6750 STATE ROAD, PARMA, OHIO 44134 | STANTHONYPADUAPARMA.ORG PARISH OFFICE (440) 842-2666 PARISH BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (440) 845-4470 PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Dale W. Staysniak Pastor Fr. Daniel M. Samide Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Gerard Blanda Deacon Mr. Randy Harris, M.R.E DRE/Pastoral Minister Mr. Patrick Klimkewicz Principal Mrs. Joyce Fanous Parish Secretary CONFESSION SCHEDULE Mrs. Nancy Tabar By appointment only—please call the rectory Music Minister SCHOOL DIRECTORY (440) 845-3444 MASS SCHEDULE STANTHONYOFPADUASCHOOL.ORG Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm Monday-Friday: 8:00am FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Holy Days: 5:30pm (Vigil), 7:00am, 9:00am, 5:30pm, 7:00pm @parmastanthony ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OH MONDAY, JANUARY 18 7:00AM Joe Poyma Helen Horne 8:00AM Maria Nguyen Margaret Resler TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 7:00AM Diane Krupa 8:00AM Donna Kassoref WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 7:00AM Margaret Pasciak 8:00AM Darlene Valentino Contributions for Jan. 9/10 2021 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr. Sunday Offering: $11,972.46 7:00AM Jean & Paul Palisin Faith Direct: $3,486.60 8:00AM Eugene Mendyka Poor Box: $85.00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 7:00AM Alexander Shumay Please consider our Parish’s Egiving option through 8:00AM Marion Kalata Faith Direct. It is easy and secure. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 Visit our parish website www.stanthonypaduaparma.org 4:30PM Ray Naso to sign up. Click on Donate at the top of the page. Thank 6:00PM For People of the Parish (living & deceased) you for your continued financial support. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8:00AM Leslie & Justine McCoy 10:00AM Vincent Than 12:00PM Jane Ruddy *************************************************** Monday through Friday Mass schedule One publically celebrated Mass at 8:00AM where the SUNDAY THOUGHT scheduled intention for that Mass will be remembered. John 1:3542 One privately celebrated Mass where the 7:00AM scheduled intention will be remembered. In today’s Gospel, we gain an insight into what it means to be a disciple of Christ. When Jesus called ****************************************** Andrew and his brother, Simon Peter, to be His Please Pray For: Ed Bartkiewicz, Chad Bigley, Charles friends, Jesus did not ask them to go out and do great Bruno, Karen Burke, Rick & Christopher Buzinski, Donna things for Him or even empower them to be famous Cornell, George & Janet Cron, Marcia Demko, Margaret Double, people. Jesus simply began by asking them to “stay Norbert Erker, Jack Ernest, Greg Findura, Anne KilbaneFriedl, with Him.” With close intimate contact on a daily Sandra & Logan Friedl, Frances Funtek, Sam Gappa, Josephine Gaul, Robert Gielski, Frank Gumina, Rose Marie Hewitt, Ron basis, the disciples gradually come to take on the very Hicks, Celeste Hurley, Marian Jarabek, Colleen Jarvis, Millie image and likeness of Jesus Himself, which is the Jasany, Janet Johnson, Pat Jones, Bill Kaine, Lou Ann Keith, Betty calling of everyone who follows Christ. We, too, are Kilbane, Donald Kotarsky, Anthony William Kronholz, Cynthia invited by Jesus to come and see. He has chosen us to Kufleitner, Andrea Lagzdins, Brian Lear, April & John J. Lieske, Pat Lieske, Corinne Lipinski, Elizabeth Madar, Thomas Madej, know Him and by knowing Him, to love Him more Andy Magnani, Edward & Josephine Maskulka, Lenore and more each day. Let us humbly turn to Jesus and Masterson, Claudia Mazanec, Mary Ann Mazzola, Rosemarie open our hearts to receive Him more and more each Medvin, John Metzger, Jane Najlepszy, Mary Niec, Ann Marie day. Niziolek, Rose Nosse, Dora Oney, Gabe Papke, Marla Perko, John Peters, Carrie Piechowski, Nick & John Precario, Brian Puhaulik, Christopher Reeves, LeighAnn Revay, Kendall Rossi, Mary Sabo, Lorraine Schmidt, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Smith, Joan Smyke, Doug Stos, Sylvia Stibley, Diane Straub, Logan Thomas, Richard Turocy, Annie Vorndran, Margaret and Mary Williamson, Cathy Yappel, Christopher Yurko, Abigail Weir. 1 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 17, 2021 CELEBRATING THE SAINTS THE BEST CATHOLIC CONTENT Saint Robert of La ChaiseDieu, Abbot (+1067) ALL IN ONE PLACE The child of nobles, Robert de Turlande It’s Easy and Free to register! Visit Formed.org received his education from the canons, or resident Click sign up. priests, at Saint Julian’s in Brioude, France. After he Select “I belong to a Parish.” was ordained himself, he began a ministry to the poor. Find our parish by name, zip, or parish code. He used his own money to build a hospice, where he Enter your email M and you’re in. served the poor with his own hands. His biographer says, “After he had given everything to the poor, he This online platform is free to parishioners of the St. often added his cape and cloak for them to use. He Anthony of Padua community. Please take advantage clearly saw Christ in the poor, and, thinking little of of the online Study programs, books, movies and audio his own nakedness, he strove to cover theirs.” content available for all ages. With everyone staying However, even this very devout way of life home due to the crisis, I highly recommend that you did not satisfy Robert. He longed to give more, and take advantage of this free service. The Platform is decided to go to the great monastery of Cluny. When setup very much like Netflix, only with Catholic the people of Brioude learned of Robert’s plans, they content. You will not be disappointed. insisted that he stay with them. For a time, he relented. Nevertheless, after returning from a Pick of the Week: Watch: John Paul II: I kept pilgrimage to Rome, he and two companions settled looking for you. This incredible documentary traces in an abandoned church in a bleak spot 30 miles north Pope St. John Paul II’s impact on the Church and the of Le Puy. There they found “thorns and brambles, world. This film is a wonderful tribute to a man who horror and solitude.” It was “a place lacking all good inspired millions of people to deeper faith in Jesus Christ. Also check out Formed Now! Misery meets things, except that it was good for them to lack all Mercy: Saint Faustina Kowalska. St. Faustina is good things.” known as the “secretary of Divine Mercy” because of the Robert’s austere life attracted many men. For revelations of the Lord to her about His incredible mercy. them he founded the Abbey of La ChaiseDieu, Join Dr. Ben Akers and Fr. Mateusz as they discuss her “House of God,” and a number of daughter houses. proclamation of the message of Divine Mercy. To the end of his days, Robert preached the value of poverty to his monks. Saint Robert of La Chaise Sign Up for Free at Formed.Org./SignUp. Dieu’s feast day is April 12th. Over 4,000 titles M now available on almost any device! Roku M amazon fire TV M Apple TV M Android iOS Formed has updated their website. If you already have an account: FIFTH SUNDAY ROSARY 1) 1)Visit Formed.Org The Knights of Columbus will be 2) 2)Click Sign In saying the rosary on the Fifth Sunday 3) 3)Enter your email st this month January 31 at 9:15am on 4) 4)Click the link in your email the side of the church by the Blessed 5) 5)You’re in! No more passwords! Virgin. This is open to all members of the parish. Please make sure that you adhere to proper social distancing in the pews and wear your A STUDENT’S PRAYER mask. Come pray with us! (ST. THOMAS AQUINAS) Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon ST. ANTHONY FOOD PANTRY my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers The St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry Program has me, that of sin and ignorance. Grant me a penetrating resumed packing and distributing grocery items to our mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and families in need. If you choose to donate to this ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and important parish ministry, the some of the most abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the commonly needed items, which may be brought to beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to church with you on weekends, are canned fruit & successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, vegetables, cereal, jelly, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna true God and true man, living and reigning with you and the father, forever and ever. and macaroni and cheese. AMEN 2 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OHIO PROLIFE GROUP NEWS “MASS FOR LIFE” ON “THE ROCK” Tom Raddell, Life Link, hosts his Annual, Happy New Year from the Rock! Please join AM Ecumenical, Roe vs. Wade Memorial at PreTerm on 1260 The Rock as we broadcast the livestreamed January 23, 2021. Tom, a Catholic, has been annual “Mass for Life” from the Cathedral of St. involved in the ProLife Movement for over 30 years, John the Evangelist on Friday, January 22nd at 10:00 and has taken his display and talk to many public AM. Please join us via the radio, our website college campuses. He has National and local (am1260therock.com) or our mobile app as we cel- connections with many Prolife Protestant Ministers ebrate and respect life from the moment of concep- and usually has a few of them speak and lead prayer tion until natural death. Please pray for The Culture at the memorial. Any questions lease call Mike (216) of Life to permeate our country and world as we 4032489.
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