WORKSHOP MANUAL Hydraulic systems Contents Sections Silver Spirit Sihmr Spur B* Mulpsnne Turbo R Imrodudon G1 G1 Gl/l Special precnutions {including system conmmination rest pdure) GY1 Hydrsulic systarn pipcworlc GW1 BWngthe hydraulic systems G4/1 Hydnulic mineral a1 memoirs GWf Hydraulic pumps G6 Hydraulic accumulators G7/1 Deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve G8 Brake distribution vahres. G9 Brake actuation linkage assembly GfO Plibm whredpressun G1 1/1 Height control valves Restnetor - height control vahred minimum pressure whes Restrictor. oneway vahre. and filter Minimum pressure valves Gas springs and Suspension struts Front and rear disc brakes Parking brake linkage Fault diagnosis Special torque tightening figures Werlcshop tools Issue record sheet 1 Aptir 1985 - The dates quoted belbw &er to the issue date of individual pages within this chapter. Sections a mnIelm m QS~ ,454 t.n! 1m! Page No. i I Contents 1 Apr85 Apr 85 h85 Apt85 Nw84 Apr85 Jun 83 Apr85 May 84 Apr 85 2 Apr85 Apr85 NW 84 Jun 83 Apr85 May84 Apt 85 3 Jun 83 Apr 85 Sup 84 Jun 83 Jun 83 Apr 85 May84 4 - - Jun83 M& 84 5 JLI~03 Aw 85 5~~84~ Mav 84 6 - - Jun 83 7 Jun 83 Apr 85 Jun 83 8 - ADT85 11 Jun 83 12 - 13 Jun 83 14 - 15 AW'.~5 16 - 17 Apr 85 18 - WORKSHOP MANUAL Issue record sheet 2 September 1985 The dams quoted below refer to the issue date of individual pages within this chapter. -sections ' G7 ImfT (Q9 MO G11 I Gl1/1 m2 GiWl Page No. 1 1 Conterns l Mar85 Jun 83 -85 Jun 83 Jun 83 Aug 85 Sep 83 Apr85 SUP85 Apr8S 2 Mar 85 Jun 83 Apr 85 Jun 83 Jun 83 Sep 83 Apr85 %p85 Apr8S 3 Mar 85 Jun 83 Aug 85 Sop 85 4 Mar 85 Jun 83 Aug 85 Sep 85 5 dun 83 Aug 85 6 Aug 85 7 Aug 85 8 Aug 85 9 - 10 11 12 13 14 > 15 16 '1 7 I S 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 24 2 S 26 27 2 8 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 - 35 36 3 7 38 WORKSHOP MANUAL Special precautions (including system contamination test procedure) Contents Pages Silver Spirit Silver Spur Muisam Bentley Bentley ComidsJ - Mutsanne Turbo Eiht TurboFI Cmtiftunml Warning 62-3 G2-3 G2-3 W-3 GWt-1 G2-3 Hydraulic system mineral oil (LHM) Components idenrifiwtion - .Cleanliness Hydraulic system mineral oil (LHM] cuntamination test kit and procedure Test kit Fim procedure Works hop procedure (to be earned out when contamination is suspected} Test procedure for determining hydraulic system mineral oil (LHM) contamination Examination of results Depressurizing the system Method 1 Method 2 Accumulator and Gas spring spheres Bleeding the hydraulic systems General information - Removing components Cleaning camponems Servicing equipment Hydraulic systems - Filling or topping-up Servicing Nbber components Fitting replacement U nits Storage and tramponation April 1985 WORKSHOP MANUAL Section t2/1 Special precautions (including system contamination test procedure) Use only Hydraulic System Mineral Oil (LHM) replenish the braking and levelling systems Do not use Brake Fluidr (Cam1 RR363. Unbarsal w.any other type). The use of any other type of brake fluid, wen in very small amounts. will cause component failure neassitating extensive rectification m the braking and lewdling systems of the car. Always ensure before fining any seals, hoses, pipes, etc. that they ate suitable for a mineral oil system For derails of correet component identification reference should be rnde to Sectipn G2 of this Workshop Manual. Always ensure that a seated cominer(r) of Hydraulic System Mineral Oil (L~~IM)is fitted adjacent to the battery. Always ensure that no foreign matter enters he systems when work is being carried- out All instructions, operations, and procedures are as stated in Section G2. other than the merhod. Depressurizing the system. Depressurizing the system Open the bleed screw on both accumulators and allow sufficient time for the mineral oil pressure to discharge back to the reservoir. These bleed screws are an integral pan of the accumulator, the mineral oil being allowed to flow from rhe accumulator sphere back to the resenroir when the bleed screw is opemd (see fig. G7/7 -1). Switch on the ignition and check that the facia warning panels marked 9 1 BRAKE PRESSURE and/or tp 2 BRAKE PRESSURE are illuminated. To depressurize the rear suspension struts. place a bleed tube to the struts bleed screw. Open the bleed screw and aliow the hydraulic system mineral oil to bleed into a clean container until the flow ceases April 1985 WRKSHOP MANUAL Section W1 @/l-1 - Bleeding the hydraulic systems switch. the rwr brake cslipen on the from wheels. and the W eylindm of the mar brake ealipetr When a rectification has been carried out been the brake pumps and the distribution or height control vahrss it wilt be necessary to Mda all the bleed points in that panicular circuit Do not use equipment that has been used on cars Hownmr. if a rectification has been carried out utiluing synthetic brake fluid it. AR383, when benween the distribution vahres and the brake caliwrs. csrrying out bleeding operations on mrs using h &odd only k necessary m bleed at the bleed ~ydfaulicSystem Mineral Oil (LHMJ. Failure to points &tween the distribution valve and the calipers obssrve this warning will nsuh in contamination of the in the faulty circuit hydraulic systemb. necessitating extensive and Whenever in doubt it is advisable to bleed the expensive redfieation. ccrmplete system The wwer brake eircuiff shoutd be bled-at law introduction pressure, ensuring that the systems are depressurized in order m obtain optimum performance of the and the mineral oil levets in the reservoirs are kept hydraulic systems, it is essential that they are free of above the minimum marks at all stages of the bleeding air at all timer The twa hydraulic systems are re operation. circulamry and therefore, ifair is allowed to enter them To obtain law pressure bleeding of the system(s). st any point it will reduce the efficiency. depress the brake pedal and open the relevant bleed Bleed screws are provided on the side of the screw before starting the engine and running it at accumulators. on each pair of brake wtipers. one on l000 rev/min. This ensures the accumulator remains the inner sill forward of the rear mad spring for the at low pressure. Throughout the bleeding operation. rear suspension struts and one an the conscious the bmke pressure warning panelts) marked 0 pressure limiting valve. A bleed screw is also 1 BRAKE PRESSURE anuor 2 BRAKE incowrated into the number 2 system siruared PRESSURE should be illuminated. Only when bleeding adjacent to the pressure switch. The accumulator the suspension struts should the *terns be fully bleed screws are an integral pan of the valve housing pressurized and the warning panel lamps extinguished. and do not require the connection of a bleed pipe When bleeding the suspension struts. the interior during the bleeding operation. of the car should be weighted to compress the The accumulators are mounted a the rear of the suspension sufficiernly for the height control valves to uankcase on the 'B' bank side of the engine. The actuate. thus aIlowing pressurized mineral oil to flw accumulator for the number 1 system is verrically to the suspension struts and bleed screw. The engine mounted and the number 2 system accumulator should be allowed to run for four minutes prior to horizontally mounted bleeding, to ensure the systems are fufiy charged. The ~HOhydraulic system mineral oil resenroirs. Bleed the suspension struts until all ths bubbles have are situated on the left-hand side of the engine been expelled then allow Meen seconds m elapse compament. before fully tightening the bleed screw. The inboard hydraulic rese~oirsupplies hydraulic system mineral oil f& the number 1 system Fmm the 'Bleeding the systems reservoir. minerat ait is supplied to the front brake The following information is a comprehensive bleeding pump. which in turn supplies hydraulic system minerat operation which shoutd be carried out to ensure oil under pressure to the vertically mounted nmwal of air f mm the complete hydraulic systems. accumutamr. the upper distribution valve, the front However. as previously swed, each system can be brake mlipers on the front wheels, the upper cyIinders bltd separately at all poims downmeam of any of the rear brake cslipers, and the rear suspension replacements or pipe disconnections (refer to Sectional struts. Mmd requirements on page G4/1-3). However. if any The outboard resennrir supplies hydraulic system dwM exW. it is advisable to bleed the complete minetat oil for the numbr 2 system From the system concerned. reservoir. mineral oil is supplied to the rear bake Whilst bleeding is being camed out it is esseiitial pump which in turn supplies hydmulic systsm mineral Ehat the mineral oil tevel in ttre rwo reservoirs is kept oil under pressure ar the horimnralh mounted m at least the topping-up mark on the level indicator accurnubtor, the lower di&bution valve. the pressure plate. using clean hydraulk system mineral oil. April 1985 Refamm s)loukl be made to Ckptct D for approved 1 Meed points are A, D. F. H. J, t and N. Symm2 Wpoineesn B.C. E,G Kand M. -All bleed scmvs should be torque tightened in When bleeding the ruspensbn struts emcam with the figuras quoted in ShnG1 9. should ba taken when slackening the bleed s#ew &S When bWngthe hydfaulic systems ensure that the wemwill be operating st'full ~~SSUTC only equipment suitable for hydradie system mineral Any hydraulic system mineral oil thar has bn oil is used SW Warning, on page G44-1.
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