraphic News—Amuse­ Following Bribery Charges. death is not known. In June, 1909, committee on arrangements, Charles Mrsi Russ lost.her husband, Jonathan of Alden's corner on the north road ments—-S. S. Convention. H. Willson, Robert E. Vickerman, Al- to I-Iazardville, is engaged in the Page 6.—In the State Legislature— Russ, for many years cashier in the vinn D. Higgins, M. J. Liberty, Olin Washington, March 2.—The senate Essex National bank of Haverhill, dairying business. Bright and early Will Sell Conn.' State Bonds—Lin­ by a vote of 4i> to 4u refused to un«oat Woodward, Hugh Young, Thomas J. Monday- morning he set off for Som- coln's Inauguration. Mass. It is understood that Mr. Russ Furey, William J. Hughes, George T. William Lorimer of Illinois. This suffered for a year and a half with ers for the purpose of purchasing a Page 7.—Latest Fashions—News of. brings to a close, at least so far as the Mathewson, Frank B. Morrison, Fred the Week. the illness which terminated in ;iiis bull. It is understood that Mr. No­ present congress is concerned, a tight E. Hunter,^ Edwin Oates, Herbert L. ble reached Scitico on his return Page 8.—NeV^s r About Town — death. During that time Mrs. Russ Viets, \JuliUs.Roth, Judge L. Mor­ that has been waged for almost a year took a great deal of tlie nurse work trip about 4 p. m., where he remained Amons; „ the Churches—Sporting against the Illinois senator on a charge rison, Lesl'i&'C. Brainard, Edward C. until about 8 o'clock. On leaving necessitated by his illness upon her­ News—^Fraternal. that his election to the senate was ac­ Allen,'John J. Nolan, Mark W. Bush- Scitico he took what is called the complished by bribery. Senator I.ori- self. Although naturally a Strong nell, Frank H. Abbe, Frank Stuart, MATRIMONIAL. woman mentally and physically, the New road, which passes the Amos mer was saved by votes of the men *-<-r J. H. Pottery George Simpson, Jr., Brewer place. The sudden change in care and worry brought about by her who will retire from the senate March Henry A. Newton, John Murphy, Dr. the weather had'caused the water in Codk-O'Sullivan. 4. Nearly every one of the •'lame husband's ' illness and the grief B. H. Thornton; committee on speak­ the roadside puddles to- freeze over, Friends of^VIiss Mollie O'Sullivan, caused by his death, caused her to ducks" voted for him. Here is a list % ers, Alvin D. Higgins (chairman), making it very bad going The horse who was formerly of this place will • weaken rapidly and her mind gave v of the retiring senators whose votes Horace B. Brainard, Charles D. Bent, was very anxio,us to reach home, but be interested ' to learn of her mar­ way slightly, so that she was placed insured Lorimer's hold on his seat: Allen B. Hathaway, William H. the bull objected to increasing his riage in New York city on Tuesday in the care of specialists. During Bulkeley of Connecticut, Burrows of • Leete, William J. Mulligan and John pace, so between the two the wagon last to William Orcutt Cook of that Michigan. Carter of Montana, Depew ; this.time she made her home at the K. Bissland; decorations, Julius place. The wedding ceremony took family residence, in Westland ter­ was slewed across the road and over of ?\'ew York, Dick of Ohio. Hale of ; Roth (chairman),' Robert Vicker­ place at St. Michael's chapel in New © 1911, by American Press Association. ' race, Haverhill, but about the end of the embankment into the lot below. Maine. Kean of New Jersey, Piles of man, Edwin Oates, M. J. Liberty, ,Two hours later a man coming along York city, and was performed by last November she went tp Spring­ STUDIES AMERICAN COURTS. Washington and Scott of' West. Vir­ Frank A. Stuart, Olin E. Woodward, the railroad track saw the confused Rev. P. L. Winders, pastor of the ginia. ®m?&.< a* field and stayed with her mother,' REBELS BURN BRIDGES. John J. Nolan; catering, George T. mass in the darkness below and after church. Miss OjSullivan is a daugh­ Attorney General of Japan Is Inter- Lorimer's opponents apparently do -r,- -" -• . Mrs. H. E. Hadley, who has acted for Mathewson (chairman), Mark W. •'1-" v'":> investigating found that the horse ter of Mr. and Sirs. John P. O'Sulli­ ested In Night Trials. not intend to end their fight against many years in the capacity of house­ Bushnell, Frank H. Abbe, Herbert L. van of Enfield street. During the Town of Naco, on Border, Expects keeper for A. W. Damon, president was cast in such a way as to be in­ New York, March 2.—Caro Cezuka, him. Some of them have been hint­ .•'•• i '. ••:•••. -i;, - Viets, Allyn G. Bridge, Hugh Young, capable of rising, a closer scrutiny latter part of her^esidence here Miss Attack at Any Time. •&"> of the Springfield Fire and Marine attorney general of Japan, is in New ing that new testimony will be pro­ John Murphy and Leslie C. Brainard; also revealed the prostrate form of O'Sullivan was employed in the mil­ duced in the next session of congress El Paso, Tex., March 2.—The border 4; K Insurance company. During her stay York, having been commissioned by activity in the Mexican insurrection • ri t , r printing, J. Hamilton Potter (chair­ Mr. Noble under the horse. Help linery department of the M. E. Gor­ and an attempt will be made to reopen •';V'-".'. V % the Japanese government to present a "'l In Springfield Mrs. Russ did not pro­ man), L. Morrison, Fred E. Hunt­ has shifted to Naco, and the defenders I gress as favorably as she had hoped was summoned immediately and the man & Co. store. After leaving comparative study of the Japanese the case. It will be practically im­ er, D. J. Mullane; transportation, horse was cut loose from the harness Thompsonville, Miss. O'Sullivan possible, however, to put Lorimer on of that little town of less than 500 peo­ to, and about January 1 she went and American courts and judicial sys­ ple on the international line are mo­ :v;"": Henry S. Newton, Edward C. Allen so that he could be raised to allow opened a millinery store in New York tems. For ten days he has been visit­ trial again before the senate unless IP*- voluntarily to Dr. Vail's sanitarium ; mentarily fearing an assault from the and George Simpson, Jr.; music and the rescue of Mr. Noble. By this city. Meeting with great success ing municipal courts under the guid­ strong new evidence is produced. The m>u^,r:A. for a complete rest. She had been entertainment, Thomas J. Furey rebels in tlie Ajos mountains. progressing nicely as reports to her time quite a large crowd .had gath­ there she opened a branch house in ance of Rizo Katayama, secretary of Illinois legislature already has ordered (chairman) , Frank B. Morrison, Wil­ ered and together they - raised the Newport, R. I., which also proved a an investigation into the charges of The federals are marooned between : (, 5 friends in Springfield indicated, and the' Japanese Mutual Aid society of Guzman and Sabinal, bridges having ' liam J. Hughes, Dr. B. H. Thornton horse to his feet and carried Mr. No­ successful business venture. The New York. bribery and corruption and Lorimer's it was indeed a shock to them when and Henry R. Cooper; : The mem­ enemies expect this to develop further been blown up at the former place they learned of her sudden death. It ble, still unconscious, to a nearby groom, Mr. Cook, is a broker. "It was your night court that struck bers of the various committees are house.
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