NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg Exulting the importance of ideas and information —Edward R. Murrow VOLUME 8, NO. 4 • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • MYTHURMONT.NET • APRIL 2016 NEWS Vigilant Hose to Hold Open House The event is being held in conjunc- The Doughboy returns! tion with Maryland Volunteer Day - a volunteer recruitment initiative. s a small crowd of onlookers ever, agreed that the left lean that re- pedestal was quarried Page 2 Awatched, Emmitsburg’s iconic mains is more accurate of the lean a from the same quarry Doughboy statue was placed back upon real soldier would have in throwing a in Indiana as the orig- Extension Office Narrowly its pedestal on March 16, nearly nine hand grenade with his right hand. inal pedestal. The new Escapes Shutdown The failure to pass a state budget months to the day after it was knocked Casteel closed the seams that had pedestal comprised the last year nearly led to the Adams down as a result of a freak automobile opened and soldered and refinished bulk of the $40,000 County extension offices being accident. As the slings that had lifted the them. Some of the figure’s forms had cost of the repairs. closed next month. Page 3 statue were removed, the crowd broke to be returned to the original shapes. Work on the out in applause and passing cars honked A base plate was attached to the stat- plaque, which lists Two New Basketball their horns in a show of approval. ue so it could be better secured to the the names of the sol- Courts to be Built Due to the nature of the statue and new pedestal thereby replacing the diers who had fought Thurmont has approved funding for the construction of basketball its location in the historic district, the pipe that had been embedded in the in the ‘Great War,” courts in two separate develop- town was forced to navigate a myri- original pedestal that had served to went quickly, said ments. Page 4 ad of procedural issues before work keep the statue upright. Casteel. The letters in could actually begin on repairs. Once Casteel said the exterior of the statue the names damaged as Fire Company Award Banquets approval was given, the repairs pro- needed a lot of attention. Sap dripping a result of the accident Fairfield Fire Company honors ceeded speedily. from the overhanging limbs of the tree were fixed, and like the their own. Page 26 Gary Casteel, a noted sculptor/ that shades the statue and general pollu- statue, the plaque was Nearly nine months to the day after being COMMENTARY monument maker from Gettysburg, tion had accumulated to such a degree given a good cleaning was selected to do the restoration of that the original luster of the bronze had and waxing. Casteel damaged in an auto accident, the Doughboy Words From Winterbilt statue and plaque were restored to their Don’t trust the press? It is under- the Doughboy. Casteel noted that the long since disappeared. Casteel polished noted that he was hap- rightful place with little fanfare. standable, especially when it is damage to the statue was worse than the statue until the original bronze luster py that the town had saying something you don’t want it had appeared. Due to the fragile na- was restored, and then applied a special opted to keep the original plaque, on the plaque was noted as it was be- to hear. Page 14 ture of the construction of the stat- wax to ensure the luster and shine would “it’s a part of history,” Casteel said, ing re-installed. The heads of small ue, buckling had occurred that result- remain for years to come. “and when we can, we should al- screws could be seen on the back of The American Mind ed in the statue having a decided left While the damage to the old pedes- ways strive to preserve original histo- the plaque. The screws were used to If you want to know what is really attach stars next to the names of the going on with this year’s presiden- lean. Casteel strengthened as much tal was light, the pedestal had so many ry.” Had the town opted to replace tial election, it’s simple: “It’s the of the buckling as he could, but cor- fractures and fissions due to age that the plaque, the cost of the repairs nine soldiers that were killed during economy, stupid!” Page 15 recting 100% of the buckling would it crumbled when work was done on would have increased by $10,000 the war, indicating that the inclusion have required the complete disman- it. This meant that not replacing it said Casteel. of stars was an afterthought after the tlement of the statue. Veterans, how- was not an option. A new limestone One interesting historical side note plaque had been finished. ARTICLES The Book of Days A look at the history behind medie- val dragon legends. Page 17 Strawberry Hill considers land transfer Community Notes A look at why Wantz Chevrolet in inancial crisis looms over Straw- then the Foundation’s assets have nev- ry Hill would retain Taneytown is the finest Chevrolet Fberry Hill Nature Preserve as the er been recovered. Increased opera- and maintain 35 acres dealership in the North East. Preserve’s Board of Directors are cur- tional and facility management costs, around the primary fa- Page 16 rently in the process of investigating a coupled with financial pressures, have cility, which includes partnership with the Pennsylvania De- put a strain on the resources the Foun- the educational center The Retired Ecologist partment of Conservation and Natu- dation possesses to provide affordable and other various facil- Spring has a way of reminding ral Resources (DCNR) and The Con- quality education and protect the wa- ities and buildings on you that you aren’t as smart as servation Fund to transfer 574 acres tershed. Without additional direct the property. you were beginning to believe. Page 18 into the public trust. This land transfer funding support, the Foundation, the After decades of would ultimately become part of the Preserve, and educational programs work, Swamp Creek, Real Science Michaux State Forest and could pro- may soon cease to exist. located within the Pre- Inside this year’s Mother Seton vide Strawberry Hill with the financial Located in Hamiltonban Township, serve, has recently School science fair. Page 20 resources it needs to increase its assets Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve was scored high enough in 574 acres, approximately 90% of and provide the funds necessary for the founded in the 1960’s by Hans and water quality testing to Strawberry Hill, will be transferred to become Pets continuation of the educational pro- Frances Froelicher, who initially be- receive an existing use part of the Michaux State Forest. The life and times of Kira Nerys – faithful to the end. Page 22 grams and corresponding facilities that gan efforts to clean up and protect the classification of excep- erty and valued as exceptional. have been enriching the lives of people Swamp Creek Watershed. In 1986, tional value streams. Less than 2% of Executive Director, Chuck Reid World War I all over the area. The Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc. the streams in the state have earned this stated that the Preserve is not locked April 1916 – The Irish Easter Strawberry Hill’s Board of Direc- was created as a charitable non-prof- protection. If the PA Department of into this decision yet, they are still ex- Rebellion – Ireland chooses sides. tors has enlisted the help of The Con- it with the primary mission to provide Environmental Protection authorizes ploring their options. In order to con- Page 30 servation Fund, which is a national environmental education to the sur- the designation, this stream will receive tinue Frances Froelicher’s mission for non-profit organization that aims to rounding area and protect the Swamp the highest protection the Common- Strawberry Hill, something must be Four Years At The Mount This month, our writers re- pursue environmental preservation and Creek Watershed. The Nature Preserve wealth provides, legally restricting any done to assist with the financial crisis. flected on social media sites economic development. The organiza- and Environmental Education Center activity that will degrade the ecological Community support has always been and their potential impacts on tion focuses on creating as many path- lie at the heart of this mission, as the value of the stream, as well as Carbaugh a vital part of Strawberry Hill, and is society. Page 38 ways possible for people and organiza- mission has always been to provide en- Run stream, also located on the prop- needed now more than ever. tions to protect their natural resources vironmental education for the commu- The Arts and save properties with ecological, his- nity, as originally wished by co-founder PRE-SORTED An inside look at this year’s Totem toric, and/or cultural significance. Frances. Pole Playhouse season. Page 43 In 2008, Strawberry Hill’s abili- The Preserve is housed on 609-acres, STANDARD U.S. Postage Complementary Corner ty to subsidize the educational pro- consisting of streams, ponds, forest- Postal Customer Spring cleaning is not limited to grams and maintain the Preserve was ed areas and a quarry, and is surround- PAID your house, but can be helpful reduced with the onset of the “Great ed by the 85,000+ acre Michaux State Gettysburg, PA for your body and spirit as well! Recession.” Significant losses to the Forest and private landowners. If the Permit No. 53 Page 46 Foundation’s assets occurred.
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